
Chapter 4: Kodak Moments

Tamako was six months old now, and her fangs had been growing in. This made it pretty difficult for Kagome to breastfeed her daughter. Every time she did, Tamako tended to accidentally prick her skin with her tiny fangs. So, she was trying to get Tamako onto solid foods. She remembered what baby food looked like in her time, so she hoped she could recreate it in the feudal era.

Now, Kagome had a garden, and had been growing things like carrots and other vegetables. Since they were done, Kagome thought she'd try feeding it to her daughter.

She'd been making dinner that night when Inuyasha got home.

And Inuyasha almost instantly went up to the area on the floor his daughter sat on. She was getting so big in his eyes, a lot bigger than before. She could sit up on her own, and babbled endlessly with no real words coming from her mouth.

He smiled as he moved to sit by his daughter, scooping her up in his hands and bringing her up to his chest. "Theres my princess!" he said happily. Leaning and kissing her cheek, nuzzling her with his cheek as he brought her close.

People rarely saw this side of Inuyasha, but he was so sweet and so loving with his daughter and wife. They meant the world to him.

Tamako looked up at her father, her ears twitching a little on top of her head, smiling happily up to him. Reaching one hand up to take ahold of his ear that looked so much like hers.

When she took his hear, he chuckled. "Hey, be careful kiddo." he said, glancing up at her a little.

With his words she looked curiously at his face, slowly letting go of his ear as if she understood what he was saying, smiling and giggling up at her father.

Even if she did tug on his ear, Inuyasha could never be mad at that face. That perfect little face that was his daughters. Oh yeah, he had it bad for his little girl. She meant the world to him. And if he had his own way she'd grow to be a daddy's girl. She already was, anyway. Sometimes only Inuyasha could cease her crying, sometimes she'd only be content if it were her fathers arms she was cradled into, her fathers voice soothing her cries.

Inuyasha didn't know he could love anything so much until the day his daughter was born and he looked into those golden brown eyes.

Bringing her up close to his chest, moving to take a seat on the floor with her and holding her against his chest, smiling to her.

Kagome glanced over, giggling a bit as she watched. She loved watching Inuyasha with their daughter. He just always looked so content just holding her. "Hello to you too." she teased, shaking her head.

She wasn't jealous or anything, it was their daughter. And she knew Inuyasha never thought he'd have a child or a family. She knew how he'd grown up thinking nobody could love a half-demon. And now she'd made it her goal to make sure he knew how much he was loved, how much she absolutely loved him with all her heart. She just had help with that now in the form of Tamako.

Golden eyes looked up at her as he flashed her a soft smile. "Hey. I didn't forget!" he said, laughing.

"Ohh no, its fine. She loves when you come home." she said as she continued to work on fixing dinner. "Maybe you can try to get her to eat real food tonight. She always spits it out at me."

Inuyasha chuckled, laying back on the floor and picking Tamako up, holding her up above him with both of his hands, the sleeves of his haori falling down to show his strong arms as he held his little girl. "Mmm I dunno. How's that sound, baby girl? Think you'll eat for daddy?" he asked.

The child let out a giggle and a squeal as her father held her up in the air. Her little hands reached down for his face, her eyes almost shining as she looked down at him. At least, he thought they were shining.

"Inuyashaaa, she'll get sick if you swing her around like that." Kagome said, rolling her eyes. "And don't whine to me if she spits up straight on your face."

"Oh she won't get sick on me. I'm her favorite." he teased.

And Kagome rolled her eyes again, laughing. "Aint that the truth." she said as she started to go back to what she was doing. "Just be careful, hm? If she spits up on you, you'll be cleaning your haori, not me."

"Deal." he said, his eyes never leaving the little face above his. Gently he brought her down to rest on his chest, rubbing her back slowly in small circles, looking up at the ceiling and closing his eyes halfway as he stared up at the wooden roof above him.

Tamako settled down on her fathers chest, looking up at his face as she slowly pushed herself to sit up on his chest. The movement didn't make him look away as he stared up at the ceiling with an almost dreamy look in his eyes.

It was strange for him to be this happy, he almost wondered when it'd be ripped away from him. Everything that made him happy in the past had always been ripped away. His mother, Kikyou, Kagome for several years. His world would just fall apart if his daughter was ripped away from him too. But somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn't help but wonder when it'd happen, how it'd happen. It wasn't as though he meant to be cryptic, it'd just been his experience with good things.

Tamako watched her fathers face, noticing she did not have his full attention, which made the girl pout. Shifting up and resting her hands on her fathers cheeks, leaning over him, making his eyes look up at hers.

And when her eyes invaded his vision, he smiled up at her slowly, chuckling. "What are you doing?" he asked. She was almost as crazy as he was when he was a child. Though, he didn't remember it. He didn't remember much about his childhood, but he'd remembered small things. Like the feeling of being a carefree child. And he was determined to let his daughter grow up happy and carefree.

She looked down at him, blinking a few times at her father. They both fell silent as he looked up into his daughters eyes, his hands making sure to hold her and steady her on his chest.

Kagome glanced over at the two, instantly wishing she had a camera from her time to capture the look on their faces. A smile crossed her lips as she watched, determined to remember every detail of the small interaction of the two of them like that.

Tamako blinked a little down at her father. "Daadaa.." she whined out softly.

At first it sounded like a regular babble like she usually did. But, his ears twitched a little as his eyes widened. "W-What? Say that again, princess?" he asked.

"Dada." she said a bit more sure of herself that she was saying it right.

A smile spread across the hanyous face as she said it again, flashing his fangs a little. "Did you just say dada?" he asked.

"Da-da!" she declared, smiling a little with her fathers smile.

Gently he sat up, bringing her up to his chest as he held her, looking down at her and kissing the tip of her nose. "Thats right baby girl, I'm daddy." he said.

He never thought he'd hear a little voice call him daddy or dada. And right then it was the best thing he'd ever heard. His little girl was calling him her daddy.

She giggled a little at the apparent happiness in her fathers voice. "Dadaa." she said again, her ears twitching a bit more.

Reaching up, Inuyasha rubbed her ears a little, making her press her head into his hand almost like a kitten. She liked having her ears rubbed, they were a sensitive spot on her head just like for her father. Her eyes closed as she cuddled into her fathers touch.

And he smiled at that, glancing up at Kagome slowly. "Did you hear that?"

Kagome smiled to her husband, nodding as she moved from the pot she'd been tending to, sitting next to her family. "I did." she said, looking at Tamako. "You're turning into a real daddy's girl." she said, brushing her hair back a little and glancing at Inuyasha. "I just wish I had a camera from my era. It'd be too perfect here."

"Cam-e-re?" Inuyasha asked confused. He remembered her era, but didn't understand all of the things within it.

Kagome giggled and shook her head. "Camera. It'd take a picture of the moment. You remember that photobooth we got stuck in? And you tried to kill? Those pictures?" she asked.

When he nodded, she smiled a little. "Well, those were just a big camera. There are portable ones. I have a ton of baby pictures. I just wish I could have captured the moment." she said, looking down at their daughter.

But Inuyasha shrugged, looking down at Tamako. "I don't need a picture to remember this. She called me daddy...me..."

"Thats because you are her daddy, koi."

"I know, its just so...unbelievable. It still amazes me...it always will." he said, looking to his wife and leaning to kiss her softly, brushing his nose against hers. "Thank you..."

She kissed him back, smiling up at him. "For what?" she asked.

"For this. Giving her to me. She's the best thing you could have ever given me, Kagome. Both of you are. And...and I...don't say it much, but I love you, and her."

"You don't need to say it. I know it. Just the look on your face when you see us when you come home." she said with a smile, leaning and kissing his cheek before she stood up, moving to finish cooking dinner.

Inuyasha shrugged, looking down at Tamako once Kagome stood up. "I know. But...I feel like I should. Especially to her. She will grow up knowing that I love her more than my own life, and that I'll protect both of you with that very life."

Looking back at him, Kagome smiled. "I know you will, and so will she. And she'll grow up to be just as strong as her daddy."

Chuckling, he nodded. "Yeah she will. But, she won't have to fight to live, not like I did. If I have anything to say about it, she'll never be alone or scared. Ever. I'll always be there to catch her when she falls. Always."


A/N: Long awaited and short, I know, but its so sweet :-).