AN: Hey all! This is Primordial Soul with the third chapter of The Prince of Champions!
I said I wouldn't have a chapter until Saturday… I lied. Too motivated/excited to stop now.
Exordium should have, including this one, 2 chapters to go, possibly three. Plot will kick into gear once Exordium finishes.
223 favorites and 54 reviews! Thanks everyone for your support!
Plans are to finish this arc of Prince before writing the next chapter of TLOR. So stay tuned for updates!
This chapter continues setting the context of the story/the immediate backstory behind what is to come. I apologize if the story seems a little slow to get going. It's intentional.
Small language warning for this chapter. Almost not worth mentioning, but might as well be safe.
Also, end of chapters tugs on the feels. At least for me.
Guest Review Responses:
HeartsOfStone: The traitors… I'm not going to handle them like normal Ash Betrayed stories do. No, Pikachu is not Rotom; Rotom is in fact Professor Oak's who traded him for Ash for an unknown reason (See chapter 1 for in-text confirmation). And no comment regarding Ash's pokemon.
Guest (4/11/14): Thanks!
Anonymous (4/12/14): Wow! I really appreciate the glowing praise! I do agree that Prince is more than a rewrite; it's more of a spiritual successor. The idea done how it should have been. I am indeed focusing on Ash's personal life, using first person perspective as a tool for that.
A brighter future huh? We'll see about that. XD
TheSkyClanCat (4/12/14): The broadest generalization of the plot of TAA will be here. Everything truly significant about it is going to be different though.
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter of The Prince of Champions!
Exordium 1.3
The waters surrounding Altomare glowed in the shining sun. Crystal clear and pure, the water easily revealed the multitude of Pokemon inhabiting the waters. The air was comforting, the skies clear and it was a day perfect for the return of the Prince of Champions.
The water rippled beneath me as I passed overhead it at the speed of sound, sending ripples and waves flying away from my path in all directions. The brine splashed my body, causing Gallade to blink his eyes in irritation, but I paid no attention to the salty water as I got closer and closer to Altomare. At the speed I was going, we would be there within the next few minutes and the faster I could get home, the better.
Altomare itself was unrecognizable from what it looked like four years ago. Now, skyscrapers towered over the populace, the Artican Industries logo proudly planted on the tallest building. People were laughing while traveling on automated boats and on every block, there was always one Pokemon battle to be found. The city still had its water-ways, its secrets and its Venetian feel, but it now sported the infrastructure of a metropolis and a population three times greater than before. Only Forever City bested its grandeur and it got its start twenty years ago when Benjamin took power as the Prince of Champions.
As soon as I reached the shore, I arced upwards and turned visible, confident that we were alone on this section of the island. Gallade tightened his grip on me as I finished my inside loop, sending the both of us rocketing towards the surface. After a few seconds, Gallade took the opportunity to jump off, leaving me free to transform back.
I focused inwards, calling forth images of my human self. My body began to glow and change and by the time I reached the surface, I landed on my own two feet, back to being human once more.
I turned to face Gallade, smiling, "Now, that wasn't so bad, right?"
Gallade huffed, brushing the water of his arms. "It would have been great had you not been so close to the water, brother. The salt is havoc for my skin"
I laughed and clasped him on the back as we made our way back into the city. "It's just a little water, scaredy-cat"
Gallade's dry expression delightfully informed me that he was not amused by my comment.
We made our way into the city, slowly heading towards the villa I owned that connected itself with the Secret Garden of the Soul Dew. Such an amazingly beautiful yet simplistic place… I loved being back here. I was regretfully gone for far too long, but what I did was necessary for the protection of many.
Still though, I would be with Latias again. And that was priceless.
Gallade, who had taken the lead while I was distracted by my thoughts, stopped in front of a wall, hesitating slightly before pulsing his Aura, tripping the locks behind the wall and opening a secret door meant only for myself and trusted individuals. He stepped aside, allowing me access to our home.
As soon as I stepped inside, I released all of my pokemon, giving them the free time they all deserved for a job well done. They stampeded out of the main room, obviously heading towards the others to tell the story of our most recent victory.
Gallade and I now stood in a large entry hall, designed for use only by trusted people. Metal floors, bright lights, and wide hallways departed from this room, able to be used and accessed by the variety of Pokemon I owned. Gallade quickly made his way out of the room, heading in the same direction that all my pokemon did, head facing the ground. He probably wanted to join in on the post-battle discussion my pokemon normally did.
I was in the middle of taking off my white Lati jacket when a cough interrupted the silence that had settled over us. I rolled my eyes as the newcomer walked down a staircase, amused by her attempts at projecting authority.
"Ash Ketchum, what do you think you're doing?"
I laughed and turned to face her, hanging my jacket on a nearby hook. "Coming home unexpected and a month early. What's up, Bianca?"
Bianca huffed, placing her hands on her hips. She had grown a lot for the … eight, I think? , years I've known her. Her Lati hairstyle, her short skirt, her beret and whatever innocence she had was gone. She was wearing a long flowing green and white dress and a purse at her hip. Her hair was gathered into a pony-tail which angled off to rest on her left shoulder. Her brown eyes shined with pragmatism and anger all directed at myself.
I could see why my mate had taken Bianca's form until she made her own. She made for an imposing sight.
"What am I going to do with you, Ash Ketchum? You make my life harder and harder every damn day," She growled, marching over to point a finger at my face. I didn't flinch as she began to rant.
"You're not supposed to be back for another month. You've made an obligation to go to the World Trade Conference in three days and are supposed to appear in Forever in five to give the State of the Nation Address. The Government Reformation Commision then requires your presence four days after the State of the Nation to continue the process of you returning power back to the provisional civilian government. And during all the times in between, you're supposed to be touring the nation you run! Why do you have to make my job miserable every time you do something?" Bianca raged, jabbing me in the face. I took a step backward, allowing her to continue yelling.
"I may be your PR director, but I'm not a damn miracle worker like Glenn was for Benjamin. How the fuck am I supposed to explain your absences? You better give me a damn good reason in two days or you're going to take a nasty hit to your public image that I won't be able to salvage."
"They'll have to deal with it. I'm the Prince of Champions and the acting leader of the Nui Archipelago." I said, already pushing the damn public out of my mind. Why the hell do we even need to consider them? They haven't done shit, haven't made the sacrifices we have. They're worthless.
"That doesn't mean crap if you're derelict in your duty as President of the Nui Archipelago and people see it for themselves." Bianca growled. "You're already controversial enough with your brutality, your complicated ascension and that you currently hold all political power within the islands. If the public sees you neglecting what you've sworn to do, everything we've done will be for nothing! Why can't you just think, Ash! There's more than physical power that needs to be addressed here!"
I looked downwards, cheeks tinted red as Bianca finished speaking. She unfortunately had a point no matter how much I disagreed with it. I couldn't afford to give my detractors any more ammunition they could use against me.
I wasn't sorry for what I did today, oh hell no. The public could go screw themselves. But I was ashamed that I caused Bianca to stress this much over my actions.
"Would it help if I said I was really sorry?" I asked innocently. That'll make her laugh.
Bianca sighed as he put a hand to her head, obviously fighting off a massive migraine. "Ash, you're going to be the death of me. Of everything Benjamin taught you, for better or for worse, why did you have to conveniently forget this one lesson? Oh, because you like to make my life hell."
I shrugged, "Comes with being affiliated with me. Terrible working conditions, but has a great benefits package plus travel allowances."
Bianca snorted, "You need to do better than that." Her shoulders slumped, "I'm sorry for yelling. It's been so hectic, with Granddad's condition and this job. I don't need you making things worse."
"I do what I need to do." I answer resolutely, walking up to her to reach the stairs upward. "But I'm sorry that it makes things more difficult for you,"
"I unfortunately knew what I was getting into all those years ago. It's a shame I can't warn my past self of all the overtime she'll have to put in." Bianca muttered, turning around to follow me.
"How's everything been back home?" I inquired, changing the subject. My hand brushed along the stair post as we began to climb them.
"Busy and lonely, but we've made it work." Bianca replied, immediately switching into business mode, "Your pokemon have all continued their training regimens as requested and are eager for your personal involvement once again. Brendan has made progress in improving as well, but has run into a road-block regarding his aura that you'll need to help him with. I've been running around the islands as well, speaking with foreigners and making sure our image is still presentable and positive despite the state the Soul left us in four years ago. They wrecked our entire governmental system and we need you to be strong and presentable while we rebuild it, not a brute who engages in dick weighing contests with other idiots. You're the only one strong enough to keep this precarious system from falling apart."
"And Lorenzo?" I replied, opening the door at the top of the stairs to reveal the interior of the house. Clean and sparse, it screamed of efficiency and simplicity with its clean architecture and soft colors. Yet it still held a hint of affluence in the carpet and furniture spread out amongst the massive living room. Two giant windows framed the room, one positioned towards the ocean, the other towards the Secret Garden. It was beautiful.
"Deteriorating. The arthritis has taken his ability to walk and the cancer has metastasized to his lungs. He … doesn't have much longer." Bianca quietly whispered, the pain and stress of life overcoming her composure for a moment.
"I'm sorry." I consoled, placing my hand on her shoulder. We stood there for a couple of seconds before I continued, "What about … "
Bianca's mouth twitched briefly, "Latias? She's been missing you horribly because you're always gone for so long. Four months, then two, six, five and now three. You're almost never home and you're always working, so she'll be so happy to see you home a month early."
My mouth widened into a smile as well, "I can't wait to hold her once again too. I've missed her so …"
Our conversation was interrupted by the entrance of a male teenager, fifteen years of age. He was wearing a red and black trainer's suit with yellow trim as well as yellow fingerless gloves. A knit cap sat on his head, the white top spilling over the side of his head, hiding his black hair from view. His eyes, previously dull with boredom, widened in shock as he registered who was standing next to Bianca.
"Ash, you're back?!" He exclaimed, dropping the plastic cup he had in his hand. It hit the ground, spraying water all over the floor and onto his pants.
Bianca and I laughed loudly at his comical reaction for several seconds. He regained his composure and glowered in embarrassment as we continued to laugh.
"Ah, Brendan. It's disappointing to see such lack of dexterity from you. We'll need to work on that in the future" I snarked, grinning at the surprised expression that jumped onto his face.
"That's just not fair Ash! How was I supposed to expect you?" Brendan whined.
My grin turned slightly savage. "You're not. Always expect the unexpected Brendan, so you're never taken by surprise. I've taught you this"
"I know, Ash" Brendan answered, his face turning serious, "Though it's a bit harder to put into practice, sir."
"You'll get there, Brendan." I replied, dismissing the subject. "So, how has everything been in my absence, Brendan?"
"Calm, but that's going to change now that you're here." He responded, grinning evilly as he considered the ramifications of my unexpected arrival. "Someone is going to be REALLY excited to see you here. Like, the sexual kind."
"Thank you for your deduction. I already assumed that, Brendan. No need to continue down that train of thought." I interjected, not wanting that little conversation to continue. "Because of that, ten laps around the complex."
"What! Oh, come on, no fair!" Brendan grumbled, resigningly turning to leave. "Of all the damn days…"
Once Brendan left, a loud cry of sheer joy and shock echoed throughout the complex, alerting Bianca and I that Latias learned of my unexpected arrival. Bianca smiled and said, "Go be with her. You don't have these moments often. Work will be here later."
I could only nod as she turned and walked away because I found myself being tackled by a very fast red and white blur. I laughed and grunted as I fell, the weight of the female Eon Pokemon sending me towards the floor.
"Easy, girl!" I managed to say before my lips were captured by her desperate ones. I groaned in pleasure as I grasped her body, digging my fingers into her neck feathers as I returned the kiss. Our lips smashing against one another, our tongues fighting for dominance, the desperation for physical contact reminded me that I was finally home. That I finally had my mate in my arms after months without her.
That realization redoubled my efforts to continue kissing her, to make clear that I was finally home and we could finally be with one another at least for a little bit.
After minutes of frantic kissing and rolling around on the ground, Latias finally had to stop for air, breathing in deeply as she stared into my eyes, tears dropping from her own brilliant amber ones. Breathless, I reached up and brushed the tears away.
"Don't cry, dear." I mumbled, "I'm here. I'm finally home"
Latias keened and pressed her head against my shoulder. "You're home." She said, breathless and speechless like this was just a dream. "You're finally home again, It's been so long…"
Seeing her cry, seeing her so emotional broke my heart. I couldn't stand to see her so upset. I opened my mouth to say something, anything at all to comfort her, to relieve her of her burden, but words failed to form. I couldn't think of anything.
I didn't know how to comfort her. I'd forgotten how to.
My hand went to her back, brushing and massaging her spine. "Yes, I'm home Latias. I'm home." I muttered, feeling inadequate, lost and confused.
I couldn't remember what to do. I couldn't communicate my thoughts to her. I couldn't simply talk to her like we had all those years ago.
How could I love her so much yet be unable to even console her when she's upset?
As we sat there, holding each other tightly on a water covered floor, I was reminded that coming home wasn't the amazing I keep believing it was. It reminded me of the things that were slowly falling apart no matter how hard I tried.
It reminded me that relationships weren't always the perfection one makes them out to be.
Why do things that are supposed to feel so right feel so wrong?
Fin 1.3