Okay, I think this is going to be the last chapter. If there is anyone who has stuck with this story right up until the end, I appreciate it and I hope you enjoy the ending.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the movie Easy A or any of the characters. I also do not own anything that is or could be affiliated with the movie or characters.
Chapter 4
Tear You Down
Olive got together with Rhiannon over the weekend and told her everything that had been happening and everything that Anson had done and tried to do. At first, Rhi was a little angry that Olive had lied to her, but she also understood how she could be sometimes and apologized to Olive for putting her in a position that made her feel like she had to lie in the first place. Once everything had been forgiven, the two girls sat down with Todd and came up with a plan to take Anson down. Rhi was going to convince him to tell her the truth about everything that had happened with Olive by convincing him that she would not only approve of it but wanted him to do it again. She would be wearing a mic on her the whole time and Todd was going to be outside of the room recording the whole conversation. Once they did that, Olive was to come in and threaten Anson with it. If he didn't help fix her reputation and admit to the entire student body that he had tried to force himself on her and she had denied him, then Olive was going to send the recording to the police and tell them everything that had happened and Todd would be right beside her to support and back her up. He was also antsy to be able to get his own little alone time in with Anson so he could dish up some payback.
Everything was going smoothly and Anson's eyes widened in surprise as Olive walked into the room with a smirk on her face. She told Anson they had recorded everything and she listed her demands to him with the threat of turning him in. He was angry and couldn't' believe that these two girls were going to be the ones that took him down. He glared at Olive and decided that if he was going to go down, he may as well leave her something to remember him by.
Todd was standing outside the door, listening to Olive tell Anson everything she wanted from him and the consequences if he refused. Todd was waiting for his own opportunity to go in and give Anson a taste of his own medicine. He had worked hard to convince Olive and Rhi to give him five minutes alone with Anson and they had agreed. As long as he let them finish the agreement, it was only five minutes, and Todd promised not to seriously injure Anson. Todd was getting ready to burst through the door when the plan went south.
Anson lunged at Olive and slammed her against the wall with his hands locked around her neck. Rhiannon's eyes went wide and she screamed and looked around for anything in the room she could use to hit Anson with. Olive was grabbing and scratching at his hands and everything seemed to happen all at once when Todd burst through the door and immediately zoned in on Anson with his hands around Olive and Rhiannon looking unsure of what to do. Todd saw red as he grabbed Anson and began hitting him repeatedly until Anson stopped moving and he felt a hand on his shoulder. He stopped and turned around, expecting it to be Olive but instead seeing Rhi looking terrified and pleading with him to stop before he really did some damage. Todd pulled away and looked to where Olive had been and saw her sitting on the floor with her back against the wall and her hands on her throat. Rhi started crying and ran to Olive. Todd reached her at the same time and pulled her into his arms. He tossed his phone to Rhi and told her to call the cops. Olive's eyes widened but she didn't say anything. Todd just kept rubbing her arms and grabbed her face in his hands, assuring himself she was whole and okay.
"Are you okay?"
"I... think so. Here you are again, coming to my rescue."
"What can I say? I'm a sucker for a damsel in distress. Especially when I'm in love with said damsel."
"I love you, Todd. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you from the beginning and just go to the cops."
"Well, you kind of had a point too. They probably wouldn't have believed you, especially with Anson's family being as prestigious as they are. But they have no choice but to believe you now. We have all the evidence they could ask for. Everything will be fi-"
Todd broke off as he heard Anson groaning and trying to sit up behind him. Todd turned and glared at him as Anson tried to get his bearings back. Anson looked to Olive and she could tell he was really scared now that she, Todd and Rhiannon really had the upper hand. She was still worried that Todd would go over and finish the job so she gripped his arm with both hands and tried to pull him closer to her. Without turning around, Todd scooted closer and wrapped Olive in his protective embrace and continued to glare at Anson.
"Just so we're clear, Anson. Deal's off."
Anson's eyes widened as the sound of sirens got closer to all of them. Rhiannon came back over and sat on Olive's other side and grasped her hand. Olive turned and gave her a smile. Everything was going to be fine.
Olive sat on her bed in Todd's arms later that day. She had been checked out at the hospital after talking to the cops, giving them her recording and statement and repeating everything to her parents. Her throat would be sore for about a week but she was going to be fine. All in all, she felt pretty lucky. She had come out of this on top after all. Anson was being dealt with. All had been forgiven between her and Rhiannon and they were closer than ever. Her parents had heard everything she had to say and supported her one hundred percent and were glad she was alright. Her reputation was going to be fine, especially after everything with Anson died down. And she got Todd. She finally had her full circle moment. Her John Hughes ending that she always wished she could have. Olive ended up with the good guy at the end of the day. He was all hers and he wasn't going anywhere ever if she had anything to say about it. And she did, because after all, everyone knows a white knight can't resist a damsel in distress. Especially when he is in love with said damsel.
The End
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