I do not own THE OUTSIDERS

I stopped placing my hands on my knees wheezing from all the running. Heavy breaths escaped my lips, as I tried to regain my composure I looked at my hands stained with the color red. Blood. My heart beat fast and flashes of my past filled my eyes. The fire, the kids, Johnny dying, Dally dead with the bullet. 'I killed them...I killed them!' Shaking my head I fell backwards landing on my ass. People now gave me weird looks as they walked by me. I was by the park after all. So I stood up, walked some more and headed off to God knows where. I really don't care as long as I get these horrible memories out of my head.

I don't know how much time have passed but by now my brothers and friends would be searching for me. The principal would contact my guardian/tutor who is Darry then he would tell Soda. Steve along with Twobit knew by now.

My hands caked with blood began to sting as if it were acid, 'Is this real blood or paint?'

This was too much, too cold for the Socs. Not even us Greasers would be able to do such things to them. The sun began to set meaning it was late. I realized I was near the park, my least favorite place. Everything did happen there anyway. My head began beating hard, 'headache.' I made my way to my house before anyone else got too worried. Just then the honk of a car was heard making me jump. I recognized it, 'Steve.' He screeched his car to a halt with someone else bolting out running towards me in a tight hug. His eyes scanned all over me wanting to make sure I wasn't hurt.

"Pony Pony Pony, are you all right? God, we've been so worried! Ever since Twobit told us about what happened...I swear Pony I'll kill those Socs, who ever they did this to you."

"It was nothing, just forget it."

Steve frowned angrily, "Nothing? Damn, kid, it was obviously fucking something! Those Socs filled your locker with blood."

I could feel my face go pale, Soda held on to me thinking I'd faint, "B-blood?"

"Yes, pig blood. Janitor said it was. I swear Soda that was low, not even us Greasers could do that sort of shit."

My brother sighed madly, "Let's just go back home, Darry and Twobit are still looking out for him."

The ride back was silent, 'pig blood? Are they kidding me? God...' I began to shudder, if I was scared before I was more now. their hatred for me was more than I thought. If they keep this up I'll probably end up getting killed. Not even in my school I'm safe. No teacher would believe me. Greasers just don't have a good reputation. My eyes closed trying to calm myself, 'It just wasn't my fault...He tried to drown me...Johnny had to save me...'

We stepped out of the car, now I was nervous. Darry would be angry at me for skipping school, for staying out late, for all of this. He would ground me, yell at me, 'I'm so stupid.' But suddenly, from his recliner, he sat up rushing to me. His harms wrapped around me letting out a sigh of relief. I was surprised, 'Is this really my brother Darry?'. He looked at me with concern in his eyes yet a little anger there. I stared down at the floor, there wasn't anything I could say at that moment.

"Pony...I was...I-Are you ok? I heard what happened. You're not going back to school until I speak with yout principal. This isn't going to stay this way."

I winced, "That will only make things worse you know."

Twobit scoffed, "You saying that we shouldn't do nothing?!"

Steve piped in, "Exactly my point."

I shook my head frustrated, did they not get what I was trying to get out? "I already have too much attention ok? Even if you do talk nothing will get better. Nothing."

Sodapop frowned sadly, "Don't say that Pone..."

"Do whatever you want, I'mm going to take a shower."

The whole conversion ended right there. I wanted no more of this, it was all too much for me to take in. I could only hope that those Socs,especially Fred filling their head with the wrong ideas. Rubbing my forehead I closed my eyes, 'I have a baad feeling...'


Hours later around eight my brother knocked on my door. It was Soda. He walked inside sitting next to my bed laying a hand on my shoulder, he smiled weakly at me. I shrugged him off not wanting any company.

"Pony, don't wallow yourself in sadness. It won't do you any good."

He placed his hand on my knee, "I won't let anything happen to you," he scowled at the ground, "I won't let those damned Socs get you. Nobody touched my brother. No-fucking-body."

I nodded feeling a little better, "Thanks Soda..."

"No problem kiddo..."

Twobit yelled from the living room, "Hey ya'll I was thinking we go to the dance."

We walked out of my room looking at him like he was crazy, "What?!"

Steve shrugged, "Sounds like a plan, Crash it, throw eggs at Socs cars. I like the hang of it."

Twobit whooped pumping his fist in the air, "Hell yeah! Let's go! C'mon Pone, it'll make you feel better! Vengeance will be sweet!"

I smirked, "Do I still have to dress up in my costume?"

Soda put his arm around my shoulder as Twobit handed me part of my costume, "Yep."

"You guys are crazy...Fine let's go...But I ain't liking this one bit..."

A bad feeling was growing in the pity of my stomach, 'Christ, let this be a good night...'