AN:This is the sequel to my first story A dream come true. Hope you enjoy :)

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except my OC's and my creative idea's.


The Beginning:

Lexi laid in her bed on top of her newly wed husband. He had his arms wrapped around her waist and was holding her close to him. He rested his hands on her stomach. He felt the baby resting in Lexi's stomach. Lexi smiled as she was sleeping. He shifted slightly causing her to wake. She opened her brown eyes and took a deep breath.

"What is wrong?" Lexi asked Kili.

"I have to return to my duties tomorrow and I don't want to leave you my princess," Kili answered. Lexi sat up and faced him and her chestnut hair fell around her face and shoulders.

"We have today at least. Let us not waste it and visit Dale," Lexi said looking in his brown eyes.

"We were there just a few days ago," Kili said.

"Do you want to visit Bofur and Bifur?" Lexi asked raising an eyebrow.

"You want to go to the play that is on today. Why?" Kili asked looking at her knowing she wanted to go.

"Because I have to replace the teacher for she has fallen very ill and requested me to help the children get ready," Lexi said.

"If you had told me I would have not have questioned you Lexi," Kili said.

"I know but I wanted to surprise the children and don't tell a soul about my plans or else," Lexi said trying to be serious. Kili nodded and smiled at her. Lexi stood up and changed into a golden gown. She pulled out a shirt for Kili and turned to him.

"You are not going out topless no matter what you think," she said giving him the shirt.

"How long do you think before you are pulling it off me again?" Kili asked with a grin. Lexi rolled her eyes.

"How did I ever get stuck with you?" Lexi asked.

"Because I am irresistible, handsome and your true love no matter what you think," Kili said standing and pulling her closer to his chest.

"That I can agree with," she said kissing him. The kiss was one they were showing that they were truly passionate about each other. Kili smiled against her lips and put his arms around her waist. Lexi put her arms around his neck. Lexi soon broke away breathing heavily.

"I really need to get ready my prince," she said.

"Fine but when we get back, you are mine," Kili said. Lexi smiled giving him a quick kiss before slipping her golden shoes that matched her dress on. Lexi turned and saw Kili putting his shirt on before doing his black boots up.

"Ready?" Lexi asked. Kili smiled as he nodded then he took Lexi's hand and opened the door.

Lexi walked into the dining room and saw all eyes were suddenly on them.

"You decided to come out this morning," Fili said to Kili.

"Yes my King we did for we are going out today," Lexi said glaring at him as held a grin.

"Where is my brother taking his bride to today?" Fili asked.

"Dale again," Kili said sighing. Lexi hit his arm softly.

"How many times is she going to visit the city?" Fili asked.

"She can as much as she chooses," Dis said. Lexi smiled at Dis and sat down. Kili took his seat right beside her and started to eat his breakfast. Lexi ate hers and finished not to long after she started. Kili had finished moments before so they excused themselves to which they could grab their cloaks and organize their transportation. Lexi grabbed her creamy coloured cloak and Kili grabbed his blue one. Lexi tied hers on and did Kili's for him smiling.

"You are going to teach me how to do soon," He whispered. Lexi smiled.

"I know I have to," She whispered back as he opened the door for her and they headed down to the stables. Lexi saw her favourite horse and patted her. The horse was a silver mare with creamy coloured mane and tail.

"Hello Jazzie," She whispered as she saddled her. The mare whined her good morning. She looked across the hall and saw Kili watching her saddle Jazzie. Lexi smiled to herself.

"You know I can't get over how I won his heart girl," she whispered as she put her foot in the stirrup and swung her leg over to put in the other stirrup. Lexi opened the stall gate and cooed Jazzie out of the stall and trotted to the exit. She smiled as she heard Kili trot up beside her.

"Ready my love?" he asked.

"I am always ready," Lexi said as the doors opened and Lexi put Jazzie into a canter and they rode off towards Dale.

Lexi and Jazzie followed the dirt rode that led to Dale and Lexi heard Kili riding not to far behind her. Lexi slowed down a bit so he could catch up. Lexi patted Jazzie's neck as Kili caught up.

"Are you alright? Or did I go to fast again?" Lexi asked. He smiled and looked to her.

"You were never to fast," He said.

"Oh really? Then lets see who get to Dale first," Lexi said.

"Let's," Kili said. When he said that, Lexi sped off and Kili was left dazed for a second. He smiled and kicked his horse softly as he was sensitive and he sped up.

"Not so fast," Kili said.

"Bye," Lexi said ushering her horse faster. Kili laughed and did the same. Lexi let her hair run loose as she rode her silver mare. Lexi saw all the scenery go past as Jazzie knew to follow the path.

Lexi slowed down as she saw Dale in sight. She turned and saw Kili not far behind her. Lexi smiled and stopped outside of the entrance and pulled her hood up and dismounted. Lexi stood there waiting for Kili to dismount. Kili dismounted and stood beside Lexi.

"I can't get over how beautiful it has become since Smaug destroyed it," Lexi said. Dale's buildings were restored and decorated with different coloured flowers. The roads were spotted with stalls and merchants and the windows had lovely flowerbeds growing from them. Lexi and Kili walked in and headed towards the theatre room where the play was being held. Lexi quickly rushed inside the building while Kili stood at the back. Lexi was talking to the children and helping them prepare for the play. Kili smiled watching his bride at work and Lexi went backstage and Kili waited for her to come back out but she didn't.

Lexi was directing the children to their places and helping them with each part. Lexi had her hod down and she was watching the play when it started. She walked back out and stood next to Kili who smiled when he saw her. He took her hand and they watched the children do their version of the adventure to get Erebor back. Of course it wasn't entirely true but everyone was fine with that. Lexi liked the actress that was playing her role. Lexi liked her for she was reminded of herself when she was younger. Kili took her hand and smiled.

Too soon the play ended and the crowd applauded. Lexi smiled as they walked out of the theatre and towards Bifur and Bofur's stall. They saw the couple coming and smiled.

"Hello Bifur and Bofur," Lexi said.

"Morning my princess," Bofur said giving a bow.

"No need please," Lexi said smiling. They smiled as well at her.

"She doesn't like to be called princess," Kili said.

"No I don't," Lexi also said.

"Well fair enough. If I was a prince, I would be preferred to be called Bofur not Prince Bofur. Bifur agrees with me," Bofur said as his brother nods as well. Lexi smiled at them.

"When will you stop visiting this town exactly?" Bofur asked,

"When I don't want to," Lexi answered Bofur giving him a stern look.

"I sometimes forget that she isn't a dwarf," Bofur said.

"Yes well she has the same height and acts like a dwarf," Kili said.

"But I am still human," Lexi finished.

"Yes you are my dear," Bofur said smiling. Lexi smiled herself.

"Your brother is eating somewhere I imagine," Lexi said.

"Yes he is. He is always eating," Bofur said sharing a look with his cousin. Lexi smiled more.

"Well we must be off if she wants to do the picnic we planned to do last week," Kili said. Lexi looked confused and remembered.

"Oh right we must be going. It was really nice to see you again," Lexi said giving them a hug.

"It was lovely to see you as well," Bofur said. Lexi smiled even more and walked off with Kili towards a meadow where they were going to have a picnic. Lexi stopped and waited for Kili to collect their lunch and they continued to walk to the meadow. Lexi let go of Kili's hand and ran through some trees to be standing in the grassy meadow. The meadow had some wild flowers growing in patches which dotted the meadow. The wild flowers were a very light violet. Lexi picked a flower before sitting in the grass waiting for Kili to join her. Kili put the basket in front of them. Kili then sat beside Lexi and pulled out some food. Lexi's food was a salad made up of lettuce, cauliflower and tomatoes.

"I want you to try some of my green food," Lexi said taking a piece of lettuce and eating it. Lexi knew dwarves would never eat her food but she was determined to make Kili try it.

"But," Kili started to say but Lexi held up a hand to stop him.

"No buts. You are going to try it even if I have to force feed it to you," Lexi said. Kili grumbled and took a bit of her food and ate it.

"It tastes fine now doesn't it?" Lexi asked after he finished eating it.

"Better then I remember," Kili said which made Lexi smiled.

"Of course it does. It isn't Elvish food," Lexi said. That made Kili smile.

"No it is not," he said pulling her closer to him. Lexi giggled taking another bit of lettuce and ate it. Kili went to kiss Lexi but she put some of her food in his mouth and laughed. He ate it and smiled at her.

"Not fair," he said.

"Must eat some food for a kiss," she said going to give him a quick kiss but he wrapped his arms around her making her stay and made the kiss much longer than Lexi was going to make it. Lexi smiled against his lips and rested her hands on his chest. He pulled back and faced her.

"That is a kiss my sweet. What you were planning on doing wasn't a kiss," he said.

"Well you should eat more for a bigger kiss," Lexi said eating another piece of her green food. He took another piece and ate it smiling at Lexi.

That is basically how their lunch went and after they finished, Lexi rested in his arms as he was leaning against a tree trunk.

"This is absolutely perfect," Lexi said as she was closing her eyes.

"I couldn't live a life with out you Lexi. You are the reason I live," Kili said and Lexi smiled.

"Neither could I my love," Lexi said. Kili smiled as he was playing with her hair. Kili was braiding it and then taking it out and doing another braid. He noticed that Lexi still had the courtship braid still in her hair from when he asked her to court him..

"You still have the braid in your hair," Kili said.

"Of course. It is a reminder of our love and I will never, ever take it out," Lexi said opening her eyes and looking up at him. Kili was looking at her and she lifted a hand to his check.

"You will make a great father. I am sure of it," Lexi said. Kili rested his hand on hers.

"And you will make a great mother," Kili said giving her a quick kiss. Kili then rested other hand with hers on Lexi's stomach. Lexi smiled more.

"I am ready to return home now," Lexi said. Lexi then sat up so Kili could stand and when he did, he helped Lexi up. He took her hand.

They walked to where they had their horses waiting for them in the stables at the entrance of Dale.

"Let us go home my prince," Lexi said as she mounted her horse. Kili mounted his and they set off to return to Erebor. Lexi smiled for she believed everything was going to be okay and she was going to live a happy life with Kili. That was all she wanted.