Regular speech


'Kurama/Bijuu speech'

'Kurama/Bijuu thought/memories'

You know the drill

(A/N: Just saying, I don't cuss)

'Gosh, goodness, oh my gracious! I've done it! Way to go Kakashi, you blew it up big time!', thought the normally calm and lazy 34-year-old jounin as he frantically panicked inside his head. 'It felt so good though- no! Bad, bad thoughts Kakashi!', he hounded on himself as he sighed, exerting all the stress on his tense shoulders. A calm demeanor entered him as he sat himself onto the blossoming Sakura tree.


'Ka-ka-shi-Sen-sei!,' a gorgeous blond screamed over the crowd, taking hold on many people's attention. She screamed his name once again, thinking to herself that this time, Kakashi would finally get his attention to her and not his perverted book. She narrowed her eyes when he just took a glance on her and continued reading. 'That Ero-Sensei, if he doesn't come right here, right this second, I swear Imma Rasengan his perverted butt!', she said to herself.

She stomped over to where the perverted jounin sat and placed her hands on her hips. 'You', she hissed with venom in her eyes,'didn't ya hear me callin you out across the crowd!?'
He looked up to her with adoration in his eyes, seeing nothing but an angel. A smirk played on his lips as he saw her riled up in her jounin uniform, fit enough to show her luscious curves.

'I'm sorry Naruto, but did you say somthing?' he answered while interrupting her during her speech with a sudden gleam in his eyes.

'You- never mind let's just get going!' , she exclaimed loudly when she smelled the ramen in the air. She then snatched his book from his hand, then grabbed his hand, dragging him towards their destination.

He was led across town towards the Ichiraku Ramen stand with a goofy grin painted on his face. As many noticed Kakashi's smitten attitude towards the blond beauty, Naruto, however, was oblivious to this action. When they both got there naruto exclaimed,'Whew! We're finally here! At least you didn't run away this time Kakashi-Sensei!', he cringed at the name she had called him,' I mean, like, for the past few hours, I've been looking all over town for you! I even went to your house to find you- wait, I don't even know just where you live! Hmm, who's house was that one then? And then, after that I looked for you at the Memorable Stone, then the park- cause ya read all that boring- perverted stuff there!', she said,'Anyways what's your favorite ramen! Mines Miso, and pork, beef, chicken, onion, and- all of them! Hee hee!', Kakashi sweat dropped at her childish antics and sudden subject change, but hailed it because that was what he loved about her.

He saw her happy-go-lucky, but sincere smile, and sighed at the beautiful smile. Even though the 20-year-old was, well, 20, she had never lost her innocence after the war. 'Maa, Naruto. Would you like to pay your part of the bill?', he asked with a little plea.

'No way, Kakash-Sensei! You promised you'd pay while we were on our mission dattebayo!' She said with puppy dog eyes.

He smiled tenderly behind his mask and answered,'I was just kidding Naruto, but would you like to go for a walk in the park?'

'Hmmmm, fine then, but you still have to pay!', she said loudly.

'Yeah, yeah.', he answered back while she smiled at her little victory.

Konoha was always famous for her sunsets. Two figures walked relaxed in a comfortable silence, but were halted to a rest when both spotted a bench.

'So Kakashi-Sensei, why are we walkin' in the park again?', she questioned.

'Well, I just thought we could both use some relaxation time after both of our missions. You and I both know we also need some catching-up-time.'

'Haa? Then why aren't Sakura-chan and Sasuke-teme here?'

'Well,Sasuke is on a three-week long mission, and Sakura is working the usual full-time shift in Konoha General.'

'Oh yeah.', she realized sheepishly while scratching the back of her head. 'Wellll, so far, me and Ero-sennin are gathering intel about he whole new stir up in Sound. Sorry, I can't tell you, I swore an oath dattebayo. And then- oh yeah! I've finally mastered the Hirashin! Hee hee! It took me a whole lot of time to do it! And then after that', she blushed prettily towards him, he raised an eyebrow,'I met this guy.'

Kakashi felt a stab of pain in his heart, deeper than any kunai could ever go, as his fears were confirmed. She had a sincere smile with a light tint of red painted on her cheeks as she continued,'He had one of the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Both were a deep shade of hazel. I had first met him during my training for the Hirashin. He had kinda helped me out with some other Justus I had trouble with dattebane.', a loving gleam in her eyes shone as she spoke. He then suddenly let out an unknown breath. He didn't notice that his hands were clenched inside his pocket, deep enough to inflict crescent-shaped wounds on his palms until he felt the pain. However, he still kept on a nonchalant manner, due to his training as a shinobi.

The blond konoichi kept on her speech on the unknown, hazel-eyed mystery guy. He clenched his eyes shut for a split second and thought briefly on how he wished that she would talk about him, Kakashi, with true adoration in her eyes, looked at him with love, let him take the place of the hazel-eyed because he, Kakashi, loved Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze with all of his heart.

He narrowed his eyes slightly at the look on her face- her luscious lips. He took his hands off of his pockets, leaned over until him and Naruto were nose to nose. She stopped her speech abruptly in seeing this, then gasped when he leaned in more and planted a soft feather- like kiss on her mouth.

The kiss turned eager when he pushed her down onto the bench's rusty seats and encased her small hands into his large hands.

Naruto lay under him in shock and then gasped when she felt his tongue rub against her lips, and gasped in shock in the sudden outcome. He twisted his tongue in between her teeth, gaining access into her mouth. She closed her eyes tightly as he explored her sensitive mouth. Naruto thought to herself upon why he was doing such things to her.

Kakashi licked on the roof of her mouth while their teeth blocked him from going deeper inside of her mouth. He moaned in happiness as her tongue accidentally brushed against his own. He then positioned his forehead on her forehead, and his nose on her so that he could kiss her more deeper.

Suddenly, the need to breath came to his mind, but was silenced when Naruto tried to push his hands of and then bit his tongue.

Kakashi suddenly gaze at their position and widened his sole eye increasingly. He got off of her and tried to help her up, while ignoring the sharp pain on his tongue, but was stopped when she didn't grasped as laid on the bench crying. The sharp pain suddenly squeezed his heart when he saw what he had done. He tried to help her up, but she just slapped his hand away.

'I-I'm so sorry Naruto, I-', he said shakily, but was interrupted Naruto.

'J-just leave me alone.', Naruto said dimly as she interrupted Kakashi while she laid on the bench, crying.


'Just leave me alone!', she repeated, this time screaming.

Kakashi winched at the sudden outburst but abided by her commands. He then shunshied out of the park and left to find a safe spot to let out his emotions.

'Gosh, goodness, oh my gracious! I've done it! Way to go Kakashi, you blew it up big time!', thought the normally calm and lazy 34-year-old jounin as he frantically panicked inside his head. 'It felt so good though- no! Bad, bad thoughts Kakashi!', he hounded on himself as he sighed, exerting all the stress on his tense shoulders. A calm demeanor entered him as he sat himself onto the blossoming Sakura tree.

(A/N: Sorry if this chapter was too short. Well, anyways, please review, favorite, and/or follow. Anything is appreciated!)