AN; I got the idea for this story when I listened to Daddy by Korn for the first time ever yesterday. It scared me so bad I didn't move a muscle for an hour. Anywho, yeah here is my first BrickxBubbles story in a while. Read with caution it... it's pretty fucked up.

Bubbles P.O.V.

Mercy is for the weak.

I said it once when I was a five year old on a mission to extinguish my own weaknesses.

If I had known what... what meaning those words held and how absolutely wrong the statement was, I never would of said it aloud. Heck, I would of been upset with myself just for thinking it.

But, I was young and innocent. Innocent enough to believe that the least mercy someone could show you was beating you up till you cried and said uncle. An innocence that, sadly, one person I knew didn't ever get to experience in his lifetime.

Brick Jojo.

A boy I didn't pay any attention to until it was too late.

He had led a life that I'd wish upon no one and he had bared it with such a stoic attitude that he passed as any other normal (well, as normal as anyone with superpowers could be) person.

But... he wasn't. He was a tortured and scared kid underneath the cold facade he always wore.

I promised him that I would never share his secrets with anyone, not even my sisters or his own brothers, but that was when I could still hold his hand and try to get him to wear that smile he knew I loved.

That time has passed and I believe that people deserve to know the truth behind the ruthless villain you all saw him as.

I started to see the real Brick exactly two years ago...

AN; Continue? If you listen to the song you definitely won't want me to, then again some of you are pretty sick fuckers (my kinda people) and maybe your simply curious. Review if you don't believe that mercy is for the weak!