Pitch had had Jack captured for days now. He was chained to a corner, and he hadn't been eating and was miserable.

"Hello, Jack." Pitch said, coming into his cell. Jack said nothing and turned over to face the wall.

"Oh, don't be like that, Jack. I just want to offer you some food." Pitch said. Jack had refused to eat since he'd been captured. He hadn't said much either, only nodding or say no to him.

"Don't want to eat." Jack mumbled.

"Oh, but Jack, it's your favorite food." Pitch said. Jack shook his head. He knew he'd be beaten, all Pitch had done to him here was hurt him for disobedience. As he was unchained Jack silently pulled up his shirt, revealing his back. As Pitch beat him, he couldn't help but cry and whimper for him to stop. He'd never done it before, usually he was quiet and took it, but it hurt so much. After it was done Jack was chained to the corner again. He was quiet now, silently tears streaming down his face. Pitch felt bad beating Jack over food, he thought if he beat him it would encourage him to eat, but had made Jack refuse food more. Jack had been mostly cooperative except with food, and he hated when Pitch would make him sleep and have nightmares. Pitch held out his hand, signaling that he was going to force Jack to sleep. Jack started thrashing in his chains, not realizing he was turning the room to ice and making it colder. As soon as he realized this, he stopped thrashing and calmed down.

"Now look what you've done." Pitch scolded.

"Sorry." Jack mumbles. "It happens when I'm upset." Not that Pitch blamed him. He'd been nothing but nervous to be forced to sleep and have terrible nightmares, especially he knew with every nightmare he was helping Pitch grow stronger. As Jack calmed down progressively, the room turned back to black stone.

"Now, let's try this again, okay?" Pitch said, reaching out his hand slowly. Jack just shook his head nervously and let Pitch touch his head, falling asleep as black sand surrounded Jack.

"Where's Jack?" Bunnymund ask North.

"I don't know, I haven't see the rascal all day." North said.

"He probably took the day off or something." Tooth said.

"He doesn't seem like the type of person to do that, but maybe." Bunnymund said. But what they didn't know was Jack wouldn't be back unless they found him themselves.

Okay so the sequel to 'Nero the Captor' will be uploaded starting in June since I don't have the time. I'm really sorry it's late, but that's the only time I'm free please understand! I kinda put my own spin on the story cause that's what most people do. Please leave reviews. Thanks! -Lea