After a lovely review I got from the two parter fanfic I wrote and coming up with the idea I couldn't help but turn it down cause after the little idea they gave me I couldn't help but want to write it down and begin this lovely story. It might not be a super long one like maybe a few chapters but I really do hope you love it.

The idea belongs to ouissal2005. But I do not own the characters or anything related to Disney Channel.

They say love is a nice thing to get.

They say love hurts but it's worth it.

They say when you just know it when you meet the right person that they are the one.

How do you get to that point of being in love and finding that person, well let's just say. No one told you how that happened or gave you any kind of direction to get there.

I know it wasn't that easy for me, because if it wasn't for all the pain and the suffering and a few bumping rocks in the road I would of never met the love of my life.

How I got there? Well let me tell you.

No One's POV

Alex was laying comfortably in bed when a loud buzzing down went off which did cause the girl to groan as she slowly got out of bed and made her way to her closet. After a little bit she went with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt as she brushed her hair before putting it up into a pony tail while grabbing her glasses as she made her way downstairs as she smiled softly at her parents.

"Good Morning Alex, do you need a ride to school or are you taking the bus?" Teresa asked. Alex just shook her head.

"Oh no I can just walk to school, heard it's going to be a nice day out so thought I would take advantage of that." She smiled before grabbing an apple as she made her way out of the house and met up with her best friend Harper.

Alex and Harper have been best friends since forever; they don't know what they would do without each other. Harper is the only person that knew about Alex's little thing for girls. It was something that Alex wasn't really open about cause she wasn't sure what everyone might think or what they might say if they knew about it. Yes her parents seem to be really supportive of a lot of things but this was just something that she didn't think they would be supportive of. She was just happy that Harper was because if Harper wasn't she felt like she might be devastated cause then she wouldn't have any friends. This was what she got for being the school's biggest loser/nerd. It caused any newbies to not want to associate with her and well thanks to a few popular girls that helped out with that also.

Alex's POV

Another school day, another long day of hell. I swear I am only going because I need to pass my classes to get into my dream school, and well I wouldn't be able to survive school if it wasn't for Harper. I swear the girl thinks there is another reason I show up to school but then again there is and her name is Mitchie Torres, she is one of the most popular girls in school. She's on the cheerleading squad, she's class president...she's the schools hottie that everyone wants to get with her. But somehow she seemed to always remain single, I didn't know why but I wasn't really going to question that much about it because it probably wasn't any of my business.

I heard Harper trying to catch my attention but it was already too late because I felt my body collide with someone else's as I fell to the ground along with them.

"Watch where you are going nerd." Hearing those words kind of stung but it wasn't too surprising when I noticed who it came from.

Tess Tyler.

The second most popular girl in school, also Mitchie's best friend.

"I...I'm sorry. I didn't see you." I spoke as I looked down at my hands as I felt the girl shove past me as a low sigh escaped my lips.

I know I know, I should be standing up for myself but I know I really couldn't do much because Tess probably would kill me along with a few of her little posse that she has. So I just let her do her thing while I continue doing my thing.

"You know Alex one of these days you are going to have to stand up to yourself as you can't just keep letting her push you down like that." Harper spoke.

"Look I know but there really isn't much I can do. She's Tess Tyler, co-captain of the cheerleading team..."

"And the friend of your crush." Harper interrupted me while winking at me as I just rolled my eyes and gently shoved her as I continued making my way down the hallway as I soon entered my first class as I made my way to the back and pulled out notebook.

A couple minutes after class started I soon heard the voice that always seemed to catch my attention.

"Sorry I'm late, the meeting went on a little bit longer than we expected." Mitchie spoke as she handed the teacher her note as he just nodded his head and told her to take a seat.

I don't know what it was but somehow today she looked really beautiful, I don't know if it was the nice sun dress she was wearing or the new highlights that she was rocking. Oh god she must of caught me staring because the next thing I knew she gave me a slight wave with a slight smile before taking her seat. I instantly looked down as my cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

As the bell rung I quickly made my way out of the classroom and made my way over to Harper.

"I'm an idiot." I told the red head.

She just raised an eyebrow with a bit of confusion written on her face, "And why do you say that?" She spoke as she was a bit confused.

"Mitchie caught me staring at her and now I'm afraid she might say something if she sees me." I spoke with a bit of nervousness in my tone.

"Then maybe it's your chance to ask her out finally."

"Harper… you don't get it, I can't ask her out. She probably doesn't swing that way." I spoke in a low tone as I didn't need anyone hearing our conversation.

The last thing I need is for the whole school to know that I like girls, cause that is something I need to add on my list of things on why they can pick on me.

"Look one of these days you might regret not asking her out but you should know I think she does swing your way cause rumor has it, she made out with Caitlyn at her last party." Harper spoke with a smirk on her face.

"Wait…what? Where did you hear that?" I spoke with confused.

Did Mitchie really make out with her other best friend? Does the cheerleading squad just go around hooking up with their entire posse?

"I heard it from a few kids that went to the party but who knows it could be false but Mitchie never seemed to be the kind of girl to be afraid to kiss whoever, as this isn't the first rumor about her kissing a girl. You really need to catch up on some of the gossip going around." Harper chuckled but soon the bell rung which meant it was time for class…which meant another class with Mitchie.

As I got into class the teacher decided he was going to give us a project and was going to assign us partners.

"Okay Mitchie Torres you will be partnered with Alex Russo." He continued on partnering up people.

You got to be kidding me.

This is my first multi chapter story with this couple, so please let me know how it is so I know if I should continue on with this or not.