~Chapter 1: The Odd Titan~

Two millennium ago, humans had populated mother earth.

Most lived in big cities, some worked together with nature, while others struggled for survival. And yet humankind thrived in numbers despite the chaos they had ensued.

Many would have think that they would forever lived in this peaceful world, but ancient ancestors thought otherwise. Many ancient documents that were excavated had told of a time where the world's end is drawing near, but none had believed.

That is one mistake they will forever regret, for the prophesied Apocalypse has come in the form of man-eating beasts called 'Titans'.

Giant humanoid creatures that resembled deformed humans emerged suddenly, giving humanity no chance to fight back. No one knows where or how they came to be. Within days, many cities fell. And within decades, one-third of the human population had perished in the hands of these monsters. Humanity then overcame their national differences and united behind a single force. But even with a force of millions, it wasn't enough to subdue the giants.

Humankind, almost on the brink of extinction, gathered every survivors that are scattered around the world and build three great walls fifty feet high and rebuild their homes. There, they lived another peaceful life, away from the bloodthirsty giants.

But... are all Titans really just mindless and heartless killing machines?

The first thing I see when I woke up was the sky. The clouds covered the endless blue as they drifted along with the wind. I blinked away the sleepiness before sitting up and looking around my surroundings; covered by a circle of tall trees almost forming a barrier was a medium sized lake with a waterfall flowing into it, there was a variety of fish which I would sometimes watch for hours. Some rocks were scattered randomly and butterflies could be seen flying freely.

I stretched my arms upwards before walking towards the water. Peering into the watery surface, I was then faced with a white-skinned humanoid that has long equally white hair and large cat-like eyes. Scooping a handful of water while minding the fishes that swam in the lake, I splashed myself awake before lying back on the base of the tree trunk.

Not long after, a few woodland creatures started appearing in the valley and either went for a quick drink in the lake or scurry around with me as an obstacle course. I crooned after I watched a robin teaching her chicks to fly and helped a little by lightly bouncing them with my finger if they were about to fall. Soon, the chicks were flying around the valley with their mother.

Crooning in content, I closed my eyes and relaxed to nature's music. But that peace was soon shattered when my ears twitched at the sounds of loud stomps from the nearby Titans that inhabited just outside this valley. I frowned when I heard the loud groans and roars which always signifies they want me to go as well. Standing up, I turned my sapphire gaze to the walls that once surrounded a city until just three years ago when the largest Titan I had ever seen (the humans called it the Colossal Titan) crashed into the walls, letting the Titans in.

Unlike them, I never felt the desire to eat or kill humans for some reason. I'll feel revolted just by watching them eat the humans alive and screaming. I think that's the reason when you don't have a mouth to feed... Literally speaking. That's why I never fit in with the others, making me feel lonely. The only friends I have are the woodland creatures since they don't seem to be afraid of me (or the Titans).

Come to think of it, my appearance isn't like the rest of them as well. I didn't see any other Titans with white skin as I am, or with hair as white as mine as well.

I groaned in frustration when the other Titans impatiently urged me to follow which I did, though for whatever reason as they know very well the fact that I don't eat humans since I don't have a jaw or a mouth, much less. Reluctantly, I followed the others into the destroyed wall and ventured around the barren place that once held many humans and their houses.

Despite the fact that I'm fifteen meters tall and had very pale skin and hair, I easily blended into the background and roamed in silence. I took notice of another great wall not far from where I stand. I have always wonder how many walls the humans had built. Surely they didn't build this one in a manner of three years, did they?

I was about to take a closer look when I noticed the large doors on the wall opened and out came 'the hunters'. My eyes widened in fear; the hunters are a horde of humans who are capable of killing Titans by using a strange machine that propels them skyward until they are about as tall as I am. There was even one human who could turn into one of us, yet has the strength and power to kill at least twenty Titans.

I quickly rushed back into the safety of the trees, shouting (in Titan Language) out warnings but the others were either too preoccupied or too vacant to hear me until it was too late. The ones that were too close to the walls were quickly dispatched. I watched in sadness as the slain dissolved into nothing but I didn't stop. I ran deeper and deeper until I stopped by a tree for a breather, deeming it safe from the hunters, considering they never travel this far into the forest.

Boy, was I wrong...

My ears twitched again when I heard footsteps coming closer to my spot before dodging a punch that was meant for my head. Backing away from my attacker, I realized it's the human-turned-Titan. It's kind of difficult to forget since the Titan sort of resembles me, in a way. He was in some weird fighting stance before charging and delivering another straight punch, which I again dodged, and escaped deeper.

"Don't let it get away!" a voice shouted. Looking over my shoulder, I saw the rogue Titan chased after me with a few humans jumping from one tree to another. "Remember, Eren! Capture it alive! We're bringing it back to Hanji!" a blonde bob-styled male shouted.

Capture? Why would they want to capture me? Don't they always kill titans on sight? Either way, I'm not stopping to find out. I still want to live a little longer, thank you very much.

But as soon I thought of it, I was suddenly tackled to the ground. The rogue Titan, or Eren as he is called, shoved my face to the ground while his other hand is at my neck. I panicked since the neck, or the nape of it, is the weak spot for every Titan. I struggled against his grip until I managed to flip him off of me and made a run for it. I could have fight him head on but knowing he's a human and not a full-fledged Titan made me rethink, considering my strength could instant kill him.

I didn't want to use my ability as there are humans around, and killing humans is against my moral. And the fact that I could char the rogue. So my last option was to restrain him. Turning around to face them, I waved my hair at them. The strands then wound themselves around the rogue's limbs preventing him from moving while others wrapped around the humans. Not too tight as I don't want to accidentally break their bones but tight enough to cease their movements.

I watched as the rogue's trying to break out of the strands while the humans were attempting to cut through but found they couldn't, as if they're hitting metal. That's how strong my hair is; it's strong enough to crush big boulders.

That's the last thing I saw when I was suddenly entangled in wires and hooks. I looked up to the trees to find more of the humans, and mentally cursed at my stupidity. Knowing that struggling out of these wires is pointless no matter how strong I am (they could still kill me since my hair is too occupied), I retracted my hair and gently dropped the humans to the ground before conceding defeat.

Hey, at least it's better than getting killed.

"Huh, it stopped." a female with dark-brown hair said as the humans descended to the ground. "That was easy."

"Don't let your guard down. It might attack us again with its hair." an ash-brown male warned, his swords still drawn. Then more humans appeared from the trees and landed onto the ground with the rest of the humans.

"I see you managed to capture the Titan." a tall blonde man spoke as he stood beside the raven-haired male with the scary expression.

"Yeah, though all it had done was run around like an idiot and it tried to restrain us with its hair." the raven replied. "Suddenly it just stopped after we secured it with the hooks." The blonde man nodded before ordering the others to bring me back to headquarters, wherever that is.

I sighed as the humans secured the net around me with more hooks, making sure all of my hair is under wraps before the rogue titan tugged me to follow the humans as they glided through the air like birds.