I do not own Naruto

-Haruno Mebuki-

She was feeling sick these days; nausea had become her daily companion it seemed.

Kizashi was worried silly about her well-being; she was his wife after all. So, being the loving husband he was, he somehow found a way to make her go to the family doctor's clinic. It did took a few attempts, but she was stubborn that way, always waving it off and saying that it was something that will pass.

So here she was, sitting in front of Kenkō Yoi* and having the most shocking news to be heard, to her at least.

She was pregnant and she was surprised that she was. It was the last thing she would have thought to be the reason of her morning sickness.

She could say 'I saw it coming', but for some reason, she really, really didn't.

The next thing she felt was joy. She was having a baby, a goddamn family of her own that was complete and all that stuff that she ever wanted as a kid. She was at bliss. She can't wait to tell her mom about the pregnancy and preparing the baby room with her husband-

Wait, how about her husband?

She felt a little bit nervous. She didn't know how her husband would take the news. She wished that she had brought him to her visit. What perfect timing to have him on a sudden meeting with the clan's elders. She really had the worst luck when it comes to timing.

'How would he accept the news? We really haven't planned to start a family yet. What am I going to do? Damn that lovable clown.'

But then she remembered that she was married to Kizashi, Haruno Kizashi for god's sake.

She cursed herself for worrying. Of course he would be happy, he was having a child! He loved her too much to be upset over a pregnancy that was sudden. She could even imagine him making puns and jokes over her predicament and calling their child his little prince or princess. Making guesses on how their child would look like and hoping for it to have his ridiculous pink hair. He was always that kind of a man. He would definitely love their child. Damn him to hell if he wouldn't.

"Haruno-san, are you quite alright?"

She jumped a little bit at hearing the voice. She glanced at the source and mentally sighed. She almost forgot about the doctor. He looked a little bit worried. She thought that maybe that was the reason why he already had a graying mop of hair, he cared too much for his patients.

'Stop worrying about this, you'll be fine.'

"I'm sorry Kenkō-sensei, I was lost in thought. It surprised me that I was pregnant; I was really not expecting that. But I'm glad that I am, thrilled to be exact. So I'm more than alright." She admitted and smiled at the end, reassuring the doctor that she was okay (and that she was keeping the baby).

Yoi released a small sigh of relief and smiled afterwards. He knew that Mebuki was an honest person so performing an abortion was out of his list to worry about. But he had some sort of an idea on what she was thinking about, Kizashi, to be precise and that abortion was not on her list at all. He let out a chuckle. Leave it to Mebuki to worry. She was always a kind and caring woman. Well, considering he also worries too much for his own good, he knows how she feels to a certain degree.

"You're free to leave now Haruno-san, be sure to take care of yourself and avoid stress as much as you can. I'll appoint you to a friend of mine, who is a pediatrician, to help you through your pregnancy. Come over at Monday afternoon, alright?"

Mebuki nodded and beamed at him. She was thankful that he already had a pediatrician in mind. But-

"How many times have I told you to call me Mebuki, Kenkō-sensei? You have been the family doctor for a while now. And you'll be my child's doctor too, so, enough with that Haruno-san thing." She said.

"If that is what you wish, Haruno-san."

Seeing the grin he offered her, she let out an annoyed sound at the back of her throat but laughed afterwards. Leave it to Yoi to be that guy. But, to be fair, she doesn't call him Yoi, well, verbally. She got up from her seat, paid the amount needed for the check-up and bid the doctor good-bye. But before she was completely out of his clinic, he said something that made her delighted. And she was surprised that his usual gruff voice had a hint of amusement, reassurance and happiness rolled into one.

"Congratulations Mebuki, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful child. And don't worry, Kizashi would be elated about the news, you know that man more than anybody else."

"Finally, you called me Mebuki!" She said and playfully winked at the doctor but he waved it off and made a shooing motion with his hand. She could see he was amused by her wink and giggled quietly when she closed the door.

She left the clinic with a smile on her face but stopped abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk. Something bothered her.

How was she going to tell Kizashi?

Not in the 'oh shit, I'm screwed' kind of way, but in the 'how in the hell would I bring up this news and what process should I use' kind of way.

She hummed and continued walking. She might as well be blunt about it. She only hoped that he won't faint. But now that she thought about it…

No, He definitely would faint.

She laughed. Oh, she was going to enjoy this.

She rubbed her flat stomach, imagining her future about her family, her child.

'I'll love you, no matter what. That's a promise.'

* Kenkō means health and Yoi means good

So this is a thing, tell me what you think of this thing. It may come off as drabble-ish so I hope you have no problem with that. English is not my first language so forgive me if there are mistakes. I hope I did not make Mebuki OOC, it's just what I think how her attitude is.