(A/N: Yay! Another chapter! Enjoy!)

"Can-can I kiss you?", Kakashi asked with his eyebrows knitted together. Naruto stilled in his arms. Kakashi sighed as he knew that the silence was a disapproving answer. Smelling in her scent again, Kakashi decided to listen to her decision.

Kakashi just pulled her towards his chest, holding on to her tightly, but comfortably. Naruto just widened her eyes, but gave in as she snuggled closer to the muscled body. Breathing more slowly as she relaxed in his arms, Naruto hugged Kakashi back. This, in turn, surprised but pleased Kakashi as he smiled happily behind his mask.

'I guess this will be enough for now.', he sighed contentedly as he tugged on Naruto even tighter.

Placing her head to the crook of his neck, Naruto liked the feeling of Kakashi holding her in a more romantic sense. She bit the inside of her cheek as she was going to sigh comfortably in his arms.

Kakashi, on the other hand, was twisting his hand into Naruto's long hair, admiring the way it was very silky despite the way she is very tomboyish. Placing his left arm wrapped around her waist, Kakashi sighed again.

With Sakura and Ino

"It's already been twenty minuets since they've been in that position, Forehead.", Ino complained,"And they were so going to kiss. It was this close.", she said while pinching her fingers closely to each other.

Sakura laughed,"Don't worry, Piggy-chan, we still have exactly twenty-one days."

"Twenty-one days? What does that mean?"

"Remember the bet I made with Naruto last time in our room?", she waited for Ino's responded silenced,"The one where I said if you don't fall in love with Kakashi-sensei by the end of the month -"

"Oh yeah! I remember.", she said with a deep smirk implanted on her face. Sakura and Ino cackled out loudly like witches until the chef shushed them again. They, in return, smiled awkwardly to the chef.

"Hey, it's been an hour, Forehead. Go get them.", Ino said.

Sakura nodded and dressed in her getup. Walking to the one-roomed bathroom, Sakura finally opened it, revealing the same positions that Kakashi and Naruto were in. Sakura coughed, only to be ignored. She then smirked largely, then said,"Getting kinky here, are we?", she said in her 'manly' tone.

Kakashi and Naruto jumped off of each other and stood awkwardly while scratching the backs of their heads. Naruto was blushing madly while Kakashi was visibly grinning madly behind his mask.

Sakura then went inside the room and thumbs up in front of the camera, showing Ino their success.

At that moment, Kakashi finally realized what Sakura and Ino set up. Now blushing madly from embarrassment, Kakashi walked out the room. Naruto followed suit.

"Success!", Sakura shouted inside the echo-filled room, startling her fellow two teammates. At the same time, a loud squeal came from the kitchen. And at that time, Kakashi realized that Sakura and Ino also put microphones in the bathroom, as if it weren't embarrassing enough.

Naruto turned around and headed out of the door. Kakashi saw her and tried to catch up to her until the chef caught him. The chef said, with the spatula in his hand,"You still didn't pay for the 25 servings of red bean dango and the green tea special."

Kakashi had cold sweat run down his head. Looking at the bill, Kakashi grimaced even more. Finally after emptying his wallet throughly, Kakashi could finally get out of the dango shop to look for Naruto.

Running his way into the streets of Konoha, the stars shown brightly in the moonlit night. It was still lively at this time, being that it was summer. Biting his lip, trying desperately to find Naruto, he couldn't find any clues to where she was.

This went on after some time, in which Kakashi sighed and laid his back on a bookstore wall where an Icha Icha poster was taped on.

Sakura and Ino managed to catch up to him, breathing loudly. Sighing at Kakashi, Sakura patted his shoulder. "You did very well, Kakashi-sensei."

"Yeah! You were so...ugh, I can't take it! It was just too beautiful!", Ino said.

Kakashi widened his sole eye,"Rea-really?"

Sakura nodded her head,"Really-really. For a guy who reads porn and does it openly, I would think that you would have more confidence with girls, Kakashi-sensei."

Kakashi blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

"But listen, Kakashi-sensei. You gotta start wooing her, okay. Be a little bold, but always remember to be a gentleman, but show her that she is yours. Don't be too clingy or forceful and always, always - this is crucial - make her feel like she is special.", Ino stated.

Sakura added,"Be sure to help her up in times of need, and also be observant. By observant, I mean know her quirks, pet peeves, favorite foods, what she doesn't like at all, and her necessities. Also - this is also crucial - make her seem as if she's right. Not on everything, but for the little things, ya know. It's okay to hurt you're pride just a little, but never ever a girl's pride - especially Naruto's. Just know that she might be yours if you do so."

Kakashi nodded, keeping track of the tips and tricks to get Naruto. Smiling to each other, Sakura and Ino patted Kakashi again on each shoulder. "Good luck, Kakashi-sensei!", they screamed out walking together in the dusty path while laughing and squealing.

Kakashi smiled turned into a smirk, thinking that tomorrow will be the day that he will start wooing Naruto.

Early the next morning, Naruto went out to Iciraku Ramen to buy eight bowls of the Sunday special. Sighing in serenity, she smelled the whiff of the fresh morning broth. The hard boiled eggs were perfectly cut in half and cooked with the half raw yolk a rich red-golden color. The bamboo roots and fish cakes were just the right amount as the yellow noodles were cut to the right length and chewy.

It did wonders to Naruto just looking at the kitchen masterpiece, quickly savoring the long strands. After her eight bowl was finished, Naruto washed down the food with the water place next to her bowl tower.

Teuchi smiled gently towards Naruto,"So what was that all about yesterday?"

Naruto almost spat out the water she was drinking,"Ex-excuse me?!"

"You know, when only you and Kakashi-san were here. Perhaps it was a date?", he jumped to conclusions.

Naruto regained her stature,"Nope, nuh-uh, not at all. Old Man Teuchi, you must be getting crazy."

Teuchi just laughed at her rudeness,"Sure, sure, Naru-chan, I believe you."

"Oh yeah, where's Ayame-nee?"

"Oh? She's out delivering ramen. She left about five minuets before you came here. However, she had to deliver a lot, so she might not be here when you are."

Naruto raised a brow,"People order ramen in the morning? That's weird."

Teuchi laughed again,"You're the one who comes here at the break of dawn just to eat ramen." Naruto joined in the laughter.

At some time, a voice appeared,"Good morning everyone." The person sat closely next to Naruto and wrapped an arm around her waist. Naruto jumped from the skin contact, finding out that it was just Kakashi.

"Kashi! What are you doing here?", she said almost breathlessly.

Kakashi smiled from behind his mask and said,"To be with you, silly."

Naruto blushed out when Teuchi said,"Rigghhhttt, Naru-chan.", saying it sarcastically.

Naruto was about to fight with Teuchi's proclamation until Kakashi said,"Let's go on a date, Love."

Naruto closed her mouth hard enough that the teeth could be heard clamping on each other. Kakashi knitted his eyebrows together,"Don't hurt yourself, Love."

Naruto frowned,"Hey, don't call me that."

Kakashi laughed,"No can do, Love, it's not like it's not true."

Naruto blushed madly about Kakashi confession. He just smiled like it was the normal thing to say. He continued,"Fine, I'll stop. But I didn't get my answer yet, Naru."

Naruto opened her mouth to protest until Teuchi thought otherwise. He pushed the both out of his stand and closed his entrance shut tight. "Sorry, but we're closed for now. Have a good day...or should I say date.", he muffled the last part behind the store entrance.

Naruto protested,"Wait! But Old Man Teuchi! I though you were at least on my side! And by the way, you just opened, youcan't be closed now!"

There was no answer from behind the entrance. Naruto pouted until Kakashi caught her hand in his hand. She looked at him in confusion. He answered with an amused smile,"I don't want you getting lost in the crowd, Naru.", ending with an eyesmile.

She narrowed her eyes directly on Kakashi's,"But there isn't anyone in the streets right now.", she said dangerously slow.

Kakashi chuckled,"Better safe then sorry."

Naruto rolled her eyes at him, giving in to his endless excuses. She sighed to herself with a blush hinted on her face,'I guess I'll have to deal with it some way or another.'

(A/N: Thanks for reading!)