A/N: Gdi. I hate Wattpad or Fanfiction sometimes. I forget that if I copy and paste from Wattpad to here, I get these weird af codes showing up, and it was late at night when I posted this chapter so I didn't go back to check, but thanks to T3R3Z1 TH3 S33R OF M1ND for pointing that out. I probably would have never noticed :'D


Oliver shook me awake after a while and I looked up at him while rubbing my sleepy eyes. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Come on Len. Let's get some homework done, yeah?"

I blushed but gave him my loving smile as I nodded eagerly. We got out of bed and sat down at his kitchen table so that we could start. I had to help him out with trigonometry which wasn't exactly that hard if math was a subject that you enjoyed, but Oliver hated it with a passion. I spent a good while trying to explain the formulas and equations to Oliver, and I was glad that he was starting to understand it after a certain point. I felt pretty accomplished with myself, and just being able to spend some time alone with Oliver made me feel happy too.

Oliver and I finished doing homework in about an hour or so, which wasn't bad timing for the amount of work that we had so I felt pretty accomplished with myself. I leaned back on the chair and stretched before sighing contently. Oliver chuckled at my actions which had caused me to blush like crazy and fiddle with my shirt.

"A-Anything else that you need help with Oliver?" I asked, still blushing and just totally ruining my shirt at this point.

He smiled warmly and shook his head. "No Len. Thank you though. My friend should be here soon so let's start cleaning up yeah?"

I felt myself somewhat scowl at the mention of Olivers friend. I wonder why it irritated me so much that he was talking about someone else. I never really cared if Oliver hung out with someone else before. I don't understand why it's so different this time though. But like I had said before, I had a bad feeling from this 'friend' that was going to come over. I hope it was just a feeling though.

Dat Time Skip Tho-

I was cuddling against Oliver on the couch and about to fall asleep again when I heard a knock on the door which had caused Oliver to get up to answer it. I whimpered from the loss of warmth that was initially here.

I sat up on the couch and peeked over it to see who was at the door since Oliver was going to answer it. I saw Oliver open the door and then a huge smile spread across his face when he saw the person in front of him. My eyes traveled to the figure that Oliver was staring at and it made my eyes widen in surprise and a bit of fear. Man, this guy was a lot more better looking than me. ME. LEN KAGAMINE. THERE'S SOMEONE BETTER LOOKING THAN ME. What if Oliver ends up falling for this guy?! Maybe that's why I got such a bad feeling from this. Maybe Oliver is going to leave me for him!

My blood started to boil and I gripped on the couch tightly as a low growl was noticeably coming from me. The two of them hugged which only made me grit my teeth together and growl even louder. After their hug, they both turned to face me which made me go back to normal because I didn't want Oliver to think that I didn't trust him. I forced a smile on my face as they came towards me.

I stood up and went up to them since I figured that Oliver was going to introduce me to his friend.

"Len. This is my best friend Rinto." He gestured to the guy that was standing next to him. This Rinto guy only smiled and waved. I had my fake smile on as I returned the wave. Man, I felt uncomfortable.

Oliver then looked at Rinto and then back at me. "Rinto. This is my friend, Len."

Rinto nodded and held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Len."

I was pretty shocked. Did Oliver just call me his FRIEND? I'm not his FRIEND. I'm his BOYFRIEND. I was starting to get mad, but I decided that it was best to shrug it off at the moment and then just casually bring it up later. I'm sure Oliver said I was his boyfriend and I just didn't hear that first part. Yeah, that must be it.

I looked at Rintos hand and then laughed nervously as I shook it. "It's nice to meet you too, Rinto."

Oliver grinned and then grabbed Rintos hand which made my eye twitch in irritation. "Come on Rinto. I haven't seen you in forever. We have so much to catch up on!"

I was starting to sense as if I was the third wheel, and there is no way that I was going to let myself be the third wheel, so I figured that it would probably be for the best that I left. I cleared my throat to get the attention of both guys. "W-Well it's getting pretty late and I should get home and do all my chores before my sister tries to kill me. Haha. You know how she gets and all Oliver."

They both stared at me, and Oliver frowned when I said that I had to go. That made me feel a bit better. I guess he really did want me to stick around for a while. "Are you sure Len? Don't you want to stay for a while? We'd love to have you here with us."

I quickly shook my head and stated that it was alright once again. Oliver raised a brow and nodded in understanding. "Alright. Let me see you out then." He gave me his usual warm smile which made me blush again.

He walked me to the door, which wasn't very far from where we were anyways and hugged me. "Thanks for coming over Len. You're always such a great help. I don't know what I would do without you."

My face started to turn red and I took a quick glance to see if Rinto was watching and he was. Yes! That's right Rinto! Oliver is mine! "It's no big deal Oliver. You know I'd do anything for you. I love you afterall..."

"I love you too Len." I was actually surprised to hear Oliver say that he loved me. I think that this is the first time that he actually said it to me. I looked up at him and he was actually blushing for once too. This made my day a whole lot better that I was about to cry.

Oliver only chuckled and kissed my forehead before letting go of me. "Call me when you get home alright? I want to make sure that you got home safely."

I nodded and laughed a little. "Alright then. See you tomorrow!"

He waved at me and I waved back before I started to make my way home. That was such a great way to end the day! I can't wait till I get home to tell Rin!