In The Village

Chapter One

The villagers were all doing their daily business, though recent events masked the village in this seemingly never-ending sadness. One girl in particular, she went by the name Sinead Roscoe. Her baby daughter, who was called Katy, recently passed away through natural causes. As she walked through the village alone at a very slow pace; her family are breaking apart. Her own family has turned against her in her time of need and that shatters her heart into a dozen pieces. She just recently returned from the hospital; after telling her husband that their marriage was over. Though out of desperation; she rung the only man who ever truly loved her. Bart McQueen was on his way back, after hearing the devastating news. She almost forgot where she was heading as she was lost in her thoughts; with tears falling down in almost disbelief. She felt arms wrap around her; as Bart kept her close. As they hugged in the middle of the street; more tears fell down her cheek. He just got of the train; he had his suitcase by his side. He went back to his mother's house after Brendan sent him and Joel away last year. He lost contact with many; he presumed Sinead would be alright on her own though he was wrong.

"Look, I take you back home; yeah" Bart spoke; as he now pulled away and cupped her face with his hands.

The reason how she knew his number was because she went to the McQueen's house hours before, they knew his number and gave it to her. He arrived back as soon as possible because he was still in love with her. Even after all this time.

"Your home you mean" Sinead corrected him; he kissed her forehead.

He wouldn't let anyone hurt her now that he is back. Anyone who even tries to mess with her won't get to leave without a bruise or two. Ever since Bart left, he toughened up since. He won't take any messing. Joel Dexter, who he previously traveled with, has got himself a new girlfriend now. He got over Theresa McQueen in time; though he will always remember her, she was hard to forget.

"Come on; I take you back there and I won't let anyone hurt you" Bart told her firmly, still keeping her close by.

He wasn't completely sure of her current circumstances; he knew that she married and that her child died though he wasn't sure about much else. He was honestly devastated when he found out about Katy's death, he thought she was his own though his family told him straight him away that he wasn't. Though it still hurt him, he would have raised that girl with Sinead whether it was his daughter or not.


It was Katy's funeral tomorrow; Darren Osborne rang Suzanne Ashworth who was understandably furious that nobody told her about her granddaughter living in the village. She told Hannah, Josh and Neville who were shocked to the core. So much that they planned to confront the grieving mother, though Suzanne; having lost her son herself, showed a bit more empathy. They were also on their back to the village.


Lindsey Butterfield looked on in shock as the love of her life, Joe Roscoe was brought into the hospital on a stretcher. She still loved him a lot but she thought that he betrayed her and that he doesn't care anymore. She doesn't love Freddie as a lover, more like a friend.

"Joe?" Lindsey called, her voice almost inaudible as she looked on.

Freddie looked just as shocked though for different reasons. He thought his brother was dead so this was a shocking revelation to him. He almost couldn't believe his eyes as he watched in horror.

"Joe" Lindsey repeated; as she wandered over; picking up the pace as she tried to follow but was cut of by the other doctors.

As tears were forming in her eyes; she needed to see Joe and talk to him about almost everything that happened which is a lot. Freddie looked gutted because he is a selfish man; he is just better at hiding it then others.

"Where are they taking Joe?" Lindsey asked; looking back towards Freddie; who was speechless.

He was trying to find the words.

"I thought he moved away, I swear" Freddie cried quietly; shaking slightly as he looked away in almost shame.

Though she was having none of it as she walked away in tears. Wanting to find Joe; she knew he was somewhere down the hall. She looked in all the rooms; she found him a minute later in the middle of being sedated.

"Miss, you can't come in here" one of the doctors told her as she opened the door.

Though she didn't listen, she had to know what was going on. As she ignored their order and walked closer in without much thought for the consequences. She wiped the rest of her tears away.

"What's wrong with him?" Lindsey asked; looking down upon him with sad eyes.

Though they perceived in trying to get her out of the room since she wasn't meant to be in there. One of the doctors gently took her by her hand as they slowly led her out, knowing she was clearly upset. He waited until they were outside before explaining the situation to her slowly.

"Found where?" Lindsey asked, not taking everything in as she kept looking in, in a state of disbelief.

"In the village; he was very weak, very ill"


Fraser Black was furious when his discovered that Joe has left; he demanded to know how a private hospital could let this happen. He rang the police on them and they were questioned for neglecting the patients.

"Yes, they let him go; they should get sued!" Fraser shouted; trying to keep his cool.

They tried to deny it but the doctor in charge was on the verge of getting arrested as he tried to make excuses for his poor lack of care; he was a qualified doctor so this was completely unacceptable.

"I show all my patients the correct amount of care" the doctor was trying to defend himself, of cause though it all seemed unreliable.

Fraser crossed his arms as he tutted under his breath.

"You clearly don't! He walked out and rang for a taxi, didn't anyone see him?" Fraser asked, the police tried to calm him down.
