Aaron's POV

My life couldn't get any better right at this moment. Except the fact that we have 2 victims that were raped and then stabbed 14 times! But thank god we are still in Virginia were I'm closer to Jack and My lover.

He smiled at that as he walked through the bullpen. The team exchanged confused glances.

HA! Must still be a shock to them to see me smile so much more often now. It had been exactly 9 months since they started dating and no one expected a thing. She had met Jack and they had hit it off right away and he was grateful for that because he was pretty sure he was in love and he wouldn't give it up just because his favourite people in the world didn't get along.

He knew they would eventually, she was great with kids he always adored her for that. Walking up to his office he was stopped as Dave stood in front of him, he walked into Dave's office after him. He saw Penelope sitting on one of the chairs, she stood once she saw him.

"Whats going on here Dave?" He asked.

"Aaron we know you are going to be pissed, but penny wanted to tell you that.. That we have been dating for the past 5 months" Dave answered.

Aaron smiled, this is exactly how they were going to look when they told the boss. "Dave its ok you clearly know how to keep it under wraps as long as it stays that way until I tell Chief Strauss." He looked at them both expectantly and they nodded. "Now get out my office I have a lot of work to do" he said jokingly.

They both scurried out of his office and he picked up his office phone and dialled Strauss' office. When she answered he asked if she would come to his office. She readily agreed.

Dave's POV.

As he watched Penelope walk to her office, he couldn't stop thinking about how happy he was. He and Penelope had been dating for a little over 5 months and during that time they had went on vacations to his Cabin in Little Creek.

He can just remember the look of amazement on he face as she stepped into the living room. "You call this a cabin, this is bigger than my apartment" she had said.

He was still surprised that Aaron had agreed to their relationship so quickly, WHAT THE HELL? Aaron had been smiling a lot since January and he just agreed to an inter-office relationship.

Something was going on with the man and dave sure as hell was going to find out what.

"David would you like to get out of the way and go day-dream in your office" OH NO! Aaron was going to tell the she devil about their relationship then she would for sure have his head on a Silver platter.

"Actually Erin i was thinking about the case and then an annoying voice seemed to interrupt me, but anyway good morning and have a good day" he said as he walked back into his office and plopped into his chair.

He sat trying to figure out what was going on with Aaron and why the hell he had been rude to the person that could throw him out on his ass in seconds. He was going to throw caution to the wind and apologise to the ice queen.

He got out of his chair and walked to Aaron's office without knocking he walked right in. What he saw blew him off-course.

"WHAT THE HELL?" He exclaimed.

Erin had Aaron pressed up against his desk, kissing him senseless and from where he was standing he was pretty sure he was going to walk in on a porno if he had been any later. When they heard his voice they broke apart, breathless.

They were searching for words to say to him as there mouths kept opening and closing but no words came out. Caught Red-Handed.

He smirked, Penelope is going to love hearing about this incident.

"Im starting to guess she is the reason that you haven't stopped smiling like a fool for the past 9 months" Aaron nodded "well if she makes you this happy, good luck in your relationship"

He turned and left, heading straight to Penelope's office.