And... this will be the last chapter. I really liked this story and its sad to let it go.
Megan- Don't... quote Frozen...
Megan- Its overdone.
Everyone's a Fixer-upper you know.
Megan- Anyway, pokemonfan67 does not own Mario or any of the characters of the franchise.
Megan approached the studio. She smiled and looked back at the others. She headed inside the building, which had no security as everyone called in sick. She walked to the room where Rhonda was broadcasting. She looked into the window to see her teacher being questioned by Rhonda. She walked into the room
" So you're telling me that all of these turtle things are your minions? As are the chestnut people? No way buddy, this is a democracy," disagreed Rhonda.
" But... I'm King Bowser! I lost my title when Dimentio and Fawful took away the heroes," exclaimed Bowser.
" Yeah yeah buddy. All of these theories are crazy. One guy insists that we are originally like this, while the other tells us that we are his people and that we must follow him," raged Rhonda.
Megan had never seen the reporter so angry.
Megan walked to the stage with the others, although Peach and Luigi stayed to the back.( Not shipping them. Get that thought out of your head.)
" What? You guys look normal," exclaimed Rhonda as she saw Megan, Mario, Rosalina, Luigi, and Peach.
" Indeed we do. We're actually humans. You are not. Most everyone is a Toad, a Koopa, or a Goomba. Toads are the mushroom people. Koopas are the turtle people. Goombas are the others," explained Mario.
" Then what was Mr. Johnson," asked Rhonda.
" Tribe of Darkness," answered Luigi.
" Why should we believe this," asked Rhonda.
" Don't you recognize the description of the mystery hero from before," asked Megan.
"... Oh... right... just because you're a hero, that's why we should trust you," questioned Rhonda.
" Yup," answered Luigi.
" Pretty much," agreed Mario.
" That is indeed how it works," said Rosalina.
" Well, that isn't how it works," exclaimed Rhonda.
" I thought that was how it worked," insisted an audience member.
" I believe them," exclaimed the audience at different times.
" You don't have to listen to Bowser or me," insisted Peach. (Not shipping them either!)
" Who are you," asked Rhonda.
" Princess Peach. I used to rule the Toads a long time ago," explained Peach.
" But I want to control the koopas and goombas," exclaimed Bowser. He stomped his feet, making the area shake.
" So, who is the other person here," asked Rhonda as she pointed to Megan.
" My name's Megan. I've had to go through a lot of things. I was the mysterious hero. Well... I was controlling his form. I also got to use Luigi's form, or the man in green. I found out that I held the power of an ancient tool called the Star Rod. I just needed a star with eyes on it. I had to gather everyone here and turn them back to normal. I had my parents and my friend taken away from me. I had to save everyone," recalled Megan.
" Well... you guys are weird. I'm sure that this is a bad dream," insisted Rhonda.
" Believe what you want. What we say is true," insisted Rosalina.
People from their adventure started to gather into the studio.
" Its true," they yelled.
" Fine," exclaimed Rhonda.
" Don't worry everyone, it isn't some illness or anything. You guys are fine," insisted Rosalina.
What happened after this?
Everything had gotten back to normal as far as jobs. The people were stuck in the form they woke up in. They were angry at Dimentio and Fawful.
Mario and Luigi founded a plumbing company.
Rosalina managed to go back to her Observatory.
The president resigned. Peach and Bowser are now trying to get the people to change their government styles so they could get their lives back. It's starting to work.
Blumiere and Timpani stayed in town.
Dimentio and Fawful got arrested and was put in an anti-magic jail. Fawful isn't going to get any kind of metals.
Megan was able to pass all her classes.
Sandy was turned into a Toad in all the commotion. She doesn't know what happened after Dimentio and Fawful kidnapped her.
In addition to having a plumbing business, Mario and Luigi also helps people who are in trouble. Megan joins them from time to time.
And, everyone got used to their lives.
Thank you for reading this. Sorry for the ending. I couldn't make any good dialogue to end it. Anyway, this project was fun.
Now if you wanted to know my inspiration for this, I actually got this idea from Super Mario 64 DS. I Someone came up with the name for Megan. Then, I let my creativity take over. I started to play Paper Mario and decided that Megan could help everyone with the power of the Star Rod.
What almost happened...
In my story, Megan almost was adopted by her parents and that Mario and Peach were the parents but she was frozen in time or something. I decided not to do that as I wrote that Mario and Peach were dating. Dimentio was almost working alone in the story but I added Fawful because... everyone loves him. I almost made Mr. L a character and have Luigi and Mr. L bicker as the two voices came from the same hat. I decided against it because I thought it was stupid after a while. Peach would have had more of a role but my internet messed up and the document was erased. I thought the hat mechanic was interesting. It almost was a story about how everyone felt when they put on the "Caps"
That's all I can think of. Again, thanks for reading and thank you for your reviews, favorites, and follows. It gives me motivation and allows me to continue.
Megan- Thank you a bunch for reading this.
Good bye!