SAF: I am soon sorry Sonic!

Sonic: For what? You didn't do anything wrong..right...?

SAF: we'll you see... I sorta am gonna give you some drama and-

Sonic: I do not accept your apology! Why is it always me?!

SAF: Your the star of the Show, Comic book and Video game!

Shadow: and it's only human...( sings that last part from 'Only Human' by Mandy Moore)

Silver: Well since nobody cares about doing it right now... SAF DOESNT OWN US! WE BELONG TO SEGA! IF SHE OWNED US YOU WOULD NEVER EVER BE ABLE TO READ WHAT WE SPOKE BECUSE WE'd be dumb...

SAF: you know Silver I think you have a delivery again... *lightly punches silver*

Shadow: *reads ahead* wait... YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT WE'RE-


Sonic: we'll I guess there's no time like the present... Story start.


All things have a meaning in life be it big or small...

The blue chaos emerald: prayer and hope

The purple chaos emerald: Saddness

The red chaos emerald:Rage

The green chaos emerald: Hatred

The yellow chaos emerald: Joy

The cyan chaos emerald: Pleasure

The white chaos emerald: Wish and desire.

Prayer and hope: Sonic

Sadness: Darkspine Sonic

Rage: Dark Sonic

Hatred: Fleetway

Joy: Hyper Super Sonic

Pleasure: Super Sonic

Wish and Desire: Excalibur Sonic

There was nothing around him not the usual running around dream no... There wasn't anything around him at all there was just the big black nothingness. Sonic noted that he was the only thing glowing in this dark area and he also noted he was floating... The he heard foot steps from the right side of him. He faced the direction but saw nothing.

"You were so ANGRY when you saw Cosmos and Chris face... What could he have done to them." Came a serious voice The from the left side of him he still saw nothing."You were so SAD when you watched Shara Die right in front of you." Came an angry/ hurt voice Then from directly in front of him. He looked forward and still saw nothing but there was something unsettling about these voices..

"You know deep down inside... You hate them... All of them... Every last person.. You don't even like Tails, Amy, Knuckles... You don't even like yourself! And yet they call you the hero? Your still not anyone important... You know it... How are your parents Sonic? When was the last time you saw them? Exactly... You don't care for them... They Died because of you!" Came a maniac voice. Sonic took a staggered step back. Who were they?

The foot steps started to come into the light slowly showing his trademark shoes but different toned bodies... To the left was him... To the right was Him and there right in the front stood HIM... All of them were him but not him exactly... "Let us solve your problems... We know much more than you do when it comes to fighting... We can protect them, save them, Even destroy them... But not without you." Said the golden swirly eyed version of Sonic. "I... I know what your doing... But I don't get why? I'm not gonna allow you fuyd any control what so ever... Do you remember what happened last time?!" Sonic said to the three him's.

"We thought you may say that..." Said the golden swirly one... As they grew feet bigger than Sonic, and were instantly covered in blood. "Your scared we'll kill them again?" Said the yellow one. "You don't understand this power. We do." Said the dark black furred on. The purple one with a white strip walked up to Sonic who fell to the floor in the dark area. "You BARELLY saved her... What will happen to them?" He asked as an image of all of Sonic's friend at a lush green park came to mind and even shadow was there.

The purple and white one put his hand on Sonic's shoulder and said "Do you really want them to die?" As soon as his hand moved from Sonic's shoulder all of them were dead, killed in the most brutal ways... All of them were there sprawled out on dead grass with a burning blood red sun in the back ground... AND THEY WERE ALL ON TOP OF HIM.

Sonic sat up sweaty in his bed and scanned his bedroom. His breathing was erratic and he couldn't calm down... No they'd get him... And he'd be done for... Sonic looked at the window to his right and looked at the moon shining down on him.. It was all just a bad dream... Nothing wrong... He was still there and everyone was all right. They couldn't get to him now... He was awoke... He was safe... Right?

Sonic's breathing slowed down and he closed his eyes only to see the scary image again. He eyes shot open and Sonic was scared... Totally scared... You could see it in his eyes. He TRUELY FEARED what he'd dream even though he knew they were right he... He wasn't so sure on their intentions. Swallowing his fear he closed his eyes to dream only to once again see the image of his friends bloodied bodies... Hearing them ask him why... Finding out he was their perpetrator. All along he was praying and trying really, really, really, hard to remember...

He was only dreaming.

Sonic:*rocks back and forth hugging his knees* there's no place like SEGA! there's no place like SEGA! there's no place like-

Shadow: SAF... I think you went a tad bit to far...

Silver: um guys is Sonic supposed to be trying to end the story?

Shadow: what?!


continue to next chapter to proceed this video...