Sorry its taken so long to update was planning to do it sooner.

Thank you for the favourites and likes

Its not the best but it is ok hope you like the twists and turns


"They think I killed Lewis" Olivia cried out surprised "he had a gun to my head, he threatened to killed me, what about the gun in the room, didn't they find that his finger prints are all over that"
"CSU are still in the room, going over it with a fine tooth comb, they have bagged the sheets" Nick replied, the sheets there were covered in blood, he knew it was her blood

"My car is still here in the garage" Brian told them "CCTV will show it never left here"

"Fin" answering his phone moving away from the others "We're on our way…. Nick, they have found a body, they think it's Lewis's"

"I'm coming" Liv told them

"You can't come, you were the target, the last person to see him alive, Let us handle it Liv" Fin told her gently

"in other words I'm a suspect" she told them bitterly "this is never going to end, even dead he's still doing it" she replied sadly

"Liv" Brain's hand gently touching her shoulders firmly "You can't think like that"

"What am I meant to think like" she replied angrily "he raped me, put a gun to my head, threatened to kill me and made me play Russian Roulette, yet here I am a suspect in it all, he knew what he was doing"


"Detective Tutuola" Fin told them showing his badge "and my partner Nick Amaro, any ID on him"

"Nothing, a gun shot to his left temple, and multiple stab wounds over his chest, someone didn't want this guy to be alive"

Nick's hand gripping the sheet slowly pulling it back "William Lewis, do you know how long he has been here, was he killed here?" he asked him

"We won't know anything until we get him back to the lab, my guess is maybe 24 hours, there is a lot of blood around here, which could suggest he was shot here, will let you know when we find something out"

"he didn't get here by himself, some body took his body and left it here, someone is trying to frame Liv for this" nick replied angrily

"It looks like they are succeeding, we need to find out who"

"Before it gets any worse for her" Nick replied unable to believe it

"it's already worse and bad, she didn't do it, we know that" Fin replied determinedly


"Thanks Nick" hanging up the phone, turning around to face Brian "They found Lewis's body in the park, someone's setting me up for killing him, he knew what he was doing, switching his hands, and stabbing himself"

"Liv" Brian started interrupted by the door

"Tucker" Olivia asked surprised "I'll get Brian for you"

"it's you we need Sergeant"

"Is there something else from this morning, I told you everything I know, his body was there when Brian and I left" Olivia explained turning her head to look over her shoulder feeling Brian's hand protectively on her back

"Conveniently though Sergeant only you and your boyfriend saw him, no one else witnessed him in the room"

"The blood was through out the room, on the bed, the walls, how did that get there if he wasn't there" she cried out exasperated

"you keep saying he shot himself, how did he get from there to Central Park then"

"I don't know, someone obviously took him, to frame me" she replied frustrated

"Liv, don't say anymore, Tucker anything else you need to say, goes via her lawyer, you're not framing this on her" he replied angrily to his boss

"Cassidy …."

"You think I did this?" he exploded "that's low even from you Tucker"

"Cassidy's car, we need the keys for them?" Tucker demanded

"My car has been here the whole tim"e, Liv and I haven't left the apartment since I brought her home from the hospital yesterday afternoon" following them out of the apartment

She got Evelyn to briefly look after the girls before hurrying to follow Brian downstairs to the garage, "You think we put Lewis in the boot of Brian's car and drove his body elsewhere and dumped him" Olivia asked him in disbelief "I had his blood over my face, he shot himself in front of me"

"Open the boot Cassidy" Tucker ordered him

"Got a warrant Tucker" he replied angrily at him

"No, we will get one if need be…"

"It's fine Bri, I haven't done anything wrong"

"Get the warrant Tucker then we'll talk" Brian replied his face close to his.

"I hoped we could …" Tucker started

"you're trying to frame Liv, I'm not going to let you do that, she did nothing wrong" Brian yelled angrily at Tucker "Get the fuckin warrant then come back" his hand on Liv's back protectively moving back to the apartment.

"Don't touch a thing Cassidy" Tucker yells out to them.


"We both know that Tucker will find something in the boot Brian, I need to go to SVU and look at the paperwork to find out who he is working for, someone is helping him"

"Liv, just let Nick and Fin handle it, they are looking into it" Brian replied

"I can't Brian" she replied frustrated "someone is framing me and Tucker we all know what he's like"


She felt Brian's hand encasing her squeezing it gently as they moved slowly back the boot opening their eyes glancing at each other

"We need CSU down here to test the blood in the car" Tucker ordered the other detective

"why bother, we knew it's Lewis, somebody is trying to frame me" Olivia replied sadly

"who would do that Sergeant" Tucker asked her

"If I bloody knew, don't you think I would of told you or the detectives:" she exploded the anger coming out "Try Bronwyn Freed, his girlfriend, someone he has manipulated, someone he met at Rikers, why don't you do your job and find that person"

"We'll be speaking to both of you later" Tucker called out watching as they walked away, he liked Sergeant Benson, even if he employed her Mickey of a boyfriend there was something about her that he liked, he wanted to help her "Let me know what you find" before walking away

Olivia's eyes moved slowly up to Brian's they both knew it was bad


"What now Tucker found what you need, did you find out who actually moved the body, how the blood actually got into Brian's car"


"who" she questioned him

"I'm sorry Sergeant Benson, we need you to come down to the station?"

"What for?" she asked bewildered not wanting to believe what was happening

"Olivia Benson you are under arrest for the murder of William Lewis anything…." Tucker started

"I know my rights, this is wrong, I didn't do it" she pleaded

"I'll get you a lawyer Liv" as he quickly fumbles with his phone

"Make sure it is a good one Cassidy, she is looking at murder in the first degree"


Fin and Amaro stormed into the hotel's office "Who's paying you" Amaro yelled at him, his fists wrapping around his shirt, pulling him up against the wall

"I don't know what you mean" he managed to stutter

"The tapes, the evidence that you gave against Sergeant Benson" Fin replied between clenched teeth

"This is what it is about that Sergeant, I told them what I heard and knew, she yelled out I am going to kill you, then the gun shot"

"Who paid you, who changed the footage" Amaro seethed holding him against the wall

"No one" trying to push him away "no one paid me"

"you see, we have evidence that the footage has been tampered with, you had no footage the day we were here, the next day, it miracliously was working again, you see I don't believe in things like that, usually the footage disappears somehow, now you tell us what you know and how did it, or we will arrest you with tampering with evidence, withholding information, making false statements, and aiding and abetting a crime, and that's just to start with" Fin threatened him

"We know you aren't clever enough to think this up on your own" nick started "but as it's your hotel, you're the owner it will be all on you"

"the police they are rather protective of their own, and for our Sergeant to be set up like this, we don't really like it" Fin growled at him

"Okay, please" the owner begged "I'll tell you what I know"

"Start from the beginning and you better hope we believe you" Nick told him

"they came to my hotel room the day before and paid for the two rooms, they gave extra for cleaning money I didn't know what they were going to do, I had never seen them before"

"They who were they, describe them" Fin replied sternly

"Medium build, brown hair and the other had blonde hair and a brunette medium height slenderish build"

"Did the guy, had any distinguishing features, scars, limp or anything" Nick asked

"nothing" shaking his head

"the day after it happened the blonde guy, came early and said he needed to see the CCTV and did something to it, he changed the dates, times, he knew a bit about police, crimes and computers"

"you didn't think that was weird" Nick seethed keeping his anger under control

"They paid me well, they said she was police and they needed the evidence as they would get her off otherwise, so I let them do it, I didn't know she was set up, I did hear her call out I am going to kill you and the gun shots soon after, what's going to happen now"

"you are going to come down to the station and give us a description and speak to an artist"


"Rollins, I want a list of all Lewis's cell mates and anyone he hung out with, and anyone who has been released within the past 3 months, anyone with a grudge against the NYPD especially Olivia" Murphy ordered her

"on it Lieutenant"

"Fin, I want a check on all Lewis's past and present girlfriends" Murphy ordered him

"Amaro, any luck with the sketches, names" Murphy asked him

"he is still with the artist now"

"What about Liv" Nick asked Murphy

"She's being charged, at arraignment court, she has Trevor Langan as her attorney and Cassidy is down there"

"AT least she has a decent lawyer" Fin replied

"Lieutenant, the sketches for you"

"Nick, Rollins take these down to Liv, see if she recognises any of them" Murphy ordered them


"Liv" Nick called out to his partner

"Hey guys any new yet?" she asked them hopefully

"WE have some sketches for you to look at, they treating you ok?" Rollins asked her

"A cell to myself, I can't afford Trevor Langan"

"Liv he's the best, these are serious charges, we all want to help you" Nick replied

"I can't let you pay for him you have other things to spend the money on, Nick what about Zara….. "

"Liv, it's ok don't worry about it, have a look at the sketches"

Her eyes intently studying each sketch scanning each one, her eyes stopping on one of them wide open, before moving up to Nick and Fin "this one, are you sure?" she questioned them

"Yes he was one who helped with the computers do you know him Liv?" Nick asked her

"yes he used to work for the NYPD, its Dale Stuckey" she said surprised.