A light breeze travelled throughout the Opera Populaire as the front door opened by the new lead singer for the opera house. They had rebuilt the building after the devastating fire that had raged through it before. Unlike the past though they had of course made sure the building had its modern modifications.
The young woman took in her surroundings as she looked at the scrap of paper she held tight within her grasp which bore the directions of what she was to do when she arrived in the new Opera Populaire.
Making sure she had both her bags she turned left and headed down the long hall to the back stage area set on finding her dressing room and getting things settled for the night. Though where she was placed was not going to be what she expected.
Passing other young ladies in the hallway talking amongst themselves she paid them no attention for she didnt like girls like that those who snicker and judge others they dont know.
Arriving in front of her door she gently bumped opened the door only to be met with a shocking state of disarray in her room. Levels of dust upon everything, furniture tipped over and old fashion clothes spread everywhere. She froze as she realized they had given her none other then the woman she hated most, Christine Daae's old room.
She shook her head as she left her bags by the door and stood in the middle of the room taking inall she had to do to make it livable. She made sure the door was shut as she turned around and sneered at the memories in the room.
"You make me sick Christine Daae, to think im in your room makes me sick. I am going to change this whole room erase your wretched existance. I hope your not resting in peace you played the heart of a man who did nothing but expect you to love him like he did you, yet you played him and turned him mad. I swear if you and i had met i would have told you to leave him alone he deserved so much more then some vicomtes hussy," shaking her head she set to work on cleaning unaware that someone had heard all she said.
Things were going to change, the man who had heard her stood in shock at the words that stumbled upon her lips, before briskly turning and going back to the catacombs of the Opera Popularie to think and compose.