"Aunt Jazz!"
Jazmine turned in time for a little dark haired girl to ram into her, throwing soft arms around the redhead's waist.
"Hey, JJ." When there was no response, Jazmine kneeled down until she could look directly into the child's teary, slate blue eyes. "What's wrong?"
JJ sniffed. "I don't have ghost powers."
Jazmine smiled slightly and tucked a lock of untidy hair behind her niece's ear. "I know, honey. Why are you so upset about that?"
The girl looked down. "I think Daddy wants me to have ghost powers."
"Oh, come here." Jazz pulled JJ into a hug. "Oh, don't worry about that. Your daddy loves you no matter what."
"But I'm not special," JJ sniffled.
The redhead stroked the child's hair. "You are special, JJ. You are so smart, kind, and considerate. That's what makes you special, not ghost powers. Your daddy and mommy think you are wonderful and they love you very much."
"Even though I'm not like Daddy?"
Jazmine kissed her niece's forehead. "You're nice like your daddy. And you have his smile. You are like your daddy."
JJ squeezed Jazz. "Promise?"
"Promise." She pulled back slightly. "Look how beautiful you are, like your mom. Danny can teach your big sister how to use her powers and your mommy can teach you how to use other tools to do the same things. I promise, your parents love you very much." She kissed the girl's forehead one last time. "Are you ready to go now?"
The little girl took a deep breath. "I think so. I'll miss you."
"Don't worry, I'll be watching you and keeping you safe. And we'll see each other again." Jazz stood up and took JJ's hand.
"I know. I love you."
Jazmine squeezed her niece's hand one more time, then let go. "I love you too, JJ. Have a good life, okay?"
"Okay!" JJ smiled brightly.
"Do you promise, Miss Jazmine Fenton?"
"I promise, Aunt Jazmine!"
Jazmine knew that, with Danny watching out for her, her niece would be okay. She blew the girl a kiss, and then she turned to watch Danny squeezing his wife's hand. There was a sudden flurry of activity around the doctors and the nurses. JJ started crying and Danny laughed in relief.
"Love you, little brother," Jazmine murmured. She appreciated the fact that he named his second daughter after her. This little Jazmine would live a long life- Jazz would make sure of it.