Author's Note: Ok, so I've written tons of this pairing in the past and I've just now gotten brave enough to post this little lighthearted story. Definitely AU from the original storyline. Just wanted to play with the characters a bit. :)Tell me what you think! R&R!

Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine.

Chapter 1: Vexed

Bright sunlight poured into a dormitory room at Hogwarts past an array of thick crimson curtains with gold tassels, and landing on a fluffy bed with a comforter that matched the drapes. If it weren't obvious enough that this was a Gryffindor room, one had only to notice the occupant of the bed. A Weasley, by the looks of those flamboyant red locks, and a female one at that, not that there was anyone to notice the tiny purple shorts and tank she was wearing. Said Weasley, was currently moaning in her sleep, something that almost sounded like…Draco? Surely she couldn't possibly be having dreams about Draco Malfoy…could she?

Ginny Weasley awoke with a start, drenched in sweat. The image of the blonde Slytherin burned to her retinas. What in Merlin's name? She shook her head. The night before, at the Sorting ceremony, he had looked pretty debonair with those blonde locks falling over his forehead and that dark brooding look he was giving everyone…and yes, he had stared at her for quite a while, nearly unnerving her, but…he was still the same mean little boy he always was, right?

Her grumbling stomach gave her little time to ponder the thought. Fumbling for her watch, she realized with a sigh that there was still an hour before food would be served in the Great Hall and she could get on with her first day of classes as a sixth year. She flopped back onto her back, hoping for a few more winks, but to no avail. Tossing and turning seemed all she was capable of doing. Might as well get up and get dressed. She sighed again.

"Will you shut it?" Hermione moaned, rolling over in her bed. (Ginny had requested that she have a room with Hermione since the diary incident and never asked for a change.)

Ginny rolled her eyes. "You're as bad as bloody Ron."

"Ron? Where?" Hermione squeaked jumping to her feet.

"He's not in here, Mione." She exclaimed exasperatedly as she dug out clothes and headed to the bathroom for a nice, hot shower to start the day.

The water was pleasant and warm just as she had expected and she bounced from the room fully dressed and refreshed. Hermione was sluggishly digging her clothes out of her trunk. "You're still not dressed yet?" Ginny questioned.

"Does it look like I am?" Hermione snapped irritated.

"Well…I'm going to go to the Great Hall, then."

Hermione mumbled something incoherent, causing Ginny to roll her eyes, slightly miffed. Her bushy-haired friend was always a grouch before her morning shower when she wasn't stressed over a life-threatening situation.

A few people called out to her from the Common Room as she passed through, but no one she particularly wanted to talk to, so, sighing once again, she headed out the portrait hole alone…and right smack into a hard object…a hard object that smelled fantastic…a hard object that happened to be Draco Malfoy. Her dream came rushing back and she felt her eyes glaze over a bit. Dream Draco didn't quite feel as nice as the real thing.

He stood there, his hands steadying her waist and giving her a funny look for a few seconds. Of course he had to ruin the moment with his mouth. "Watch where you're going, Weasley! I don't have time to get filthy today." He snapped, shoving past her roughly.

"Why don't you watch where you're going, Malfoy!" She shouted at his retreating back before stalking into the Great Hall in a huff. And I dreamed about him? Ugh. Where was he bloody going anyway?

"What flew up your arse and died?" Ron asked as she sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"A bloody ferret." She spat.

Ron choked on his toast.

Harry laughed. "Did you give him what for?"

"Of course. Should have hexed him though." She replied with a grin, just as a scowling Malfoy strolled into the Great Hall alongside a smirking Blaise Zabini who was saying something in his ear.

Hermione came in not long afterwards looking much less grouchy. Probably since she's in the same room as Ronniekins. "What did you do to Malfoy, Ginny? He pushed past me in the hallway as if I wasn't even there, mumbling about stupid pretty redheads."

"Pretty? What makes you think he was talking about me?" Malfoy couldn't possibly…

"Come on, Gin. You're the only pretty redhead around." Hermione replied.

"Hey! You don't think I'm pretty?" Ron asked, making Hermione blush.

Harry chuckled. "She might, but Malfoy wouldn't."

"Besides, Gin, Malfoy's practically glowering at you as we speak." Hermione replied.

Ginny turned her head sharply to the Slytherin table. Sure enough, Draco Malfoy was giving her an intense look. It looked more like smoldering than glowering to Ginny.

She blushed and looked away. "Oh I accidentally ran into him in the hallway. I think he was already vexed about something, though."

"Wonder what?" Harry mused.

"Probably another foiled Death Eater plan." Ron groused.

Hermione sighed. "We don't know that he's a Death Eater."

"His bloody father is, so that automatically means he is. Guilty by association, 'Mione." Ron replied.

"Or by genetics." Harry added.

Tuning out the trio's banter, Ginny picked at her scrambled eggs and looked back over at the Slytherin table. Malfoy was now staring intently into his bowl of porridge. Zabini, however, was looking straight at Ginny curiously. She raised an eyebrow. The dark haired boy smirked lazily. I suppose he is rather handsome if you like the tall, dark look. In all actuality, he and Draco Malfoy were the best-looking blokes in Slytherin and two of the best looking blokes in the school for that matter, along with Terry Boot, Seamus Finnigan, Harry Potter, and for some reason her git of a brother, although Ginny couldn't imagine why.

Malfoy looked up again and frowned at her, causing her eyes to shift back to him. She quickly looked away again. It would not do to start gawking at the boy, no matter how heated her dreams were. Draco Malfoy was trouble. Everything about him screamed that.

"Morning, love." A charming Irish brogue reached her ear, making her smile and turn.

"Morning Seamus!"

"What's got Malfoy in such a twit? Did you hex 'im?" He asked, following her line of sight.

Ginny chuckled. "Of course not. I really have no idea. Ran into him in the hallway. He barely even insulted me."

"Odd." He commented. "Probably just pissed because his father won't get him a new Firebolt or some rubbish."

Ginny chuckled. "Probably."

"So…are you going to eat those eggs or build something with them?"

Ginny smacked him in the shoulder playfully ignoring the sneers she was receiving from across the room.