Dances With Luxrays

"Inxa! Inxa! Inxa!" the little Flash Pokémon cried, "Inxa! Inxa! Inxa!"

Over and over again, like a little broken record. He stood on the edge of this meadow, yelling out to the grassy horizon. His little yellow eyes were gleaming, a trait that would grow as he grew. Yet in spite of his young age, he continued to cry his little lungs out. To most of the humans around, it was nonsensical. But to the Pokémon Professor himself, he knew the call all to well.

Inxa. Momma. Hey, you'd learn these things too when you do nothing but study Pokémon all your life. But who was this little Shinx's mother? One of the many Luxrays captured by Hunter J, or someone else? Rowan knew all to well. Dawn was his mother.

"They'll be coming soon," a certain redheaded pilot/Gym Leader said as she gained this smirk. She was bruised and injured, thanks to a helicopter crash she and Officer Jenny survived. It happened hours ago, and by now, both she and the super cop had gained the proper medical attention they needed. Still, the Gym Leader wouldn't be flying any time soon, "I promise it!"

"They've been gone all day, Skyla," Rowan claimed as she removed the lollipop from his mouth.

"Listen, Rowan. I've faced two rising Pokémon Trainers who were so much like Dawn, and I've seen them rise over everything," she chuckled to herself, "This is no different. I mean, I've heard tales about how Dawn saved Sinnoh from Team Galactic, what makes that moment different from now?"

"It just feels different," Rowan claimed, as he looked down to baby Nebulis, "I'm... I'm afraid Dawn will let her emotions get in the way."

"INXA! INXA! INXA!" Nebulis began to practically howl.

His sudden outburst ended Rowan and Skyla's conversation, and drew their eyes over to him. The little Shinx was bouncing left and right as he called out to the forest before him. He didn't know how to control himself, which made his electrical powers spark and parse. Rowan walked up behind Nebulis as to check up on him, but stopped when his eyes traveled to the edge of sunset lit forest.

He noticed many pairs of gleaming eyes stare back at him. He stood tall as he looked at them, and so did his many subordinates. Many of the Shinxes, Luxios, and Luxrays that had remained after the attack also moved to join him in the center of the meadow. They all watched as these gleaming eyes walked closer to meet them.

One by one, from the forest, the Gleam Eyes Pokémon emerged. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters, they all returned to the forest. Every Luxray that was taken from the tribe returned, as if nothing ever happened. There was this expansive level of shock that wafted over the area, for the silence was ever placate.

Until she walked out. The human girl with the raven-blue hair. Her eyes were strained, as if she had been crying. Heck, it looked like she would start crying even now. But instead, she rubbed her eyes clean and gazed to the land around her. As best she could, she hid the emotions that were surely quelling within.

At least it was all over. There were no more poachers, no one else threatening to challenge the sanctity of Pokémon Island. Everything that was before she came here, would be the same when she left. Everything but one.

"Inxa..." Nebulis called in a somewhat submissive manner.

The teenage girl looked down to him, and gained a smile. The first smile she had since she exited that submarine.

"Nebulis!" Dawn called.

Barry's eyes opened. After the long and hard battle he went through to save this island, rest was what he craved. So why was he awake? It was the dead of night. The stars were twinkling overhead, various nocturnal Pokémon such as Misdreavus floated around in the heavens, and Dalmascus was no longer around. Surely, the Noctowl was searching for his own midnight meal.

When he tried pulling up, he noticed a blue and black being on him. It wasn't one of his Pokémon; they were all huddled in their own little sections. Heracross was in the trees, so was his Staraptor. His Snorlax was resting deeper into the forest alone; his snores bothered to many people. His Rapidash was no longer burning within its rest, and slept some ways away. His Roserade had, seemingly, become one with the flowers. And lastly, his wonderful Empoleon, well, he stood side-by-side with Scorch, and Lucas' Torterra. They were all friends, so it made sense for them to sit and chat as they did.

So who was the Pokémon that held on him? It was Courage. The Lucario must have found her way over to him during his rest, because she sure wasn't there when he went to sleep. Placing his hand gently on Courage's head, he nudged her away as to escape her grasp. She seemingly fell over, while he rubbed his forehead. Orange eyes peering toward the canopies, he let out a sigh. Now that he was awake, he'd need to find another way to get some rest.

Barry stood up, while he brushed some of Courage's fur off of his pajamas. With half-closed and still tired eyes, he walked toward the meadow's edge. The blonde nearly tripped over Skyla, who was sleeping slumped close to a tree. Hopping over her, he continued on his way toward... wherever.

Barry continued on his little jaunt through the forest, only to slip over the body of a Venipede he hadn't noticed. While the Centipede Pokémon merely continued on with its night, Barry fell face first into a bush. He wasn't loud as he toiled within the bristles, but damn did it hurt! Instead of springing up, he found it wiser to gently crawl out. One the other end, he came to a field of ruins.

Where was Dawn? She wasn't in the meadow with everyone else. She was here, wherever here was. In this field of ruins. There were many Luxrays here as well, all of which were huddled around the Sinnoh Champion. And she looked so different. She had red markings on her face, her raven-blue hair was curled, and she did not wear clothing that he'd ever seen before. It was a golden-colored furisode.

Barry had no idea what was going on. It looked like some unnatural ritual; were the Luxrays about to do something to Dawn? She was crying, but she wasn't scared. She was crying like that moment on the bay, when she realized that Luxray was dead. What did that Luxray mean to her, exactly? Why was she so sad? Dawn was a girl, Barry knew that, and she had the tendency to cry to things. Like that time they watched that movie, the Man and his Pokémon. Dawn cried to that. But that was just simple movie tears, not tears like this. She was completely and utterly distraught. Like someone ripped out her heart and played with it.

Barry was about to move, just to check up on his rival. But he stopped when he saw why this tribe had convened around Dawn. There was this body that was covered in silver threads, a Luxray's body. Dawn was shaking as these two Luxrays that wore armor delivered this body into the ruins. She threatened to tackle them, just to grab the body, but she kept her emotions in check. Dawn held back, as she clung close the body of a young Shinx into her arms.

She closed her silver-blue eyes in order to turn away from the body. When she opened her eyes again, she was staring in Barry's direction. He was no longer there.

"Have you seen the way she plays with them?"

Barry didn't know how to react to the question. It came out of nowhere and honestly caught him off guard. He was just laying on the grass lazily, his orange eyes on the skies. They fully intended on leaving the island days ago, but thanks to the crash of Skyla's personal helicopter, they were stuck here for a longer time. Weeks, or maybe a month, it all depended; that's what Rowan said.

But what was Lucas going on about? Barry pulled himself up, while he rubbed the side of his thumping head. Staring over to Professor Rowan's aid, he rose an eyebrow at the question.

"I'm talking about Dawn," Lucas continued, "Have you seen the way she plays with them?"

Barry gazed before them to the Sinnoh Champion. Just as Lucas claimed, she was playing around with the Luxrays, a smile on her face.

"So what?" the blonde asked, "It's no different from usual. Dawn's always this way with Pokémon."

"No, no, not these Pokémon," Lucas claimed, "Dawn's great at taming wild Pokémon, I won't ignore that, but these are Luxrays," he turned to face Barry, "Wild Luxrays at Sinnoh have the tendency to attack people, you know that and I know that. But these Luxrays seem to like humans..." Lucas gazed back, "They aren't afraid of us, like most Pokémon are. But they like no one more than Dawn. I... it's so weird..." Lucas paused, "H... Haven't you noticed anything weird about it? It's just so off... it's like Dawn is... dancing... with them..."

"Dancing...?" Barry replied while his orange eyes moved back to his friend, "Dancing... heh... like that old movie uh..." he began to muse as he watched his friend play with the many Gleam Eyes Pokémon, "Dances with Luxrays."

Lucas stood up a few moments later as their conversation died out, and walked off to go elsewhere. But Barry remained in his seated position, his orange eyes tracking Dawn's every movement. After that extremely weird (and quite terrifying night), he had tried to keep his distance from his best friend. He was too busy trying to figure out the importance of that Luxray they buried. But now, as he watched her play, he seemed to understand. Dawn would cry that way over a Pokémon if it were any Pokémon. She just loved Pokémon so much. That was his answer to the situation, anyway.

But as she played with them, Dawn suddenly stopped. Barry watched as his rival took in a few deep breaths, and told the Luxrays 'Not right now'. She started walking over to the forest, stopping in order to hand Nebulis over to Scorch. The Infernape graciously took the Shinx, and immediately ran over to present him to his friends, Empoleon and Torterra. And Dawn continued on into the forest.

Cocking his head to one side, Barry stood and began to follow her. He followed closely behind, moving past trees and branches closely in order to not lose his target. Before he knew it, he returned to that same area from the other night. The land that was deeper into the forest, and filled to the brim with ruins. Dawn roamed through the fields on a predetermined path, while Barry continued to sneak past. He darted left and right between ruins, hiding himself so his rival could not see.

But then, Dawn stopped. Getting down on her knees, she crouched near a well carved stone. Her fingers glided down the stone slowly, ruffling its words with her fingers. It was in a language she didn't understand, no matter how hard she tried too. She stopped when her fingers met grass however.

"Barry..." Dawn suddenly called, "Barry, I know you're there!"

Turning around suddenly, Dawn shot a glare with her silver-blue. For half a minute, things were silent, until her blonde rival appeared from behind a column.

"Ah c'mon Dawn," he groaned, "How'd you know I was here?"

"'I've known you for years," she said flatly, "It'll take a bit more than just some quick movements to trick me."

He nodded in agreement and tried to save-face, while Dawn went back to staring at the stone. Barry walked a bit closer now that he was no longer incognito, and stood up tall behind Dawn. Looking upon the stone and then the various other stones around, he simply did not know what was going on. What made this stone so much greater than the many other stones around?

"So what happened while you were here alone?" Barry asked as he sat down beside his friend, "I bet you have a lot of stories to tell! Come on! I heard the Legendary Birds fly around here sometimes, did you see any of them? How about the many ghosts I hear haunt this island. Not... ghost Pokémon, I mean actual ghosts."

But Dawn didn't really look like she wished to talk. Well, not about her time here, at least. Instead, she just looked at him. Barry got the message and grew silent. And this silence grew over them. Until...

"Barry..." Dawn whispered, gaining his attentions, "Do you know my middle name?"

It was a random question; she had no reason to ask it. But Dawn really wanted to know if Barry knew.

"Well duh," the blonde answered, "It's Mitsumi..."

Dawn smiled. Barry was right.

"Remember our first kiss?" she asked next, making Barry shake.

"Wait... is this a trick question?" he inquired, "Because you don't like to count our first kiss... uh..." he looked up, "You just came back from the Distortion World and... I kissed you and you... beat the hell out of me for it..." he looked back, "But then we were in Kanto and you... kissed me there... are you going to beat me up again?"

"How do you feel about me because of it?" she asked next.

"I don't like these questions Dawn," Barry stated, "How do I know it won't end up with you punching me or something?"

She laughed, but Barry was dead serious. Her questions were really confusing. He didn't know if it was wise to keep to herself, or to actually answer her. But it did make him think. How did he feel about Dawn? It was something he never really pondered until now. For the longest, he thought he had his thoughts about her already set. She was Dawn Pearl, his best friend since they were three-year-olds. They left Twinleaf Town together as a couple of ten-year-olds, and became the strongest Trainers in all of Sinnoh. And through that time, they had grown so much. Barry would gladly admit he's changed since his departure from home, though many would disagree. And Dawn, surely she changed too.

"I thought I knew who I was before all of this happened," Dawn claimed, "But I didn't really know... I was wrong I guess... I was really wrong..."

Dawn hugged close her knees as she stared at the tombstone before her. It was his tombstone. Oculus' tombstone. She still couldn't believe he was dead, honestly. A part of her didn't want to believe it. She just loved him too much for that.

"You don't have to know yourself," Barry suddenly said as he took the initiative. To Dawn's surprise, he pulled her up into his arms, hugging her close, "I know you better than you know yourself! And you know me better than I know myself! Honestly, if we're separated for too long, we'll lose our minds!"

Was that why she fell in love with Oculus? Simply because Barry was not here? No, that's obviously not the answer. But it did make Dawn's day. Even if she forgot who she was, she had friends, or at least one friend, who would never forget. He'd never forget, and neither would she. Let's face it; being forgotten is worse than death.

"I can't wait to go home, Dawn," Barry suddenly said as he yawned, "This island is cool and all, but after fighting J, I just really want to go to my bed and sleep."

"Same," she answered, "That's one of the many things I miss the most from home. A nice, soft and cushy bed."

Barry and Dawn laughed together, as friends often do, and then decided to leave this area. For a change, they decided to search around the island. Not in search of poachers or of rare Pokémon, but just for the sights. It was something Dawn had done briefly, but not out of enjoyment. Besides, it would be like old times in Sinnoh. Searching high and low for anything would be grand.

Barry, of course, was the first to walk off. Dawn stopped first, and she turned around to face Oculus' tombstone. She would never forget. She would never forget. She didn't want to forget.

"Goodbye... Oculus..."

"Oculus? Who's Oculus?"

"I am so fucking set to go back home!" the redhead claimed to the heavens.

Skyla was hooting and hollering at the helicopters that had come for them. Three of them, side by side, had arrived to Pokémon Island, and all were landing upon the grass. Skyla was so excited by them all, probably because she wanted to go home so badly. And who could blame her? She's spent about a month on this island now. Seriously, the days just blended into one another like an endless stream. But now it was all over!

"I swear! It feels like years that I've been gone! Years!" Skyla stated as she ran up to the many helicopters that land, "Tell me! Has Unova changed at all!?"

Skyla always enjoyed mingling with people, and this was no different. She quickly befriended the men piloting the plan, while everyone else emerged from the forest. One by one, they all emerged from the forest. Barry Lucas, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Rowan's various scientists, and of course, Professor Rowan himself. There was only one missing.

In this area, where the sun poked through the canopies, the Champion of Sinnoh cried. She felt as if an entire year of her life happened on this island, a year she'd never be able to reciprocate with anyone. Sure, she will beguile others of how she saved Pokémon Island from the evil Hunter J, but she'll never tell others about what also happened. How she was left on this island with nothing but her wits and her Pokémon. How she met a Luxray that saved her multiple times. How she fell in love with that Luxray. How she and that Luxray became one. How she had a son. No, she'd never tell anyone this story. Never.


The Champion gazed up to the Infernape that called out to her; tears running down her face. Her beloved Scorch, the Infernape she adored so much. For years, they've been an inseparable kind. Much like she and Barry, it's nearly impossible to see Dawn without Scorch. The Infernape made his way over to his trainer, where he gently grabbed her hands. Moving them up, he drew her eyes to his face. Upon doing so, Scorch gave a smile as best he could. Dawn didn't smile back.

"Fernape? Infer ape ape, fernape?"

"Scorch..." she whispered as she wiped away her tears, "Scorch..." she looked back down to the grass, "Scorch... I don't... want to leave..."

Her words caught the Infernape off guard. Why was she admitting to this? She didn't want to leave? They've wanted to leave since they first stepped foot on this island! Why was she saying it now, of all days when they finally return home? Why didn't she want to leave? Scorch was threatening to explode into flames from his master's words, when he finally realized why. It had nothing to do with Oculus, do a part of him believed otherwise. No, it had everything to do with a certain little Shinx.

"Inxa! Inxa!" the Flash Pokémon cried.

From the forest, the prince of the Luxray tribe appeared. Over the time since his birth, Nebulis had groan into a fine young Shinx. Being a Luxray, his age may have been comparable to a four or five-year-old. Though adventurous, Nebulis had already gained a reputation as being a mother's boy. He constantly cried out for Dawn and wouldn't shut up until she picked him up. Sure, she was spoiling him and she knew this, but come on Nebulis is a prince. He's supposed to be spoiled.

But after spending so much time with a Pokémon that was essentially Dawn's son, she didn't know if she could leave him. It was the same issue she had with Oculus. She was afraid she couldn't leave him, and she had proven this fact true. But not with the adult male Luxray, but with her son. She didn't have it in her to leave her son.

"I can't leave Nebulis," Dawn whispered to Scorch, while the Shinx leaped into her awaiting arms, "Scorch..."

Nebulis was licking at Dawn's chin, making her smile even as she cried. Scorch on the other hand, gazed toward the forest's exit. The helicopters were just outside, calling to them. They were only a skip and a hop away from home. All they needed to do was go. But Nebulis was making them stay. And Scorch could understand why.

Little Nebulis, he was like a little protegé of Scorch's. The Shinx hung on Scorch's every word in pure silence, listening to all his stories like they were the greatest things in the world. The Infernape could understand his master's hesitation to leave; Scorch didn't want to leave Nebulis either. But what were they going to do? They couldn't stay, and they couldn't bring Nebulis with them. He had a job. He was a prince.

This wasn't a decision Scorch could make. Only Dawn could decide where she, and her Pokémon, went. The Champion knew that as she stood up. Withdrawing a Pokémon, she looked at her beloved Infernape. Together they nodded, and Dawn returned Scorch to his Poké Ball. Nebulis was shocked by the flash that captured his mentor, as he dragged his flashing eyes over to his mother.

"Inxa?" he questioned.

Dawn smiled as she finally stopped crying, then she crouched down and picked him up. And with him in her arms, the Sinnoh Champion gave her son a hug as grand as she could. He was taken aback by the hug, but he didn't mind it. After all, Nebulis loves his mother, why would he try to force her of? It was Dawn who broke the hug anyway, as she pulled him back to face level. And she smiled again.

"Nebulis, dear, I want you to be a good boy," from the forest various Luxrays began to emerge, all being led by Caligula and Augustus, "I'm going to come back in a little while, okay? And while I'm gone, I want you to stay here, alright?"

"Inxa?" he questioned in confusion.

"Dawn! Hurry up, we're ready to leave!" Barry's voice echoed from outside the forest.

She smiled and nodded, then put Nebulis down. Turning around toward the forest's edge, the Champion of Sinnoh began walking off. Nebulis sat there as he listened to his mother's words, watching as she vanished through the trees. He began fidgeting as the minutes went on. A little while was usually shorter than this, right? He really wanted to run through the forest, deeply so.

"Inxa! Inxa!" Nebulis began to shout, hoping his mother would hear and come back.

He suddenly felt a paw on his back, making him look up. It was Augustus.

"Get going, Nebulis," the Emperor said, "You're mother's waiting..."

Nebulis smiled, as if Augustus had given him the permission to move. He began running, leaving his tribe behind. Rushing through the forest, he found a grassy knoll that lacked anything upon it. He started looking left and right, searching valiantly for his mother. He began to fret, until he saw her. At the top of a hill, just standing there. Alone. Nebulis kicked up the speed as he got closer and closer to his mother.

"Inxa! Inxa!" he shouted.

Dawn turned around, her silver-blue eyes falling on her son. And she smiled. Throwing complete caution to the wind, the Champion picked her son up into her arms. And she kissed him on the forehead. Like any mother should.

Twinleaf town always looked pretty this time of year. When the snow started falling, it could get extremely frothy. Like a smaller version of Snowpoint. The blonde finally escaped from his home after what felt like an eternity of fighting. The door was barricaded by snow he needed to force his way through. Upon stepping out into the town, he stared up to the heavens with his orange eyes. Good thing he had his green scarf; he'd be frozen solid by now.

Marching through the snow, he made tracks through the town, coming closer and closer to the next door. Walking up to it, he knocked on the door sending pounds through the home.

"Hey! Ms. Pearl!" he called, "Ms. Pearl!"

The door opened, but he was pounding so furiously, he accidentally hit the person who opened the door. It was a furry brown Pokémon that felt like fluffy clouds whenever he touched it. Pulling his fist back, he gazed up into the Pokémon's red eyes that glowed.

"Oh," he said with a fretting face, "Sorry Veneticus! I didn't mean too!"

"Lolo..." the Veneticus murmured, brushing off his words like they were nothing.

The blonde, undeterred by the Bunny Pokémon, continued walking in. This room sure was warm, it made him moan.

"Ah, Barry!" Johanna called as she graciously cooked breakfast, "Come over to eat breakfast?"

"No..." he answered before thinking about it, "Well, yes, but you know why I'm really here," he walked up to her, "How are things?"

"Good," the mother answered.

"And... well..." he began to shift uncomfortably, "Johanna... how do you feel about Dawn and... well... you know..."

"You are such a dramatic, Barry," Johanna bemoaned, "Why don't you ask her yourself? Dawn! Dawn! Barry's here!... Again..."

When the call echoed out, a black being suddenly sprang up from the side of the couch. Its eyes were golden-yellow, and its visage was anything but jolly. With a viscous eye, the Pokémon glared left and right. Then he stood up tall, while his nose quivered. Slowly, this four-legged Pokémon turned around to face Barry.

"LUXIO!" the Spark Pokémon barked as he began to approach the blonde.

"No, no! Please! Nebulis don't!" Barry cried as he suddenly tackled by the Luxio.

On his back, Barry began to struggle while Nebulis bit and chewed on his green scarf. He fought back, but not strong enough to actually do something. He knew this Pokémon's status, and he was wise enough to know not to mess with it. It's not because he feared Nebulis, he feared Nebulis' mother.

"Nebulis! Down!" a strong and stern voice echoed out.

Suddenly growing placated, the Luxio stepped down from Barry's back. He actually appeared to be defeated as he made his way back to the couch. That voice came from his mother, and his mother had told him not to attack Barry. Boy did the blonde trainer feel relief when he stared up to see his best friend.

There was Dawn, in all her sunny glory. A few weeks before the Winter season hit its hardest, she had come down with a bad cold. Though it wasn't as strong as it was before, her red nose was still obvious. She stood before Barry in her red jacket and long red scarf, already prepared for whatever adventure they were planning on getting into this evening. Hand reaching out, her best friend grabbed it and she pulled him up.

"I think you need to check that Luxio of yours, Dawn," Barry whispered, "He's really, really, angry."

"He's a Luxio," Dawn replied with a slight cough, "He's bound to be that way..." then she smiled as they started for the door together, "So what are we going to do today?"

"Well, I hear there's a white rock near the Pokémon League. I really want to go and see it."

"Then lead the way, Barry."

"Wait a sec... you already know where it's at, don't you?"

Dawn smiled.

Dearest Journal. No. Dearest Oculus.

This is the last entry I'm putting into this journal. I've had it ever since I left Sinnoh, and I have it now as I return. I want to say goodbye to those things at Pokémon Island, I really do. But... I want to say goodbye to you the most, Oculus. I really miss you. I really really miss you. I miss you so much. You were in my dreams. You were in my nightmares. I just couldn't stop thinking of you. Even now, as I write this, I feel like I'm going to tear up. But I'm not. I'm not going to cry anymore. I did that when you did, and I did that for the entire month after. I'm not going to cry anymore. I'm Dawn Pearl. I'm not supposed to cry.

I brought Nebulis with me. I didn't think it was a good idea, but I just couldn't help but too. I don't know how the tribe will work without him, but I know its in good hands. Augustus' hands. I don't trust Caligula as far as I can throw him. I feel sorry that your family's legacy ends with Nebulis, but he's with me. I couldn't leave my son, and I couldn't stay on Pokémon Island. I feel like I was selfish. I'm sorry.

But I'm selfish. Our relationship was selfish. When we were together, you didn't care about your tribe, and I didn't care about my Pokémon. It was a horrible thought that we should both be ashamed for. I know I was and still am.

And Oculus. I love you. I love you so much. But I don't think about you as much. My love for you isn't as covered by sadness as it once was. I'm not as ashamed of our relationship as I once was. I've told no one about us, but I think Rowan knows. He's been... well... very Rowan about things. He's such a hard old man; I don't know if he knows about us. But I think he does. Yet, for some reason, he doesn't treat me any different. Why isn't he?

I don't know. Oculus. Zeus. I no longer cry about you. I don't have dreams about you. I don't have nightmares about you any more. I hate to say it but... I don't think I love you anymore. Well, obviously, I love you, I just... don't... well...

I'll forever love you, but I think I can move on.

Barry's coming over today. Then again, when doesn't he come over? We're probably going to do something stupid, and honestly, I look forward to it.

And, trust me, Nebulis is in good hands. He evolved into a Luxio a few days ago, I was so proud of him. I hadn't felt this much joy since Scorch first evolved into a Monferno all those years ago.

Well. Goodbye Oculus. I'm not going to write another one of these things, because I know if I do, I won't be able to free myself of you. So... this is goodbye. Truly goodbye.

Goodbye, Oculus. I love you.

There once were humans and Pokémon that ate together at the same table.

Food for thought, huh?

Oh man. Are we done here? Seriously? Are we done here finally? After all this time, is Dances With Luxrays over? Why, yes my friends, Dances with Luxrays is over. Over 180k words have passed. We watched Dawn set foot on this island, and now leave it. Funny, right?

I guess. So let me do what I always do. Thank you, my readers, for keeping this story alive throughout all of it. Thanks to my reviewers, my followers, my favoriters, all of which kept me going as I wrote word, after astonishing word of this story. Thanks to TheDivines. Thanks to L'assassin orange. Thanks to GhostShadow6661. Thanks to OC Maker. Thanks to devanbouchie. Thanks to eeveexme. Thanks to Fireykal. Thanks to Kurosaki Yukia. I love reviews. That's all I can say.

Well, with all that said, let me give you your final helping of Maverick Talks!

Now, I bet you've all been wondering this. Why, Maverick, did you choose a Luxray? What drew you to make a story based off of Dawn falling in love with a Luxray? And you wanna know the answer? I haven't the slightest clue why. Seriously? I ask my self 'What the hell Maverick?' and then I just keep writing. I seriously don't know why I chose a Luxray, but I did. And once I did, I enjoyed it a lot. And I hope you did to. Dawn fell in love with a Luxray. Go figure man. Go figure.

So what other uber stuff can I tell you about? How about Mew? Last chapter, Mew comes out of nowhere and saves Dawn from Hunter J? Seem's kinda deus ex machina to you? Well guess what! It's not! It's totally planned! Remember when I told you to remember Cobalion and to keep your eye on him? And by that I mean keep him in your head? Well, Cobalion is Mew! So was Virizion, Terrakion and obviously, Keldeo. They were all Mew. Why Mew? Well, this story takes place on Pokemon Island. If you played Pokemon Snap, then you know Mew is in the final stage. It flies around in the Rainbow Cloud, where you can take as many pictures of it as you wish. But its stupid hard. So yeah, the Sacred Sword quartet was actually Mew. They're Unova legends. They're in Unova.

I was going to go through every chapter and explain to you what the Sinnoh Myth was I mentioned at the end of the chapter, and how it pertains to the information, but I didn't. I'm a bit to lazy. I will say however, the last chapter didn't have a Sinnoh Myth technically. That last line. 'I'm sorry, and thank you. Let's meet again' is actually Cynthia's last words after she ranted for hours on that painting in Eterna City. Not technically Sinnoh Myths, but Bulbapedia puts it in its tab so... yeah!

So what are we going to say now you guys? Goodbye to this story? I suppose we'll have too. as much as I love this story, I can't write it forever. Seriously, I can't. Dances with Luxrays is yet another finished story, in my long list of finished stories. It feels sad to let it go, but I also feel happy. I really do love ending long stories, ya know? Sure, I'm not done writing stories, but It just feels good putting this one under my belt too. How many finished stories does that give me? 17, counting this one. Wow. 17 finished stories! I feel grand!

By I can stroke my ego for long enough. Thanks guys for reading this. If you didn't, I don't think I would have written it. Seriously, if a writer writes a story, and no one reads it, does the story exist? I can easily say my story exists, all because of you all! So thank you!

So, this is Maverick Kay Prime, saying goodbye and god bless! Be seeing ya!

And you should thank me! More often than not, I put in a cliffhanger. This story lacks one. You're welcome.

Maverick Kay Prime