A/N: I started another new fic. Don't worry; expect an update for my other stories soon. Enjoy! By the way, sorry for any mistakes.

"You overworked yourself," Ranka tutted while wiping his son's heated forehead with a wet cloth. "Now, you're sick on your first day of Muggle school!"

Hari remained silent.

"Haruki-," Ranka was cut off when Harry responded with a no.

Ryoji "Ranka" Fujioka sighed and continued wiping. Honestly, his son was so stubborn. You see, Haruki "Hari" Fujioka formerly known as Harry James Potter was a wizard, who was torn between his Muggle and magical education. Due to Hari's stubbornness that he wanted to stay with his sister, he had worked hard to skip a grade to be in the same class with Haruhi, and learned magic during the summer with a tutor.

"So stubborn," he muttered fondly. He clearly remembered the day he had took the boy in.

It was a rainy day when Ranka spotted a crying child wandering in the streets. He covered the little boy with his umbrella and asked "Are you lost, little one?"

The child peered up at him with huge green eyes and nodded.

"My- my relatives left me here."

Ranka frowned. It seemed that the boy had been abandoned. He took in the child's appearance. He looked like a bedraggled kitten with his skinny limbs, short height and ill-fitting clothing. He was the very picture of neglect.

It was a spur on the moment decision when he asked the kid if he wanted him to take the child home.

"Really?" the child's eyes became wider.

Ranka smiled at him. "Of course. What's your name?"

"Ha- Harry Potter."

"Well, you're going to be a Fujioka now since you're my son. I even have a daughter close to your age, I think," he informed Harry.

Harry's spirits soared, he had a father and even a sister. Surely, this was too good to be true.

Was it all an elaborate scheme of the Dursleys and any second now they would take him back?

But they never came and he reached the man/woman's house. The stranger was pretty and wore women's clothing but he sounded a bit like a man. Harry wasn't sure.

His mother or father knocked twice. "Haruhi, I'm back!"

A little girl with long brown hair and big brown eyes opened the door.

"Father," she greeted him. Then her eyes found Harry. "Who's that?"

"This is Harry, your new brother," he exclaimed excitedly.

"Harry this is Haruhi," he introduced.

"Hi," he said shyly.


"Huh. What?" said Ranka absentmindedly.

"You just became all distracted all of a sudden," Hari explained.

"Oh, it was nothing," Ranka said.

Then the door opened. It was Haruhi with a boy cut and glasses?

"Haruhi Fujioka! Young lady, what did you do to your hair?"

"Some kid put gum in it," explained Haruhi.

"And the glasses?" Ranka raised any eyebrow.

"My contacts are missing," she said. "Anyway, I'm leaving. Bye, dad. Get well soon, Hari."

She walked out.

"What a lovely way to start off the school year," sighed Ranka, looking down at his son. His father continued mourning the loss of his precious daughter's long, brown locks.

Hari shrugged.

A series of unfortunate events marked Haruhi's first day at Ouran. When she woke up, her little brother was sick. He was supposed to go with her today. (He had skipped a grade. He stubbornly said that he didn't want to part from his sister. To their surprise, he managed.)

Then a kid from the neighbourhood had put bubble gum in her long brown hair, so she cut it all off. She had also managed to lose her contacts and had to settle with glasses. Haruhi sighed; she was not off to a good start.

Afterwards, she realised that in all four libraries of the school. None was silent. She decided to look for a quiet place to study and then everything else happened so fast.

Rose petals in the air, some host club, the sound of a vase breaking… and suddenly, she was the dog of the host club. All in all, she was not off to a good start.

It was almost club time when Haruhi sat in the library with her brother. She couldn't help but glance at her brother every few minutes.

"Why are you in a girl's uniform again?"

"Why are you in a boy's uniform?" Hari shot back.

"I keep telling you. A janitor accidentally spilled water all over me and they only had spare girl's uniforms," Hari said sullenly. He was sore that everyone thought that he was a girl and Haruhi was a boy. Every time he tried to explain, he was always interrupted.

The bell rang and Haruhi got up and started running out of the library.

"Wait, up," said Harry.

"I'll never hear the end of it if I'm late," she said.

"Well, I'm going with you," he said.

"Fine. But you won't like it," she said.

Haruki shook his head. "I'll manage."

When we opened the door to the old, abandoned music room, the whole place was decked out like a tropical paradise.

"What is this? Where are we?" asked Haruhi, more to herself than Hari.

"Welcome," chorused the Host Club.

"Haruhi and a guest," said Tamaki. "Who's this?"

His eyes surveyed the newcomer from head to toe. The girl had delicate features with messy, black hair the same length as Haruhi's and vivid green eyes.

"Oh, that's Haruhi's sister, Haruki and she's in the same class with us. She's shy," Hikaru and Kaoru said simultaneously.

"That was a rather rude thing to say," said Kyoya. A light bulb flashed off somewhere.

Then suddenly Tamaki was hugging Hari and saying, "I have another daughter!"

He spun "her" around and started saying things like, "I'll protect you, precious", "No one will taint your innocence", "My adorable, little, darling daughter" and other embarrassing things.

Haruki started struggling futilely. "Ugh, stop. Someone help me!"

Mori suddenly became defensive and grabbed the boy. "Um, thanks." Another light bulb turned on.

Tamaki looked sheepishly at Mori.

Haruki jumped a bit when a finger poked him at the side. It was Honey. "Do you want to eat some cake, Hari-chan?" he asked with his big eyes.

"Sure. I like sweets," he said. Hani gazed up at him and pulled him to a table. A light bulb flashed again.

Hari happily ate some cakes with Honey. He rarely got to engage his sweet tooth with anyone because Haruhi didn't like sweets.

"Thanks, Hani. I'll bake some for you next time," he said cheerfully. Honey's big, brown eyes widened.

"You can bake?"

"Yeah. It's my um… hobby."

He was abruptly pulled off to the side by the pair of twins.

"I'm Hikaru," Kaoru said.

"And I'm Kaoru," Hikaru said.

Their smiles were full of mischief. Hari frowned, thoughtful.

"Did you just introduce yourselves as the other?" he asked.

The twins were speechless.


"You did," he said speculatively and walked off to find Haruhi.

He turned back to them for a moment.

"You may look alike and you may have perfect mental synchronization, but you act somewhat differently. And Kaoru's got a raspier voice. Hikaru's has more authority to it."

The twins looked at each other causing a pair of light bulbs to light up.

"Wait. We haven't introduced ourselves formally to my darling daughter," said Tamaki. He grabbed Hari's arm. He groaned inwardly at the "darling daughter".

"Of course. I am Tamaki Suo: The king of this host club and your daddy dearest!"

Hari raised an eyebrow at the last part. Daddy dearest, really?

Tamaki gestured dramatically at a guy with black hair and glasses who was writing in a black notebook.

"This Kyoya Ootori. The vice president and the cool type."

He pointed at the twins. "Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin. Our little devil types. Now, Haruki I want you to stay away from those perverts," he whispered the last part.

"Hey, Tono," said Hikaru.

"We heard that," continued Kaoru.

He was still heard apparently.

"Moving on," continued Tamaki. He made a motion to the short blond boy who was holding a pink bunny and the tall boy with a seemingly permanent stoic expression.

"This is Mitsukuni Haninozuka. The boy lolita type. And this is Takashi Morinozuka. The strong, silent type."

"We're the Ouran High School Host Club, my darling daughter."

"Actually, about that…" He showed them his blue plastic identification card. It clearly said male.

The last light bulb flashed. "Yo-you're a… boy!" exclaimed Tamaki and he promptly fainted.

Honey knelt and started poking him. "Tama-chan can be so oblivious," he said.

Haruki groaned. "Is it that surprising? I mean, Haruki is a boy's name," he muttered sullenly more to himself than the hosts.

"I have a girly boy for a brother," said Haruhi bluntly.

"Hey, I resent that," he said. "And I have a cross dresser for a sister," he murmured.

"It's okay, Haru-chan. I find you very pretty and cute," Honey said.

The Hitachiin brothers started mercilessly teasing him.

"Absolutely adorable," they chorused.

"With those delicate girly features," sighed Hikaru.

"And those big, green eyes," said Kaoru dreamingly.

"Hey, stop it," he pouted unconsciously. "I don't. You're just teasing."

"Awww. Now, he's pouting," they cooed. "How cute."

"Wait," said Honey. "Then why are you wearing a dress?"

"So," said Hikaru. "You're a cross dresser."

Hari went red. "No, someone spilled water on me, okay? And they only had a girl's uniform."

Tamaki had woken and jumped up.

"It's okay that you're a boy. It means that I have an adorable son!"

He started spinning him around. "You are just too cute. Don't worry; I'll protect you from perverts."

"Oh, yes," said Hikaru. "Big, bad brawny men who would just love to do unspeakable things to Haruki."

"Like pull him in a dark room and start-"

"NOOO," screamed Tamaki. "No one is laying a hand on my little boy!" he declared, hugging Hari protectively to his chest.

"I already have one overprotective father," said Hari. "I don't need another one."

"Of course, you do! Who'll protect you in school? Why me, of course. Your daddy dearest," said Tamaki.

"Mother hen," muttered Hari.

"Kyoya! You'll help me protect little Haruki, right?" Tamaki asked. Tamaki blissfully oblivious to what Haruki to had said.

Kyoya let out a small sigh at his friend's antics. "Of course."

"Um… dad," he tested out. He had a feeling that Tamaki would continue with his overbearing father thing. It wouldn't matter how much he protested. That would serve as an excellent distraction.

Tamaki gasped dramatically. "My little one called me dad."

"Anyway, I'll just, uh… go to Haruhi." He took advantage of Tamaki's state.

He spotted her with clients. "Haruhi," he said. "May I borrow h-him for a moment?" he added to the girls, smiling disarmingly.

The girls looked at him dreamily. They had heard Tamaki's exclamation.

"He's a pretty boy," one of the girls said.

"He'd make an excellent addition to the Host club," her friend said.

"He looks great in a dress," a girl with short hair said.

They all started giggling.

"Not that this club isn't interesting and all, but I think it isn't one of the clubs that you would join."

"I broke an eight million yen vase."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he pouted.

When the girls saw him pouting, they giggled harder.

"I told dad. You were still asleep."

"Fine. Anyway, the good thing is that they know I'm a boy now," he told her brightly.

Haruhi rolled her eyes.

"And I'm joining this club."

Haruhi's eyes went wide.

A/N: What do you think? Lovely? Horrible? Sorry if it's rushed. I just wanted to write this little plot bunny.

*Haruki- a male Japanese name that means "shining brightly". I thought it was appropriate. Haruhi and Haruki.

Rewritten and edited 4/23/14