Ten years ago….

"haha hiccup the useless cant even throw an axe," taunted the 6 year old form of Snotlout Jorgensen, the archipelago's biggest bully, and poor young hiccup horrendous haddock the III's cousin.

"Snotlout, he's only 3 leave him alone," defended Astrid, one of his only 2 friends (the other was Fishlegs( in all my stories you'll find that hiccup was friends with those two (especially Astrid who was the last to leave him) till his mom died and he isolated himself)).

"Why don't you mind your own business Hofferson?"

"Why don't you go jump in a ~" she was cut off by a glowing green portal that suddenly appeared before them.

"Wow…" breathed the twins.

"What is that?" asked Fishlegs.

"Only one way to find out. HICCUP!" said Snotlout.

Said boy jumped, "Y-y-y-yes s-s-s-s-s-Snotlout?"

"Go in there and see if its safe."


Astrid and Fishlegs looked at him horror stricken. They knew he didn't like his little cousin but this was just madness.

"Wait!" he yelled as Snotlout picked him up and threw him through, "AAAH! Oof!" he cried as he was flung and landed on some dirt.

"SNOTLOUT!" yelled Astrid.

"I'm okay," said hiccup's voice from beyond the portal.

"Hang on we're coming," cried Astrid as she dove into the portal.

"Gobber, have you seen my axe?" yelled a familiar voice.

"Uh-oh, see ya on the other side," said Snotlout, jumping into the portal followed by the others.

They all landed on one big heap on top of hiccup.

"Ow," he said as they got off him.

They looked around and what they saw amazed them. There were Vikings on the backs off dragons.

"What is this place?" asked Astrid.

"Hello," said a startlingly familiar voice, though they couldn't quite place it, they turned around and what they saw made them jump back.

how was that for chapter 1? FYI I thought of this 2 weeks ago but working on other stories made this take for ever to write. I'm so excited my first youtube vid will be up in like 3 hours, seriously? Every percent it loads it says it'll take more time. I've asked like 10 people to use the song but no one did so yesterday, after 1 ½ years of waiting I just did it on video star. The quality ain't so great. I did it on video star.


peace out yo ;p