I have a very bad habit of forgetting to add this in all my stories
I do NOT own Hamatora! All rights go to it's creator.
Chapter 4.
Nice stared out the window as he waited for advisory to begin, absentmindedly watching the tree in the courtyard sway with the wind.
'I wonder when art is gonna get here?'
Nice thought, he could feel his heart beat just a little faster at the mere thought of him, he could even see his cheeks change into a light shade of pink from his reflection off the window.
He still couldn't believe he found a Guy interesting and here he thought he was into girls, but art was different. It was like just one look and he'd catch your attention immediately, well to him at least.
'I hope he gets here soon.'
His mind started to wonder off, playing random topics in his mind of what he could talk to art about when a loud thump on his desk brought him back to reality staring face to face with a very cheerful looking art.
"Hello nice!"
Art greeted happily.
Nice found him a little off, he doesn't remember him being this cheerful and depicted art as a more calm kind of guy.
"Hey art."
Nice said with a small smile.
"Oh! I'm not art, i'm his brother It."
It said with a smile.
Nice blinked, suddenly taken back by the guy before him.
'He's joking right? But then again, i don't know nothing anything about him.'
He thought, when It started laughing at nice's confused expression.
"You probably didn't think art had a brother did you? He does, were only one year apart, but we can pass for twins since we look very much alike."
It explained with a grin.
"I can see that."
Nice replied, he was still in shock by how they look so much alike.
"Then, where's Art?"
He managed to ask once again making the assumption of Art not being the type of guy to miss school for anything.
"Oh! big brother is resting. He was up all night that he didn't get to go to sleep til six in the morning! So, i'm just posing as him for today. I made him rest.
It explained as he leaned on his hand with a thoughtful smile playing on his lips as he stared at nice who was still trying to take everything in.
"I shouldn't be the one saying this, but you seem to mean a lot to big brother."
It said, nice immediately perked up to the new information that he wasn't expecting, he could feel his heart begin to pound once again.
"I do? He barely knows me though."
Nice said looking down at his desk.
'I couldn't mean That much to him, that's an over statement.'
He thought, feeling a bit embarrassed of art thinking so highly of him when he heard It chuckling softly in the background.
"Just being big brother's first friend is enough for you to having some sort of meaning to him. You make him very happy nice!"
Nice could feel his cheeks warm up again at that.
"I do?"
He looked up at It who nodded his head happily.
Smiling, Nice actually felt good that he made Art feel that way when he noticed It moving ever so closely to his face.
'He looks so much like Art.'
Nice thought as he tried to contain his emotions as It stopped a couple of inches in front of his face, seriousness is what nice could say, was the way It looked right now, switching from the cheerfulness he currently held.
"I do warn you Nice, If you want to get any closer to my big brother then you better be prepared."
"Prepared for what? Is their something i need to know about him?'
Nice asked, he couldn't think of why he would have to be, but then again he barely knows art.
It smirked as he pulled away.
"It's up to big brother whether he wants you to know or not."
It said with a small smile.
Nice stared at him curiously, What is it that he's hiding then?
He was about to ask another question when the bell rang and the teacher walked in already writing down on the chalk board the day's assignment.
"Don't dwell on it to much, okay?"
It said before turning around and taking out his book.
With a small sigh, nice took out his text book and placed it on his desk not even bothering to open it as he laid his head on top of it instead.
It is completely different from Art, more of an open book as he talked his ear off unlike art who did talk, but not as much as his brother did.
Nice had noticed the major differences in the two as he walked home from school, he wanted to ask It more about his brother when he would suddenly silence him with his finger, how much nice wished they hadn't looked so much alike having to glance away from the lilac haired guy when he felt his cheeks heat up.
"I told you not to think about it, okay?"
Was what It would tell him, therefore changing the subject.
'Art, what is it that your hiding?'
Nice thought, looking up at the night sky when he felt himself running into somebody as he turned a corner.
"Oh! Sorry for running into you."
Nice apologized to the tall man white haired man who smiled down softly at nice.
"No need to apologize, having your head in the clouds is a bit dangerous though."
Nice blushed feeling a bit embarrassed.
"Yeah...i know."
He said quietly when the man lightly ruffled his hair as he passed him up before saying,
"Be weary of the things you know Nice."
Nice quickly turned around, but before he could catch him, the man had already disappeared somewhere.
'How did he know my name?'
"So It, how was school? Did you bring notes for your brother?"
It nodded his head with a small smile.
"Of course, big brother would be devastated if i didn't!"
A man chuckled as a pale hand patted It on the head.
"I think somebody needs to learn how to take their medicine more often, don't you agree It?"
The boy yawned tiredly as he wiped his eyes.
"I guess, but i think he's ready to wake up now."
"Yes, i'm sure he is."
You guys probably have questions, but they will soon be answered sure enough ^^
Yes, that 'tall guy' is Moral since he's the only main bad guy in this series I also added him because he seems to have a thing for both Nice (mostly nice) and Art.
Chapter 5 will probably be posted next Sunday, so stay tuned! and thank you for reading! ^^
Please review whatever you think, but please no flames.