I Am Loved

-xXx- Chapter 24: The Arrival, Dinner... And Confessions -xXx-


While Genma was exploring Gaara for their first time and Itachi getting to have Naruto for the night the last group were getting ready to leave. All day they were setting out from different gate at different time. They would meet each other and Kankurou at border between Konoha and Suna. They would all be there in 1 day time at around 5 to 6ish in the evening. They would then proceed to Suna and be there in 1 day mid-morning. They would arrive about three days after setting out, one day before Naruto's b-day and his party. Early in the morning around five Choji, Ino, Shika and their squat leader Kakashi set out from east gate. Mid-morning at around eleven Sai, Izumo, Kotetsu, Yamato and Iruka set out from west gate. Around two o'clock Neji, Tenten, Lee and their squat leader Gai set out from the South gate. Around five o'clock Kurenai set out for a 'vacation' in wave with her son. Escorting them was Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon and their squat leader Ebisu. They, too, left from West gate. And the last squat to leave is Shino, Kiba, Hinata and their squat leader Raidou at ten in the evening.

On the way from the border to Suna Kankurou told them that they all had permanent apartment/ house at the Uzumaki compound. Even if Choji and Ino decide to reside at the Kazekage's mansion, with Kankurou and Temari for obvious reason. Neji, Shikamaru and Sai were given an apartment in an apartment building Naruto built for family and/ or friends that were single, so they can have their privacy. And the rest were given a house that they can make with time their home away from home. They arrived on time, outside of Suna Naruto was standing in his uniform with his squat behind him, Genma carrying Natsumi and Gaara flank by Temari and Baki.


They greeted one another before they moved the party to Naruto's house, were the clones were ready with refreshment for the arriving party. Naruto showed them to the tables he had prepared outside in the back of the house. They all sat down. But before they could proceed Naruto had somethings to say.

"Once again, welcome. I know all you are hungry but I need to say this. Itachi was innocent."

When he let this bomb fall the ones that came from Konoha were surprise and confused. Surprise by the news but confused as to why Naruto brought it up.

"Itachi was ordered to kill his clan because they were planning a coup. Itachi then had to leave to pretend he did it of his own will. That was part of his mission. The next was to become a spy for Konoha in, at the time rising threat, Akatsuki. Itachi joined to keep eyes on them and to give me time to grow. If he did go about Sasuke wrong, I agree, but he did what he thought was right. After Sasuke's supposedly kill of Itachi, Itachi was found dying by Gaara, one week before Akatsuki attacked him. Shukaku for one reason or another had decided to heal Itachi. So, please do not attack him."

As he said this Itachi shunshin right behind the blond. A few gasped at all that was said but even more when all Itachi did was put an arm around Naruto's waist in a silent conversation, Naruto put his hand on the arm around his waist, he didn't even look behind him.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to say that he is one of my fiancees. I don't know if you have been updated but since I can get pregnant the council had ask me to activate the CRA, but as the situation was unusual I can choose both wife and husband, minimum five, so far I had chosen Genma, who had transfer here to Suna the same time I did, Itachi and Gaara. The other two or more are still up for debate."

As they finish talking about this and that, a few of Naruto's clones came out with the food, set them down in front of everyone, they all got the same food, except Choji, who got twice as much, due to his family's jutsu, which requires him to eat more. The clone left to get drinks, after that they were to feed the puppies. As the sun was setting Naruto showed them around, giving all of them their keys to their, if all goes well, home away from home.


Naruto left Shikamaru for last, knowing the ex-Nara wanted to talk to him.

"Here, this is your apartment for your stay while in Suna."

"Naruto, come in, we need to talk."

"Sure, Shika, Itachi is watching his niece and Genma and Gaara are busy. So, I have time."

Once they were inside Shika saw that the apartment was fully furnished with anything the new owners might need. They sat in the small living room across from each other with a low table in between them.

"Naruto, I'll get right down to it, before it becomes too troublesome. I am planning on staying after your party."

Naruto knew this and where this was going but he played as if he didn't know, so, he raised his eyebrow in a silent question.

"I know you know I had feelings for you since we were in academy, even if you were a loud mouth. The thing is those feelings just kept getting stronger and stronger. Naruto, I love you."

"I know that you loved me Shika. That is the reason why I didn't show off when I was with Sasuke, since I did know that would hurt you."

"Naruto, I want to be with you, even if I have to share you with five others or more."

Naruto smile a tender smile.

"I know you will, Shika."

Naruto stood up and went over to Shikamaru, while the ex-Nara's eyes never left the blond. Naruto sit next to Shika, Naruto cupped Shika's face, and brought it closer to his. Shikamaru took the hint and moved the last few inches and kissed the blond. It wasn't there first kiss but to Shika it hadn't lost the magic. After a few more kisses, Shika moved a little back so the blond can breathe. Shika leaned into the sofa, while moving Naruto towards him. Naruto complied by putting his head on Shika's shoulders.



"I love you, too."

Shikamaru tightens the arm he had over Naruto's shoulder, pushing Naruto a bit closer. Naruto just nuzzled Shikamaru under his chin, before giving a lite kiss. Shikamaru looked down at him for a few second, before lowering his face and kissed him on the mouth. It was a tender kiss showing their feelings, a feeling both had to hide from each other and others.

"Shika, remember when we were experimenting during academy?"

Shikamaru's eyes became clouded with lust. What no one knew was that during their time at the academy they had agreed to experiment with each other no strings attach since they both had suspicions that were gay. They never went further them some kisses here and there, a few hugs and some light petting. Nothing hard core. But now, now, there is nothing holding them back, is there?

-xXx- TBC -xXx-

1213 Words

AN: This Chapter was beta'd by Wolfmoon30, thanks.