(Hey buddies! Omg so it's my second time posting this XD i accidentally posted this wrong. like something was wrong. anyways. my wonderful co-writer dows Ollie's part, and i do Lui's. enjoy! ^^ ) Oliver POV-Oliver sighed as he trudged down the street, coat wrapped securely around him. He was currently making his way to Kaito's house. The blue haired man had organised a game of truth and dare, most likely followed by a sleepover. It was, as he had said, a way for them all to get to know each other better. Oliver didn't like social events like this, but SeeU, one of his friends, had bugged him and begged for him to go, and, in the end, Oliver had caved in and agreed to go. Although, he knew it'd probably end with a bunch of people kissing and making out, then he'd most definitely become even more awkward than he already was. Well, there was no use in worrying about it. Oliver was going to at least pretend to enjoy himself. And, hey, who knows, maybe he'll even have a tiny bit of fun. Yawning, Oliver finally reached Kaito's house, walking down the path and gingerly knocking on it. He shivered slightly, hearing a soft "I'm coming!" before the door was opened, Kaito looking down at him. "Come on in! Most of us are already here!" he said, moving out of the doorway and holding a hand out in the direction of the living room. Oliver gave a short nod, saying his thanks and he quietly walked to said room, giving everyone already there a small wave. SeeU patted the spot next to her, a huge grin on her face. Oliver could tell she was excited. Rolling his single eye, the Briton walked over, sitting down, a small smile playing at the side of his mouth. Currently, Miku, Len, Rin, Gakupo, Luka, Kaito, SeeU, Iroha, Piko, Miki, GUMI and himself were there. But, by the way Kaito was constantly peering out of the window, he could tell more people were coming. In Oliver's opinion, there were already too many people here, but apparently twelve people weren't enough. "Hey Oliver!" The boy turned his head, looking at SeeU, "Yeah? What is it?" SeeU glanced around the room before cupping her hand, putting it beside her mouth and leaning down to Oliver's ear, "Do you think couples will be formed tonight?" she asked, a light blush on her cheeks. Oliver simply shrugged, moving her face away from his own, "I don't know. Probably, though," he sighed, rubbing his nose with the back on his hand. The girl nodded slowly, before turning to talk to Iroha, who was on the other side of her. Oliver could hear the door open and close, Kaito walking in with Lui beside him. Oliver nodded politely at him as the other came to sit beside him. A few sniggers were heard as Oliver's buried his face in his hands. It was gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong night.