A/N: So, I saw Divergence today, and I thought this up on the spot and I have to write it. Maybe a little romance, but mostly Action/Adventure.

I don't own Inuyasha or Divergence.

I have no beta.


The damn jewel had done this! Had put her in this place! What the hell was wrong with it? Was it defective or something?! She had gone to bed one night and then, she just woke up, as if she'd never slept.

She was in the body of a child. That's what it had to be. Though when she looked in the mirror, she looked like she did when she was young. Maybe this was her reincarnation? But was that possible? She had the jewel and had been chosen to protect it for eternity. Did something happens to remove her from her place?

Kagome spent the next week, studying her surroundings clearly. The world had changed, severely. A great war came and destroyed everything. What kind of war though?

She had been living in her time. The jewel would no longer allow her to use the well. She was stuck permanently. But she had met Sesshomaru and found a place for herself amongst his company, his pack. With Shippo as the only person to have survived the past five hundred years, they banned together and created Jigoku no Hi. A company run by demons and some humans who were mated to demons.

Sesshomaru explained how demons were all over the world and that he was the ruler of them all. However, there were some, who thought themselves better than Sesshomaru and chose to usurp his authority. Attacking humans and telling them what they were.

She'd been with Sesshomaru long enough to learn that the 'others', those who opposed Sesshomaru's ruling and laws, were gaining power and were threatening to drag the human civilization into the battle.

Could that be what the war was? When she had asked the person whom she assumed was her reincarnations mother, what was beyond the odd wall, the woman said, 'monsters'. Was that really what was out there? And why did no one take a chance to go search beyond the wall?

She learned of the system. She was in America, of all places. In a city once known as Chicago. According to her 'mother', they were the only people left in the world and they had a certain way of life.

There were five factions that one could be a part of, and then there were those who didn't belong anywhere. The ones who did nothing.

The factions were: Abnegation, for the selfless; Amity, for those who longed for peace; Candor, for the honest; Dauntless, for the brave; and Erudite, that was filled with the knowledgeable. Kagome's reincarnation had been born into the Erudite and lived in a very upscale environment. She was also multilingual and Kagome finally understood why she could speak and understand English.

It didn't take long for Kagome to dislike where she was. Though she had nice lodgings and proper rations, it just didn't seem right. Her peers were snobbish and rude and she wanted so badly to knock someone down from their pedestal.

Another horrible thing, was the fact that she'd have to train double time to get back into the shape Sesshomaru had whipped her into. And she found that to be particularly difficult when her 'parents' were breathing down her neck at every turn and making sure she was true to her studies.

Yet, she had found the time to train. Though she had lost sleep over it, she couldn't let herself become weak. Weakness was not an option and Sesshomaru would never condone it, even if she had a very plausible reason. Even if she was blind in one eye and had a faulty lung, he would expect her to push through it and get her training done! So, she resigned herself to doing just that.

She grew as the years passed. Her intelligence was something to be noted and many expected her to stay in Erudite when she chose her faction. She'd never led anyone to believe that she would even consider any of the other factions and that was just how she liked it.

Kagome felt drawn to every faction in some sense. She loved helping people and wanted peace just as much as anyone in Amity. Her thirst for knowledge was unparalleled and she hated liars(thanks to Inuyasha). And finally, as the defeater of Naraku Kagome knew she possessed an astronomical amount of courage and bravery. She could belong to any of the factions, but showing such an ability in this world was not viewed with praise and admiration. No. She would be labeled as a Divergent and would be eradicated on the spot. So, she chose to wait for her time. Her aptitude test. Though it didn't really matter what she received on her test, she knew where she was going.

The only one that seemed to have any chance at freedom, until the jewel allowed her back home, if it ever did. The only one that didn't seem to try and hurt people but instead chose to be the defenders. Dauntless.

Kagome was most assuredly Dauntless and she'd choose it without a second thought.

But, until her time came, she'd continue to gather as much information on the war. She had to know what happened. If she was meant to fix everything(as the jewel made her feel was her duty), before the war could happen, all information was needed, so that this way of life wouldn't be all that was left of the future. She needed to know how to stop it from happening, because she didn't like this lifestyle and much preferred her life in the twenty-first century.

Even though the miko was Divergent, she was also Dauntless and she would use every ounce of bravery she had, to ensure her worlds safety.

A/N: So what do you think?

Let me know please?

Ja ne! :D