Knight of Sitri chapter 1
I know that i wasn't planning on doing any more stories, but this one wasn't my fault! One minute i was watching DxD, the next i had four chapters written and was halfway through a fifth. So, with that in mind, please enjoy my latest soon to be stalled crossover (I really am trying to finish the previous 15+. Honest!)
Disclaimer: Harry potter is owned By JK Rowling. DxD is owned by someone else. I am neither of these people. Thus, it should come as no surprise that i do not own either series.
"A student has been taken by the monster into the chamber itself." McGonagall said quietly to the silent staffroom.
Professor Sprout gasped, covering her mouth with her hands, while Professor Flitwick let out a loud sequel.
"Who is it that has been taken?" Snape asked, gripping the armrest of the chair.
"Ginny Weasley." McGonagall replied sadly, and Harry could feel Ron tense up next to him. At that moment, the door opened violently, making the room jump.
"Sorry." Lockhart yawned, taking his seat, "Must have dozed off. What have I missed? Anything important?"
"Perfect." Snape smiled coldly, "It would seem that luck is on your side, Gilderoy."
"I won Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile again, didn't I?" he grins, "As expected, of course."
"Always a joker." Snape chuckled, "A girl was taken by the monster. As I recall, just last night you expressed your disappointment that with Hagrid gone, you would be unable to slay the beast yourself."
"D-d-did I now..." Lockhart stuttered with a nervous smile on his ghostly white face.
"It should be no trouble." Professor sprout added, "After all, you've known where the chamber was since Febuary, correct?"
"I-I-I might have misspoke..." he answered, backing away slowly.
"Very good." McGonagall nodded, "We shall leave the rescue of the girl to you, Professor Lockhart. Myself and the other professors will ensure that no students intervene in what will surely be your greatest battle to date."
"I'm sure." Lockhart smiled again, but his face was pale as before, "Then I'll be getting... Ready."
Lockhart turned and left the room, eliciting a sigh from the staff.
"Filch, inform the ministry." McGonagall said calmly, "Heads of house, inform the students to pack their things for the trip home. All other teachers, search the castle for the chamber, because we all know that he's not capable."
With their orders, the staff filed out of the room, leaving the two eavesdropping students in shock.
"What now?" Ron asked Harry that night. They were in the corner of the empty common room while the rest of the students were packing.
"We need to talk to Lockhart." Harry sighed, "He's useless, but if he's going into the chamber, it's best to give him all the information we have."
"Yeah." Ron mumbled, getting nervously to his feet. Harry rose as well, dashing up the stairs to grab the invisibility cloak. Throwing the cloak over them, the two walked out of the common room.
From the common room, they went straight to Lockhart's office. Inside, the could hear the sounds of hurried movement, and Harry knocked on the door as hard as he could.
"Professor!" Harry shouted, "We've got some information for you!"
"This is not a good time, Mr. Potter!" Lockhart called back, "Return to the common room."
"Something's not right..." Ron whispered.
"Alohamora." Harry casts at the locked door, opening it before Lockhart could stop him.
The office was completely bare. The portraits on the walls, the bookcase filled with his collected works, and the scrolls which housed the rough drafts of his next book were gone. In their place, a number of large trunks littered the floor randomly. Only one was open, and Lockhart appeared to be shoving his spares robes and beauty products inside.
"Boys!" he jumped, blocking their view of the trunk, "What are you doing here?"
"Are you going somewhere?" Harry asked him, a hand on his wand.
"A-a-an urgent call, I-I'm afraid." he stuttered, grasping his wand and waving it, sensing his remaining possessions soaring into the trunk and locking it. "Completely unavoidable. I've really got no other option but to leave immediately."
"What about my sister!?" Ron roared, "You're the defense against the dark arts teacher! How can you just leave with all this dark stuff going on?!"
"I'm terribly sorry." he replied with a fake sigh, "But this sort of thing wasn't really in the job descripti-"
"After all the things you've done in your books, you're just going to run away?!" Harry asked unbelievingly as Lockhart began moving the trunks against the wall.
"Books can be misleading." he answered.
"You wrote them!" Harry shouted angrily.
"Have you no common sense?!" Lockhart shouted back, "Do you really think that those books would have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things!"
"You're a fraud." Harry scoffed, "Just been taking credit to for what other witches and wizards have been doing."
"It's not so easy, Harry." Lockhart smiled with the same smile he'd worn all year while giving Harry 'advice'. "I had to track them all down, question them extensively about their exploits, determine who else knew, and then alter the memories of everyone involved. It's tedious work, but if you want to be famous-"
"You're nothing but a liar." Ron spit, "Because of you, my sister..." He couldn't go any further without choking up.
"What do you expect me to do?" Lockhart asked, fingering his wand thoughtfully, "I don't know where the chamber is, nor how to defeat the monste-"
"Good thing we came." Harry cut him off, "Because I think we know where it is. And you're going to help us, Professor."
"I'm afraid that's not how this will happen, Harry." he replied, turning on them with his wand raised, "You see, you won't remember any of this. Obliviate!"
Harry and Ron jumped out of the way of the jet of white light that fired from the end of Lockhart's wand. Both of them raised their wands and roared, "Expelliarmus!"
Harry's red jet sent Lockhart's wand flying, but Ron's busted wand finally gave out, bursting apart from the force of the spell. Ron hurried forward and grabbed the wand of the floor, and the two friends held Lockhart at wand point.
"Never thought I'd ever thank Snape." Harry smirked, "Now, Professor, let's go."
"W-w-what do you expect me to do without my wand?" he asked nervously, searching for some way out of the situation.
"Once we get Ginny back, Ron will give your wand back." Harry answered, "Then he'll get Ginny out of there while we hold back the basilisk."
"A Basilisk?!" Lockhart squeaked interrupt, "The two of us? It's impossible!"
"Then you shouldn't have lied." Harry retorted, stepping aside, "After you. And don't think about running. I might not have Hermione's knowledge or spells, but I'm confident I can stop you and drag you with us."
Ron pushed him into the hallway while Harry took one last look at the room before turning to leave. Underneath his foot, he spotted a piece of parchment under his foot. The edges were tattered, like it were very old, but the ink hadn't faded at all. There was a single blue magic circle in the center, and underneath in an elegant script was written the words 'Your wish shall be granted.'
Out of curiosity of what it was, Harry pocketed the parchment, intent to ask Hermione if he survived. Leaving the office, he quickly caught up with Ron and the struggling Lockhart.
With Lockhart in front of them, they made their way to the second floor, and into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.
"Harry!" she smiled upon seeing him, "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to ask you how you died." he replied, gripping Lockhart's arm tightly to ensure he couldn't run.
"It was dreadful." she sighed, floating around them, "I was crying in my stall when I heard a voice speaking outside. It was speaking some weird language, but I could tell it was a boy. So, I opened the door to tell him to GO AWAY... And I died."
"Just like that?" Ron asked her, "Do you remember anything else?"
"Just a pair of great yellow eyes over by the sinks." she shrugged, and Harry investigated the sinks. None seemed to be out of the ordinary, though one didn't work.
"That one never worked." Mrytle added helpfully.
While running his hand along the faucet, Harry felt the engraved snake on the side. "This is it." Harry said finally, looking back at Ron and Lockhart, "This is the entrance to the chamber of secrets."
"Then how do we open it?" Ron asked, pushing Lockhart forward.
"It's Slytherin's chamber, so..." Harry murmured before he closed his eyes and said, $Open!$
The sinks started to sink into the floor, leaving a huge hole in the floor big enough for a giant serpent to slither out of.
"Brilliant work Harry." Lockhart beamed, "As expected, you didn't need my help. So, I'll just..."
"Of course we need your help." Ron replied, cutting off his escape, "Someone's got to check if it's safe before Harry or I go down there."
"Can't the ghost do that?" Lockhart asked halfheartedly. In response, Ron shoved him forward and into the hole. After a few seconds of screaming, there was s loud thud, followed by Lockhart's groans.
"How is it?" Harry called down.
"Terrible!" he shouted back, "My robes are ruined!"
"Let's go." Harry sighed, jumping in with Ron a half step behind him. After a few seconds of sliding, they both shot out of the tunnel, colliding with Lockhart at the bottom.
"Ow..." Harry muttered, getting back up and locking around. The room they were in was dimly lit, and covered in slime. There was about six inches of standing water, and the air was foul.
"Shouldn't you give me back my wand?" Lockhart asked, "What if we're attacked before we find the girl?"
"We'll deal with that if it happens." Harry replied, "But you aren't trustworthy at all. Go ahead, but if you see any movement, close your eyes right away. I don't want anyone to die, even you."
Gulping, Lockhart staggered through the hall ahead of them. With their wands either on him or surveying whatever small rooms they passed, Ron and Harry followed him. The hall eventually emptied into a huge chamber that reeked of decay. A massive snake skin filled half the room, making them recoil.
"Did you two hear something?" Lockhart whispered, looking around the room before he suddenly froze up and fell forward. Ron charged over to him while Harry turned towards the direction he had been facing at the time.
"He's not breath-" Ron started before he suddenly stopped and fell to the ground. Turning back to him, Harry felt his wand go flying.
Lockhart was standing next to Ron's downed form, smiling triumphantly. His wand held firmly in his hand, "A good try, Mr. Potter." he said, keeping his wand on Harry while he picked up Harry's wand, "But you simply weren't clever enough. If I'd known such a simple act would have fooled you, I might not have ruined my robes."
"What did you do to him?" Harry asked, trying to find a way to get his wand back.
"Stunned." Lockhart replies, "Another of my specialties. You see, most wizards won't willingly swallow a truth serum, so I have to improvise. But, thankfully, I have no intention if killing either of you. This story is over, Mr. Potter. I couldn't have done it without you."
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, counting the steps between them in an effort to making a dash for him.
"Once I'm finished here, I'll take you both to the hospital wing." he smiled still, "I'll tell them that I was simply too late to save the girl. That you two tragically lost your minds before her mangled body, and I was forced to flee in order to save you. Were it not for your cunning in figuring out the location of this place, I would have been forced to flee in dishonor. Instead, I will be praised as the hero who save Hogwarts by discovering Slytherin's hidden chamber. 'Belaying the Basilisk, by Gilderoy Lockhart.' sounds like a best seller, doesn't it?"
"Not really." Harry replied coldly.
"We'll see." he chuckled, waving his wand. Harry jumped to the side to dodge the spell, but ropes sprang out of the ground and coiled themselves around his leg. "Did you think that I would make the same mistake twice?" Lockhart asked, waving the wand again to restrain Harry's arms, "Those seeker reflexes of yours are a nuisance. it would be simply too difficult to hit a moving target. Say Goodbye to your memories."
Harry watched in horror as Lockhart pointed the wand down at him and said calmly, "Obliviate."
Harry woke slowly from a troubled sleep as a door opened. Outside, he could hear people talking.
"Poor dears." Madam Pompfrey said sadly, "Why couldn't they have left it to Professor Lockhart?"
"Will they recover?" Professor McGonagall asked her.
"I can't say until they wake. I would say they likely won't recover completely. Trauma like that doesn't just go away." Pompfrey replied,
"What about the others?"
"Professor Sprout is informing the ministry, while Professors Lockhart, Snape, Flitwick, and Dumbledore are placing as many enchantments as they can to barricade the entrance." McGonagall answered, "And the family had been notified. They'll be coming in just a few minutes."
"I see." Pompfrey said sadly, "I'll send a patronus if anything changes."
"Thank you." McGonagall said before she likely turned and walked away.
Slowly, Harry remembered going to see Professor Lockhart to tell him what information they had about the chamber. They hadn't told him anything he hadn't already figured out, but he did need Harry to help open the chamber. After he had done so, Lockhart ordered Harry to inform Professor McGonagall that he was dealing with the basilisk, but he hadn't listened. He'd insisted on following after him and then...
What? What happened? What had they seen, and why couldn't he remember?
Opening his eyes, he saw Madam Pompfrey mixing a potion on a table across the room. She turned to him and said, "It's good to see you up, Potter."
"What happened?" Harry asked, "Why am I here?"
"Professor Lockhart brought you in." she answered, "You collapsed in the chamber after... Well... You know."
"What?" Harry asked her, "What happened down there?"
"You don't remember?" she gasped, before sighing, "That might be a blessing, actually. Well, I'm not sure in the one to tell you. Professor Dumbledore-"
"He's back?" Harry gasped.
"He is." she nodded, "And he wanted to speak with you as soon as you woke. Now I want you to relax until he gets here."
Madam Pompfrey left the room for a few minutes before turning with Dumbledore in tow.
"Sir-" Harry started, but Dumbledore silenced him with a single raised hand.
"That was an immensely foolish thing to do." Dumbledore said firmly, "I trust you know that?"
"Yes sir." Harry replied dejectedly.
"I know all too well the kind of feelings that must have been running through your mind in a situation like that, but you mustn't let your emotions rule you. To do do is to invite tragedy like it did today..."
"What happened?" Harry asked him softly, already dreading the answer.
"Ginny Weasley has been killed." he replied grimly, confirming Harry's greatest fear.
"Why her?" Harry cried slightly, "Why did it have to be her?"
"Only the Heir of Slytherin knows the answer to that question." Dumbledore answered, wiping a tear away from his own eye.
"And who is-" Harry started before his forehead exploded into pain, making him scream. Dumbledore and Madam Pompfrey were both at his side in seconds, concern clear on their faces.
"My scar..." Harry groans, "It feels like I'm going insane..."
"You must be strong, Harry." Dumbledore urged, "Tell me, what do you feel?"
"It hurts!" Harry shouted, and Dumbledore closed a hand onto his shoulder.
"I know it does!" he said over Harry's shout, "But what emotion do you feel? Anger? Fear?"
Harry prepared to retort again when he felt the strangest sensation. Despite the unbearable pain, He felt like laughing in joy.
"Happiness." Harry said through gritted teeth, and Dumbledore's face turns bone white. With a wave of his wand, a vial of potion flew from a nearby cupboard and landed in Dumbledore's hand.
"Drink." Dumbledore instructed, and Harry did so. When seconds, he was falling through darkness.
After what might have been hours, Harry awoke from the sleep. His head was throbbing, but it no longer burned so severely. Dumbledore and Madam Pompfrey were talking hurriedly in the corner of the room with an unknown woman with pink hair, but Harry couldn't hear what was being said.
All he could hear was the crying of the group of red head surrounding the bed next to him. Ron was awake, and no doubt had been told what happened, and he was mourning Ginny's death as well.
"Percival, take your brothers back up to the Gryffindor common room." Dumbledore said, striding over to them, "The ministry team will be here in less than ten minutes. I informed them of your request, and they have agreed to allow you to accompany them."
"Thank you, Albus." Mrs. Weasley cried, "What about Ron?"
"As a precaution, the hospital wing will be locked down before we enter the chamber. Ronald will be completely safe. As added security, Miss Tonks will be here, and I believe the minister is sending several member of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for security purposes, and to arrest the perpetrators when found."
"I want to go to." Harry said, drawing their attention to him for the first time since he woke.
"No." Dumbledore replied flatly.
"Why not?" Harry asked.
"You are still a child." he sighed, "And despite what you accomplished last year, a thousand year old basilisk is simply too great a challenge for an untrained wizard. I myself would not have the power to fight against it alone, and no one can be responsible for you safety while they fight again such a deadly creature. Stay here, Harry. I assure you that the matter will be taken care of."
Before Harry could protest, there was a tremor on the floor beneath them. The elder Weasleys ran out of the room with their wands drawn, as did Dumbledore.
"Poppy, I leave this to you." Dumbledore said, slamming the door and locking it.
"What's going on out there?" Harry asked, looking around at the remaining adults.
"Judging from the position, I'd say it's coming from the chamber of secrets." the pink haired woman frowned, "How could that be? There's no way the basilisk could have broken through those wards-"
Outside the door, they could hear the sounds of fighting, screaming, and hissing.
"Sounds like it did." Harry replied, laying back down, "So, what? Do we just sit and wait?"
"Of course." Madam Pompfrey huffed, "You, Mr. Potter, should know better than anyone that rest is important to aid your recovery. Leave this to the adults, and relax yourself. Otherwise, you'll only make more work for the rest of us."
'Maybe she's right.' Harry thought, sticking his hand into his pocket absentmindedly. Expecting them to be empty, as Madam Pompfrey has always emptied his pocket before putting him on a bed, Harry was surprised to find a slip of parchment inside. Removing it, he found it was a slightly wrinkled old piece of parchment with a blue magic circle and the words 'Your wish shall be granted.' on it. Though it mean nothing to him, the pink haired girl gasped when see saw it.
"Where did you get that?" she asked him quietly.
"I-I-I can't remember." he stuttered at her rough tone.
She opened her mouth to speak again, but was cut off by the door opening.
A familiar young man, not much older than Harry strode in with a smile on his face.
"What happened?" Ron asked him, "What about the Basilisk?"
"It's alright." the man said calmly, "Right now, it's headed towards the Gryffindor common room. No, I'm here for another matter."
"What's your name?" the pink haired girl asked, "I know everyone on the team, and you aren't one of them."
"My name is Tom." he replied, "There's something I'd like to discuss with Harry Potter, and if you'd kindly move out of my way, I may spare your life."
"Try me." she answered, wand pointed at Tom. Madam Pompfrey has likewise drawn her wand, placing herself between the petrified students and the intruder.
The boy drew his own wand, and Ron growled in outrage.
"That's my sisters wand!" he roared, lunging at Tom, who effortlessly flicks his wrist and sends Ron crashing head first into the wall.
"Yes." he nodded, holding the wand up to his eye, "Rather unlike my own, but it'll do."
Something about the look on his face when he said that brought Harry back to an image he'd seen earlier that year. This same boy trying to kill a young Aragog, and capturing Hagrid to be arrested.
"You're Tom Riddle, aren't you?" Harry asked, making everyone stare at him.
Tom's smile widened, "That's right. It's been a while, hasn't it?"
"Why do you have Ginny's wand?" Harry asked as Tom blocks a spell from the pink haired girl before restraining both her and Madam Pompfrey. The woman fell to the ground covered in ropes, but Madam Pompfrey was not so lucky. A jet of orange light collided with her chest, sending her flying to to wall where she lay convulsing wildly,
"Well, I found myself in need of one, and she certainly wasn't using it." he shrugged, and Harry lunged for his wand. When he was just a finger tip away, Riddle jabbed Ginny's wand towards him. Harry's wand flew off of the end table and into Riddle's outstretched left hand.
"Now that is more like it." he smiled, tossing Ginny's wand aside, "Shall we talk, Harry Potter? Since you've asked me a few questions, I think it's only fair that I can ask one as well. Why are you still alive? Why were you not killed thirteen years ago with your filthy mudblood mother and blood traitor father, when the greatest wizard the world has ever known tried to kill you!? How did you manage to escape with little more than a scar, while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?!"
"What would you care?" Harry glared, backing away from the madman, "Voldemort was after your time!"
"You think so?" he grinned, waving the wand in his hand. Great fiery letters appeared in the air between them.
Tom Marvolo Riddle
With another wave, the letters rearranged themselves.
I am Lord Voldemort
"Y-You're him..." Harry gasped, feeling afraid for the first time since the year before, "Voldemort.
"Brilliant deduction." Tom grinned, "Now, why are you alive?!"
"I don't know!" Harry replied loudly, hoping to attract the attention of the teachers.
"Legilimens!" Tom shouted, and Harry's scar started to burn again. After just a few seconds, the sensation mostly stopped. "I see." Tom frowned,
"Love, is it? Of course. I was a fool. No matter. Such protection means nothing to me."
While he smirked at Harry like he'd won, Tom lazily flicked his wand and summoned the silver knife Madam Pompfrey had been using to chop the mandrakes from the table.
"You see, spells like that are impossible to break." Tom grinned, "Which makes them effective in a duel where one can't put much thought into their spells. Here, however, I have no such handicap. This knife is not one of my spells, nor is it a part of my body. That mudblood's shield won't save you. It has been a while, but I think I can still do it."
With his wand still locked on Harry, Tom held the knife by the blade, aiming his throw at Harry's heart.
"Make a wish!" the pink haired girl shouted after she finally managed to get her mouth free of Voldemort's rope, "Hurry!"
"Prayers won't save you." Tom sneered as he sent the knife flying through the air. At that speed, there was nothing Harry could do to dodge.
Taking what the girl said to heart, he made his final wish, 'I don't want to die.'
The last thing he saw was a flash of blue light as the silver knife embedded itself in his chest.
And thus the story ends with the Death of Harry Potter. In the days to come, Voldemort would take over the wizarding world, and usher in an age of darkness without end...
For those of you that want to know how the story ACTUALLY ends, well i'll have to upload more chapters. Nevertheless, i think that some people can probably guess what's about to happen. If you can't, read the title. As always, comments, advice, and constructive criticism welcome. Also, anyone who's interesting in Betaing, PM me. We all know that i need it...