A/N: Hey guys. I just finished a summer camp on writing fictional stories, I had to write two 10 paged short stories / beginnings of novels at a local college and it ROCKED. Anyways the rule was NO FANFICTION, which is reasonable. So I didn't have as much time on this chapter though as I was writing my butt off all week on the other stories too. I hope you still like this one. It's adding a new spin of drama for our budding couple ;) Read, review, and enjoy. Without further ado…

Narrator POV

The new of Sophie taking the plunge spread through the pack like wildfire, making her the own unofficial little dare devil. Leah screamed out her lungs, but Seth went to the defense right, away- and Sophie took full 'blame' too so it was hard to stay mad. Besides she looked so innocent in her beanie, and mint skirt, it was like trying to stay made at an adorable 1st grader.

It slowly became clear, what type of 'cuddly' person Sophie was. She snuggled with everyone, always brushing up against people when moving- but hand holding seemed to be reserved for Seth. She snatched up his fingers easily when walking, sometimes letting there shoulders brush. Mostly she danced ahead tugged Seth along as she sang loudly for the world to hear her tone deaf muse.

Sophie was plopped in front of the Clearwaters screen again as Disney was having a movie marathon tonight. She belted out along to all the characters, quitting every famous, and overall seemed to bounce in her seat. While Seth's heart melted with her over excitement, he could easily fall asleep to her bubbly voice, and heat radiating off there interlocked fingers.

Seth feel asleep happily, it's not like he hand a hand fetish- but because she hand the type of fingers you wanted interlocked with your own. Strong, long, and yet dainty. Perfect to sport his wedding ring in the future, his promise. Seth was still semi aware when Leah started her probing.

"So you really like him huh," Leah smirked, and Sophie's blush was felt by Seth.

"Oh come on Sophie you're so obvious," Leah snickered as the younger girl stuttered. Seth stifled a smile, as Sophie shifted over to his chest, hiding her embarrassment.

"Leah you're his sister- I mean," Sophie giggled.

Leah rolled her eyes, "Best friends talk about this- what you don't think I can handle you gushing about how H-O-T hot the dreamboat is."

Sophie awkward shifted nuzzled close to Seth, there still entwining hands being played with. Seth wanted nothing more to take his from hers, and wrap her in a bear hug hold instead. She didn't have to be embarrassed- he was crazy about her too.

Sophie took her free hand, and carefully mess the bangs of his hair- "I mean he is pretty dreamy," She whispered as Leah laughed.

"You caught it almost as bad as he does."

Seth decided it was time to 'wake up' at this point to stop that topic of conversation. As much as he didn't want to- like when he was in his wolf form, Sophie seemed 10% at ease with him when he was 'asleep.' Seth yawned and Sophie shifted over some- causing Seth to 'sleepily' protest and drag her back so she was 'accidentally' totally on his lap. Sophie's blush wasn't missed by either wolf, as she leaned back into his chest. Stiff, and awkward. It took ten minutes more before Sophie regained her confidence melting onto Seth, and finally setting her full weight down. She took both Seth's hands in her own making his arms like a little supported hug on the sides, and Seth loving smirked down at her. Now that he was 100% sure Sophie owned up to liking him inside- it was cute watching her build up enough courage to brk small boundaries to express it.

Seth was lazily staying awake again, when he suddenly felt Sophie stiffen.

"Maybe I should leave the room for this song," Leah snarked as Sebastian sang 'kiss the girl'

Sophie didn't dare tare her eyes off the screen, her posture perfect, but she didn't make any move to leave Seth. Seth's heart leapt- she wasn't quiet ready, but if this wasn't a sign that she wanted him too... He tightened his arms and jokingly repeating prince Eric's lines-

"You know, I feel really bad not knowing your name. Maybe I can guess. Is it, uh Mildred? Okay, no. How about Diana? Rachel?"

Sophie giggled taking over for Sensation, "Ariel. Her name's Ariel."

And Seth didn't miss a beat "Ariel? Ariel? Oh. That's kind of pretty. Okay, Ariel." As the song played it's last verse Seth pecked the side temple of her forehead, and Sophie turned looking into his eyes with her own. Both so deep with swirling emotion her Hazel ones shimmered with more golden ones, as she blushed.

"Ugh you guys make me sick," Leah sang and Sophie threw an old couch pillow at her breaking there moment.

"Ugh shut up," Sophie poked her tongue out. The Clearwater's never seemed so at ease.

Emily POV:

The pack had been buzzing at how Sophie- our innocent new little Sophie caused Seth, Leah, and Jake's heart attack when she snuck off to cliff dive. I mean I know everyone took it as cool, and tough or whatever, but Sam assured me Leah and Seth cooled down after too.

So I wasn't to anxious as I buzz around making sure to have enough food to feed an army. It was 'date night' meaning only imprinted wolves would come over to watch a movie with us, or have a bon fire, or play games- t differs from suggestion. Mostly so wolf girls could gossip, and be all mushy without having to endure stream of anger from Leah, or little wonder eyes like Claire Bear. This however would be the first one Sophie attended, and I was over the moon to get to know her even better.

"Em are you in here," Sam calls. I hum my response slipping the rest of the brownies into the oven, and setting my timer. Suddenly I'm being spun around in his arms, before he lightly sets me down pecking my cheeks.

"You ready for mass chaos," he winks, and i swat at his arms.

"They're your brothers," I remind him.

Rachel and Paul arrive practically having eye sex, Jared and Kim are next sweet as ever looking a little hesitant, finally Sophie and Seth arrive. Sophie bounding forward dragging Seth along in a death grip.

"Hey Emily," she smiles bouncing to hug me lightly. Her eyes are wide behind her glasses as she takes everything in. She's in loose jean shorts, and a longer black and white thick striped top, her hair thrown in a loose ballerina bun, with a black bow below it. She screams youthful innocent, in a very cute teenaged way. She tugs Seth inside after her, as she flints around saying hello to everyone.

"We're playing a shortened version of monopoly, twister, and a bonfire styled dinner," Rachel explains as it was her, and Paul's turn to decide the agenda, and why we always host I like to let each couple have a turn.

Paul doesn't seem overly enthused about the choices, but Kim, and Sophie do. Both seemingly whispering strategy to there wolves.

"We call the top hat," Sophie shouts running to the long table I had set up with one end snacks, and the other the game. Her feet didn't quiet touch the ground with our specialized wolf made chairs, so her feet swung eagerly, like a child's. I giggle throwing a look at Sam maybe date night needed some lighting like this. It seemed like things were getting boring around here anyways.

We respectfully called dog, while Kim and Jared had the Iron, and Paul and Rachel the coke bottle. An hour passed before an real drama passed unfortunately... well Sophie got everybody a little too into to game.

"Shut up Paul you so were on board walk which makes you on our monopolized property now," Sophie leaned over the table counting the five paces.

"No, we were on that square," Paul laughed, as Sophie growled.

"No you weren't."

"Prove it."

"Uuugh, Paul just fork over the cash," Sophie whined not backing down when Paul who was a known cheater (he just doesn't think we ever care enough / know he does) smirked.

Paul shook his head, and Sophie's eyes flew wide.

"SOME monopoly C.E.O.s use integrity when playing- they make it to the top WITHOUT being a slim bag," at this point she was red in the race and almost shouting, as she raced around the table and jabbed her finger at the large wolf. Both Seth, and Rachel probably would have done something if not being in hysterics over the two. Sophie didn't cheat, but she begged, and bargained, and picture up obscene rules which turned out to be true all the time- making her the match for Paul's stubborn cheating. Her barley coming up to his shoulder made it comical to watch as she stormed around and demanded her rent.

He caved as she snatched the money herself, and sat with a dignified 'hrmff' back in her seat alongside Seth.

Sam was widely grinning as Paul mutter obscenities, as we landed safely on go- with mostly Sophie, or Paul taking up the bored. The exception being the most expensive properties owned by Jared- we were loosing terribly despite the fact we still had more money then most- with only 2 un-moraged properties. The game continues until an auction happens

"5k," Sophie starts.

"!0k." Early on in the game everyone was in on these cheering, and bidding, Seth and Rachel alike- no it was just more funny to see them go head and head before ur timer ran out.

"15 seconds left in auction time," Sam called. We set a time limit after our first auction went over the price of the building, and for close to ten minutes,



"Times up- the property is sold to team Soth," I umpired as Sophie runs around the table in a victory lap, highfivng Seth dramatically and sitting back down. She also instead on mashing our names, or coming up with our own team name until were out. The banter continued between the two- Paul actually needing Rachel to talk him down once or twice good naturally. TO everyone it seemed like fun and games.. Well before it happened-

"YES, you Rachel are O-U-T- out," Sophie cheered as Paul angrily flipped the table sending Sophie flying out of her chair, covered in Cheetos, and the wolves on that side Sam and Seth to stay up in his chair, but be smushed by the table, and covered in scattered sprite glasses.

Rachel was staring open mouthed in shock on the other side of the table, along with Kim, as Me and Jared head the two ends. Paul tore from the house shaking as he phased in our back yard.

That's when the screaming erupted.

"Oh my god!"

"Where's Sophie?"

"Emily I'm so sorry. I can't believe he did that."

"I can."

Through all this Seth pushed the table right side up quickly acting to get to his crushed imprint whimpering on the floor. Two chairs on top of her, cheetos, glass shards, and sticky soda covered her; luckily the table was caught by the boys laps- it took a lot to knock a wolf over.

Sophie was being supported by Seth as she groaned and held her head. Seth was talking in an urgent whisper to her as she nodded. He scooped her up easily, and carried her to the kitchen. I noticed how he was carefully checking for a concussion, pulse, signs of shock, as he slowly washed at her face dabbing an old rag at the only physical cut the glass seem to make- shallow but long above her upper brow. I saw almost in slow motion Kim, and Jared start to clean up as Sam tried to get the furniture in order. Rachel seemed in frozen shock, as was I almost.

I sprung into action easily though grabbing the medical tape and Neosporin. So help Paul if that girl had one sprain, or ended up with a lump on her head- I tried to stay calm as I rushed over to a visibly shaken Sophie. Her eyes wide as she took in Seth's shaking form-

"Sam," I called worriedly as Seth began to growl.

"S-seth don't- I need you to stay calm. I'm fine," Sophie got off he countertop only to flinch wrecking her facade. Seth snatched her up setting her on the flat surface again, her ankle looked swollen, and an odd purpling color- I cursed. (something I never do) alerting all the wolves, as Seth flew from the house- Sam hot on his tail.

"Um- instead of the hospital or something can I go see Charslie, Jacob needs to know what's happening anyway," Sophie whispered, her voice still shaken, but strong enough to carry over the crowd. I steeled myself-

"We're not allowed on that side, only- erhm certain wolves are," Kim explained gently not wanting to explain the two pack feud. I already was on the phone alerting Edward- who told Jacob, and had Charslie on his way down to my house. Sophie had stopped shaking, and was biting her lip nervously. I got it, I mean I really did worrying about our wolves was consuming- but seeing her so 'away' from her pain unnerved me, and made me worry about going into shock.

"Em- I thought it was just a game I didn't mean-" Sophie's voice broke as Jared brought the Dr. vampire in. No way would the imprints be trusted alone without a wolf if a vampire (vegetarian or not) was near.

"Hello again Sophie," he smiled warmly at her, his brow wrinkled in concentration was he expanded her, and asked her a series of questions before wrapping her ankle, and placing ice on it.

"Well it's not strained, just a bad outer bruising. You should be able to walk on it soon- two days if you stay off it tomorrow, while keeping it iced. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a care taker-" He winked at me, before coming closer and whispering.

"She's not in shock according to my results, so a safe warm tea might do her well."

I nodded eagerly helping it what I did best. It kept the hands busy, and the mind from wander. As I scurried about I found him treating Rachel for slight shock, and told Jared to keep her warm as possible while monitoring her heart beat until Paul was back.

"That should do it," He nervously swept the room as though he'd rather stay to keep an eye on his patients. Or more accurately as his eyes rested upon her; Sophie. She was like an extension of their coven- I shuddered.

"Goodbye Doctor," I snapped, and he smiled sadly before racing away.

Everything seemed much more manageable by the time Seth arrived again. Jared cleaned with me, until it looked like game night never happened. Rachel was wrapped in two of my heated blankets on one end of the couch, while Sophie took up the other half. Leg out in front of her propped up with ice laying on it. A freshly hottened yet mostly untouched mug of tea in her hands.

"Sophie-" I sigh, but that's when the wolves burst in.

Narrator POV

Just when Seth thought things had possibly taken a turn to mellow out this happens. Sophie seemed as much of a danger magnet as her cousin Bella at this point. He was a relatively calm guy, but seeing Sophie bleeding, broken on the ground, because of one of his brothers. he lost it, it was bad enough they had to learn a lesson from Emily- Sophie would not be made an example also. Seth tried to be logical- her tired to be a help, he felt Sophie's fear bubbling inside of him. He never wanted to scare her- but seeing her limp on the floor... He couldn't take it. The wolf inside of mine was P. to the max. Never would he ever let harm come to his imprint.

Seth tore after Paul whose mind was still seeing red. It was too easy to pin him, his own mind on overdrive as he bit down on his shoulder- hard.

In that minute three things seemed to happen at once-

A) Sam was growing at both of them commanding them to stop

B) Jacob phased in confused as to what was going on

C) Paul snapped out of it to really see what he did

Paul's heart stopped. No one- and he means no one lost control to harm one another's imprint. Sophie trapped under the chair, glass flying, blood trickling slowly by her eye, he whimpered, and Seth flung him into a tree. Even if Paul knew he was at fault- he wasn't one to back down he snapped at Seth, as Seth and him rolled for dominance.

"ENOUGH," Both Alphas barked. Seth couldn't see inside Paul's mind, and Paul Seth- but he could imagine what horrid thoughts of Paul Seth was having. The order was weakened as always in the case an imprint was involved, and Seth racked his claws down Paul's side, letting his coat turn a rust color, before stepping back growling.

Jacob ran into the clearing as Seth's form shimmered as he phased out, almost completely unscathed. Seth didn't care Jacob wanted to talk to him, or that Paul was his brother- in that moment he just wanted to be alone. Well as alone as you can be with your imprint.

"Stay away from us," He snarled racing back. Back to the Uley's, back to the scene it all broke down, back to Sophie.

Seth almost feel to his knees seeing medical tape plastered to his imprints forehead, and her ankle wrapped. Her blood smelt like hospital- full of household pain relievers, her forehead crumpled as she stared at a mug of tea. He swooped his into a loose hug, almost afraid to touch her- like he'd be order away. Sophie's response was immediate she placed the tea on the table, and locked her arms around Seth so tight, he could easily carry the bottom of her body.

Her eyes shown with unshed tears, as she nuzzled into his embrace. Choruses of pleads reached his ears, as he ran them out- and he kept running until he hit the Clearwater house.

"You're home earl-" Leah cut herself off staring at Sophie wrapped in his arms. Quietly death holding onto him, shaking without the tears.

"What happened," Leah growled, and Seth shook his head. His arms shaking angrily, as Sophie's scared tremors were magnified.

"D-dr. Cullen said I was f-fine. I just need to ice my foot for a day," She sniffled into Seth's neck. Her whole body was tense like she was waiting for worse to come, as Seth soothed her.

"You're safe now," He promised, setting her down on the couch as he went to get the ice.


A horrid scream racked the house as Sophie clung to Seth.

"Don't leave."

Leah was shaking too watching as she threw Seth the ice, she couldn't believe the careful composure and tenderness he carried when helping Sophie. Leah wanted to curse out the sky, ONE night of fluff, that's all they deserve.

Sophie was asleep in Seth's arms, as he retold the tale to Leah, Sophie's goading, and the cluster eff that followed. The break down hurt almost as much as watching it, but of course Jacob chose then to burst into the house, worn, tired, and desperately wanting his own imprint from calming the arguing that ensued minutes ago at the Uley's. Seth seemed almost to sleep himself, but wanted to fight it to monitor Sophie's condition.

"Please tell me she's doing okay. I don't think I could handle bringing back bad news to Bella, and Nessie," Jacob sighed flopping on the ground near a peeved Leah, as they watched Seth's head droop.

"I don't even know what happened. All I know is that she's fine. Shaken up, but fine- well according to Dr. Cullen," Leah half growled wanting her own excuse to kick Paul where the sun didn't shine. Unfortunately for her- the Alpha commands put in place did stop it as Sophie wasn't her imprint.

Sophie's eyes suddenly snap open and she grimaces.

"Can't sleep," Jacob whispers and she notably flinches into Seth, who tightens his death grip around her to counterbalance her fear. Even in his sleep.

Sophie's heart raced at the site of the Alpha wolf, she saw how easy they lost their temper- she wasn't sure if she wanted to be around anyone, but Seth and Leah. Still Sophie being Sophie she had a quote for everything. She whispered the line of one of her favorite unknown authors, she pulled from tumblr no less-

"I've always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed."

Her eyes were so wide, and ancient Jacob found himself wondering who Sophie really was. It seemed out of place on her youthful face, and broken body that was covered in sleeping werewolf.

"My monsters smoother me," she whispered suddenly meaning both Seth and his hugs but also the frequent tragedies that keep coming up.

Jacob's throat tightened as he started at the small girl in the dimming light, her hazel eyes seemed to glow in the middle from the golden flecks, as she stared into his own. Leah sat quietly watching Seth rather than the moment between the other two.

"The pack is supposed to be protective of you- not hurt you," Jacob whispered back, and Sophie shook her head.

"Bad things always happen to the people I love. My mom used to say it's because I loved too deeply, and the universe tries to balance it," She whispers, and suddenly Leah's head snaps Sophie's way.

She never brought up here parents in a less than joking way, she looked so vulnerable sitting there, her shell of optimism peeling off with trauma, and Seth's comfort.

"I can't- I can't even consider leaving," She started.

Leah, and Jacob alike stiffen. Leaving?

"I'm too connected to him, to you Leah," She hummed, "but sometimes I feel like I've brought nothing but- well drama."

Leah growled lightly at the thought under her breath while Jacob stared at her in sympathy. Didn't he think the same when he ran as a wolf before Bella's wedding? The lesson learned the hard way for him seemed to be an 'impossibly option' for the younger girl. Running.

"You haven't failed us Sophie, more then anything the pack has failed to protect you too," Leah growled wanting to shake some sensibility into this girl, and Sophie smiled weakly shifting in Seth's arms to be more relaxed.

"How amazing it is that we're both so eager to claim defeat we have no winner in the situation- a stand still," Sophie snapped working on calming her anger, sadness, and nerves all at once so Seth wouldn't wake up. He snored on lightly in her ear- hugging her closer in his sleep every now and again checking on her even when unaware to make sure she was safe, and un-tense. It was silent for a long while before Sophie finally broke it, much more hesitant.

"I think," Sophie whispered purely directing it to Leah.

"I think I might be falling, and that's what scares me the most. I don't let go very easy. I didn't let go of you either Leah."

Jake felt his heart soar for the younger sleeping wolf, when an imprint finally chooses you- it's one of the best moments in a wolf's life.

"I'm waiting to tell him until I'm sure though," She sighs as Seth yips in his sleep.

"You deserve to be happy Sophie," Leah half snaps, and Jacob froze again, not following how Leah connected the girl's mind dots to self inflicted misery.

"Not any more than you do Leah, at least I know why I'm withdrawn," Sophie bites back.

Leah growled lightly at the floor in warning, even though it stung more than she was mad. She was in control.

"Well at least I can say it to you... I love you loads Leah," she nodded, and Leah smirked.

"Yeah I love you too Soph-"

and Jacob was officially lost.