
She was only 12 when she forgot her age.

Yes, she was only 12. Only 12 with blonde pigtails and the height half her doorframe. She was only 12 when she got her first meal for the family. She was only 12 when she took care of her mother. She was of that age when she tended a patient herself, only 12 when she stripped off the tablecloth on which they had meager dinners, to place a bloody body.

She became the big sister, the mother and the father.

She'd come to recognize the sight of death, hunger, loneliness and struggle.

She'd learn to not complain.

She was of that age when she lost her sister. She said goodbye and watched her sister die on TV.

Because even when she hugged her sister once she returned from the games, Prim knew Katniss wasn't really there.

But Prim didn't mind because she was older than that. She was older than 12, and had to understand. She was older than 12 and had to deal with running a hospital, helping others and saving lives.

And when the bombs exploded into different colors that she'd never known, she remembered.

Prim remembered she was only 12.

AU: I'm pretty sure Prim was around 13 when she died, but it's possible she was 12 I guess. For the sake for the poem I'll just put into the mindset that she was 12. Please, please review/favorite! Guest review are welcomed as well!

Thank you.