Author's Note: Continuation! Love it?
Just to Say I'm Sorry.
When Sherman woke again he smelled something funny. It smelled like disinfectant and band aid glue…
The boy opened his eyes, blinking them open. Why was the room so white? Was he dead? He'd find that hard to believe.
"Sherman?" Peabody was standing from his seat by the hospital bedside the second he saw his boy was awake. "Oh Sherman thank goodness!"
"Mr. Peabody? What happened?" Sherman frowned. He was in a hospital bed and in a gown too. He felt really weak…
"How are you feeling?" Mr. Peabody asked in concern.
"I'm tired, Mr. Peabody." The boy answered truthfully and rubbed his tightly bandaged hand. It kind of itched.
"You should go back to sleep Sherman, and then we can discuss what exactly is going on."
"But I don't want to sleep." Sherman shook his head. "I have something I wanna-"
"Sherman!" Penny ran through the hospital room door and straight to the bed. She hugged the boy tight and relieved.
"Hey Penny." Sherman greeted with a half-smile. "What are you doing here?"
"Well I came to see you." Penny pulled back, crossing her arms. Sometimes the boy could be so clueless. "Duh." She rolled her eyes but smiled then. "But you're okay and that's great!" The girl went for another hug when she was pulled back and away by her elbow.
"Careful with Sherman now, Penny." Peabody warned, unhanding the girl. "He's still recovering."
"What am I recovering from, Mr. Peabody?" Sherman frowned, not understanding. "And why am I in the hospital?" He hadn't expected to be hit in the arm as an answer by the only girl in the room. "Ow!"
"How could you do something so stupid!" Penny shouted at him.
Peabody narrowed his eyes and scolded the girl. "Penny please! I said Sherman and I will discuss the event when he is feeling up to it. Clearly that is not now. So until then I do request you return to your parents or the very least wait in the waiting room."
Penny huffed and stomped out, giving a very mean glare to the boy in the bed as she did. The door slammed behind her and the dog let out a sigh.
"Why's Penny so upset?" Sherman asked.
"I believe she's just having a hard time accessing the severity of this little mishap." Mr. Peabody explained.
"What mishap?" The boy wanted to know, wondering why no one was telling him at all what was going on. Why was Penny angry at him? Why was he in the hospital? And why did Mr. Peabody look so…sad?
With hurt eyes, Peabody fought back showing his true emotions. He had to be strong for his son. He would not cry like a little pup. "We'll discuss it later, Sherman. Now please, I want you to get some rest and clear your head some." The dog insisted.
Sherman had objections and they were obvious in his frown but he held them and complied obediently to his father. He laid his head back on the pillow and looked up at the hospital ceiling. He didn't understand anything; Penny's anger, the sadness in his dad's tone and hurt in his eyes, or what in the world was so important to be pushed off to later to talk about. What was going on?
In all this confusion Sherman found his moment affirmatively. He nodded once as he made his decision. He rolled his head to the side so he could stare at his canine father. He was finally going to do it, apologize for his outburst back in the WABAC.
Sherman looked at the white beagle with eyes of remorse. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Peabody."
Mr. Peabody shook his head. "You have no reason to be sorry, Sherman. I should have noticed your feelings beforehand and maybe we could have helped prevent this."
"You think so?" The boy asked.
"Of course." Peabody nodded sincerely. "But there's something I must know, Sherman. Please you've got to tell me." He begged.
Sherman sat up in his bed, hearing the seriousness in his dad's tone so he leaned in. "Anything, Mr. Peabody."
"What provoked you to try to kill yourself?" Mr. Peabody pressed urgently, ears drooping a bit. He felt that it was his fault. His son must have been depressed for a while and he'd seen no signs of it until it was too late. What kind of father was he? What could have become of Sherman tonight had they not gotten to the hospital in time? His son's attempt would have succeeded.
Sherman was speechless. He never tried to kill himself! Why would he do that?! He was in shock to even hear that. He gaped. "Tried to what my what?!"