*(Spoilers to Day of the Doctor and on)

Amy looked around the console room. No lightening had appeared recently. She glanced sidelong at the blonde beside her. "We've been stuck here for a while now. Do you reckon it's a good thing or a bad thing?"

Rose pursed her lips. "With our track record? Probably a bad thing."

Amy sighed. "And there's nothing we can do?"

Rose shrugged halfheartedly. "Well, if your theory is right, then the TARDIS is stuck in a loop. And hopefully 'm wrong and 's got nothing to do with Jack's scan he did on the TARDIS mainframe. But I can't remember switchin' it off. Anyways, we could try and break the loop, but I don't know—"

A flash of purple lightening sparked from the console before the room switched to the old console room again. Rose and Amy quickly raced up to the grate loft again and laid quietly for people to enter the room.

The TARDIS doors opened slowly. Two people were standing half in, half out for a minute before fully entering and closing the doors solemnly. Amy recognized the younger Rose instantly, this one looking more like the woman beside her. Her hair was still different. This past Rose had even shorter hair and it was still peroxide blonde with dark roots.

This time, past Rose was accompanied by a tall and lanky Doctor. He had gravity defying brown hair and glasses. Amy narrowed her eyes at the brown pinstripe suit. She knew that suit. She almost gasped when it came to her. That was what the Doctor was wearing when she first met him. Albeit a bit more raggedy, and missing the jacket but… No. It was unmistakable. This was the Doctor before her own.

The Doctor hopped up to the console with an energy that was eerily similar to her own Doctor's. "Right!" He exclaimed as he pulled down a lever and sent the TARDIS into the Time Vortex. "Well that was not… Not really how I wanted our first adventure to go." He tugged on an ear and glanced sheepishly at his Rose. Amy recognized his voice as the Doctor from the conversation she'd overheard, the one with that Donna lady. "Sorry 'bout that. Are you okay?"

Past Rose nodded, not meeting the Doctor's eyes. She raised a finger to the console and traced a meaningless pattern against the brass coloured metal. "'m fine." Rose mumbled.

The Doctor looked tense. Amy recognized it as the way her Doctor usually looked when debating to go to Rose and hug her or take her hand. She smiled, glad to see evidence that what the Doctor said was true. Same man, different face. The Doctor licked his lips and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Good… Good! And… what do you remember?"

Past Rose looked up at the Doctor from across the console. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks slightly flushed. She let out a low breath. "…everythin'."

The Doctor's eyes widened. "Oh." He stepped back and looked down at his All Star's. He shoved his hands into his pockets and took a deep breath, resolved to his fate. "So what do you want to do?"

Past Rose watched her Doctor intently, understanding the power he was putting in her hands. She smiled. "To be honest, I could murder a cup'a tea." Rose turned and headed towards the door. She paused and glanced over her shoulder at him. "Come on then." Then she was gone.

The Doctor stood there a moment longer, a great big grin on his face. "Rose Tyler." He said wonderingly. "Brilliant!" With that, he raced out of the console room after her.

Rose and Amy quietly crawled down the ladder and back to the main floor of the console room. Amy pointed in the direction past Rose and her Doctor had gone. "Was there something I was missing in that conversation?"

Rose nodded as she leaned against the metal rail that circled the console area. "I'd been possessed in the adventure we got back from. May have snogged the Doctor."

Amy's eyes bugged out "And you asked for tea after?"

Rose laughed. "He wasn't ready. 'm not gonna push him into somethin' when he doesn't want it."

Amy snorted and rolled her eyes. "As if there was ever a time the Doctor didn't want you to snog him."

Rose smirked and pointed at the redhead. "You know, you a few months ago would never believe you jus' said tha'."

Amy huffed and crossed her arms. "Oh shut up. Have you figured out what's going on yet?"

Rose shook her head. "Nothin' beyond the thought that it has somethin' to do with tha' scan tha' Jack was runnin'. I've been tryin' to contact the TARDIS' mind — like you suggested — and get some answers, but she's not givin' anythin' away. I think she's been all jumbled up because of the scan. Well, tha's best case scenario, at least. This could be her way of rightin' it."

Amy frowned. "And what's worst case scenario."

Rose shrugged. "Somethin' vital and potentially irreplaceable needs to be replaced." Her face scrunched up as she thought for a moment. "My best guess is the Time Vector Generator. Very few other things can do what's happenin'."

"Right, and we're gonna have to go through all your and the Doctor's memories with each other until… what?"

"Hopefully jus' until the Doctor fixes it. Or the TARDIS fixes herself. If we see a future Doctor we might be able to get a better answer."

Amy bit her lip. "But isn't that messing with the timeline?" She didn't want to cause a paradox on top of their already huge problem.

Rose shook her head, not in the least bit worried. "Only if our past selves didn't do it before. Don't worry, I'll know if we should or shouldn't."

A flash of purple lightening later and the girls were in a powered down silver TARDIS. Amy groaned and rolled her eyes heavenward. "I am so getting tired of this."

Rose frowned at the dark lighting and sharp, Gallifreyan features of the ship. "Somethin's wrong."

Amy looked around, taking in the darkness for the first time. "Yeah, the TARDIS is all dark, why's it like that?"

"'s powered down." Rose answered absentmindedly, her mind already preoccupied with the next question — her own. "Why would the Doctor power down the TARDIS?"

Amy shrugged and looked around. "Well he's not here." Rose turned her frown to the TARDIS doors. She opened them up and stepped outside. "Rose? Rose!" Amy raced out after her. The younger companion sucked in a breath as she saw they were standing on a cloud. Amy grasped Rose's wrist tightly. "Rose? What — what is happening?"

Rose glanced over her shoulder at Amy. "'s fine Amy."

Amy shook her hand holding Rose's wrist. "Fine? We're on a cloud."

Rose nodded, she looked around and breathed in deeply. "Yeah, bit of wind control. Nice trick." She stepped closer to the edge. Amy whimpered and stayed as far back as she could whilst still keeping a grip on Rose's wrist. "Oh, atmospheric pressure shell, tha's a bit clever." Rose examined the sight of London beneath. "Lot's'a smoke and less light." She licked her finger and held it up. "Victorian London. Well tha's depressin', why'd he ever want to go here?"

Amy looked around. "But where are you? Where's the Doctor?"

"Maybe your theory was wrong?"

"It can't be it connects to yours."

Rose sighed and gave Amy an exasperated look. "Well then they're both wrong."

Amy opened her mouth but froze when she heard the sound of footsteps on metal. Her eyes zeroed in on the metal rail to the girls' right, presumably leading down to a set of metal stairs. Rose pulled her wrist from Amy's hand and grabbed the woman's hand. She pulled the companion behind her as they ran around the TARDIS. They pressed their backs against the TARDIS and stayed as still as possible. The metal footsteps disappeared. The TARDIS door creaked open and closed.

Rose and Amy breathed a sigh of relief. Rose peeked out around the corner of the TARDIS. Amy leaned over her to get a look as well. "What do we do?" She whispered to the blonde.

"Explain what's going on."

Amy and Rose jumped. They spun around to find the Doctor, they're proper Doctor, standing before them. Amy's eyes widened and she looked to Rose frantically. Rose's mouth opened and closed without sound. Her eyes took in every aspect of this future Doctor. He seemed a bit older, his eyes darker — never a good sign. He wore victorian clothes and a victorian scowl to match it.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The Doctor ground out.

That gave Rose pause. She cocked her head to the side a bit as she gave him a curious look. "You don't recognize us?"

The Doctor rolled his eyes. "Of course I do. It's plainly obvious who you're disguising yourself as. Now who are you, really?" He stepped forward, his Time Lord glare in place.

"'s us, Doctor. 's actually us. Somethin's gone wrong with the TARDIS, we keep flipping through time."

The Doctor's eyes narrowed, but Rose didn't miss the flicker of recognition. He scowled. "So I just need to wait and you'll go away?" He was pretending to not know, Rose realized. Why was he pretending?

"Is tha' wha' you want?"

Amy swallowed nervously and eyed the edge of the cloud. Was the cloud shrinking? "Can we go inside? I'm getting a bit ill out here."

The Doctor smirked. "Oh come on, Pond. It's just an atmospheric pressure shell." Rose grinned at him, catching his familiar use of the word 'Pond'. He was trying to be elusive and mean, but as usual, failing. The Doctor caught her smirk and quickly began to scowl again, at her more so than Amy.

They followed Amy back into the TARDIS. It was still powered down, and when the Doctor closed the doors, the room darkened considerably. "Can you turn on a light?" Amy asked.


"Well alright there, Scrooge."

The Doctor walked up into Amy's personal space. He hunched a bit so they were nose to nose. "I don't believe you're Amy." He admitted, analyzing her face closely. Amy eyed him back suspiciously. The Doctor's gaze slid to the blonde. "Or Rose."

Rose crossed her arms, her gaze became steely and determined. The Doctor stepped back, recognizing that gaze and wanting nothing to do with it. "Wha' happened?" Rose questioned. She stepped closer to the Doctor, eliminating the space he was trying to create between them. "Wha' happened to make us so angry tha' you'd run off to a cloud to hide away?"

The Doctor turned his back to her and walked around the console. "You're poor copies too." He spat out bitterly.

"If you really thought we were copies, you'd never 'ave allowed us onto the TARDIS." Rose replied easily. She met him around the other side of the console. "Doctor? Wha's happened?"

The Doctor watched Rose for a full minute. His jaw clenched and unclenched as he fought against the running dialogue inside his mind. Amy watched them from the sidelines, waiting for the Doctor to spill the beans. She'd seen Rose and their present Doctor do this enough times to know that Rose always won in the end.

Finally the Doctor spoke. "Spoilers." He ground out. Amy rolled her eyes and groaned in annoyance. Rose's eyes widened in understanding.

Rose shook her head sadly. "Oh, Doctor. And you think we'd blame you?"

Amy frowned and looked back and forth between the two. "Blame him? For what? Rose?"

The Doctor's grip on the TARDIS console tightened, his knuckles turned white. "Why not? It's my fault after all."

Rose huffed. "And of course you'd actually believe tha' bullocks!" The Doctor and Rose glared angrily at one another.

Amy stepped around the console so she was beside the two aliens. "What are we talking about? What happened?"

"Shut up Amy!" They snapped. Rose shook her head and continued her rant at the Doctor. "You're an idiot. How could you think I'd blame you for somethin' like tha'. I don't blame you for anythin' tha' isn't your fault."

"It is my fault!" The Doctor gestured wildly to himself.

"It's her fault!"

Amy's eyes widened. "You're talking about River, aren't you? What's happened?" Rose and the Doctor continued to stare at one another, clearly having some sort of silent debate between each other. "Doctor she's my daughter, tell me what's happened."

The Doctor sighed, his shoulders sagged and the tension and anger left him. In that moment he looked like her present Doctor again. "Our timelines run in reverse, Amy." He explained. "I know when I'll see her last and it happened. And… she's gone."

Amy's mouth trembled. "She's dead?"

The Doctor couldn't meet his companions eyes. "For me. I'm sure you and Rose could find her and sneak meetings and dates and… I can't change any more of what I already had. She doesn't want that."

Amy stared at her Raggedy Doctor, her mouth set into a hard line. She licked her lips and crossed her arms as she tossed her hair over her shoulder with a shake of her head. "Well then what are you so upset about?" The Doctor met Amy's eyes, confused. "She's alive. Sure you can't see her, but she's still out there. She isn't dead."

The Doctor shook his head. Amy didn't understand. "But she will die. And it's my fault and there's nothing I can do."

"But did you try? Did you try to save her?"

"Of course I did, but it didn't work."

Amy uncrossed her arms and gently placed her hands on the Doctor's arms. "But you tried. And I know my daughter. Whatever she did to die, she did it because she was saving someone."

"Lots of someones."

"Good. Now stop being a grumpy face and help us get home. Then go pick the other us up. Got it?"

"Yes, Pond." The Doctor saluted.

Amy preened. "That's my Raggedy Man."

The Doctor laughed and clapped his hands together. "Right! Amy Pond!" He turned and smiled lovingly at Rose. "Rose Tyler… Let's see, if I remember correctly the problem here was fixed when—" A flash of purple lightening lit up the console room and the girls found themselves back in the coral and metal TARDIS.

Amy raised her hands questioningly. "What? What happened?" Everything had been going perfectly, why'd they switch then?

"The Doctor said my name."

Amy nodded. "Yeah but that was because we were there. It wasn't like a memory."

Rose agreed and gently explained, "It was the future, Amy. We were always meant to talk to the Doctor then and there. We got put there because we're bein' thrown back and forth in time, and tha' became a moment to see because of wha's happenin'."

Amy raised her eyebrows. "I'm barely following."

Rose shrugged. "Tha's alright, you don't really need to to be honest."

"So when are—"

"I'm telling you two," a female vice sounded from just outside the TARDIS, "I heard something." Amy and Rose turned and raced around the console, they were just about at the door to exit the console room when the female voice shouted, "Oh my god!" The two girls winced and froze, knowing they'd been caught. Rose quickly reached into the Time Vortex to see how dangerous this conversation would be. She bit her lip when she realized when they were. She and Amy would have to tread very carefully.

"What!?" Amy turned at the sound of the spike-y haired Doctor's voice. This was the one Rose said she'd snogged when possessed. Rose half hid behind the taller woman, desperately trying not to be seen. "Who are you?"

Amy opened her mouth but was distracted by the appearance of Jack behind the Doctor. Her eyebrows raised, surprised by the appearance of the Captain. Jack smirked, misreading the reaction and stepped forward. The Doctor placed a hand on the man's chest and held him back. The Doctor narrowed his eyes at the strange redhead on his ship. "Who are you? How'd you get in the TARDIS?"

Amy opened her mouth, but words escaped her. She looked over her shoulder at Rose, desperate for help.

The Doctor caught sight of the blonde and his breath caught. "…Rose?" Rose closed her eyes and sighed mentally. Steeling herself, she stepped out from behind Amy.


Not even a second passed and the Doctor was scooping Rose up into a hug. He crushed her against himself, hardly believing she was actually there. "Rose." He whispered into her neck. Rose closed her eyes, holding back the tears. It'd been so very long since she'd seen this regeneration, looking like this, holding her like this. The Doctor gently placed her back on her feet. He shook his head. "But how?"

"Rosie!" Jack raced forward and scooped Rose up into a hug.

Once back on her feet, Rose smiled past the two men to Martha. The companion was standing awkwardly off to the side, a slightly dejected look on her face. Rose remembered the stories her human Doctor had told her about Martha's crush. Rose remembered meeting Sarah Jane for the first time, she didn't really have to imagine what Martha must be feeling. Rose's smile widened at the woman as she greeted her. "Martha!"

Amy's head shot up at the name and she looked at the fellow female companion across the room. She gasped before laughing delightedly. "Oh my god. I didn't even realize! Martha!"

Martha's eyes widened, the proverbial deer caught in headlights. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" She walked towards the group of time travellers.

Rose shook her head and responded brightly, "Not at all!" She winked slyly. "But you will."

Amy nodded. "Yeah and thanks in advance."

Martha frowned and looked between the two women. "For what?"

The Doctor stared at Rose despondently. "You're from the future?"

Rose took the Doctor's hand. "I'm sorry."

Jack frowned and looked around the room, a number of questions popping into his mind. "What are you doing here? How did you even get here?" Lastly he turned to Amy, his signature smile gracing his features as he held out his hand. "And who are you?"

Amy smiled and took Jack's hand. "Amy Pond. Married."

The Doctor snorted and rolled his eyes. "As if that'd stop him." Jack touched a hand to his heart in mock offence.

Martha pointed at the two girls. "But Jack's right. How'd you get in the TARDIS?"

"Somthin's wrong with it." Rose explained. "But don't worry, we'll be on our way soon, and you can forget this."

The Doctor's grip on her hand tightened. "You're not staying?"

Rose shook her head. "You know I can't."

"But you do come back."

Rose smiled and stroked her thumb across the back of the Doctor's hand. "I'll always come back to you."

"When?" Rose saw the sadness there, the aching pain. He needed her.


Jack looked back and forth between the two lovers. Their conversation could go on for days, but Rose couldn't say much more about the when and where of it all. "You look different." Jack pointed out, changing the topic. Rose glared at him.

"No." The Doctor disagreed slowly. "Actually you don't." Jack gave Rose an apologetic look. "There's minor differences, clothes, muscle tone, hair colour, but… How far in the future are you from? It can't be that far, you haven't aged a day. But these changes… Rose?"

Rose stared at the Doctor, unwilling to respond. She knew he was going to forget this, make Jack and Martha forget it, but she couldn't bring herself to say. A piece of him would always know what she had become. Rose wasn't willing to risk what that would change in her past, and his future.

Amy, knowing exactly what Rose was trying to hide, nudged the blonde. "Is Martha married yet?" She whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

Martha's eyes bugged out. "What!?" Rose smirked at Amy, catching the woman's not so subtle change in topic. "I get married? When? Who?"

The Doctor ran a hand through his hair. "Alright, this isn't good. You need to get back to your proper place."

Amy through her hands into the air, exasperated. "Well if someone could tell us how."

Rose smiled at the redhead and turned to the Doctor. "We think the Time Vector Generator is malfunctionin'. Amy and I have been caught in the middle of it. You're back in the proper TARDIS, assuming she hasn't locked you out."

The Doctor narrowed his eyes at Rose, but decided to not pursue the line of questioning involving how Rose knew all of that. "That should be simple enough to fix from that end."

Amy pouted angrily. "Then why haven't you? We've been at this for hours, now."

"Something else must be wrong. A broken TVG is something to be concerned about, but if it's just malfunctioning than it's relatively easy to fix."

Jack nodded in agreement with the Time Lord. He'd seen cases in the Time Agency involving messed up Time Vector Generators. "And you just popped up here?" That was the usual MO for a broken TVG. The victim would pop up at some random place and time and be stuck there until they could replace the TVG for a working one.

Rose shook her head. "No, we've been bouncin' 'round. Jus' got back from our own relative future." Jack's eyebrows raised, he'd never heard of a case like that before.

The Doctor groaned. "Oh this isn't good. If one of my past selves sees you suddenly appear…"

Amy shook her head confidently. "They won't." She paused and turned to Rose. "Will they?"

Rose's brow crinkled as she thought it over. "We'll only go back tha' far in time if we meet the Doctor and make some sor' of impact. 's unlikely."

The Doctor frowned at the two women. "Impact?

"It's a really long story."

Amy waved her hand airily. "And we really don't have time for it."

The Doctor nodded once. "You'll be leaving soon, then?" He took a deep breath. "I don't want you to go."

Rose, one hand still in his, raised her other to the Doctor's cheek. "You'll be fine. I promise." The Doctor's eyes bored into her own, scared and alone. He could feel it, just on the horizon. Like how things had felt before Bad Wolf, before Bad Wolf Bay. Rose stroked her thumb across his cheekbone. "You've got a beautiful future ahead of you. Remember tha' Doctor, if nothing else of this encounter. You'll need tha' thought in the days to come."

"Something's coming." He whispered.

Rose nodded. "And jus' like all the other battles, you'll get through it. I promise, my Doctor."

The Doctor raised a hand to stroke Rose's cheek. She closed her eyes, promising to memorize the feel of that hand there. "Oh, my Rose." He leaned in and the TARDIS flashed with purple lightening.

Rose opened her eyes to find she was standing in their normal glass TARDIS again. She sighed. Amy looked around and crossed her arms. "Well that was potentially timeline changing." She commented dryly.

Rose snorted. "You're tellin' me. Come on. We need to hide." The companions raced up the straight staircase and hid on the same landing they had before, a few hours prior. A minute later the Doctor entered the console room and flew the TARDIS out of the Time Vortex. They landed and a future version of Rose entered the console room. She was dressed in a swimsuit and a light blue beach dress over top. She had a pair of sandals in her hand with a floppy hat and sunglasses.

The Doctor gestured towards her clothes, frowning. "Why're you dressed like that? I told you! Winter planet! Brrr… Cold!" The Doctor grabbed his arms and mimed shivering.

Rose raised an eyebrow, not even bothering to indulge him. "Open the door." She nodded her head to the TARDIS door. The Doctor walked over and peeked his head out. They were at the beach. He closed the door and gave Rose a sheepish look. Rose laughed. "Off you go, find your swimwear." The Doctor raced up the glass steps. "And don't forget the towels!" She hollered after him. Rose turned around and placed her hat, shoes and sunglasses on the console. She sighed and turned in the direction of the straight stairs, where Rose and Amy were hidden. "He's gone. You can come out now."

Rose and Amy glanced at each other before slowly descending the stairs and meeting the future Rose by the console. Both Rose's made extra care not to get too close to one another. The future Rose nodded. "Righ, if I remember correctly, than we've only got five minutes or so before you pop off again and there's a lot to say. No Amy, I'm not from the past, this is the future. Yes Rose — oh, that does sound a bit weird — things have gotten worse.

"The TARDIS is deterioratin' now, this isn't a minor problem. Bu' the Doctor from your time doesn't know tha'. You need to get a working Time Vector Generator. No, I can't tell you how. The TARDIS is goin' to start throwin' you to random places and times, not necessarily where the Doctor will say our name. Some places might be dangerous. The Doctor's workin' on a solution to get to you. It'll work, but unless you can get your hands on a new TVG, it doesn't matter. Tha's your goal. Workin' Time Vector Generator. Alrigh', important stuff out of the way. Any questions?"

"Where am I?" Amy asked quickly, before she could talk herself out of it. "Future me that is."

"You're at home, with Rory." Future Rose eyed Amy, judging how the redhead was taking that news.

Amy frowned and shook her head. "But why aren't I travelling with you?

"You decided to start buildin' a life."

Amy didn't believe it. "So I'm just gone?"

Rose looked aghast. "Of course not! We see you every week. Well, for you."

"I don't understand." And she really didn't. Why would Future Amy allow that when she knew the Doctor was going to die? Why would she give up?

Amy's own Rose, her present one, gently placed a hand on Amy's arm. "The Doctor and I don't age like you and Rory." She explained. "If we were to visit you, we'd get to spend more time with you, throughout our lives, not in a single moment."

Amy crossed her arms, more so to hug herself than to be defiant in any way. "Is that what you want? You and the Doctor?" Why hadn't the two of them ever mentioned it before? Wouldn't they be happier that way? The Doctor had a few centuries before Lake Silencio, maybe he wanted those years that way, so he could see more of them. If the Doctor knew he was going to die, would he ask for that instead?

Rose shook her head softly. "The Doctor and I are perfectly happy with the situation, Amy."

Amy turned to the future Rose. "But we wouldn't get to see the both of you everyday, or nearly as much, would we?"

Future Rose grimaced. She shrugged. "You chose tha' path, Amy. We didn't ask you to do anythin'. We never would."

Amy stomped her foot. "Then why would I choose that?"

"I can't tell you tha'. Besides, it's your choice. It may never happen. You might stay with us forever, ours or yours. You might wander off to an alternate universe, or die, or forget us."

"As if that'd ever happen." Amy scoffed. Both the Roses' eyes darkened, they're faces the exact same picture of loss. "What?" Amy asked, dreading the answer she'd get.

Her own Rose answered her. "Tha' has happened before. To me. To past companions. 's not unlikely."

"People… forgot him?" Amy couldn't imagine her life without the Doctor, even just the memories of him.

Future Rose gave Amy a sympathetic look. "You almost did once." Rose glanced up at the TARDIS. She turned back to Amy and her past self. "Time's up. Good luck gettin' that TVG. Though if you're anythin' like me," she winked and all three girls smiled, "you won't need luck."

Lightening flashed and the girls were back in the coral and metal TARDIS again. Rose and Amy looked at each other with a renewed sense of hope. Rose stuck out her hand and Amy took it. Together, they raced out of the console room and hid in the depths of the TARDIS, hopefully out of the way of any past Doctor and companions.

"Right." Amy started, already pacing the length of the room they were in. A giant aquarium with alien fish swam along the length of the room. "So where are we gonna get our hands on this TVG?"

Rose shook her head as she thought over the problem. "I have no clue. We can't take it from the TARDIS, 'cause she needs it. And we can't build a new one in time, nor would we really have the supplies. I just…" Rose sighed.

"You have no clue." Amy sounded sad, and not the least bit accusatory. She felt bad for the blonde. Amy had made jokes about it, but Rose wasn't the Doctor. She was smart, tough, and spirited, but she wasn't the infamous Time Lord.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You'll figure it out." Amy smiled at her and nodded her head once, confidently. Rose wasn't the Doctor, but she was the Bad Wolf, the Goddess of Time. She could do this. "Future you eventually did. I have faith you can again. Or will. Whatever."

"Well if — when — I figure this out. It better be soon. I don't know how much longer we'll last before the TARDIS gives out."

"Okay. Well let's figure this out then. Could we steal one from another point in time?" Amy suggested.

Rose narrowed her eyes. "When?"

"Fair point. Ask the Doctor?"

Rose raised her eyebrow, intrigued at the thought. "Past or future?"

"Which would be best?"

Rose let out a long breath as she deliberated over that. "The future would already know wha's happenin'. And the past would have to be informed on everythin' tha's happening. Possibly even who we are."

"Future it is!"

Rose shook her head, not so easily satisfied. "Bu' we haven't really seen a lot of the future. And a lot of the points we begin to stumble upon now could be relatively important. We can't jus' pop into any future an' expect them to help us."

"Okay, so only when you say it's safe." Amy reasoned.

"Bu' tha' could take forever. It might be faster to jus' talk with our past."

Amy frowned, thinking of the time the TARDIS had materialized within itself and there had been two of her. Dealing with their past, in Amy's opinion, could simply make things worse. "Our past directly?" She ventured uneasily.

Rose's eyes widened, thinking of the Reapers. "No! The las' thing we need it two of us and a paradox. Bu' we can't go too far back either. If 's before the Doctor has even met either of us, he'll have a hard time trustin' us."

Amy cocked her head to the side. Future Rose had made it seem like they needed to find a solution as soon as possible. "Do we have time to be this picky?"

Rose snorted. "Oh probably not."

"Brilliant!" Amy threw her hands into the air, exasperated.

The lights in the room flickered. Rose and Amy paused. They looked around the aquatic room they'd chosen as their current haven. It hadn't changed. Rose mentally checked in with the TARDIS. They'd time travelled again. Rose opened her mouth to tell Amy when footsteps echoed down the hall. Rose grabbed Amy's hand and led her to the door. They hid beside it, flat against the wall. If the people happened to enter, hopefully the opened door would hide them from view.

"I still don't understand it." A young woman's voice said. "They're years are 365 days? But not? Leap Years are ridiculous. That's they're solution?"

"I told you, dear. Humans are silly things. Are you sure still want to go there?" Amy and Rose frowned at each other. The man's voice was old and gravelly, though not unkind. Rose wanted to say it was the Doctor, though she'd never known he'd once disliked humans.

"Oh absolutely positive, grandfather! I love humans. Despite their flaws in counting the passage of time." Rose's mouth dropped. It was the first Doctor and his granddaughter. She'd only ever heard stories of her only daughters namesake. Rose closed her eyes and promised herself to memorize the woman's voice on the other side of the door.

"You'll learn, dear. They're dreadfully boring."

"Oh grandfather! Just you wait. I'll bet you even find a nice human and settle down."

"Not likely, my dear girl. I most certainly would not be holding my breath for that one." Rose tried desperately to keep the grin off her face. Oh Doctor, she thought lovingly, just you wait.

The footsteps continued and the two voices slowly receded.

Amy turned to Rose. "Who was that?"

Rose took a deep breath, feeling incredibly happy for getting to hear that and incredibly scared that the TARDIS was already deteriorating. "That, Amy, was the Doctor and his first ever companion…his granddaughter, Susan."

Amy's eyes bugged out. "The Doctor has kids? Grandkids?"

Rose nodded, still feeling oddly elated. "Yeah, but he doesn't like to talk about it. So don't jump down his throat about it."

The lights flickered again.

Amy glanced up at the ceiling nervously. "That was quick."

Rose grimaced. It wasn't a good sign."Yeah…. I've got an idea Amy. Let's head back to the console room." Rose slipped out of the aquatic themed room and Amy quickly followed her down the futuristic looking hallways. Amy could already tell that it was not the old TARDIS, or the one she was used to. Everything was silver and cold. She briefly thought of the darkened TARDIS and the Doctor from Victorian England.

"What are you thinkin'?" Amy whispered.

"I'm hoping the TARDIS has a backup Time Vortex Generator."

The two girls entered the console room a minute later to find themselves in the one Amy had assumed it to be. The future console room. Rose narrowed her eyes at the upper level. No, Rose thought, it was even further in the future than that.

"You seriously tellin' me you're goin'ta lie?" Amy and Rose froze for only a moment at the sound of a future Rose's voice. Rose grabbed Amy's hand and the two raced up to the second floor of the console room.

"Yes, Rose. I'm going to lie. She has this. She deserves what makes her happy." A male distinctly Scottish voice responded angrily.

Amy and Rose ducked behind a pillar just as the future Doctor and future Rose stormed into their console room. Amy and Rose peeked out rom around the silver metal, curious despite themselves.

"Travelling makes her happy." Future Rose implored. She didn't look much different. Though neither of the two women watching had really expected her to. Her hair was longer and more curly than the wavy look the current Rose was styling her hair to be. The colour had gotten a tad darker but beyond that, she looked the exact same. Her clothing was still jeans and her leather jacket. Rose smiled at the sight of her future self, very pleased that she handed changed too much, despite the centuries she could feel had past.

"We've created a schism in her life. She won't admit it but it's true." Rose and Amy's eyes turned to the future Doctor, they're eyes widened at the same time. He was older than either of the girls had ever seen. He was tall and a bit lanky, reminiscent of the pinstriped Doctor. He had curly white and grey hair coupled with startlingly bright blue eyes. Rose's heart swelled at the sight of his eyes. He was a wonderful little combination of her first and second Doctors.

Future Rose crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. "Amy's gonna have your head."

The Doctor circled the console, pressing buttons to get her to fly through the Vortex. "Amy will help Clara to understand." The Doctor defended himself. He was wearing all black, though the lining of his jacket looked a bright red in colour.

Rose leaned towards her Doctor across the console. "Amy's gonna help Clara put your head on a plate."

Amy turned to her own Rose. She nodded to the future happening before them. This is what Rose needed, Amy thought, future them to help get a TVG. Rose shook her head, eyes dark. Amy frowned but turned back to the couple, arguing.

"Rose. Please." The Doctor hung his head, but his shoulders were tense. "She'll leave if she thinks we've found it."

"'s a lie!" Rose exploded. The Doctor didn't flinch. He raised his gaze imperceptibly to meet hers. "Are you goin' to lie to all of them? Things aren't the same as they used to be, Doctor. You can't just drop us off. As terrifyin' as it is for you to think it - you've got ties to a planet again. You've got a family. You can't just desert everyone." Rose let out a breath, her cheeks flushed.

"I won't be." The Doctor defended. He paused before he moved towards Rose. "And you're not one of them Rose. You've never been."

Rose glared at her Time Lord. "Yes I have. I've got the memories to prove it."


Rose shook her head. She swallowed, fighting the tears. "Please. We've got somethin' wonderful here. We've got people who love and care about us. They've stayed by our side through the thick of it time and time again. We can't desert them now."

The Doctor stared at his Rose for one long minute. He walked towards her slowly and gently picked her hands. He ran a finger over the smooth, young skin. The irony had not been lost on him when he'd regenerated. For years, his fear with Rose was that she'd grow old and he wouldn't. It seemed the opposite had happened when they hadn't been looking. The Doctor raised her hands to his hearts. He looked at the blonde before him. His constant companion.

"Are you sure this is right?" It was against everything he thought they should do, telling Clara they hadn't found Gallifrey. But he couldn't deny it, Rose had a very long track record of being right.

Rose blinked back the tears. "Positive." The Doctor raised a hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles dearly. He nodded once and Rose threw her arms around his neck. He held her tightly. The Doctor wasn't sure what had shifted in him, but this body didn't do hugging or touching. Not unless it was his Rose. It was as if his Ninth self had come back full force in this regeneration. His mind contained only Rose, all Rose, all the time. He wasn't his flirty past selves anymore. He was Rose's.

The Doctor gently disentangled them from one another. He tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and quietly guided them out of the TARDIS.

Amy turned to Rose. "The Doctor becomes Scottish?!"

Rose hopped up and headed down to the console. "You can't tell him." She ordered.

"What? Why not?" Amy whined, following the blonde.

"Because foreknowledge is dangerous. You know tha' Amy. You can't repeat anythin' you've seen of our future." Amy pouted.

They'd just reached the console when it sparked with purple lightening and the TARDIS was once again different. They looked around. It was the same console room, but minus the bookcases and chalkboard that had been seemingly added by the next regeneration. Rose turned to the console and began searching it.

"'s not here. Damn… maybe." Amy opened her mouth to ask what Rose was looking for, but Rose spoke first. "One sec'." Rose raced out of the console room and deeper into the TARDIS.

Amy huffed and leaned against the console. She stared up at the revolving metal pieced above the time rotor, lined with Gallifreyan. She stared there for a full minute before she heard laughter. It was from outside the TARDIS.

Amy bit her lip and glanced over her shoulder towards where Rose had gone before heading determinedly towards the TARDIS doors. She slowly opened the door a crack and checked to see if there was anyone in the room. The lights were off, but light seeped in from further in what appeared to be a house. Laughter bubbled up again.

Amy stepped out of the TARDIS silently and tip toed to the archway that led into the brightly lit room. A group of people were sitting at a rather large dinning table. Rose and Amy's current Doctor sat beside each other passing potatoes around. Rose laughed as the Doctor almost spilled the bowl on himself. Jack's laugh caught Amy's attention and she took in the Captain sitting across from the two aliens. He was sitting with a young redhead who Amy had never seen before. Rory was at the head of the table, his back was to her, but Amy would recognize her husband anywhere. A petite blonde entered the room holding a big bowl of salad. She smiled brightly at the group and laughed at something Jack said that had the Doctor scowling. Amy smiled.

Then future Amy entered the room. She couldn't have been too much older than Amy was currently. She placed a platter on the table and instructed the young blonde to grab something else from the kitchen. Future Amy's eyes caught sight of her past and both Amy's froze. Future Amy licked her lips and quickly excused herself. She headed towards the living room, where the TARDIS and her past self were hiding. Future Amy entered the darkened room and ducked out of view from the dinning room, she stared into her past self's eyes intensely.

"Make it happen." She said suddenly.

Amy frowned at her future self. "What?"

"This. What I have here. Do whatever you can to make sure this happens. Because I'm happy. Rory's happy. The Doctor is." Future Amy glanced over her shoulder, nervous someone would see or hear them.

"But… you want me to leave the Doctor?"

Future Amy smiled understandingly. "That's what I thought, when I was you. But that's not it. I see the Doctor all the time. At least once a week. And it seems like only a little now, but it's almost alway something wild and crazy. It's — we have a life. A proper life and I know you don't think you want that, but you do." Amy didn't look convinced, her future self sighed in annoyance. "Listen, I know it sounds like a consolation prize to you, but it's not. It's really, really not."

Both Amy's glanced towards the dinning room at the sound of uproarious laughter.

Future Amy turned back to her past self. "Look, Rose and the Doctor come round for dinner every Sunday. Everyone does. Jack and River too."

Amy frowned at her future. River was dead, the future Doctor had said so.

Future Amy shook her head. "She didn't die. The Doctor thought she did and he ran off. But River survived, she regenerated and Jack picked her up and brought her home. Where you just left the Doctor, in Victorian England, Rose goes to get him almost directly after that. To tell him the good news, of course. I had to pretend to be sad, make everyone think I was mourning. And we've picked up a few others along the way. Well, sort of found them again actually."

Amy's lip trembled. "She's alive?"

Future Amy grinned. "Yeah. See her all the time. Her and Jack practically live here. Please, just try it. I don't want to loose this. I'll — I'll find a loop hole and go back into the past and make it happen if you don't." Future Amy raised the spatula she was holding and pointed it menacingly at her past self. "I'll do it."

"Amy!" Rory's voice cut in from the dinning room. "The others have arrived! Where'd you disappear off to?"

Future Amy glanced over her shoulder once again. "I've got to go. And so do you, you've seen and know far too much as it is."

Amy nodded at her future self. She watched her head back into the dining room, smiling and happy. Amy watched them a moment longer before turning and heading back into the TARDIS.

Rose was sitting under the console when she entered. "What's going on out there?" She asked curiously.

"Dinner party. Did you find a Time Vector Generator?"

Rose snorted. "I tried to see if the TARDIS had a duplicate in the console, then I checked an archived console room. No such luck." Rose's mouth quirked up at one end. "Ready to go home?"

"More than you know."

Rose stood and brushed off her pants. "Right well, I've decided on tellin' a Doctor 'bout what's goin' on. Maybe he can help."

"A past version? Or future?"

Rose shrugged. "Whichever we get next. We need to get our hands on a new TVG as soon as possible. I don't think the TARDIS will be able to hold out much longer."

Amy nodded and crossed her arms, mood still sullen from her discovery that she might leave — and be happy about it. "Alright. We'll wait here and see what we get."

Rose frowned at the young woman before her. She stepped towards Amy slowly. "Amy? Everythin' alrigh'?"

The young companion looked up at Rose, eyes wide and a bit shocked to be brought out of her wallowing. "What? Yeah, no, yeah of course I'm fine. Why?"

Rose studied Amy's face for a moment as she tried to discern the problem. "We talked about this," Rose said softly, "you know we would never ask you to leave. We want you to be happy."

Amy sighed and leaned against the unfamiliar silver console. Rose settled beside her, close enough that their shoulder's brushed. "I know. I know that, I do." Amy shook her head as she tried to find the words. "Its just — when you left us, after the whole Demon's Run thing, we went home. And it was the first time we'd been there since we got married. And it was wrong. It wasn't us. We never spend time there, it was like…"

"Like living in someone else's house?"

Amy turned to Rose and found a look of understanding she wasn't expecting. "Yeah." Amy agreed weakly.

Rose grinned halfheartedly. "The Doctor's mentioned alternate universes before."

Amy frowned but nodded. "Yeah?"

"I got trapped in one." All the little comments and jokes Rose, the Doctor and even Jack had made suddenly fell into place. Amy shook her head, clearing her mind of the past recollections and focused on Rose. "A couple months into it all, I got a message from him. This sor' of voice in my head. An' we followed it all the way out to Norway… I was all packed, had everythin' I needed with me." Rose smiled, but there were tears in her eyes as she looked at Amy. "The Doctor was comin' to take me home. Save the day." Rose shook her head. "He was sayin' goodbye."

Amy's mouth opened though no words escaped her — her thoughts entirely consumed with the image of an astronaut on a beach and the similarities of the story. Rose continued before Amy could gather her wits together enough to offer any false comfort she could muster. "When I went home, I was devastated… and furious. I put all my effort into trying to find a way home, I dedicated my life to it. My flat became a base for me to pop in a change and shower and sleep. It was really nothin' to me, contained nothin' of me.

"When I ended up back there, after everythin', with my human Doctor, it was surreal. The second we entered the place it felt like we were invaders. I'd never realized before but I never actually lived there." Rose looked to Amy. "We moved. As soon as possible we packed up what we wanted — very little as it turns out — and we found a new place.

"This place…" Rose smiled and shook her head. "The Doctor and I were not domestic, not at first. We ran about, stopped aliens, helped other aliens, yelled at bullies. And the house sort of became a part of that. A base, again, but for all of us. The team we were working with, and our family and it sort of all just ran in together and we built this beautiful home." Amy's eyes widened and thought of that image of all her friends and family around that dinning table in a whole new light. Rose couldn't know what Amy had seen, well she could but she didn't. So maybe this was another reason, Amy considered. Another point to add to the long list of why's and should's of leaving the Doctor. But one big glaring point kept throwing itself in Amy's face: the Doctor was going to die. Amy couldn't see a valid reason for leaving him, when there was still time to spend with him.

Lightening flashed on the console behind them and the girls quickly jumped out of the way. They looked around and found a console room neither had seen before. It was grand, with the centre on a raised dais. Huge metal beams curved out from the top of the time rotor and stood around the dais like support beams on a bridge. Beyond that, the floor was wooded, the room designed in an almost antique style.

Amy smirked at the carpeted area with a red chair and footrest beside two corner tables and a lamp. She sat in the chair and picked up the novel, The Metaphysics of Rafreel's Coded Class. Amy raised an eyebrow. Must be something futuristic, she decided.

Amy glanced up at Rose who had followed her to the seat. "Well this is different."

Rose studied the brand new novel in Amy's hand. "We're in the past."

"How can you tell?"

Rose gestured at the novel before heading back to the console. "The Doctor was readin' tha' the other day, but it was old and weathered. 's brand new righ' now."

Amy nodded and flipped through the book idly.

Rose crossed her arms and leaned against the console as she waited for the Doctor. She briefly hoped that the past Doctor wouldn't mind a couple of companions hanging round his TARDIS — before he even meets them.

The door opened and a young man in Victorian era clothing stepped in. He had shoulder length brown, wavy hair and bright blue eyes. His jaw was rather similar to their current Doctor's, his height relatively the same. This Doctor was not wearing a bowtie though, he was clearly partial to his dark green breaches, ascot, vest, and jacket. Amy couldn't help but think he looked strikingly similar to the her future Doctor they'd seen, in his purple victorian era clothing. Seeing Rose's slight smirk and bright eyes, Amy thought it pretty obvious why her Doctor would change his attire.

The past Doctor froze, halfway in the TARDIS. He turned slowly and looked over his shoulder out of the TARDIS. Then very deliberately, he entered the console room and closed the door behind him.

Rose licked her lips nervously. "Hello Doctor."

"Hello," the Doctor replied hesitantly.

"'m Rose." She gestured to herself then motioned towards Amy, still in his reading chair. "This is Amy."

The Doctor's eyes moved to Amy and quickly analyzed the young woman. Amy fumbled with the book she was holding and stood up rather clumsily. The Doctor turned back to Rose, a smirk sitting on his face that was so subtle even Rose almost missed it. "And to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Rose's eyes widened. "You recognize us?"

The Doctor walked towards the console now, closer to Rose. The closer he got, the more Rose realized how amused he was. "You. Yes. I should think so."

Rose squashed the warm heat that revelation sent through her. "Well tha' makes this easier, then."

Picking up on the serious tone, the Doctor frowned and began to study Rose as if he could discern the problem if he simply looked hard enough. "What's wrong?"

Amy walked towards the two and stepped up onto the dais with them. "We're stuck."

At the Doctor's confused look, Rose quickly jumped in to explain. "The Time Vortex Generator malfunctioned. But now 's breaking. And we're being thrown all over time inside the TARDIS. But you, back in our present, doesn't now tha' - tha' the TVG is breakin', tha' is."

The Doctor thought the situation over slowly and nodded once. "You want me to hide this memory and lace a trigger on it? So I can fix it in the future?"

Rose shook her head. "You can't. 's beyond repair now. You're goin' to come get us, and bring us back to our present. Bu' before tha' can happen, Amy and I need a replacement TVG, or the TARDIS is goin' to die."

"How did you come by this information?"

Rose shrugged simply. "I told myself."

The Doctor turned to Amy for clarification. "We visited the future," Amy explained.

The Doctor's eyes widened. "Oh. Well we best solve this then, before you meet any more of my past selves."

Amy laughed. "I don't mind. It's brilliant."

Rose crossed her arms and smirked in agreement. "Especially if you all look like this." She winked at the victorian era Doctor.

The Doctor looked mildly amused by his future companions comments, though he shook his head. "Unfortunately this is the youngest I've been in centuries."

Amy snorted at that. "Oh just wait. You look—"

Rose glared sharply at Amy. "Amy."

"— like a child." The redhead finished with a laugh.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow at the woman. "Yes. Although I don't really think it matters," his gaze slowly moved to Rose, "as long as someone is pleased by it." Rose blushed and hugged herself, suddenly feeling like her nineteen year old self again. The Doctor was flirting with her.

Rose and the Doctor stared at each other for a full minute before Amy rolled her eyes. "Need I remind you, the TARDIS is dying." The two looked away, properly chastised.

The Doctor glanced around the TARDIS. His eyes zeroed in on Rose's Vortex Manipulator and lit up. "What type of Time Vector Generator does your Vortex Manipulator hold? I know it's more advanced than what the generic Time Agents have, but…" Rose's eyes widened and she quickly pulled the device off her wrist. She flipped it over and the Doctor soniced it with his sonic screwdriver. The base opened and a TVG slowly rose from within the slim device. The Doctor grinned. "Bigger on the inside. Don't let the other Time Lords know I taught you that." Amy shot Rose a panicked look.

Rose stayed deceptively calm. "Promise."

The Doctor gestured to the white tube. "If you take it out of your Vortex Manipulator, it will be destroyed — the Vortex Manipulator not the TVG. You'll have to build a new one."

Rose nodded. "No, tha's fine. Whatever saves the TARDIS."

"Yes, whatever it takes." The Doctor rubbed his chin. "Is it safe to assume the TARDIS is somehow beyond communications with Gallifrey? Usually they would send someone over with a new TVG for the ship." The Doctor's pensive face morphed into devious delight. "Or am I on their bad sides once again?" The Doctor looked to the redhead for his answer.

Amy nodded quickly, refusing to meet the Doctor's eyes.

The Doctor turned to Rose. "Rose?"

"How do you know me?"

"Let's just say, I've got quite a bit of time and an intriguing adventure that needs to be suppressed after you leave." Rose grinned, already looking forward to it.

Amy crossed her arms and scuffed the toe of her shoe against the floor. "But I wasn't there."

The Doctor swallowed and glanced away. Rose rubbed Amy's back. "Amy that could be centuries into the future. You don't know."

Amy nodded and shrugged. "No. Yeah, I know. I get it." She looked at the blonde beside her. "How much longer do you think it'll be?"

"I don't know." Rose turned to the victorian Doctor. "Thank you, for everthin'. I never would have thought of tha'."

The Doctor shrugged. "I'm sure you would have eventually. You're rather brilliant, Rose Tyler." Rose grinned and blushed. The Doctor turned and took Amy's hand. "I'm not sure who exactly you are, Amelia. I do know, though, that if you are this broken about not being in my future you are someone I'm probably equally broken about losing. My companions grow older on me eventually and they want to leave. I very rarely see them again. I'm glad that you seem so close to me that you are deciding to spend this time, however little it is, with me."

Amy's lip quivered. She threw her arms around the victorian Doctor and held him close. The Doctor took it in stride and held Amy for as long as she seemed to need.

Rory huffed as he carried the massive black conductor back into the TARDIS. He dropped it rather ungracefully onto the TARDIS floor then shut the doors behind him. "Right," Rory said between gasps to try and get his breath back, "and how is this going to help?" He gestured to the conductor that they had used to give the Krestellian ship energy to take off.

The Doctor, who was dancing around the console pressing buttons and pulling levers, raised his hands and shrugged with a careless smile on his face. "No clue!"

Jack, leaning against the metal rail, glanced over his shoulder to the frustrated companion. "But we can't leave it out there anyways."

Rory nodded and brushed his hands together, wiping off imaginary dirt. "And that's done, so let's find Amy and Rose." He hopped up the steps to the glass floor and the console.

Jack shook his head and scratched his neck. "It's not a simple matter, Rory. We're not travelling somewhere and sometime. It's inside the TARDIS."

The Doctor came around the console, face serious once again. "Maybe we could locate Amy and Rose within the TARDIS and bring them back to their proper time, but that would only work if we had access to the mainframe."

"Or else we might pick up the wrong Rose and Amy." Jack added with a nod.

Rory frowned as he thought that over. "But can we find them?"

The Doctor gave Rory a derisive look. "That's what we're trying to figure out."

"No. Well yes, I know that. What I meant was, could we find a way to pinpoint where they are currently at all?"

Jack shook his head again. "Not without the mainframe. Amy's been on the TARDIS for over 2 years now. And there's the future as well. Not to mention how many times Rose has been here. We could get anyone of their future or past selves."

Rory nodded and shook his hand as if the act could shake out the revelation he could feel just out of reach. "But Rose wasn't always the way she is." Rory thought out loud. "And not always with Amy. That narrows things down… doesn't it?"

Jack shrugged apologetically. "We would still need the TARDIS mainframe."

"Rose is telepathic." Rory and Jack turned to the Doctor at his random comment. Rory stayed quite, recognizing the look on the Doctor's face as one he usually got when he'd figured things out. It was a look he'd grown to love.

"So?" Jack questioned, also noticing the look and pushing the Doctor to solve the dilemma.

The Doctor waved his hands a bit as he talked, looking like he was a sloppy conductor at an orchestra. "So are Time Lords. But it's rare. I've never had a human companion that was at the same level of telepathy, possibly more advanced even than myself.

Rory forced himself not to get too excited. "Could you use that to find them?"

The Doctor spun around and began pacing. "Well it would definitely make things easier. And messy. I've had other Time Lords on board, but they'll bat a telepathic message away if its not for them."

Jack frowned, seeing a flaw in the idea, wherever it was going. "But Time Lords are only touch telepathic."

The Doctor snapped and pointed at the Captain. "Yes but Rose isn't." He turned to the TARDIS console and began pressing buttons. "I can use the TARDIS to enhance the telepathic field and home in on just Rose's signal."

Rory nodded. "But how will we know it's the right Rose? The TARDIS is all jumbled right now."

The Doctor raised his hands into the air and spun back around to them, a wide smile graced his face in what both companions recognized as his sign of victory. "It won't! But Rose will. If it's not for that specific Rose she'll telepathically push us in the right direction."

Rory shook his head, still confused. "But what happens if you reach a past Rose? One from yesterday or last week? One who doesn't know what's going on?"

"Rose has the ability to orient someone in their proper timeline." The Doctor explained, thinking back to the tests they'd taken that morning and remembering seeing Rose do it for his Ganger self. "She's connected to the TARDIS instinctually, that alone could probably be enough. But she's also a being connected to Time on a much more fundamental level than a Time Lord, she can tell who and when we're looking for based on my own mind and that of the enhanced TARDIS telepathic field."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "That will work?" He couldn't help the bit of hope that leaked into his voice.

The Doctor nodded, smiling. "I think so. Won't know for certain until we try!"

The TARDIS had changed three more times since they'd talked with the Doctor's past self and found a working TVG. They were in the coral console room again, sitting on the jump seat together. Amy leaned back and rested her heels on the edge of the console.

Amy's mind drifted to Lake Silencio, as if often did when she didn't distract herself. She turned to Rose. "You wouldn't leave me, right? You and the Doctor, fake your deaths and just go off together?"

Rose's eyes widened and she chocked. Amy watched her passively, waiting for her response. Was that what they'd done? Rose wondered, did she and the Doctor fake their deaths? "Wha'? No 'course not Amy. Wha - wha' would make you think tha'?" Was that what Lake Silencio was?

Amy sighed and looked at the green time rotor. "I'm gone. I just can't see why I would leave, and how the Doctor has so much ahead of him and if I'm not there than that means you got rid of me. And I just—"

"Amy," Rose gently cut in, "we would never get rid of you. You have to believe me. But the Doctor's life is complicated. I don't know wha' you're worried about Amy, but if it helps, the Doctor won't leave you… in any way."

Amy shook her head. "You can't know that."

"Yes. I can. Do you know wha' the words 'Bad Wolf' mean?"

Amy shrugged. "Sort of, I've seen it. While we've travelled, and you and the Doctor mention it sometimes. Earlier, you said it like it meant the same thing as being the Goddess of Time."

Rose nodded her head from side to side. "In a way it does. I'm the Goddess of Time, and I'm the Bad Wolf. We're one in the same. The only difference between the titles is tha' the Bad Wolf is also a message."

Amy turned to Rose. "A message?"

"To the Doctor. He used to think it meant the end of the universe. He was wrong. It means: the Doctor lives. Tha' his life won't end here, won't end now. 's a message tha' 'm gonna save him."

Amy frowned and shook her head. "But it's just words. You're not actually there."

"If the words are there, than he'll be fine. Because in some way I'm there too, or I was, or I will be. Time's tricky Amy. But it means he's safe."

Amy paused to consider this then nodded, understanding. Rose gave her that moment, allowed Amy to absorb the information. Hesitantly, she continued, "Did you see it?" Rose whispered.

Amy's head shot up and she looked at Rose with wide eyes. "What? When?" Had she said too much?

Rose swallowed past the lump in her throat. "That day. The day tha's terrifying you and makin' you clutch to the Doctor like he's already dead. Did you see the words?"

Amy searched Rose's gold and green eyes glittering with unshed tears. Bad Wolf, she thought, had she seen those words? Amy's mind wandered back to that fateful day.

Amy ate a grape and smiled as the Doctor went on about some story involving an alien that was a dragon but not. They were lying on a picnic blanket, The Doctor, Rory, River and herself. A beautiful crystal lake glittered in front of them and the bright orange mountainous rocks surrounded their little sandy hideaway. The Doctor paused, frowned and then continued his story. Amy narrowed her eyes at him. Was he editing himself? Why would he edit himself?

"Anyways!" The Doctor exclaimed, interrupting his own story. He held up a bottle of wine and they passed it around. "Salud!"

"Salud!" Amy, Rory and River chorused together. Amy raised an eyebrow but didn't take a sip of her drink. "And since when do you drink wine?"

The Doctor frowned at the bottle. "I'm eleven hundred and three. I must've drunk it sometime." He took a swig from the bottle and promptly spit it back out into the sand beside their blanket. "Oh, why it's horrid. I thought it'd taste more like the gums." The Doctor raised the bottle and read the label. The smallest smirk touched his cheek.

Amy narrowed her eyes and snatched the bottle away. She read the TARDIS translated label. From the Gardens of Bad Wolf. Amy frowned and looked up at the Doctor. "Hang on, eleven hundred and three? You were nine hundred and eight the last time we saw you."


Amy's head snapped up and her eyes locked with Rose's. "Rose I—"

Rose frowned and shook her head, cutting off Amy's revelation. Her eyes glowed gold and a loud POP sounded through the TARDIS. Amy and Rose flinched as the bright purple lightening flashed once more. They opened their eyes slowly, surprised to find themselves in the same place, and even more surprised to see the Doctor, Jack and Rory before them.

"Amy!" Rory shouted in relief. Amy hopped off the jump seat and ran into her husbands arms.

Rose slid off the jump seat and gave the Doctor and Jack a hug. "Are you okay?" The Doctor asked, his eyes quickly searching her for any sign of damage.

Rose nodded. "'m fine, bu' we need to get back to the proper TARDIS, fast. The TVG isn't malfunctionin', 's broken."

The Doctor and Jack's eyes widened.

"What?" Rory asked, noticing the other two men's looks. "What is it?"

The Doctor looked nervously at the TARDIS. "We need to get back, now." He flipped out his sonic and aimed it at the console, a line between his brows. "I hope this works…"


"What do you—"


The bright lights and warm orange glow of their proper TARDIS greeted them. Amy looked around, expecting another version of another Doctor to pop up any second. "We're back?" She questioned. "Properly back?"

"Yes, Pond. Little faith." The Doctor danced around his console with Rose and Jack as they quickly repaired the TARDIS.

"Well you sure did take your time." Amy huffed and crossed her arms.

The Doctor gasped and glared. He leaned across the console where Rose and Jack were trying to delicately remove the broken Time Vortex Generator. Jack glared up at the clumsy Time Lord. "I'll have you know it took a lot of clever thought on my part to get you back, be a bit grateful Pond. Besides you weren't gone for that long." The Doctor gestured in a dismissive manner and turned back to the repairs at hand.

Amy stormed up the steps to the circular platform the others were on. "Not that long? Doctor we were lost for hours!" The Doctor looked surprised at that revelation.

Rory ran up beside her and rubbed her arm. "But you're okay right?" He looked to the Doctor, still trying to process the new information. "She's alright, right?"

Amy rubbed her husbands hand still on her arm. "I'm fine Rory."

Jack and Rose stood up, having successfully repaired the TARDIS. Jack wiped his hands on an old cloth that would look more at home in a mechanics shop. "But you were gone for awhile, maybe not in our time but in your own. And flipping through Rose and the Doctor's moments, find out anything interesting?"

Amy smirked and crossed her arms. The Doctor tensed and grimaced, he could only imagine the things Amy had discovered. "Well…" Amy drawled, "I learned the ridiculousness of the Doctor's appearance is really only a recent development." The Doctor rolled his eyes. "He definitely is completely dependent on Rose and," Amy turned to Rose and bit her lip. She leaned towards Rory conspiratorially and stage whispered, "Rose isn't a natural blonde."

Rose gasped as Jack burst into laughter. Rory's eyes bugged out. "What? Seriously?"

Rose's eyes shot daggers at the young ginger. "Amelia Jessica Pond!" Rose stormed around the console towards the companion. Amy grabbed Rory's hand and the two dashed up the stairs and further into the TARDIS, laughing all the way. "This is not over young lady!" Rose huffed and turned back to the chuckling Jack and silently amused Doctor. "Don't even get me started on you two!"

Jack raised his hands and backed away slowly. "As much as I'd love to see how this new 'angry mother' routine is going to pan out, I'm smart enough to know when to leave." He clapped the Doctor on the back. "Good luck, buddy." Jack quickly disappeared.

Rose gave the Doctor a put out expression. "'Angry mother' routine?"

The Doctor shrugged. "I don't know what he's talking about, dear." Rose nodded and hugged the Time Lord. The Doctor released a sigh and silently thanked the universe that he'd finally said the right thing for once.

Amy entered the TARDIS console room, the proper one. She smiled up at the time rotor and rubbed a hand against the console. It'd been a few hours since Rose and she had been brought back to their proper time and Amy still found herself waiting for the TARDIS to flash and change. She'd talked to Rory about almost everything she'd discovered as they'd hid away in their room. Amy wasn't surprised he'd been fine with possibly settling down. He'd always been the more practical of the two. That left just one other person she had to talk to.

Around the corner of the console Amy found the Doctor sitting at the top of the stairs that led to the lower level of the console room. He had a massive book in his lap that he was avidly reading. Amy plopped down beside him.

The Doctor looked up at her, a pleasantly surprised smile on his face. He had figured that she'd want some more quality time with her husband before they set off on another adventure.

"Hello, Pond."

Amy smiled and gently nudged her shoulder against his. "What you getting up to?"

"Oh just a bit of light reading."

Amy narrowed her eyes at the book in his lap. "Is that a phonebook?"

The Doctor looked down at the book. "Why yes." He said, as if just realizing. "Yes it is."

Amy laughed. "Okay." She said, drawing out the word. She looked ahead of her at the bright orange walls of the console room. Her brows drew together imperceptibly.

The Doctor frowned at her, concerned. "What's wrong?"

Amy sighed and turned her gaze back to the Doctor. A small bit of panic alighted inside the Doctor's chest at the look on her face, he'd seen that look before. "I've been selfish. And I'm sorry for that. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Travelling and having adventures. I was never gonna leave you." The Doctor's face crumpled a bit at that comment. He looked away from Amy, caught between depressed at the reminder of Donna and disbelieving at what he knew to be happening.

Amy didn't miss the look. "I'm not the first to say that, am I?" She asked gently.

"You want to leave." It wasn't a question. He silently berated himself for not seeing this coming sooner.

"No." Amy replied gently. The Doctor looked up at her hopefully, and that look alone almost broke Amy. She took her best friend's hands in her own and rested them overtop the open phonebook in his lap. "Doctor that's not what I want. I still want to spend my life with you, my best friend. But I never even thought, do you want to spend it with me?"

The Doctor smiled and laughed. "Of course, Pond! How could you even—"

"No," Amy gently cut in, "Doctor. I mean, would you, if you could, want me to be there for you for the rest of your life as well?"

The Doctor shook his head, sullen again. "That's not possible." He was still having a hard time believing that it was going to be possible with Rose. That was a once in a millennia opportunity, it wouldn't happen again. The Doctor wouldn't let it either, given an option, he'd make sure she chose Rory. She'd regret it otherwise.

"If I went home with Rory," Amy explained, still in that gentle, soothing tone, "you could come visit us. Once a week for me. However many years, decades even, for you. I draw the line at centuries. It's far too long, even if you're with Rose and Jack."

The Doctor looked at Amy, aghast. "You want one day? Spanned over years? I get one day."

"No. You get my life time, spanned over yours. I'll still travel when you ask, or when I do. Short trips here and there. And I'll see you every week. And you, you don't have to worry about how much time we've got left."

The Doctor searched his companion's eyes. "Is that what you want?"

"Is it what you want?" She was doing this for him after all. For the both of them really, but mainly for the Doctor. For that look of pure bliss that had been on his face in the future, the one with the dinner and all their friends and family.

"I want you to do what makes you happy." And it always makes them happiest to leave, the Doctor thought despondently. They always leave. The Doctor looked up at Amy, she wasn't asking to leave though, not really. Amy wanted to continue to see him, on a weekly basis. She didn't want him to leave her life. She was giving him an option that allowed it so that she didn't have to leave his either.

"I want to try this. If it doesn't work than it doesn't work. But I'd like it to. I'd like to make a space for all of us that's a home. One beyond the TARDIS."

The Doctor frowned, confused and no longer sullen. "What's wrong with the TARDIS?"

Amy laughed and shook her head. "Nothing." The Doctor grinned at her. A light feeling enveloped Amy's heart, this conversation couldn't have gone better and for that she was grateful.

The Doctor's grin slowly slide off his face. He gave Amy a long, calculating look. "You saw something. This is what this is about. When you and Rose saw the future you saw something and it scared you."

Amy nodded. "Yeah. But not for the reasons you think. It scared me because I never thought I could be happy if I wasn't on the TARDIS. But apparently I can." The Doctor turned and dropped his gaze to stare in melancholy at his boots.

Amy nudged him lightly with her shoulder. "You were happy too."

The Doctor sighed and looked back up, resigned to the fate his companion had set before them. "And that's it? You just want to be dropped off?"

Amy nodded and shrugged. "Yeah, give us a little longer the first time around. We'll need to find a place and establish ourselves in our jobs a bit. Settle in and buy curtains and carpets." The Doctor grimaced at that and Amy laughed. She smiled at him. "You know, I never thought I'd be able to do this... Especially recently." The Doctor met his best friend's eyes and they both sobered as their minds drifted to Lake Silencio. "But now," Amy continued, her smile returning, "I know without a doubt, that you're gonna be okay."

The Doctor gave her an amused look. "Oh yeah?"

Amy's smile widened. "Yeah. A little wolf told me so." With those parting words, she patted the Doctor's hands and left him to his reading. The Doctor stared down at the phonebook before him. A soft feeling lighted his dark and scarred hearts. There was hope yet.

The Doctor turned when he heard light footfalls from the glass staircase across the console room. "Wolf," he greeted Rose playfully.

Rose smirked as she trailed her fingers gently along the console. "Thief." The time rotor moved and a groaning echoed through the TARDIS. Both time travellers looked up at the TARDIS with warm smiles. The Doctor met Rose at the console and pulled her into a hug, a content smile never leaving his face. Rose sighed into the warm embrace. "What are you thinking?"

The Doctor locked his fingers together and rested his mouth against Rose's shoulder as he held her, thinking things over. Rose rested her own mouth against the Doctor's tweed clad shoulder as she waited for him to gather his thoughts. Eventually he pulled away, though his fingers stayed locked behind Rose's back. "She's doing this for me." The Doctor gave Rose a desperate and confused look. "Why do you all keep doing things for me?"

Rose smiled sympathetically and raised her hands to stroke his cheeks. "Because you do so much for us." The Doctor looked doubtful. "'s true."

The Doctor sighed. "Well then I guess it's obvious what I've got to do next."

The TARDIS materialized on a bright suburban street. One side of the street held a long line of modern terraced homes. Opposite the homes was a green, clean park filled with children and families. Outside a light blue house with white trim and a distinctly TARDIS blue painted door was a beautiful E-type Jaguar.

Amy and Rory stepped out of the TARDIS excitedly, followed by a slower Rose, Jack and Doctor. Amy paused when she saw the scene before her. She'd expected the Doctor to at least take them on one more adventure before dropping them off on earth, and what was this? This wasn't there home.

"Don't tell me. This isn't Earth, that isn't a real house. And inside lives a goblin, who feeds on indecision." Amy spun around and faced her three relatively immortal friends.

The Doctor grinned. "No. Real Earth, real house, real door keys." He tossed a set of keys towards Amy who caught them easily, her mouth dropped in shock. She hadn't been expecting that.

Rory's eyes widened. "The car too?" He moved towards it and stoked the side. He spun back around to the group. "But, that's my favourite car. How did you know that was my favourite car?"

Jack grinned and crossed his arms. "You forget all the times we talked shop? Favourites cars came up a number of times, my friend." Rory nodded, remembering their odd bonding moments.

Amy shook her head, finally coming back to her senses. "What? Why? You didn't have to do this."

Rory's eyes widened. He moved towards the Doctor. "Don't listen to her. She'll say that we can't accept it because it's too extravagant and we'll always feel a crippling sense of obligation. It's a risk I'm willing to take." Jack laughed and clapped him on the back. The two moved towards the cherry red Jaguar to get a better look.

Amy smiled at her husband before turning back to the Doctor. "Seriously, we could have figured this out on our own. It wasn't necessary."

The Doctor frowned, the way he usually did when he thought she was missing something obvious. "Of course it was. I'm far too impatient to wait a bit for you to find a house, get a mortgage, and all that domestic stuff. I'm not wasting any of my Sunday's with you. Every single one of them, they're mine now." Amy smiled at him gratefully, thinking back to a conversation where he'd once said he never landed anywhere on Sundays. "Now off you pop. I left the place to be furnished by your selves. Also left a gift for you at the bank. It's my late wedding present."

Rory glanced between the two, confused as he and Jack rejoined the group. "The bank?"

Jack winked. "The lottery is a synch when you've got time travel."

Rory's eyes bugged out and he gasped for breath. He leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees as he tried to suck in air. Amy raced over and rubbed her hand across his back soothingly.

Rose smiled at Rory's reaction. "We'll see you Sunday for dinner. We'll come early," Rose glanced at the Doctor, "probably. Make sure you call River."

Amy smiled and helped her husband to stand straight. "Will do." She turned to Rory. "We should call Martha and Mickey up for tea."

Rose's smile widened at that. "Tell them I say hi!"

Amy left her husband in the hands of Jack and ran over to the Doctor. She gave him a tight hug. "Thank you, Raggedy Man."

The Doctor held her tightly. Briefly wondering how long it would be before he would see her next. "No problem, Pond."

Amy stepped back before pulling Rose into an equally tight hug. "Thank you so much for this. For taking care of the Doctor."

Rose squeezed Amy and whispered, "Everything's going to be fine Amy. I'll take care of it. I promise."

"I know you will," Amy whispered back.

Rose let go and watched the young woman and her husband open up the door to their house for the first time. She wasn't surprised when she felt the Doctor's hand take hers. She squeezed it comfortingly, as she had squeezed Amy when they'd hugged.

Rose, Jack and the Doctor glanced at one another. They still had an adventure ahead of them, and many years of travelling yet. Rose rubbed her thumb against the Doctor's knuckles. The three didn't know what was in store for them next, but they knew it didn't end at Lake Silencio.

The story wasn't over yet.

Sorry I've been absent, I hope the fact that this is twice the size of some of my other chapters makes up for it :$

I took the ending from God Complex, because this was sort of my God Complex. That story was a way to get Amy and Rory to start a different life and I took the same concept and I like to think I took it a step further. Amy and Rory will always be there for the Doctor, and he for them, but in a different capacity. What do we think about the River fix?

What was your favourite part?

Thanks for reading! :)