Rapunzel strolled into Arendelle, her arm looped through Eugene's. The wind ruffled her short brown hair as they walked, Eugene pointing out every little thing to his new wife. As they walked, he was actually pointing out a reindeer, watching as it stared at a man's back, eyes wide with a broadened grin.
"Blondie, look!" he said happily, "that reindeer looks incredibly happy!" Rapunzel rolled her eyes- he had only ever called her 'Blondie' when they first met. Back when I had my blond hair, she thought, reaching up absentmindedly to touch her now brown locks, back when I had the magical healing ability… Eugene gave her a concerned look.
"Rapunzel….?" he asked. She blinked.
"Huh?" she asked, meeting his eyes, breaking out into a grin. His eyes were so warm, like liquid chocolate, as if she could dive in and swim around int hem forever. And they were all hers. Besides his eyes, he was looking extremely dashing in his princely clothes- given to him after they were married: a pair of white pants tucked into black boots, with a matching black coat with gold buttons down the front. Around his marvelous chest was a deep purple sash, decorated with golden suns- the symbol of their kingdom, Corona.
"I asked if you were okay?" he said, giving her a soft smile. Rapunzel shrugged. Her shoes clicked against the rough stone pavement as they walked.
"I don't know," she said, "I mean, you called me 'Blondie', and I suddenly thought-"
"Listen," he said with a chuckle, "That was the past. We're here for a different reason, remember?"
"I know I know-"
"I don't think you should be this nervous anyway," he cut her off, "besides, it's your cousin who's getting married, not you." He raised an eyebrow in her direction, making her laugh. That was something about Eugene that she loved- him making her laugh.
"I know!" she exclaimed suddenly, "it's so exciting!" Taking his eyes of Rapunzel, Eugene went back tot icus on the reindeer. Rapunzel noticed, holding his hand tightly.
"What is it with the reindeer?" he asked as he dragged her over to the animal, which jumped in surprise at their approach. Rapunzel pulled her hand away from his as they came to a stop. The man's back was still turned, a blue woolen shirt pulled tight across an impressive set of muscles. Rapunzel laughed s the reindeer nipped at him, trying to catch his attention.
"Eugene," she said, "I don't think we should bother the reindeer, okay?" Eugene rolled his eyes, wringing his hands in the air with childish annoyance.
"Oh, come on!" he said as he flailed around, and accidentally smacked the man in the back of the head, making him jump.
"Eugene!" she scolded as the man turned around, his face red, anger setting in. The man's blond hair was disarrayed as he rubbed it, narrowing his eyes at Eugene.
"Sorry, buddy-" Eugene began, until the reindeer suddenly head-butted the man, and soon the anger melted away into bashfulness. The couple watched as he wrestled a bit with the animal, finally scratching its head.
"So," the man said after he and calmed down, his face red, the end of his big nose the same shade, "what do you need?"
"We don't need anything," Rapunzel gave him a sheepish smile, "Eugene just wanted-"
"Hey, why do you guys have reindeer here?" Eugene cut her off, rubbing his chin. Rapunzel groaned- he was so fixated!
"Are you still hung up on the reindeer, of all things?!" she whined, although she didn't mean to. Sh just wanted to get him off the subject so they could go the castle, greet her cousins and get their seats.
"It's okay, really," the blond man said with a laugh, then turning to Eugene, "actually, Sven has been a member of my family since I was a kid. One of the only reindeer you'll find in Arendelle!" As he finish his statement, he crossed his arms, proud of his boasting with a smug look in his brown eyes.
Euegene held out a hand, "Eugene Fitzherbert, King of Corona. And you are?" As soon as Eugene had given his title, Rapunzel watched as the blond man's face paled, running a hand through his blond hair.
"K-king?" he stammered, then suddenly bowed, "I am so sorry!" Rapunzel laughed as Sven saw him bowing, copying as best he could. Eugene as well was taken by surprise- he was still not used to people bowing to him, even back in Corona.
The man stood back up, shrugging his shoulders. Nodding his head towards Rapunzel, he said, "and you would be the Queen of Corona, I assume?" Rapunzel nodded, giving him a friendly smile.
"Yes, thank you," she said, "um, by any chance…." She raised an eyebrow, waiting for a name.
"Oh! Kristoff Bjorman, Royal Ice Master and Deliverer," he said, reaching into his blue shirt, pulling out a silver medallion. Emblazened on it was a single snowflake, the metal gleaming in the sun.
"Wait," Eugene said, gazing intensely at the medallion, "I'm confused. Ice Master and Deliverer?"
"To make it easy," Kristoff cleared his throat, "I sell ice for a living." Rapunzel and Eugene shared an interested look before turning their attention back to him. They definitely didn't have anything like that back in Corona.
"That must suck in the winter, huh?" Eugene chuckled, "I mean, since t's cold and-" Rapunzel and Kristoff gave hi a shared look of complete boredom.
"Never mind," he quipped, "anyway, do you know who to get to the castle?" Kristoff shrugged, "Well, yeah."
"Great!" Rapunzel cried with excitement, "we can't wait to see my cousins!" Kristoff raised an eyebrow- she had cousins in Arendelle? Well, Anna did tell me Arendelle has been trade partners with Corona since the kingdom was built, he thought as he then pointed behind the visitors.
"The castle is just down the road here," he explained, the three of them staring in wonder at the castle on the horizon. The spires were a tall ice blue, mint green and dark purple flags waving proudly, some decorated with the golden silhouette of a woman, others with a three petaled flower. Rapunzel examined the silhouette. The hair was in a braid, the bangs drawn pulled back so they resembled flames atop her skull. She pointed to one of the flags.
"Eugene, look!" she said happily, green eyes curious, "it looks like Elsa got the flags redone!" Eugene inspected it- it definitely looked different than last time.
"Yeah- hopefully she won't freeze the entire kingdom this time-" he began. Rapunzel shot him a look, piking Kristoff's interest. They know about what happened? he thought, scratching his head. The sun gleamed on the paved stones, and he could feel a slight tingle on his head as the sun caught his blond hair.
"Come on, Eugene, that was an accident!" Rapunzel said in her cousin's defense.
"I know, I know, but at the time, we really should have just sent a nice fruit basket, a card-"
"Eugene," Rapunzel said pointedly, "really." Eugene sighed- he knew better than to annoy is wife- and she didn't get annoyed very often. Shaking his head, he clapped Kristoff on the back.
"Well, it was great meeting you Christopher-"
"It's Kristoff," he repeated glumly. Olaf had gotten his names ring numerous times, and Anna had called him Christopher when they first met.
"Right, that's what I said!" Eugene said awkwardly as Rapunzel grabbed his hand, pulling him in the direction of the castle, "Bye!" Kristoff shook his head, watching the couple as they went, sidestepping pedestrians, Rapunzel- That was her name, wasn't it? Kristoff thought, kind of a mouthful- almost getting hit by a horse pulling a carriage. Kristoff chuckled, turning back to his sled.
Being a present from Anna after the Great Thaw (as people called it these days), he kept it in tip-top shape- or as shapely as he could. The wooden front showed of aplaquered snowflake that gleamed when he polished it, small diamond detailing carved into the wood on the runners. The reigns were a rich red leather, and as he gripped them when eh made deliveries, some of the leather stain had been permanently imprinted in his palms. It didn't matter to him though, since a present like this was the best he and ever gotten.
"Krsitoff?" came a voice behind him, and he tureen to find Kai, Elsa's and Anna's servant, clad in a dapper black suit, tailcoats flying behind him. His wingtip shoes were polished so well, Kristoff thought he might have been able to see his reflection. The old man ran a hand across his scalp nervously as Sven nudged his side with his nose.
"What is it, Kai?" Kristoff gave the man smile.
"Shouldn't you be at the castle, Kristoff?" Kai said, giving Sven a light pa on his head. The animal grinned, wagging its tail. Krsitoff raised an eyebrow in confusion. Then it dawned on him.
"Arggh!" he shout din dismay, shoving Sven's reigns at Kai, who took them with confusion, the red leather staining the servant white gloves, "I gotta go- take care of Sven for me!" Turning, he ran in the same direction as the Queen and King of Corona, heart pounding in his chest as he raced towards the castle. As he ran, he nearly collided into a woman with a stack of blankets- replacements for the old ones in the castle, no doubt- and suddenly found himself face to face with Rapunzel and Eugene once more.
"Well, isn't this a coincidence?" Flynn joked, receiving a jab from Rapunzel, a wry smile on her face.
"Hello again!" she said cheerfully, looping her arm in her husband's. Kristoff stared at them, panting like a dog as he tried to catch his breath.
"Sorry…" he gulped, his lungs begging for air, "I-I need to get to the castle-"
"Really?" Rapunzel asked, "Eugene, why don't we go with him?" Eugene rolled his eyes.
"Rapunzel, you just got me to stop annoying the man, now you want us to go with him?" he asked, exasperated as he fixed the purple says strung across his chest.
"No, no," he said, "it's fine," Kristoff said as he swerved around the petite woman, "I guess I'll see you around!" The two watched as he ran, disappearing behind the castle gates. Rapunzel cocked her head as she watched one of the guards clap the man on the back, nodding.
"What is it, Rapunzel?" Eugene asked warily.
"Nothing, it's just, I wonder whom it is Anna's marrying?" she asked him as they strolled past a woman and child, the child complaining about having to wear a fancy coat.
"Why do I gotta wear this?" she heard the little boy whine. The mother- a squat round woman- tugged the coat onto her son's arms.
"Because!" she said with glee, "the Queen's sister is getting married!"
"That's not my fault!" Rapunzel giggled as she watched the boy and his mother wrestle with the coat before Eugene lightly touched her arm, bringing her to his attention.
"Whoever he is, I'm sure he's great, okay?" Eugene reassured her as the guards gave them a polite nod, waving them inside the castle gates.