
Disclaimer: I do not own Battle of the Planets or its characters. I only created Thea.

Here's a new story, I hope you enjoy it. Let me know in the comments.

Chapter 1

Jason could describe his troubles with one word. Leadership. Yes, he was second in command, but it made him angry when Mark would take a route Jason wouldn't. Clearly he was the better fighter, and strategist, but why did he never get a chance to take the team into action.

"Jason," Mark caught his attention. "We need to go to Anderson's office, he has an assignment for us."

The condor let out a small grunt of annoyance before going to the chief.

"Good to see you, team." Anderson said. "Recently, Spectra has been increasing resources for their technology."

The team listened intensely as Anderson continued.

"I need you to go in on recon and find out who is their new weapons expert is. Only recon. Got it Jason."

"Yes, Chief."

Mark spoke up. "Let's go team."

Moments later, G-Force was able to find their way to the base of Spectra. Each person separated to different sectors of the large mecha. They watched patently, waiting for the new recruit of Spectra.

Jason stuck to the higher regions and watched as Zultar entered the area he was in with another beside him. A female, with mouse brown hair, that was their new weapons expert? Jason was confused who was this?

"Your productivity is proving useful, Desdemona." Zultar said to the woman. "Ever since we recruited you, our weapons have advanced beyond what I had comprehended."

"It is my pleasure to serve you, lord Zultar." She said bowing to him.

Jason's communicator beeped, and Princesses voice entered. "My cover's blown, we need to leave." Gunshot sounds followed. "Hurry."

The condor complied and left the area. He met up with the rest of the team as they ran to where Tiny waited for them in the Phoenix. They dodged bullets as they turned corner after corner to get to their ship. They had no choice, they had to fight.

Turning sharply around, Mark, Princess, and Jason pulled out their weapons and attacked the soldiers of Spectra. The Eagle let his boomerang fly, knocking out several of the green clothed enemies. Princess's yoyo managed to tie several down. Jason's gun released a powerful gas that covered them as they ran.

"Don't let them get away, you fools." Zultar's voice rang through the compound.

One more shot rang out, causing the condor to fall. He grunted in pain as he held his shoulder and several soldiers began to surround him. They were forced to the ground as a figure landed on them from above. The condor couldn't see well because of the gas he has used, but her figure was close to Princess's.

"Thanks Princess." He said as she pulled him up and used her own body as a support to him.

"Jason." Princess's voice called out in front of them, causing the condor to be even more confused. If Princess was in front of him, who was helping him right then?

He didn't have the chance to see her well as she helped him to the Phoenix.

"Jason, where are you?" Mark called as well.

"Get to the Phoenix and get the med bay ready." The female beside the condor yelled to them. "We're right behind you."

They didn't argue, even though they didn't know her. The four ran to the opening they made and jumped out to the air, free falling to the jet. Using their winged capes, they glided to the waiting ship and entered with no problem.

The three from the original team finally got a good look at the woman who helped them. She wore their uniform, a Peacock. She held the same color scheme as the beautiful bird, her helmet and wings supporting the blue. Around the eyes of the helmet was a streak of white compared the others. The visor of her helmet peaked into a sharp beak and held a lighter white tone. Her long gloves and boots peaked up to a point on the biceps and thighs. Her skirt was slightly longer than Princess's and had the same peak to the left side. Her wing like cape had small circles of green on the ends of the feathers, providing the eyes of the Peacock's tail. On her waist, there was a holder to her weapon, that none of them could tell quite what it was yet. Of her facial features, they could tell that she had red lipstick on and her eyes glowed a lilac tone.

She didn't pay attention to them as she began taking care of the wounded condor. Once they were taken completely in the ship, she was the one to help Jason onto one of the beds in the medical center. She lifted his cape and examined his wound.

"You're lucky, it missed what was important." She grabbed some cloth and pressed it against the injury.

Jason didn't know why, but something about her seemed wrong. And one thing was for sure, he didn't like her. Mark entered the room and looked to the Peacock.

"Thanks for the help, but can you please tell us who you are. We didn't know there was a new team member."

"There isn't." She said to him, causing a slight glare to be gazed at her by Jason. "I'm not part of this team. Anderson sent me to do some spying for Center Neptune several weeks ago. I almost had the information I needed, until your team messed up like that."

"Hey now," Jason cut in. "Anderson never told us about you. And that was our mission. So what if we got caught, we found out what was needed to be known. Don't act like your better than us because your just a little spy for our team."

She didn't look that impressed by Jason's antics. Instead of fighting, she walked out of the room and onto the platform to take her out.

Mark stopped her for a moment. "Listen, we just didn't expect another G-Force member."

"And I'm telling you that I'm not part of G-Force. I get the information you need for your missions." She turned to the larger man dressed as an owl. "Take me out, Tiny."

He nodded and turned to the controls.

"Wait," Princess said. "Can we please know your name so we can know who you are?"

The Peacock hesitated. "Thea. My name is Thea."

With that she was lifted to the top of the Phoenix before spreading her blue and green wings and taking off.