The Doctor read the results on the TARDIS monitor. Rose wasn't a Time Lady as he…well, hoped was a strong word. She wasn't human either, well not entirely. She was…something new.

Her laugh drew his gaze. She was playing darts with Amy and Rory. He was glad they were getting along, not that he worried they wouldn't, but then there was River and she was Amy and Rory's daughter. Amelia seemed to understand his feelings for Rose. He should've known she would.

It'd only been a few weeks since they left Pete's World and he knew helping Rose was the only reason the TARDIS rang with her laughter. He couldn't help worrying about what would happen when her memories started leaking out of the closed door he helped her create.

She was curious, had always been curious. It's what first drew him to her, but that's why he was worried. She already started poking around in her sleep, which resulted in nightmares. He held her when she started tossing and sooth her with an old Gallifreyan lullaby. She would quiet and fall into a deeper sleep.

"What're you looking at?" Rose asked, bouncing over to take a look at the monitor.

He was so lost in thought he didn't see her coming.

"Nothing," he replied, switching off the monitor before she could see what he was looking at.

"Liar," she teased, grinning at him with that infectious smile that he couldn't help returning.

In that moment he didn't care if things took a turn later. That was later. Right now she was there, really properly standing in front of him, gazing at him with those whiskey colored eyes, grinning like he was the only man in all of time and space. He pulled her into a hug.

"Rule number one - " he began.

"The Doctor lies," she finished. "But not to me."

"Never to you," he said, more easily than he was comfortable with, but some things could wait.

"Get a room you two," Amy teased.

"Oi!" Rose replied, pulling out of his hug to turn around. "The same could be said for the pair of you."

Rose remembered the dimension cannon and finding the Doctor because the stars were going out. Then the Daleks and her part in stopping them. She remembered the meta-crisis, but that's where his alterations to her memories started. He still left her on the beach, but as soon as the crack sealed and Handy's link to the TARDIS was severed the meta-crisis destabelized and died the same way the TARDIS killed him. It wasn't pretty, but it was much better than what she went through.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked, interupting his thoughts.

He blinked.


"You've got that face."

"What face?" he asked, tapping the sides of his head. "This is my normal face."

"She's right," Rose agreed. "You've got that I'm thinking about something really not good face."

"Actually I was thinking," he said, running over to the console and flipping a lever. "That we should go somewhere."

Rose grabbed onto the rail as the TARDIS launched into the Time Vortex. She laughed.

"Where?" Rose asked, running over to the console to join him.

"I did promise to take you somewhere and we never go there. Do you remember?"

She grinned because she did remember.

"Course I remember," she replied. "It was Christmas Eve."

"And I promised to take you to - "


"But first we've got to drop Amy and Rory."

"Drop Amy and Rory where?" Amy asked.

"On a ship. Call it a wedding present."

"Our wedding was months ago."

"A late wedding present then," the Doctor continued.

"Is that a hint that you two want to be alone?" Amy teased, raising her brow.

"Amelia!" he snapped.

"What he means," Rose said taking the Doctor's arm, "is yes."

"Oi!" he yelled, but a moment later he grinned.

It was true. He did want to be alone with Rose for…talking and…things and Barcelona! He did promise to take Rose there a long time ago. Amy was human and thought…well, she was wrong, entirely, completely, mostly, slightly…he cleared his throat. Well, if something happened that would be entirely up to Rose. He couldn't make up for what she went through, but he could make a fresh start and that was what he planned to do.

Thank you to all my brilliant readers!

If you have time reviews are always welcome :)