The Dragon God of Fairy Tail
During the fourth shinobi war Naruto lost the Kyuubi and was about to give up until three voices shouted out to him from beyond the grave and renewed Naruto determination to never give up, with a new resolve Naruto used the power of his clan's bloodline, but it came at a cost, he had to give up his mortal life. With the power of his clan he was able to win the war. Along with shocking arrival and help from some one he was able to seal the Ten-Tails in it's true form permanently, how ever after that he went into hiding not wanting to cause another war because of his power.
Now thousands of years later he returns to what was once his home land only come across a young girl by the name of Mavis Vermillion who soon become good friends and later on create a guild known as Fairy Tail, but after her death he leaves not wanting to baby the guild that him and Mavis created, but years later he returns and this time he's here to stay.
Rated M
Chapter 1
"The Kyuubi is now mine." A man said said throwing a body of a teen to the ground. The teen looked about eighteen-years-old and was a good 6'1" with shoulder length spiky blonde hair, blue eyes and six whisker marks three on each cheek he wore a black and orange track suit around his neck he had a green gem necklace, and on his forehead he wore a headband with a metal plate that had a leaf design on it, this was Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze the former jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune.
"So this is how it ends." Naruto said to himself as fell towards the ground.
"Hinata-chan, grandma Tsunade, father forgive me for failing." The blonde said as more voices started to shout at him from the ground.
"Is that all you have Naruto I thought I train you better." An old voice said as an image of a man with wild white hair appeared before his eyes, the image that appeared was that of his old sensei Jiraiya.
"Ero-sennin I'm sorry but I failed you."
"I will now place my faith in you Naruto Uzumaki." Another voice said as an image of a man with red hair and strange eyes wearing a black cloak with red clouds appeared next to the old man.
"Nagato." Naruto said with sad smile.
"Come on kit you can do better than that." A demonic voice said while a fox appeared in front him grinning.
"Ero-sennin, Nagato, Kurama." Naruto thought as he closed his eye, while a golden aura appeared around him and started twisting and turn like a maelstrom.
"Don't you dare give up NARUTO." All three voice shouted out, making Naruto snapped his eyes open only to reveal that they were no longing the bright blue eyes they always were, they were now a golden yellow with black slits that surged with power and
"That's right I still have the power that Lady Ophis granted to my clan, and now is as good as time to use that power." Naruto thought as a small seal on the back of his neck started to glow before shattering and started flooding his whole body with untold amounts of magic energy that was gifted to his clan by the Dragon God Ophis. "Until I draw my last breath I won't give up, do you hear me Madara, I will not give up, not when I have the blood of the greatest clan flowing through my veins" Naruto shouted as the aura around him grew even bigger.
"So your finally going to use my power." A teen age girl said opening her eyes showing off beautiful dark brown orbs, she had black hair that went down past her back, she was wear a Gothic Lolita dress that was black with frills on each side and a pink bow just below her collar-bone and a pink frilly headband on her head, this was the legendary Dragon of Infinite Ophis.
"Let's see what you can done Naruto-kun." Ophis said licking her lips at the amount of power she was feeling coming from the last Uzumaki, with purple wings sprouting from her back she took off to see Naruto in action.
"What's happening to him." The Mizukage asked as she looked up at Naruto and saw that his chakra was becoming visible. (it's magic energy not chakra, but to the shinobi they think it chakra)
"I have no clue Mei-sama." The Kazekage said hoping that is friend would be ok.
"It can't be the legends are true." A tall blonde said with wide eyes at what she was seeing.
"Lady Tsunade do you know whats happening to Naruto-kun." A purple haired girl asked.
"The Dragon of Infinite." Tsunade said shocking everyone that knew of the legends of said Dragon.
"Please that's just a legend Tsunade." The Raikage scoffed.
"It is no legend you fool, only those that are not part of the Uzumaki clan pass it of as a legend." Tsunade snapped. "Beside Naruto is a direct descendent of Ophis." Tsunade stated as voice was heard from behind them.
"It's nice to see that some from the Senju clan knows of me." Turning to the source of the voice they all seen Ophis standing right there with her wing still in view.
"And just who the hell are you." An old man with a large nose growled.
"Be careful human we don't need your blood pressure going through the roof." Ophis said walking to the front of the group of people with a smirk on her face and a little lust in her eyes at the power coming off of Naruto. "For a hatching to have so much power left after having Kurama ripped out of them is amazing, but then again I shouldn't expect less from one of my descendent's." Ophis said shocking Tsunade at who was in front of them.
"Ophis the Dragon of Infinite." Tsunade said with a shocked voice further shocking the group of people there while leaving the other four Kage's and the four resurrected hokages with wide eyes and gaping mouths that this little girl was the so called Dragon of Infinite.
"Yes that's me." Ophis said with smirk as she looked up at Naruto who had just impaled Madara through the chest with a lightning covered fist.
"It's time to end you Madara." Naruto roared as the golden aura disappeared and blood red wings with blue markings started to sprout from his back while scales started to appear on on his face and neck.
"You think you can kill me just because you sprouted wings, hate to break it to you boy but I'm a god no one kill me." Madara shouted as he stated to laugh.
"You are no god Madara Uchiha you are just a man with sick dream." Naruto growled as his fist began to spark with black lightning before appearing in front of Madara in a flash of light. "Now die Dragon of Infinite's iron fist."
With a simple thrust of the hand Naruto impaled Madara through his chest. "You (cough) think that will (cough) kill me boy (cough) I'm a god." Madara said coughing up blood as Naruto started to smirk evilly at the man.
"You are nothing but a fool Madara." Naruto stated as he removed hand from Madara chest only to growl seeing it heal.
"You see boy not even a hole through my chest can kill me." Laughed Madara as the hole finished healing.
"Just die you fucking human." Naruto roar as he slashed the air with his fingers creating several air blade that flew at Madara cutting him in multiple area's.
"Dragon Infinite's Roar"
With that he breathed in before letting out a giant stream of blue fire at Madara who was standing there laughing like a mad man as the flames hit him not even realizing what was happening to himself before it was to late as Naruto spoke up.
"Now who's laughing Madara." Naruto said with a smirk as Madara looked at his body only to see that it was disintegrating.
"What have you done to me boy." Madara shouted with what little strength he had since most of his body was already gone.
"The power of the Infinite Dragon God, anything and everything I chose can be destroyed by it even a so called god like your self can be killed." Naruto said looking at Madara with a smirk on his face.
"I... won't... die, I'm... a... god, no... one... can... kill... meeeeeeeeeeeeee." Madara said as he shouted the last part only for it to turn into a whisper in the wind as the fire did it's job and destroyed the rest of Madara's body leaving no trace what so ever of the old Uchiha, just ashes blowing in the wind.
"It's finally over." Naruto said as he looked up at the clear blue sky with a smile as images of Jiraiya, Nagato, and several other appeared smiling down on him. "Ero-sennin, Nagato I did it, with Madara gone peace can now be made through out the Elemental Nations." Naruto thought as he heard shouting coming from the shinobi on the ground.
"Madara's gone, the boy did it he defeated Madara." Some of the shinobi shouted as others hugged those that were next to them.
"I never thought I would live to see the day that all five major villages would come together for the same cause." The Tsuchikage said floating in mid air looking over all those that were shouting with joy.
"Your right Lord Tsuchikage, this right here is going to change the world as we all know it." The Raikage said.
"I think the world has already changed Lord Raikage, thanks to Naruto-kun we are still alive." Gaara said as he looked up at Naruto who was heading right for them.
"It seems that the younger generation as surpassed us, wouldn't you say so Hashirama." The second Hokage questioned as he looked over at his older brother.
"Yes I do believe you are right Tobirama each generation seems to be stronger than the last.." Hashirama said as as the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze spoke up as Naruto started to land in front of him.
"Well done son." Minato said to his son, as said boy landed in front of him a the other Kage's.
"Thank you father, but I couldn't have done it with out the help of everyone who believed in me." Naruto said as the wings on his back disappeared like they were never there to begin with as well as his eye turning back to your bright blue color.
"But if it wasn't for the power that Lady Ophis had granted to the Uzumaki clan, I wouldn't have been able to destroy Madara." Naruto said as he looked form his father to Ophis who was standing next to Tsunade. "Thank you Lady Ophis for giving me the power to win." Naruto said bowing his head at Ophis who showed a small smile on her face.
"You don't need to thank me Naruto-kun, you are after all the chosen one, so it only right that you have the power befitting some one of your nature." Ophis said walking up to Naruto.
"Still you have my thanks Lady Ophis." Naruto said as he stopped bowing and looked Ophis in the eyes. "But I must ask what do you mean by the chosen one." Naruto asked her.
"What I mean by the chosen one is very simple Naruto-kun, you have shown the strength to always get back up when ever someone would knock you down, the determination to never give up in the face of your enemies, the power to protect those that are precious to you. Ophis said as Naruto let out a small Tsk.
"Some power I couldn't even protect Neji, Bushy Brows, TenTen, or Bushier Brows sensei from dieing." Naruto said as his eye drifted over to the dead bodies of his three friends and their sensei as girl with purple hair and white eye by the Hinata Hyuga spoke up.
(A/N – I know that in the manga only Neji died trying to give Naruto some time, while Lee, TenTen, are still alive, as well as Might Guy to a degree since he opened the eighth gate, he will be dieing soon since it kill's the person hence why it is called the Gate of Death)
"Naruto-kun it's not your fault that they died, Neji-nii-san gave is live so you could fight on the same with Lee-san, TenTen-san, and Guy-sensei, they did that knowing that you were the only one that could even stand a chance against Madara." Hinata told him as others in the rookie twelve spoke up.
"Yeah Hinata's right man you had nothing to do with their deaths." A wild looking teen by the name of Kiba Inuzuka spoke.
"Their are right Uzumaki-san, they knew that they might die during this war, and they still went into it know what could happen." A hooded teen with glasses by the name of Shino Aburame said.
"Don't be so troublesome, you knew the price of war as well, we all did." A lazy looking teen with hair being held up by a rubber band to look like pineapple, the teens name was Shikamaru Nara.
"Naruto-kun your friends are right the price of war is very heavy, no matter what happens we always lose some one who it precious to us, and there is no way of stopping it from happening." The third Hokage, Hizuren Sarutobi said to the blond.
"Yeah dope! Don't act all depressed just because you couldn't save a few people from dieing." Sasuke Uchiha the last and only Uchiha said.
"Geez you idiot, it not like it's the first time you saw some one close to you die." A pink haired girl by the name of Sakura Haruno said making Naruto look down at the ground with shame.
"Damn it forehead, can't you see that your not helping." A blond girl by the name of Ino Yamanaka shouted.
"What did you call me you pig." Sakura shouted as she stormed over to Ino and got her in face causing a small fight to break out between them.
(Ok moving on because I don't think any one whats to read about a bitch fight between Ino and the biggest bitch in the Naruto anime, and yes I don't like Sakura any more not that I ever did in the first place, but I hate her even more after her false love confession to Naruto in the land of iron.)
"Moving on to some thing more important." Tsunade said looking away from her pink haired apprentice over to Naruto and the other. "What are we going to do about that tree." Tsunade said pointing of the true form of the ten-tails." We just can't leave it unattended or it might turn back into that creature again in order to try and take back what was stolen from it." Tsunade said getting a nod from every one there.
"That is easier said then done Tsu-hime." Hashirama said to his granddaughter. "The only one that was ever capable of sealing it away was the Rikudou Sennin and died thousands of years ago, so the method he used to seal it are lost and all the sealing arts that we know of today won't work on it." Hashirama told her since he knew that even if he was alive not even he could seal it.
"There is but one way to seal it Hashirama-san, a way to seal it permanently so it will never cause trouble again." Ophis said making everyone look at her with shock.
"And just what is this method of sealing Ophis-san." Hashirama asked her.
"It a seal method called the Seal of Heaven and Hell, a that can seal anything away permanently with now way of it ever being unsealed." Ophis said as she looked from Hashirama to the Demonic Tree.
"Then please tell us how to use it so we can seal it away." The Mizukage asked her, but instead of Ophis speaking Naruto spoke up instead.
"I hate to crush your hope Lady Mizukage, but that seal is impossible to use." Naruto said getting everyone to focus their eyes on him instead.
"What do you mean Naruto, if it can seal the Ten-Tails away for good we need to use it." His father told him only for Naruto to shake his head no.
"You don't get it do you, do you know why nobody here but me and Lady Ophis even know of this method to seal it way for good." Naruto said looking at everyone as they just shook their head no. "It's because it's a Secret Uzumaki Sealing Art, which is why I said it was impossible to use." Naruto told them with a serious face.
"If it's an Uzumaki seal then can't you use it Naruto-kun." Hinata asked him.
"I may be from the Uzumaki clan Hinata, but I am just one Uzumaki the seal take's five Uzumaki's to perform it and the last time I checked there are only two with strong Uzumaki blood there's me and then that Karin girl that was helping Sasuke. Naruto told her.
"What about me I'm part Uzumaki." Tsunade said only for Naruto to shake his head no.
"Granny Tsunade your only quarter Uzumaki due to Lady Mito being your grandmother, so in other words it wouldn't work and beside if you were half Uzumaki it wouldn't work you with the condition that your in." Naruto said shooting her down as a voice spoke up from behind Naruto making every one go on guard.
"Perhaps there is another way." A voice said from behind Naruto making him turn around to see who was standing behind well in front of him now since he turned around, there stood a woman with very delicate facial features, she also had long, light silver colored hair that touched the ground and two horn like protrusions which stuck out from her head, she had on a dark shade of lipstick with a matching shade on fingernails. She wore the a high-collared princess like kimono which was adored with intricate lines and tomoe running down the center and edges of the gown, it was also partly undone showing off her voluptuous breast that just threatened to spill out of her kimono.
"Who are you!" Naruto asked, which seemed more like he was shouting then asking.
Cliffy sorry I just felt like stopping the chapter right here since it was a good stop to end it. First things first I hope you all like chapter on for my new version of The Dragon of Infinite AKA The Dragon God as must could see this chapter only as some of what was in chapter one, to which I had a good reason for doing that I wanted to show why Naruto left and went into hiding with Ophis in the first place and I wasn't really happy with how I ended it between Madara and Naruto so I decided to make the first two chapters of the rewrite Naruto ending the war and his reason for leaving.
in the harem before meeting Mavis
Ophis x ?
those that will be apart of the harem before the seven year time skip
Mirajane x Levy x Juvia x Aries x Erza x Mavis x Sorano x Lisanna x Layla x Ultear
I'm putting in Layla since she's never being used that much so she is still alive but is divorced from Jude from how he treats Lucy, and no she will not be in the harem since she is going to be with Natsu since Lisanna will be with Naruto
those that will be added after the time skip
Flare x Yukino x Chelia x Hisui E. Fiore x Meredy x Wendy
Ok that it for the harem but just because I didn't put in someone that you wanted doesn't mean that he might not sleep with them. So don't go asking me to put some one into the harem or take some one out because the harem will not change unless I think a certain person will not work.
The next chapter will finish this little telling of Naruto during the war and after that Naruto meets Mavis for the first time.