"How are you?"
"Yeah. Hell of a day."
"Honestly? I think I'm used to it. I'm just sorry Gwen and Rhys had to deal with it."
"I offered retcon."
Ianto shook his head. "No matter how much of a disaster, no bride ever wants to forget her day. Besides, she's going to hold the monster-in-law thing over Rhys for years. Great ammunition for every quarrel to come."
Jack laughed quietly. "Good point."
Ianto couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Jack look that worn out. "You're alright?"
"Could use some fresh air. Too tired for a midnight stroll?"
Ianto shrugged. "I could manage it."
Jack grabbed a half-finished bottle of champagne and headed for terrace door in the country estate's ballroom. He slipped an arm around Ianto's waist as Ianto's joined him. "Nice work today. Coming up with a dress for a pregnant bride with hours to go… that was impressive."
Ianto closed his eyes and sighed. "The man at the shop thought I was a drag queen."
Jack looked Ianto up and down with a raised brow.
Ianto slowly shook his head. "Don't even think it. I'm not doing heels and I am not – repeat, not – tucking."
Jack chuckled. "You're fairly well informed, I see."
Ianto gave him a mild version of the "don't-go-there" look.
Jack smiled and backed down.
"Thanks for the dance, by the way."
Jack's smile grew and he pulled Ianto a little closer. "You're welcome. It was nice."
"You're a good dancer."
"Well, everybody danced in… by-gone days."
Ianto reciprocated with an arm around Jack's waist as they walked the dark, manicured grounds, passing the champagne between them. "I would have liked that, I think. Dancing back in the day. I'm rather useless in clubs now."
"I'm ok hanging out in clubs, but I don't call what goes on dancing. And yeah, you'd have loved it then."
"I quite often think I'm too much of an old soul."
"I think you're perfect here and now."
Ianto stopped and looked at Jack. He reached up to cup Jack's neck and pull him in for a kiss. The next thing Ianto knew they were lying together on Jack's coat on the lawn.
"Despite the fact that everyone here is well retconned and there's definitely no chance of being walked 'in' on… I don't think I'm quite up for anything… energetic at the moment," Ianto said regretfully.
"That's alright. We could just lie here and drink champagne and look at the stars."
Ianto smiled and snuggled in, taking a sip of champagne. They lie quiet for a long while, wrapped up in one another.
"Sometimes I forget to be awed by this at home," Ianto said quietly. "You just don't see as many stars for the light pollution, and most of what we deal with just makes me not want to look up and wonder what else there is."
"Yeah, I know the feeling," Jack sighed.
"You've been there."
"What's the most amazing thing you've seen?"
Jack took a long breath, staring up into the heavens and looking thoughtful. Then he turned his head to Ianto and just smiled.
Jack's smile widened just slightly and he quirked a brow.
Ianto rolled his eyes tiredly. "I was being serious."
Jack held him closer. "So was I," Jack said quietly.