Konohagakure no sato, the village hidden in the leaves, believed to be the strongest hidden village around. There are multiple reasons for this ranging from political power to military might. And yet, even though those reasons and everything in between are true, the villagers would say that it wasn't because of those things that they were on top. Rather, they would say it is because of the villages so called "Will of Fire". A way of living passed on from the first hokage that pulled the people of konoha together.

But this story isn't about konoha. It is about Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and his adventures through life, both good and bad.

It was a bright, sunny day in konoha with a couple of clouds lazily making their way across the sky. The children were playing and birds were singing. Civilians were patrolling the market buying and selling goods, and ninja were jumping from roof top to rooftop to get to either their next mission or the mission selection office. "What is so special about today?" one may wonder. Well, for that you'll have to read and find out.

Itachi sighed from on his perch in the tree. Why? Well, tomorrow was his graduation, and while to some people that would be great. To him his graduation meant more responsibility in the clan and pressure from his father, Fugaku Uchiha.

Itachi sighed again. How would his brother react to the sudden increase of attention Itachi got while his own lessened?

Then there was Naruto. Not really someone he would consider a friend, but he was the closest thing to it to Itachi. What would happen if he didn't pass the test just to get more attention from his parents? Or what if they don't have any opportunity to spar again like this because of how their lives pulled them apart?

He sighed a third time, a fact that did not go unnoticed by his companion who at first glance seemed to be sleeping.

"What now Itachi?" Naruto asked from his spot lower in the tree.

"Why do things change?" Itachi wondered.

"Huh?" Was Naruto's intelligent response. "Why does it matter?"

Itachi sighed again. His friend, while extremely talented, was certainly dense at times.

"Nothing Naruto. Just wondering about life."

Naruto looked ready to make some smart response to him at that point. Probably something about how philosophy was for people who cared. Honestly he didn't get his friend sometimes.

"Let's just go home. We have to get up tomorrow and graduate, or at least, I do." Itachi said jumping down from the tree, landing on the water below them.

'Water?' One may ask. Yes, water. The tree they are one isn't just some random tree in the many forests surrounding Konoha, but rather a special one. One that grew in the middle of one of the raging rivers just outside of Konoha's walls. It didn't have a name, most of these random rivers didn't, but it did hold significance to the two boys. It was here that they met for the first time, or at least made their first bond of friendship that may or may not be explained later.

But anyway, back to the boys. Both were 10 years old planning on graduating from the academy early by 2 years, the earliest allowed with the new laws the Yondaime put into place. At first glance the boys looked like complete opposites, but if one were to look 'underneath the underneath' as a certain ANBU would, they would see all the similarities. They were both from dysfunctional families, one because of having to much attention and the other not getting any. Both were prodigies in their own ways. Itachi was a prodigy of analytical shinobi who could not only change the flow of the fight within seconds, but was also a quick study who gained power actually quite easily. Naruto was a complete different kind of prodigy. He did not have Itachi's quick mind nor his talent for didn't even have access to nearly as much as Itachi. But what he did have he had in spades. He had determination. Determination enough that forced him to find and push himself passed his limits everyday. Determination that made him almost unstop able in battlefield thinking. It allowed for spontaneous plans and for Naruto to be able to match himself up against almost anyone in the whole village.

A reason the boys were thought different however was not just their talent in ninja skills, but also looks. Itachi stood at 5' 1" at an age of ten and had pure black hair tied in a ponytail that touched just beneath his shoulder blades. He had onyx black eyes that only seemed to change when he used his clans special bloodline, the sharingan, and two pronounced troughs on either side of his face. He wore simple clothes, a plain blue shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back and black ANBU pants with a white stripe running down either side.

Naruto was much different. He stood at a simple 4'11" and had spiky crimson red hair that framed his head well and brought out his shockingly blue eyes. His eyes seemed just as dull as Itachi's however, if one looked they could find a well of emotions hidden behind them. His face had three whisker mark like birthmarks on each cheek. His outfit was significantly more complicated then Itachi's. Instead of just simple pants and a shirt, he wore a closed, sleek black vest (I'm just trying to say an unconstructed vest like the standard Konoha ones, except maybe a little slimmer) over simple short sleeved mesh armor. His hands up to the bottom of his elbows were wrapped around his forearms leaving only his fingers open. His pants were also black, but instead of a white stripe on either sided had orange ones.

The only similarity the two shared it seemed was their placement of their kunai/shuriken holders. Both had it taped up around their right thigh.

Both boys were walking home in relative silence before Naruto felt the need to speak.

"Should I pass?"

Itachi furrowed his brow, thoughts running through his mind. Thoughts that went like this: why is He wondering? Why wouldn't he? Is he doing this because of his family? Didn't they figure it out during their spar earlier? That they were both gonna pass, if only to get away from their families sooner.

While Itachi was processing the information and thinking about the why Naruto was wondering, the boy who posed the question kept talking.

"I know we talked it through earlier, but should we?"

Itachi gave a small smirk, "But should we really do anything?"

Naruto immediately grew a tick mark. He hated talking philosophy for some reason Itachi had learned. He was great at it and held very interesting and well thought out views, Itachi had learned the one time they did talk philosophy, but hated to argue, debate, or discuss philosophy. Because of this Itachi always tried to throw philosophy into most things just to annoy Naruto.

"Ah to hell with you, you bastard. I'll figure it out myself." Turning away, Naruto headed down the street back to his home.

"Naruto," Itachi said grabbing onto his arm, "I'm doing the same as you, so have an answer when we start tomorrow."

Naruto slowly nodded, realizing the weight of his words. It was the closest Itachi had ever come to calling him a friend and that He believed Naruto could make the right choice for both of them.

Itachi looked at Naruto a moment before smirking and letting go of his arm.

"See you tomorrow dobe." With that he walked away from view, disappearing down the street full of civilians almost immediately.

Naruto just stood there a minute, kind of shocked with how Itachi had immediately ruined the moment. Shrugging he began walking to his house.

As Naruto walked back he thought about the meaning behind Itachi's words. It was now his choice as to if either of them passed or failed. He couldn't help but feel nervous. He essentially held the choice to the rest of their lives in his hands. They could either graduate and become ninjas, or stay in the academy for another 2 useless years and still become ninja.

Looking up at the sky he sighed. Why couldn't it be as simple of a choice as it sounded? Become a ninja now of later. That was it essentially, but that also made all the difference for both him and Itachi. For him it actually didn't matter, he had pretty much given up on his family remembering him, but for Itachi there was everything that graduating and doing it early entailed. But goo he afford to not graduate early? His little brother Sasuke, even though a stuck up brat, was still his brother and did he deserve the harsh treatment Itachi got if he didn't succeeded more then everyone else.

He realized something, Itachi was nervous too. That's the only reason he would let Naruto choose. Because he was scared or making the wrong choice. Naruto sighed again, why did he always have to make all the decisions? Ever since they met, Naruto always made the choices that were life impacting for either of them.

He sighed again as he turned down the final road to his house. 'I'll just figure this out later. Yeah, later sounds good.'

Finishing his walk at the gate to his house, he stopped and looked. 'But it would be nice to be considered an adult...' Shaking his head at the thought he walked onto the property.

The house was just a simple western style 3 story house. Not to big, but big enough considering his father's position.

He unlocked the door walked inside the house, noting its emptiness. "I'm home!" He called.

There was no response. Only the silenceof an uninhabited place. He walked around for a bit, seeing if they left or not. When he finally finished he walked up to the second story to his room.

'They forgot me again. I wonder where they went this time? Ichiraku? Or maybe that sushi place Natsumi likes?' He sighed, only a little downtrodden at the fact he was left out again. It had been common occurrence enough for him to not even notice when they left him sometimes.

He walked over to his bed and laid down. Running his hands through his hair, he thought about the decision Itachi left him. It would be so perfect for him, and yet at the same time it could be terrible for Itachi. 'Well, really either decision is bad for him.' Naruto noted.

He stood up and looked around the room. Hopping for anything to take his mind off the decision, at least for the moment. His eyes took in everything from the bland white walls to the measly four pieces of furniture, including the bed. He looked first at his dresser, it had a random assortment of stuff on it, mostly clothes though so he skipped over it. He looked at his bookshelf next. It didn't have many books on it, but it did hold some of his favorite books like Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card and The Merchant of Death by D.J. Machale, the first book in a great series (Seriously, I would recommend both books. Though the second one is more just because it is the first book in the series. Anyway, back to the story.). He looked at his desk last. It had mostly books on shinobi on it, but it also had ideas for his own book. He had found he enjoyed writing but couldn't think of anything to write about. He contemplated going over some of the practice seals but quickly dismissed the idea at the thought of more mental work. He finally looked at his bed and realized how sore he felt from his training.

'Nap and then shower or shower and then nap?' He contemplated to himself. He sighed and smelt himself, recoiling away almost immediately. 'Shower it is' .

In the shower Naruto was back to contemplating what him and Itachi should do tomorrow. Going over the options in his head, he growled in frustration. 'Why can't this be simple?' He thought. 'Just choose one and get it over with. That's it. But it isn't that simple. If Itachi fails, his father could very week put that pressure on Sasuke. But if he passes, then he gets even more pressure and responsibility from his father.' He hit his head on the wall, wondering why it still couldn't be easy. 'Whatever!' Naruto shouted to himself in his thoughts, 'I'll just choose one tomorrow right before. I hope it proves to be right, no matter what I choose for us though.' Satisfied with his "answer" he finished up his shower and left the bathroom. On his way to his room Naruto idly noticed that his family had returned from their dinner while he was in the shower. He also figured out where they went. 'So, sushi. I wonder how that place is. I'll have to try it sometime.'

When he was back in his room he decided he would just turn in for the night considering that he had to get up an hour earlier for the tests to get out by lunch. After he changed into his clothes he grabbed a ration bar and water bottle from his pack. He laughed dryly to himself when he realized what he was eating. 'And to think my family was just at a 4 star restaurant and I'm here eating ration bars and drinking water.' He took a swig of the water right then. 'Bad water at that'.

Sighing for, hopefully, the last time that day he brushed himself off, set his alarm, and got under the covers.

It wasn't long until the fireworksstarted. It was the day the Kyuubi was defeated by the beloved Yondaime. He turned away from his window, hoping to stop their lights from disturbing him. He finally drifted off to sleep with one last thought.

'Happy birthday to me'