I finally finished this chapter! Well I hope you guys like it. Remember, please review!

Look. If you haven't actually encountered a dragon, don't blame me on being all-afraid. See, you'd think that I'd overcome my fear of dragons happen that I'd literally lived with one. Wrong on one point of view. I can stay calmly by looking at one afar, like I normally did, but one close up in person? Well actually scratch that about "calmly." Imagine seeing a human-a friend or colleague- being devoured by a colossal beast.

It was a massive dragon, but I could tell it was still young. Two sets of wings clung to its sides, though it was hard to determine if it actually had three or four. It was a bipedal dragon, in other words walked on two legs. The dragon had a very muscular and sturdy build, unlike anything I had seen before. The beast's face had two long spines that branched off its nose and to the side and it had a "smashed" face, kind of like an owl, you could have also called it brachycephalic.

My eyes twinkled as I defended the calf. I knew I was weaponless, but every time I moved to try and grasp my dagger, the thing would growl at me.

My heart thudded painfully against my chest as I fought down panic, however I stood my ground, facing the large beast as he tried to cut through me.

Abruptly, I hesitated. What time was it? The forest looked eerily dark. Not like the dark from the leaves above.

"Night," I gasped. Another flicker of terror ran through me. First I found out I was becoming an offering to a dragon, next I'm about to get eaten by one. How could it get worst? Oh and did I mention the Angry Ones?

The dragon tilted its head at me, seeming to notice my worries. A leathery pouch still hung like vine on his talon and my stomach suddenly growled. I hadn't eaten anything today.

My glare pierced the dragon's gaze. It realized with an amused smile that I was angered at it. The creature bounced the pouch onto its opposing wing's talon, tossing it to me. Surprised, I caught it, hearing another bray of the calf.

The dragon's eyes flickered with hunger as he remembered his quarry.

"Stay away," I repeated, snatching for a vine on the higher branch. I had to get out of here. Just as I leaped up, the beast beat his wings, sending me again sprawling to the ground.

I cursed under my breath, clutching at my head. I was soon alerted to a piercing scream of the calf and then it was silence.

"Why you…!" I started, staring up at the dragon, but to my surprise…

Three hairy tarantulas were busy dragging the remains of the calf's body. Except, these weren't the minute things you went to buy at the Pet Shop. They were actually the ones that were about… …The side of a baby elephant. How they managed to chew it up in a few seconds is still unknown to me. My horror just went out of bounds. If there's anything other then my fear of dragons, its spiders.

My shoulders sagged, and out of the gloom came about a dozen sparks. They lit the sky in a multitude of red and amber colors. Each found their target and exploded on impact. A few shrieks followed after, but the spiders seemed unharmed.

Probably… I thought. Was because these were Fire Spiders. Uncanny reflexes to absorb and charge fire at their own free will. They were a good diet for dragons, but were difficult to catch. Yet for humans, it was a different story. Instead of our race eating them, it was the opposite. And it usually happened to the neighboring villages-about a few hundred miles away.

Just thinking about it made a shiver run up my spine. Very slowly though, I felt something soft and furry touch my neck. There were actually two on both shoulders, making warm contact with the flesh on my neck.

I examined the scene unfold in front of me, yet hesitated, feeling something form trickle down my head.

My heart froze and I fought down the urge to freak out. I knew what was behind me.

I couldn't hold it back any longer. I let out a scream that was abruptly cut off by one of the spider's hairy legs clogging my mouth.

The desire to vomit or otherwise cough out the foul taste in my mouth was overpowering. I felt the Fire Spider's strength as it hauled me toward the shadows of the trees.

Something had alerted the dragon and it perked its ears, turning its glossy head toward my direction. At the same moment, one of the spider's attacked on where I thought was a wing. A roar split the air as it regained balance and was soon distracted by me.

My struggles ceased as fangs bore into my neck and the light was soon shut from my view. I was falling into a pit of darkness.

The dragon's ears swiveled around as just in the same second the spider lunged. It ambushed his weak side with the speed and agility of a Skrill.

His optics had lost sight of the girl. He had last seen her being dragged into the bushes much to his horror. The dragon had tried to save the little human's prey. He had scented the creatures before time, but he didn't actually expect them to attack.

He growled, whiplashing his tail around to hammer onto the foul thing's head. It screeched, crumpling into a pile of goo before him.

The others had already retreated and it was already obvious why.

"Oh no you don't," he muttered, extending his wings, yet wincing as he tried to open his injured one. It hadn't pained him before, but now it did.

What had the Nadder called herself? He suddenly paused in alarm. Why hadn't he realized sooner? He didn't go into detail as he pushed along on his feet, which were surprisingly heavy from the fight with the spiders.

He scoured the area, his nostrils twitching as he tried to pick up a scent. Nothing. He recalled that the Foul Begins didn't have a smell…

He let out an irritated growl, working his talons on the ground.

The dragon tilted an ear, catching the faint sound of scurrying.

"Thank the moon," he grumbled, stepping after the sound. He halted again. Why was he even helping the human? All she'd done was scoff him for eating her berries and trying to steal her prey.

Maybe it was because the day had been so tedious. Or it was the way her eyes lit up. She was an intelligent being like him. They were alike in some ways.

"Think about what you're telling yourself," a voice sounded behind him. "You're not saving her just to save her. You're actually afraid of what I told you. About the dragon in the mountain."

The Storm Cutter whirled around to face the Nadder.

"Listen, I don't have time-" His optics narrowed as he remembered who she truly was.

"Your smarter then you look," she cooed in that eerie voice. "I forgot to ask what your name it."

"You never forget," he murmured. The dragon swept his tail around, jogging into the night.

"I'm nameless," he said over his shoulder, before melting into the darkness.

If you have a dislike for spiders, imagine being stuck in a web about the size of a house, spread through an entire volley of the forest. And I forgot to mention, your covered in string and staring at the biggest arachnid in the world.

I moaned as I regained consciousness.

"Channary… I had this horrible dream," I started, going to stretch my arm, but surprisingly they were stuck tight against my waists.

My eyes lids felt heavy, and each time I tried to open them, they would drop back down. "What in the name of-" I froze finally managing to do so.

Everything was blurry, and not much detail was added to my fuzzy thoughts. But now, I remember with a sickening jolt at the destination I had been brought to.

I struggled against my bindings yet of course, to no avail. I clenched my teeth as I sagged down again, my sudden exhaustion taking its poll.

"No," I rasped to myself, again trying to locate a way to break free.

Suddenly, the web shook as something climbed on. I froze, my teeth set as I tried to reach for my dagger, but I knew it wasn't there.

Something tore through the trees. An icy wind by the feel of it. I felt the web halt from its vibrating. Several hissing sounds followed. Then with a roar, the wind started up again.

Was that the dragon I had seen earlier? My desire was to shift my head to catch a glimpse, but my form was tightly woven with that devious web.

Another wind was hurled into the air, sending a frenzy of the arachnids scrambling in the direction, leaving me alone again. Well, not entirely.

A heated breeze -overhead- sank onto my face. Wait, the wind doesn't tend to go down…

I glanced up – the only direction I could look – fearing the worst. A head tilted down at me, like a bat, except it was something different.

That same dragon.

It was simple maneuvering into the spider's territory. Dragons enjoyed devouring them, so he had a few snacks to actually fill him. He had learned a long time ago that the Fire Spiders always went the same direction the wind did. It was unknown to either kind why, but it didn't matter.

The most difficult part was to sneak out the girl without them noticing. He could ambush a few at a time, but not a whole hoard. He unclipped his wing-talons from the branch, leaning down and snapping his teeth across the web.

The stuff was tough and chewy in his maw and he tried not to gag.

Though in quick progress, he had it broken. He doubted the girl, however, would enjoy his teeth at a very close propinquity to her body.

The girl seemed content and slightly fearful at his approach.

He leaned his wing-talon, hooking it around the web. Probably it would have been better to snap them with his teeth, but he ignored her renewed wriggling.

The dragon then snipped a graceful line through it. He was surprised that it was easier then the web, but he ignored it.

"Come on," he urged, and he received a blank expression.

He hesitated, hearing the approach of little feet.

The Fire Spiders were back.