I don't own twilight


Isabella Swan rushed through the heavy down pour on the Boston Street grabbing a paper from a passing newsboy to cover her head. She dashed into the slight warmth of Mrs. London's boarding house. And shook herself off. Shaking the paper out also. She looked around making sure no one else was around she hurried up the stairs and into her tiny room. Looking around she sighed. Sitting down on the tiny bed with the lumpy mattress. She threw the wet paper down beside herself. She thought about the disappointment of the day. She'd went through the city looking for a job any job but no one was hiring.

She was almost out of money she could only afford this boarding house for another month and after that she didn't know what she would do. She was seventeen and alone in the world. She'd lost her mother to a broken heart only the month prier and her father had been shot down on some battle field a few years before. She looked at herself in the cracked mirror so plain. So sad so alone in this great big world. She sighed sitting back down on the bed and glancing over noticing the discarded paper. She picked it up and looked at the cover.

The Marriage monthly. She rolled her eyes. Of course of all the papers in the city she could have grabbed it had to be a mail order bride one. She was about to toss it aside but she stopped herself. What if? she paused the paper still clutched in her hands. What if this was the answer to her prayers. She wanted to toss it as far away as she could to never look at it again but she was in dire straits nowhere to turn and maybe this flimsy piece of paper was her salvation. A strange one but one none the less.

She flipped the soggy paper open and read the inky letters that sprawled across the page. She dismissed many of them without a second thought. Men with children men old enough to be her father. She sighed as she came to the last page maybe this wasn't for her. Maybe she wasn't meant to find someone. There was only three more ads left and she was beginning to feel desperate. She felt a piece of the soggy paper rip in her hand. Her eyes scanned over the inky words. Her heart started to beat. Her breath caught and she swallowed.

Name Emmett Cullen

Profession: General Store owner in the town of Cistine Colorado.

What he's looking for: 30 looking for a wife to help him in the store, and to also be a good member of the local society. Cistine is a silver mine town and houses many miners and their wives along with a doctor a seamstress and a preacher. A tiny town but mostly okay. A woman willing to come into the unknown frontier.

Letter in care to Emmett Cullen Cistine Colorado.

Bella put the paper down and thought about what she had just read. Could she leave Boston really and go to a strange town to marry a man she never met. Could she do it and help run a story. She'd never done such a thing. Her dad had been a law man before he went off to war and all Bella had done growing up was help her mother take care of their modest house. Bella looked around the room. The sparse room that didn't belong to her. She had nothing keeping her there. No job prospects. This was better than nothing. She stood up and went to the rickety desk that sat in the corner. She pulled out a piece of scrap paper that she'd found lying around at one point and she pulled out a pencil. She sat on her bed and bit her lip. She thought of what to write. What did you say to a man you hoped to one day marry?

Dear Mr. Cullen. She sat pondering what to say hoping the lead wouldn't break on her pencil. She didn't have a knife to sharpen it with.

My name is Isabella Swan I'm seventeen years old and I'm from Boston. I'm an orphan my mother died just last month and my father was killed in the war. I've never worked in a general store but I know how to keep house and I'm willing to learn the working of the store. I'm hoping you and your town will be a good fit for me.

Sincerely Miss Isabella Swan.

She put the paper down and fished out a rumbled envelope she had stashed away from when she'd bought some to send letters to the people that had attended her mother's funeral. She folded the letter and slipped it into the envelope. and wrote the directions on it. She'd turn it into the post office in the morning. She then changed into her nightgown and crawled under the covers. Her mind spun with the possibility's the letter on that desk could bring her. The next morning she got up early and slipped out. She was avoiding Mrs. London. She didn't want to talk about the money that would soon be owned to the landlady. She clutched the letter to her like it was a life line and in a way it was. She slipped into the post office and looked at the girl behind the desk. She passed the letter over. "Can you please mail this?" Bella put down a penny to cover the carrying cost.

"Of course." The letter was stamped and put into a pile.

Bella smiled weakly said thank you and turned away her life was now in the hands of that one little letter. She didn't know how it would turn out she wasn't sure where life would take her once that letter reached its destination. She wondered if she'd find her salvation in a mine town.

A/N hope you like this new Bella and Emmett story I cooked up if you'd like to see more please review.