Seventeen years ago

The war's been going on for over a millennia. My spark mate decided that the only way we were going to win the war was if we left our home to start again. It hurt his spark to have to go, but his team and I convinced him that it would be best for the Autobots if we left. I walked over to where his team was getting ready to leave. My sister was among them.

Arcee looked over to me and smiled softly. "Hey, 'Lita," she said walking over to me. "Ready to go?"

I vented a sigh and looked over to where my spark mate was standing. "I don't know, Arcee. I'm starting to agree with Optimus. We can't just leave everybot here to defend themselves. It doesn't feel right."

Arcee looked into my optics. "Elita, this is important. You said so yourself, your sparkling is destined to be a prime. I don't know how it is you know this, or what she's going to do, but she's important to the Autobot cause. Megatron knows this. And he will stop at nothing until he destroys her."

I look down at the tiny femme I was holding in my servos. She was right. My sparkling was the reason we needed to leave. I couldn't tell Arcee about the dream I was given from the Primes. They said that she needed to be safe from harm.

"Autobots today is a battle lost," Optimus began. "And though it pains me to say it, this war cannot be won on Cybertron. With hope, we will soon be able to return and reclaim our home. Until then, let's roll out."

I watched silently as our small team walked onto the ship. Optimus stood there and waited for me to walk on with him. I shook my helm. "I've decided I'm going to stay. I wish to make sure all of our allies leave safely."

"Then I shall remain with you," Optimus replied.

I shook my helm. "Your team would be lost if you went offline. You can't just leave them."

"And what if you go offline?" Optimus demanded. "I will not leave you and our sparkling here to perish knowing I could have kept you both safe."

Arcee walked out of the ship. "Don't worry, Optimus. I will keep them both alive. You can worry about the rest of the troops. Who knows when Megatron will follow?"

Optimus nodded and kissed my helm softly. "Stay safe."

"Until we meet again," I said sending love through our bond. I looked at my sister as the ship took off. "What do you say 'Cee? Ready to kick some aft?"
Arcee grinned. "Lock and load, sis."

Present time

It's been over sixteen years since I have truly seen my home planet. And it feels like forever since I last saw my sister Arcee.
Now I live on a planet known as Earth. I ended up giving my Cybertronian body up for a human body. I gave my daughter a cloaking device. It's in the form of an Autobot signal that she wears around her neck.

I even changed our names so we would not stand out in the world. I was to be known as Katherine Jones. My daughter, Shadowmist would be known as Megan Jones.
We have been living in the peaceful town of Jasper, Nevada. This is where I am also known as the head chief of police. Of course, that ended about two years ago.
Because I had given up my Cybertronian form, I was no longer immune to diseases. Two years ago, my body has fallen to a disease known only to these humans as brain cancer.

My daughter decided that she needed to get a job and earn some money to help pay for medical bills. I was in the hospital more than I was in my squad car, so I was forced to retire. I know there's not much that I can do, but I will stay alive to help my daughter. I cannot leave her as the only Autobot on this planet. She cannot remain ignorant of her race for much longer, so I must tell her my story soon. I know I don't have much longer to survive on this planet.

Megan's Pov

I stared dejectedly at my bike and its flat tire. How was I supposed to get to work now?

"Hey, do you need a ride?" a vice asked above me.

I looked up and smiled as my friend Jack rolled up on his ten-speed. "I don't think I can fit on your bike with you, Jack."

Jack smiled. "Alright. How about I walk with you instead?"

"I'd like that." I stood up and started to wheel my bike next to Jack's.

"So how's your mom?" Jack asked.

I sighed. "She's still alive. Your mom says it's amazing that she's still fighting like she is."

"Well I guess your mom is making sure you're taken care of," Jack said smiling softly. "Don't worry, Shadow." I smiled as he used the nickname he came up with when we were in second grade. "Everything is going to be okay."

I stop my bike at the K.O. fast food joint. "Thanks for walking with me, Jack. You're a good friend."

Jack rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "It's not that big of a deal. Anyone would have done it."

I smiled and put my bike up. "True. But you're the one that did it." I paused for a moment. "Hey, Jack? Do you think your mom would care if I spent the night at your place? Mom's back in the hospital, and I don't want to be alone tonight."

Jack parked his bike next to mine. "Sure. We'll even go check on your mom after work."

I smiled. "Thanks. I don't know how I can ever really repay you."

After work, Jack's mom called him. He talked to her for a little while. And me, I was too busy looking at that bike that had just pulled up. The rider on it had disappeared before we walked out the door.

As I stepped closer to it, my necklace got warmer. I stopped and looked down at my necklace. It was glowing. I stared at it for a moment. Weird. It had never glowed before.

"Are you talking to your motorcycle?" a voice asked. I looked up and noticed Sierra and her friends had walked up. Jack was now sitting on the bike. I smirked slightly as Jack was trying to talk to Sierra.

And right when he was about to ask her on a date, two purple cars started driving closer and the motorcycle took off…with Jack still on it. I frowned and started to run toward the bike. There was no way I was missing this. As soon as I got next to the bike, I jumped on right behind Jack.

"What's going on?" I asked him. My necklace was really glowing now.

"I don't know," Jack said a little panicky. "The bike won't tell me what's going on"

I raised my eyebrow. I wanted to ask Jack what he meant about the bike talking to him, when the bike pulled over and we got off. "If you tell anyone about me, I will hunt you down." And the motorcycle took off. I looked over to the two cars that were chasing her. They had stopped.

"Uh, Jack," I said poking his arm. "We should go." The two cars started to chase us. "Scrap!" I grabbed his arm and took off running. I don't know how, but I knew the two cars chasing us were bad news.

When the cars started getting closer, the motorcycle drove up to us. "Get on!" she called.

When we jumped back on, the motorcycle took off at full force. As we continued to go down the road, another car drove up. This one however, was yellow.

"Friend of yours?" Jack asked.

"Family," the bike answered. She sounded relieved.

I laughed. "I can see the resemblance."

In response, the motorcycle jumped over the ledge. When she landed, she transformed into a giant robot and we landed on the concrete ground. I stood up and watched the other vehicles transform.

"What are they?" a voice asked behind me. I turned around to see Raf standing there.

"Cars that turn into robots," replied Jack. He looked a little freaked out about the whole thing.

"I think it's the other way around," I commented as the robots continued to fight.

The yellow robot blasted on of the purple robots. When he stepped back, we all heard a crunch.

I cringed slightly when he lifted his foot and we saw the destroyed toy car. The yellow robot looked at Raf. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay," Raf said. "Really."

Before he could say anything, the yellow robot was punched in the face. Jack, Raf and I watched as the yellow robot was getting beat to the ground.
When one of the purple robots was about to blast the yellow one in the face, Raf shouted, "Leave him alone!" The purple robots turned back to us. Raf cowered slightly. "Please?"

Jack grabbed Raf by the shoulders. "Bad call. Let's go."

We took off running and found a pipe to escape the robot that was chasing us. We climbed in and turned back to the robot. It looked like it was about to take its blaster and shoot us. Right when it was about to shoot us, it was shot. The yellow robot looked in on us. "You guys okay?"

I nodded. "Thank you," Raf said. The bot nodded and went back to the battle. "What did we just see?" Raf asked as we started to head back to the street.

"I don't know," replied Jack, "and I'm not sure I want to find out."

When we got back to the top, I looked down and saw that my necklace had stopped glowing. I looked at my watch. "Jack, make sure Raf gets home safely. I have to go."

Jack nodded and took off with Raf in tow. I turned around and headed to the hospital.