A shiver raced across Dean's back. He was in the heaviness of sleep, but still able to feel the cold room freezing against his damp, bare skin. He nestled closer to the source of heat in front of him, lazily tossing an arm over it. His mind slowly caught up with his sense of touch...and he realized he was holding onto a warm body.

Dean forced his eyes open, blinking against the light. Cas slowly came into focus in front of him. His giant blue eyes were wide awake and staring, and a small smile was flickering on his lips. Dean raised his head a little, blinking a few more times. The angel was laying perfectly still – and perfectly naked – under his arm.

"Hello, Dean," Cas said quietly.

Dean swallowed harshly. The previous night instantly returned to his mind in its entirety; The air conditioner, the kissing, the sex, the ruined pie, the confession, more kissing, more sex... The smile playing on Cas's mouth made a knot form in Dean's gut. It was all real. It actually happened. And this was the morning after.

Dean briefly tore his eyes from Cas to look around. Soft morning light was shining through the small gap of the motel curtains, illuminating the room. The air conditioner was humming softly in the silence, sitting crooked by the wall. Clothes were strung all over the floor, and Dean's pants were still around his ankles. Everything was the same.

Dean turned back to Cas as he slowly slid up to sit. He glanced over the angel's bare body, admiring the glow of his pale skin in morning light. Cas copied his action, rising to sit cross-legged in front of him. A smile threatened to emerge on Dean's own lips as they stared at each other again.

He never thought he would get this far. He never thought he would get to wake up next to Cas after a night of raw passion, and have it be this damn nice. Things like this only happened to more fortunate people. Happiness was a luxury he was never accustomed to feeling. But, hell, he felt like a kid on Christmas right now; staring at the biggest present under the tree.

"What is it?" Cas asked, probably noticing how lost in thought Dean was.

Dean finally smiled. How could he possibility put it into words?

"I just," he replied quietly, "...I never thought we would get here."

Dean watched the wide-eyed angel glance around the room.

"Where?" Cas asked, seeming lost.

Dean smiled. He knew he had to put it in a way Cas could understand. The man reached out to gently take the angel's hand resting on his knee. He intertwined their fingers together and held it, looking up into his ocean-blue eyes.

"Here," Dean answered, getting swept out to sea again.

A pink hue rose on Cas's cheeks as a smile bloomed on his face. Dean knew he understood what he meant. They were both aware of the love – and the heat – that had always been between them. And they were here, now. Together.

Cas's eyes suddenly broke away from Dean's and fell to look down. Dean blinked and followed his sight. In the groove of Cas's lap, his dick was bobbing up and down; trying to get hard. Dean gulped, feeling a little embarrassed to be watching Cas getting an erection in front of him. The angel studied it for a moment, before bringing his eyes back up.

"This has occurred many times throughout the night, Dean," Cas said, seeming confused as he gestured to his twitching dick, "Is...is this normal? This is how a body displays affection?"

Dean could feel that his face was hot, as he held down a chuckle. Cas could be so damn adorable, trying to figure out human things.

"Yeah, sorta," Dean nodded with a smirk, "It lets you know how horny you are."

Cas's eyebrows came together as he tilted his head.

"But, I do not possess horns, Dean," he uttered in a serious tone.

Dean laughed a little, shaking his head. Cas was gonna need more than just a few pointers in kissing. He was going to need a good sex talk, too. Maybe more than one. It was probably going to be an uphill battle. But Dean was looking forward to the climb.

He leaned forward, tugging Cas by the hand, until their lips met. Dean's eyes fell to close as he enjoyed the taste of the angel's mouth, letting his tongue slide its way around. He hoped that this would last forever. Nothing had ever felt this good; being so intimate and open with Cas. Sharing heat and warmth. For once in his life, Dean wanted to be happy. And nothing made him happier than Cas...

A sudden knock on the motel door split Dean and Cas's lips. They both turned to look at it.

"Dean?" Sam's muffled voice called, "You up?"

Dean cleared his throat, sharing a glance with Cas, before answering.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Uh, okay. I'm just gonna wait in the car. You and Cas need to come on. Bobby's expecting us at two," Sam called.

"Okay," Dean said, rolling his eyes, "we'll be out soon."

Dean didn't notice, until he heard his brothers footsteps leading away and saw the look of shock on Cas's face, that Sam had said Cas's name too. Fear and panic invaded him. How the hell did Sam know Cas was in the room?!

Dean hurried out of bed, crawling past the naked angel perched in front of him. When he stood up, the jeans around his ankles tripped him. Dean stumbled into the floor, but quickly scrambled back to his feet. He pulled his pants up as he ran to the door.

Morning sun blinded him as he yanked the motel door open. The impala was parked directly in front of the room. Dean panted a little, seeing his little brother already sitting in the passenger side. The heat of embarrassment rose up in Dean as he forced his way to his brother's open window. Sam didn't raise his head when Dean leaned over to look inside.

"Er, how,..." Dean gulped, discomfort and nausea tight in his stomach, "how did you know Cas was in there?"

Dean tried to calm himself down as he waited for the answer. Maybe he'd heard Cas talking just now, at the door. Maybe he just assumed that Cas had stopped by to lend a hand.

Sam sighed, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out his phone and held it up to show his brother. Dean looked at the screen in the harsh morning light. It said that Dean had made an eight minute phone call to him around midnight. Dean's eyebrows came together.

"I didn't call you last night. Did I?" Dean mumbled.

Sam bit down a smile, finally looking up to meet his brother's eyes.

"No, you didn't," Sam said, "but your ass did."

"What?" Dean said, completely lost.

"I'm pretty sure you butt-dialed me, Dean," Sam grinned, tucking his phone away.

Dean felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. Horror echoed in him, as he fell to kneel beside the car and press his forehead to the warm metal door. Oh God. Sam had heard him and Cas last night. Eight minutes of it. Dean felt like he was going to throw up.

"Shit," Dean grumbled, too ashamed to look up, "what did you hear?"

"Just Cas talking," Sam said calmly.

Dean opened an eye to look at the ground. Maybe Sam had only heard voices, and not anything graphic. Maybe he was still oblivious that Dean had screwed the hell out of Cas the night before.

"That's it?" Dean asked, looking up to make sure.

"Yeah," Sam said, nodding a little, "...and something about heat burning in your soul whenever Cas is around, but other than that -"

"Son-of-a-bitch," Dean groaned, holding his stomach.

Sam chuckled a little, watching Dean crouch by the car like he was going to throw up. Dean stared at his little brother incredulously. This was not the reaction he had expected from Sam. Then again, he never really thought about what Sam's reaction would be. Sam's laughter died down as he noticed Dean's stare.

"I didn't hear anything else, I swear," Sam smiled, "I hung up as soon as I heard Cas ask if he could touch you inappropriately."

Dean gulped, feeling dizzy. Sam might not have heard the sex, but he was damn sure aware of it. Dean shook his head a little, seeing Sam trying to fight back more laughter.

"You're laughing," Dean stated, in shock.

"Well, yeah," Sam replied, "I was getting so sick of watching you two bang each other with your eyes whenever Cas came in the room. It's about time you two got it out of your system. The sexual tension was killing me."

Dean was at a loss for words. He never realized what his and Cas's relationship looked like on the outside. Did they really stare at each other that much? How was Sam able to see it so clearly, when Dean tried so desperately to hide it? His little brother stared up at him with a playful smirk. At least the news didn't make him uncomfortable.

The motel door opened in front of the car. Both Sam and Dean looked up to see Cas poke his head out. Dean gulped, seeing the very edge of Cas's naked torso glow in the direct sunlight. His blue eyes fell to look at Dean.

"Is... is everything okay?" he asked, his eyes seeming to say come back inside, instead.

"Y – yeah," Dean answered, rising back to his feet, "just gimme a minute."

Cas nodded before slowly closing the door. Dean watched him disappear behind it, his heart pounding with fear. Why was he still feeling so anxious? Once left alone again, Dean looked back down at his brother. He was still skeptical about Sam's reaction.

"You – you're okay with this?" he asked, gesturing to the motel door, where Cas naked and waiting for him.

"Uh, yeah. I guess," Sam shrugged.

Dean took a deep breath. His brother didn't care that he was banging an angel. He didn't care that Dean was in love with Cas. If anything, he seemed happy for him. Dean blinked, feeling a twinge of gratefulness. How many brothers in the world would be this accepting?

Dean bent down to reach through the car window. He wrapped an arm around his little brother's shoulders and hugged him. Sam was all the family he had, and gaining his acceptance made everything complete.

"Ugh, dude. You smell like a gym sock. Take a shower," Sam grumbled.

"Bitch," Dean grinned as he pulled away.

"Jerk," Sam replied with a smirk.

Dean patted the metal of the car before starting toward the motel door.

"We'll be out in a minute," he called to Sam.

"Really? It only takes you guys one minute?" Sam shouted.

Dean rolled his eyes with a smile, holding up his middle finger as he made his way back into the room. He glanced around as he shut the door behind him. Cas was standing by the bed, still buck-ass naked. Dean was a little sad to see that his growing erection had died. Cas visibly gulped before walking over to him.

"Sam knows?" he asked, looking a little ashamed.

Dean's smile remained as he tugged Cas close. He slid his arms up the angel's warm bare back. Their chests pressed together. Dean nodded a little, feeling Cas's dick against his jeans.

"Yes," he answered, "but it's okay."

Cas nodded back, his giant blue eyes staring. Dean looked into the giant sapphire pools, memorized by their vibrant shade. Maybe it was stares like this that Sam had noticed; stares in which Dean lost himself completely in Cas's eyes. The blue orbs seemed to hold so much power and honesty. And heat. Dean gulped, tightening his hands around the angel. The furnace in his stomach was slowly catching fire and spreading through his veins.

"Cas," he whispered, feeling intimidated by his own emotions.

"Yes?" Cas said, raising his hands to rest on Dean's arms.

"I love you," he admitted again, feeling that Cas might have forgotten.

The angel smiled, leaning forward. Their open mouths met. Cas's tongue swiveled around Dean's mouth, making shock waves jolt toward his dick. Dean sighed a little, kissing back while the heat grew between them. Cas pulled back a little, enough to mumble against Dean's wet lips.

"I love you, too, Dean," he whispered.

(Author's Note: I get a little carried away, when it comes to writing Sam finding out about Cas and Dean. I hope you liked this version. And Cas being adorable; not knowing what Dean is talking about. :) I found a certain song very inspirational for this fic. "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. (No, not that Gabriel.) It may be a cliché 80's love song, but I think the lyrics fit perfectly for this fic and Destiel in general.

This was the last chapter, for Heat. But, I will be writing a companion story for it, in Cas's POV. It will be titled Paradise, and I plan on starting it very soon, so be on the look-out. :) Please let me know if you have read and enjoyed this story! I love hearing about your favorite parts. :) Thank you so much for reading!)