Author's Note: And so it ends. It's been a year since I started this story and it has been somewhat of a source of comfort to me. Now that it's over I will have to find something new to write about, which is quite a scary thought as I have relied on this plot since close to the beginnings of my fanfiction roots. Anyway, the chapter is quite short compared to some, but to the point. I hope you all find what you're looking for.

Acknowledgements: To those of you who have supported me since the beginning and those of you who kept me going towards the end. I dedicate this chapter to you all, but especially to those who encouraged me. May this meet to expectations and hopefully not preconceptions.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the words.

Coeur Corrompu

Chapter Twenty Four

That day, that day

What a mess what a marvel

I walked into that cloud again

And I lost myself

And I'm sad, sad, sad

Small, alone, scared

Craving purity

A fragile mind and a gentle spirit

That day, that day

What a marvellous mess

This is all that I can do

I'm done to be me

Sad, scared, small, alone, beautiful

It's supposed to be like this

I accept everything

It's supposed to be like this

That day, that day

I lay down beside myself

In this feeling of pain, sadness

Scared, small, climbing, crawling

Towards the light

And it's all I see

And I'm tired and I'm right

And I'm wrong

And it's beautiful

That day, that day

What a mess, what a marvel

We're all the same

And no one thinks so

And it's okay

And I'm small and I'm divine

And it's beautiful

And it's coming

And it's already here

And it's absolutely perfect

That Day – Natalie Imbruglia

Dappled moonlight filtered through the half drawn curtains, casting light upon the darkened room. Shadow's stretched in long, eerie fingers of crooked black, crawling up the wall on the far side. From a hole in the floorboards a spider crept silently out into the shard of light. A twig from a tree hit against the window in light taps, following the curve of the breeze. Everything was still, quiet and soft.

No one noticed the details though.

Pale flesh was highlighted from the darkness by the moon's curious gaze. They lay on a single bed, limbs entwined in uncomfortable spaces. A black sheet kept their modesty, but feet stuck out as if growing from beneath. Their heads lay close to each other, as their chests slowly rose and fell. The only noise to disturb their peace was a spider spinning her web.

Around the bed lay heaps of shed skins. The dejected clothing humbled the floor with their presence – the only lasting sign of frenzied passion. A bra hung over the side of a chair, whilst a pair of boxers gazed at it with hunger. Shirts, skirts and trousers were screwed up in small mounds, separated from each other by eager fingers. Only the naked bodies seemed to be untouched by the desire that had taken place, with their skin cold with calm rest.

Draco stirred slightly in the bed, the springs accommodating his weight with a squeak of welcome. His eyes flicked to his partner in crime, ensuring the noise had not awoken her. When she did not flinch or move her head, he allowed himself to relax again.

It must have been an hour since she had fallen asleep, her body spent from all the love making and such. He hadn't been tired though, or willing to let his guard down when he was so vulnerable. Partly he was scared that if he slept now he would rise to a cold bed and an equally cold heart. Instead Draco had watched the word slowly fade to blackness through the window, waiting for an awakening at his side.

His body did not "lie" or "rest" upon the bed. That would imply a certain degree of control and civilisation. His body was sprawled across it, completely at ease with the situation. It was almost as if he had been a coil for years, just waiting to spring out from his own body. Now that he'd accomplished the relief that only a partner could achieve, he felt at peace. Draco smiled to himself – it wasn't just peace he felt but a definite dose of smugness.

Ginny had been a demanding lover, taking what she wanted and giving what he needed. There had been no question of whether he was up to this physical outburst. Draco was not letting this opportunity go, injury or no. So he pulled together all his strength and had managed to keep up to the usual standards. Now it was her who slept soundly, and him who gloated about his victory over her senses. The screams had defiantly proved her enjoyment of the act.

Her love had been savage, as she ripped away his clothes, bruising his lips with everything she had been waiting for. Not that he was going to complain, it was often easier this way. His winces of pain had not bothered her either as she'd pushed his flesh hard with her small hands. Then again, he considered, he had slammed her into the wall a couple of times.

Once they had shed all of their layers, like a Christmas present that's been sat temptingly under the tree for weeks, they threw themselves onto the bed. The springs had been welcoming, but grunted under the strain of their movements. It wasn't just the bed that was having problems though. A single bed was not the best place for two people who intended to be very active. First she'd bashed her head on the headboard, and then he'd stubbed his toe on the wall. Ginny had been frustrated and, when she'd hit her elbow for the fifth time, pulled away from his embrace and climbed off the bed.

'This isn't going to work!' Ginny cried, her fists balled up like a small child having a tantrum.

'It was your idea to use this room,' Draco had replied coldly as he stretched out the length of the bed. 'Remember?'

'I'm not doing this,' she gestured between them, 'in the bedroom I've had since I was born. It would just feel wrong and I would be completely put off, which I'm sure you wouldn't really want right now.'

It was a challenge. 'And that's different from having sex in your parent's house how?'

'Look, if you don't want to make love then just say. I'm really not in the mood for games right now.'

Draco had half smiled at her suggestively.

'Alright, alright! I may be in the mood for certain kinds of games.'

 So they had ceased their frenzy of moving limbs and opted for a slower rhythm. At first he'd been worried that this organisation would stop the initial joy of it. Even though the beat was slower though, he still enjoyed every moment of it.

Ginny had wanted to be in control, which wouldn't have bothered Draco so much if she hadn't insisted he had the space against the wall. To him it seemed typical that she would want to have his side of the bed. In fact it seemed quiet deliberate, but it hadn't been the time to fight it out. No, this was a time for him to keep his mouth closed and obey commands. It was a tight fit, but eventually they had both fitted perfectly and so the lament went on.

Reflecting on it now, Draco knew it had been a battle of wills throughout. When he had kissed her, she had to kiss back with more desire. When she started to take off his clothes, he had to takes hers off slower, to delay what she wanted. It was defiantly a competition which both were determined to win. Another smile played about his lips – Draco Malfoy always won the fight.

Her body had been heavenly, pale and dusted with freckles. It would have been cliché for him to claim he wanted to map them all out, but it was just something you said to girls with lots of freckles. It was almost like some unwritten law that made people with them feel a lot sexier. Usually he wouldn't have bothered, but he felt he needed to put the extra effort in to win her over. So he had traced his fingers, joining up the small brown spots in an invisible line, making her shiver ever so slightly.

Ginny hadn't been content with this lazy love though. She didn't want romance, or gestures of care and affection. That had been made quite clear when she leaned forward and dotted kisses on his chest and stomach, whilst digging her nails into his sides. It had stung a little against his purpled bruises, so he'd growled and made a grab at her.

Eventually, after a mess of limbs, he found himself lying on top of Ginny. It was only then that he had truly looked at her. She was smiling at him slightly. It wasn't a full smile of happiness, or a half smile of seduction, but a smile that was reassuring. This was what she'd wanted. For a second he had thought about the problems and the reasons this shouldn't be happening. That had been ended though when she started to wriggle impatiently.

Pinning her down roughly, he had made dirty, passionate, beautiful love to her. In return she had bitten his shoulder, drawing blood, and whispered the opposite of sweet nothing's to him. It hadn't been romantic, or symbolic of their feelings. They hadn't waited until it was the right time. It had been raw impulse, savage in all its sins.

Then she'd fallen asleep.

Now Draco was bored. Though he enjoyed replaying their afternoon of passion in his mind, it was beginning to tire him and Ginny was drooling on his shoulder. It was one thing to be in bed with a woman in the carnal sense, but quite another to actually sleep with them. They were not nearly as delicate and serene asleep as they were awake. Already she had kicked and slapped him as she rolled over to get comfortable. It had taken a lot to keep his space on the bed and presently he had one leg swung over the side, supporting his weight.

It was nice to know he had tired her out sufficiently in his damaged state, but was this all the thanks he got?

He thought about getting up, climbing back into his clothes and sneaking out before she woke up. There was nothing to say she wouldn't wake up and regret it all. She had never mentioned not going away with Harry. He had assumed that would go unsaid, but now in the cold light of reality he realised there were problems looming on the horizon. What if it was just sex?

Growling softly to himself, he shoved her body back against the wall roughly and resettled himself in his space. It bothered him that he couldn't find the heart to sneak away from her and avoid the confrontation. It bothered him that he hadn't yet considered getting up and leaving all together – just leave all his troubles behind and start that new life he was meant to. None of it seemed to matter at that moment though. Not Potter, Narcissa, Snape or Dumbledore. Maybe he was going soft.

Ginny sighed in her sleep and snuggled closer to his cool body. The freckles and red hair contrasted to his paler complexion. His fingers found themselves stroking her cheek softly. It was beautiful the way they seemed to be totally different and that was the closest thing they had in common.

One eye opened slowly and she frowned slightly, a groan escaping her lips. 'My leg's gone numb…'

It wasn't the perfect thing for her to say. It didn't lend itself to her image of being a lover or goddess. What it did do was make her more real to him. She had edges and flesh, along with a mind of her own. There was nothing ideal about her. This was a Weasley who spoke her mind and feared nothing but herself.

'You did insist in having it between mine,' he remarked, with an amused smirk. 'In fact you were quite insistent about it as I recall.'

'Shut up Malfoy and move over,' she grumbled pushing him gently with her sleep deadened arms.

'You're pathetic, you know that?' Draco said with a degree of humour as he moved slightly to give her more room. 'Any normal, sane woman would be thanking her lucky stars to get me into bed.'

Ginny buried her head in his shoulder and put her arm across his stomach in a possessive hold. Turning her head slightly she pressed a kiss to his skin. 'Did you get any sleep?'

'You snored too loudly for that to ever happen, Weasley.'

She laughed softly. 'I don't snore.'

'How would you know?'

'Let's just say I've never heard complaints before,' she whispered with a coy grin, her face looking up at him, with her hair looking almost like a halo in the soft moonlight.

Draco regarded her curiously. Even now, after all they had been through, they were still fighting like school children and yet it seemed perfect. Ginny fought the fight well, taking everything in her stride, and so did he. Maybe it was what gave them the edge.

'What now?' Ginny whispered softly, her fingers rubbing lightly against his bruised skin.

His heart paused for a second, opening up with the feeling of lost hope. He had been right to think Ginny was avoiding the harsh reality, but he had never considered that he would also. There was a danger in thinking you cared for someone, which was why he'd always kept Narcissa at such a distance. If they knew you had a weakness, they would use it against you. Love was too frivolous a thing in times of deep despair.

Closing his eyes, he released his breath and looked at her. 'We do what we always do Weasley. We do what's right and avoid all the pain.'

'Don't worry. I won't pack anything too heavy,' she whispered against his skin, kissing it lightly. 'I know you'll want to travel light.'

'Pardon?' Draco asked, a frown creasing his forehead.

'I am coming with you,' she said with firm aggression. 'I'm not going to stay at home and live out my mundane life because it doesn't compare to being around you. I'm not going to go to China with Harry because I want someone else – you. I'm going to fight myself to be with you.'

'And you didn't think to ask me?!' he growled angrily. 'You're not coming!'

'It's too late now Malfoy. My mind is made up and I will hunt you down if I have to, so basically there's no point in trying to tell me I can't,' she huffed as she sat up. Gently she tugged the sheet round her upper body and looked down at him. 'I've had enough of your self righteousness and desire to be noble. It doesn't matter! When it comes to me and you all the rest is a load of nonsense. Your personal war has nothing to do with us being together.'

Draco looked at her openly again, examining her flaws and features. There was probably a point to all her babbling. Maybe it was his war and no one else's, but was it possible to be together?

'Just stop thinking for one second. Just let it all go! Now I'm coming with you, okay?'

'Bloody irritating woman.'

'Was that a yes?'

'I suppose it will have to be.'


Dear Mum,

As you read this I will be on broomstick to some unknown destination. I decided that all of this conflict is beyond me. I have no place in this war between the Ministry and the Death Eaters. My place is in ordinary life, where I'm ignorant to the inner working's of the political leaders. Being a researcher has taught me that there are some people who don't need the limelight. I am one of these people. If I'm going to die then I want to be happy.

With this, and the knowledge that what I know puts me in grave danger, I have kidnapped Mr Draco Malfoy as means of leverage if anything should threaten me. If you attempt to trace my wand, or find me in any way, I will know and your one lead will be handed over to the Ministry. Though I am stepping away from the war of right and wrong, I realise that Malfoy is of great importance to your cause. Therefore if you comply with my demand of peace then I will allow limited access to him.

I love you all and I want for you to not see this as an act of a despicable nature. I'm doing this because it's all I have left. There is no normal, carefree life available to me now I know about Harry and his trappings as an assassin. This way I have one chance to make something beautiful that can't be destroyed by laws that govern us.

I will try to stay in contact with letters and such, but they may be limited until we're settled. Malfoy seems to have ideas of his own, prophesising doom and gloom as usual. I think he's wrong though. This future is fresh and new. I will be happy no matter the cost – be it with or without Malfoy.

Please pass on my love to the entire family. Tell them I will miss them deeply and that I hope this separation will be short lived. This too goes to Hermione, who has been more than decent in helping me decide what I have.

To Harry, send my regards. China never did sound like my kind of place anyway. Far too hot for a girl of my complexion, and I can't speak the language!

Don't worry about me because I will miss you and that alone will keep me safe. I live another day to return home.

Eternal love,


P.S. You were right. Sometimes the wrong things are perfectly right.

The End

Author's Note 2: Thank you and goodnight!