Chapter 1 – A Baby
No one can imagine life having their own children. But when they are born, no one can imagine life without them.
This morning we had gotten a call from someone who was monitoring someone on the Index. God that name is super stupid, they're people for god's sake. Anyway, the person they were watching has been acting strange and we've been call in to investigate. They monitor didn't have the resources to do so.
Coulson and the others had gone out to meet the agent and 'scope out', as Ward had put it, the person. I was on the BUS on the computer searching through the guy's record.
John Hollow, 28 years old and a factory worker. There wasn't anything criminal on him besides a parking ticket so I decided to go through his financials. This was weird. There were purchases for baby items such as food, clothes, nappies, wipes and baby powder. This is strange because nothing in his file mentions him having a kid.
I remember what that felt like, the feeling of parenthood. I've had my fair share of that emotion. Being a 16 year old in the orphanage you get certain jobs, mine was taking care of the infants and newborns. It's hard but the hardest part is when you get attached is letting them go once they get adopted. I felt bad but I got passed it and after I while I didn't feel much.
A call interrupted me from my trance. It was AC.
"Skye, did you find anything on Mr Johnathan Hollow?" AC asked.
"Not that incriminating," I said. "The guy has a parking ticket but nada other than that."
"That's it," I hear Ward in the background.
My SO, very impatient I might say but still. If only he knew how much he affected me.
"Yes, robot, zilch, nada," I said.
"Anything else that might cause his sudden actions?" AC asked.
"No," I decided to hold off on my intuition about him possibly having a child in his care.
"Okay, we'll see you back on the BUS."
"Be safe."
"Always," Ward said ending the call.
I've come to realize that I'm falling for my SO every day, the time I spend with him makes me become even closer with him. But I have to keep my emotions to myself, for both our sakes. I can't help it though, to feel a pull towards him, I just can't help it.
"You know she says that every time we go," Coulson said while watching the entrance of our guy's apartment building.
"She worries," I said trying to keep my emotions bottled up.
I always try to think that she's saying that to me and not the rest of the team. But I know that's not true. She doesn't feel the way I do for her, at least I think so. With having come to terms about my feelings for her, it's hard not to tell her.
"But she doesn't have to," Coulson continued. "I mean I understand it but she knows we're going to be safe."
I was about to argue but then our guy comes out of his apartment build with a box and quickly gets in his car. He drives away quickly.
"He's on the move," Coulson said starting the car and following him.
"May," I said over comms. "He's on the move."
"Alright, Fitzsimmons and I will see what we find at his apartment," she said.
"We'll meet you guys back on the BUS."
We spend down the deserted highway of Nevada, we realised he made us when he turned around to face us. We got out of the car weapons hot.
"Mr Hollow," Coulson tried to reason with him. "Please step out of the car with your hands up."
He seemed like he was surrendering putting his hands up as he got out of his car, only to pull a gun out from his jeans and fire at us.
I shot him twice in the chest and he went down. We rushed over to him, Coulson kicking the gun away while I leaned down to check his pulse. Nothing, the poor bastard is dead. I looked up at Coulson and shook my head.
"Damn it," he said.
"Let's see what he had in that box," I said opening the passenger side door only to be baffled by the sight.
A baby, not a day old, was wrapped up in a blanket inside the box cushioned by more blankets. It was sleeping peacefully. A baby bag was next to the box but I was still bewildered by the baby.
"Agent Ward, what is it?" Coulson asked coming over to me. "Oh. Call HQ and tell them to come out to our location. Also tell them about our finding and ask what we're going to do."
"Yes, Sir." I said following his orders.
Coulson grabbed the box and bag and moved it to the car. This was so unexpected.
When they got back Fitz and Ward were arguing about something. I went down to see what it was about. AC and May were just watching them, Jemma was trying to work on something she found. On the table was a box and a baby bag. My fear has been confirmed.
In the box was a baby boy that was crying because Fitz and Ward arguing so I decided to grabbed it. I walked passed May and AC and picked the baby out of the box, slung the bag over my shoulder and before walking out I looked at AC, he just nodded at me. I continued walking out of the lab and upstairs. I could hear AC talking to them now.
Walking into the lounge area I put the bag on the floor near the couch and sat down. The baby was still crying and fussing. I cradled him against my chest and rocked him until he finally stopped. I looked at him fully now.
"There, there," I said letting the poor thing get a good grip on my finger. "See, it's okay. Yes."
He started cooing to me now with a tiny smile. It was so cute.
"Wow, you're not shy at all," I said. "Look at you all happy."
He continued to coo and that's when the others came upstairs. Ward being the first as he had a very concerned look on his face. The others looked surprised as they realized that I had calm the little guy down.
"Sir, we don't know what this baby is capable of," Ward said.
"I agree but we have to wait for the other agents to get here," AC said. "We can't fly the baby all the way to Washington."
The little guy started cooing again, I looked down to see that he had been looking at me this whole time.
"He likes you," May said.
Fitzsimmons went back downstairs with a smile on their faces and left us to talk.
"Let me guess," I said. "None of you have any experience with children."
"And you do?" Ward asked not happy with the fact that a child of someone on the index is on the BUS.
"Well being a teenager in an orphanage sort of gives you that opportunity," I said looking back down at the baby. "Does he have a name?"
"He?" AC asked.
"It's a boy," I said.
"No he doesn't," he said. "Would you like to give him one?"
"I think I'm going to call you Aidan," I said looking at the boy.
"Aidan, it is," AC said. "Does he need anything?"
"Well, there's a lot," I said.
"Like?" Ward asked.
"Well, I can't breast feed him, obviously so I need to go to the shop to buy what he needs."
"Agent Ward will take you tomorrow," AC said. "May, ground us here until the agents come."
May left to go to the cockpit, AC went back up to his office. Ward stood there for a while just watch me and Aidan interact but after a while he sat next to me and looked at him with a hint of admiration in his eyes.
Let me know what you think, I'll add more later if I get some likes and comments
Scream180 out