"Got any regrets, Jeager?" His eyes were set on the rising sun.

"No… I saved as many as I could, including Armin and Mikasa. And I got to see the ocean, landscapes, the mountains." A deep breath, "I'm happy."

"I see," He would trade everything for the smile to never leave his face, even if he wasn't looking at it.

" I need to be there first so I can welcome Mikasa and Armin. And you."

A pause. "Won't it be lonely?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Nah. Almost everyone is there already. Besides. You'll join me eventually. Same goes for Mikasa and Armin."

"I guess." He leaned back into the grass. "Will you be fine?"

"Of course," A little smile. "It'll be fine."

"I was asking if you would be fine, dumbass."

"I know, and I will. But how about yo-"

"I'm perfectly fine. Shut up." It wasn't quite true.

He sat in silence for a few minutes. "See that fading star over there?"

"… Yeah. I think so."

"Soon, that star will fade until we can't see it anymore," He didn't finish the sentence.

"Yeah. It's kind of like life, don't you think? Everything will fade, sooner or later. May it be you, or may it be love. Me or sorrow. It will all fade."

"You're not allowed to talk about life," The words stung. "Especially not like that." A shrug was given in reply.

"Then you shouldn't be allowed to talk about death."

"I'm not."

"I know."



"Captain… Don't cry."

"Don't you dare tell me what to do. You didn't listen to me, so I won't listen to you."

"… I'm sorry for not making it."

He closed his eyes, "And I'm sorry for not being able to rescue you."