Thank you for the reviews, hope you enjoy it

Sorry its taken so long to update was debating on what to do for the ending, as I added to it, the ending will be put over to the next chapter so can still decide

Hope you enjoy it!


Looking across the table at Cassidy the touch of his hand sending tingles down her, she was having feelings for him feelings she didn't want to have "I don't know Bri"

looking into her eyes he wanted her to believe him "Liv, just take a chance, try to pretend this didn't happen, move forward take a chance on us"

Hearing her phone ring "Benson" hanging up a few minutes later throwing him an apologetic look "Sorry, I have to go"

watching as she stands up "we need to talk about this Liv" putting money on the table an apologetic smile on her face "yeah we will, not just now, I really do have to go"

Walking inside her apartment the day long, putting her feet up on the lounge a glass of wine next to her, leaning back. Closing her eyes why couldn't she get Cassidy out of her head why did that small kiss in the hospital mean so much to her, he had called her and texted her there was something between them looking around her apartment she couldn't deny that it would be nice to come home and have someone to cuddle up to, someone who actually understood the demands of the job, someone who knew that work came first, did he know that she was pretty sure he was the same as her would it actually hurt to take a chance it didn't have to be serious just see where it went.


Walking around the bottom of the stairs how long did it take to go in front of the Internal Affairs Board she knew his meeting was today, she had excused herself for a couple of hours following up leads she said to Nick. Brought out of her thoughts hearing her name "Liv"

Turning around there he was in a suit by the look on his face she knew it wasn't good "what are you doing here"

what could she say that it was where she had to be instead she replied simply "how did it go?"

Walking down the stairs the surprise there at seeing Olivia pacing around he didn't expect to see her especially today seeing her brown eyes looking intently at him worry and caring in them "want to get a drink"

A smile on her face nodding slightly "yeah" work could wait she wanted to be here with Brian

Walking along the street in silence his hand reaching down for hers not resisting it felt the natural thing to do. Sitting opposite him her elbow on the table bought out of her thoughts by his voice "Liv, aren't you meant to be at work"

Nodding her eyes focused on his, what was she to say that she wanted to be here for him instead it was just "yeah" seeing his eyes wanting her to continue "I wanted to see how it went"

Slamming his fist loudly onto the table "they've taken my shield away from me, I'm no longer a detective Liv, no longer able to go undercover, they have put me at the Bronx courthouse, the Bronx that is where they send people who they no longer want, I have given 17 fucken years of my life to the service to being a police, I have been undercover, shot in the chest and this is how they repay me, the fucken Bronx"

Reaching out to touch his hand she had hoped he would of gotten off more lightly but also knew how fucked up IAB was "how long for?"

Shrugging moving his hand away to rub his face "god knows how long, I have to do the night shifts finish at 6 am, I got so much information for them on that case gave up 3 years of my life I made one fucken stupid mistake of becoming involved and having sex with Carissa and this is what they do"

Reaching out and grabbing his hands "Bri calm down, maybe you can appeal it"

looking at her she was gorgeous her brown eyes serious "Seriously Liv, you know IAB there not going to give it back to me, and I'm not going to beg for it, I don't owe them shit"

Looking at her watch "I have to go, want to catch up later for a bite to eat"

smiling at her watching her hair flick back her eyes not moving from his "maybe another time"

Standing up her eyes raised a smile on her face "Cassidy is this the same guy who has been after me for weeks, now saying another time"

Reaching out for her hand she is so close to him he wanted so much to go out with her despite the fact that she hurt him last time he didn't want to let her go again "I'm sorry Liv, today's just not a good day, I want our first date to be great"

Titling her head sideways looking back into his eyes "first date, I don't recall mentioning a date Cassidy, just something to eat"

Standing up facing her pulling her towards him her face inches from his "it's going to be the first of many Liv, isn't that why you came here today"

Shaking her head her heart beating faster needing to move away from him hearing him call out "how about I pick you up tomorrow night"

Turning to face him a smile on her face "give me a call and I'll meet you there"

Hearing him call out to her "that's officially a date then"

A smile on her face as she runs off, was she actually going on a date with Brian Cassidy it didn't mean anything just dinner with an old friend she had to keep telling herself that it might not go anywhere or even last hearing her phone ring "Benson"


Picking up her bag at work thankful that the day had gone quickly and she could leave early her mind unable to concentrate despite pushing Brian away she wanted this wanted to go out with him there was something between them nothing serious "see you guys tomorrow"

Seeing Munch's eyes on her "Having an early night, what happened to the Detective Benson we all know"

Smiling at him as she continues walking "I'm taking the night off"

Walking into the restaurant looking around a smile on her face as she sees Brian in the corner his eyes glancing at the door "you really don't want anyone to see us?"

His eyes going over her body she looked great she always looked terrific but the small amount of make up she had one her hair tumbling below her shoulders her white top "you look great Liv"

Sitting down opposite him he had shaved she liked the subtle growth on him "you don't look too bad yourself" her eyes moving around "dark secluded corner Bri?"

His eyes not moving from hers "its not what you think Liv even though I wouldn't mind, I know you, you won't want anyone seeing you here and I'm fine with that"

Her eyes raised at him he did know her he was right she didn't want Amaro to find out or anyone it was none of their business reaching out for his hand "thanks, not just yet this mightn't even work"

His eyes boring into hers with such intensity "do you want it to work Liv?"

Looking at Cassidy did she want it to work did she want to start something with him was she leading him on would it work out, nodding at him "I'd like to see where it goes, if it goes somewhere see if we are meant to be more than friends, what about you do you want it to work?"

Nodding at Olivia reaching out for her hand "I've wanted you for 12 years Liv ever since you walked into SVU, things though didn't work out as I had hoped"

Her eyes looking down slightly before looking up at Brian "I'm sorry Bri for the way I treated you 12 years ago, that situation…."

Looking at Olivia he remembered back all those years ago he wanted her so badly then and in all the years that passed he still "our drunken amazing night together"

Biting her lips nodding she could still remember the way she treated him, she had no idea how to handle it then she shouldn't of slept with him in the first place but after going out for drinks and both getting drunk she did "I treated you badly, I didn't handle that moment well I'm not who I used to be"

His eyes on Olivia he could see into her eyes "we both could of handled the situation better Liv" a smile on his face the fact he was hurt by her all those years ago but he was going to risk it again.


Walking out of the restaurant feeling Brian's hand reach for hers she didn't want the night to end she had enjoyed his company stopping turning to face him "want a night cap"

Seeing his eyes meeting hers as he faces her did he want the night to end, his reply answering her question "I know a great little place around here"

Her eyes focused on his not moving as his hand moves up her arm to her shoulder titling her head sideways "I was thinking more about my place" the smile on his face increasing feeling his arm pulling her close to him, it felt right and natural and she didn't want the night to end