"Who the fudge is that?" Jin muttered to himself. He narrowed his eyes in irritated confusion.

He really did not understand how Kazune knew the girl. He never mentioned girls other than Karin and his cousin. Well, it's not like he and Kazune talked to each other normally. They usually argued, so he wouldn't have told him about her anyway, you only tell those things to friends and he and Kazune weren't.

'First my Karin and now this girl?! What a two-timing jerk!' He thought angrily as he gripped the branches of the bush.

Secretly he was a little jealous. How does an idiotic girly two-timing twit get all the girls? He was THE Jin Kuga! He should be able to get any girl he wanted! He was good-looking, talented and famous. Sure, he didn't have money but he was F-A-M-O-U-S and every teenage girl's hearthrob. Well. Almost every girl's.

Sadly, it was unfortunate for this young god since the only girl he truly wanted belonged to someone else.

The girl wrapped her arm around Kazune's and rested her head on his shoulder looking up at him lovingly.

Jin growled under his breath, "This is foul play! Where the fudge is Karin?!"

A bewildered toddler walked by with his mom and sister and noticed the angered idol crouching in the bushes, his little eyes widened, "Mommy! Mommy look- There's a weird Onii-san playing in the bushes," the little one tugged on his mother's sleeve and pointed at Jin.

The mother gave Jin a creeped out look, and ushered her son away, "Come Souta, that boy is dangerous!"

She motioned for the daughter to follow who stood unmoving from her spot.

Hearing this Jin turned to look behind him at the family of three, momentarily looking away from the annoying display the girl and Kazune were creating.

He made eye contact with the older sibling, it took her a few seconds to analyze his features before squealing loudly.

"Shit." He whispered and cringed awaiting what was about to come.

"Dangerously HOT! OH MY FUDGING GOSH- It's JIN KUGA!" She shrieked and pointed at him causing a crowd of fans to encircle him and block the view of the path Karin would walk through to meet with Kazune.


Karin made her way to town square in her carefully picked out outfit, she smoothed out her skirt with her shaking hands. Her legs slightly wobbled in the strapped sandals she wore, not because she was unexperienced in walking in shoes like this but because she was so nervous about the date. She started to make a mental list in her head to check off.

'Alright, Bracelet, shoes, lip gloss- check! Bag- check! Cellphone fully charged and wallet- check and check! No nervousness or uncertainty... Nope.'

Karin groaned inwardly, and tried to calm herself, "It will go great Karin. You'll meet him, have fun, and hopefully (maybe) not make a fool of yourself."

Who was she kidding? She was going to mess it up!

She spots his blonde head sitting on the fountain with flowers in his hand. Karin blushed, those couldn't be for her right? They must be since he wasn't taking anyone else out today. But then who was this brunette that was kissing him in front of her.

"Kazune-kun, who's this?" Karin asked trying hard to suppress anger.

The two heard her and stopped eating each others face to look at her in confusion. Karin's cheeks immediately flushed red, 'Whoops.. Wrong person..'

"Who's this girl?! I didn't know you had another girl," the brunette shouted at her boyfriend angrily, "I can't believe you! It's over! We are so done! I may have let it go the first time but now there's another one?! I can't take this crap from you anymore Kaito, I thought I knew you, but it turns out Kaito isn't even your real name, it's KAZUNE! Just *bleep* you!"

She got up to storm off leaving her boyfriend behind, he looked as shocked as Karin was. She really did it this time.

"Wait Sara! I can explain! It's not what you think!" He ran after her.

"That's what you always say bastard!" His girlfriend (or ex-girlfriend now) shouted in return.

Karin sweat-dropped while people stared at her. She wished she could disappear, to hide from the embarrassment.

'Oh Kazune... Where could you be?' she thought as she checked her watch that read, '12:30 PM'


30 Minutes Earlier...

Kazune was confused. Very very confused. Confused as to why this random girl sat down next to him and hugged him like she knew him. She knew his name and is acting a little bit too friendly for his liking. Whenever he tried to get rid of her and shoo her away she would keep insisting that he must remember her.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand who you are Leila-san, but I don't know you," He said assertively while he removed her arm from his.

The girl blinked, and shook her head, her curls bounced as she did. She was a foreigner, yet her Japanese sounded perfect.

"Kazune you can't be serious," he flinched when she dropped the horrific from his name, "I got a letter saying I had to come back to Japan when I finished studying abroad in America to come live with you! I came to the house and you weren't there. The butler told you were out so I came to find you."

It didn't seem like she was lying, "You're going to live with me?"

"Yes I just said that," she replied.

Leila rolled her eyes at Kazune's simpleness, she didn't think the Japanese were this mindless.

Kazune's mind couldn't wrap around the fact that this stranger was going to be living with him. Suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket, a text on the screen from Q-chan read, "My deepest apologies Kazune-sama but I tried to convince Ayumi-sama to wait at home but she insisted on going to get you. She's an important person so please take care of her. I hope that your date with Karin-sama isn't ruined. I'll explain to you why she's here when you get home."

"I don't understand what's going on-" He began before being interrupted.

"Kazune, who's this?" Leila asked him gesturing to someone watching us.

He froze and saw Jin standing there looking like he was attacked by wild bears.

"Kuga? What the heck happened to you," Kazune asked while standing up.

"Nothing important," he snapped, then nodded at Leila who stood next to me a bit confused, "Who's the chick? Last time I checked you were supposed to be on a date with Karin."

Kazune knew what Jin was doing. He was trying to make him feel guilty. Couldn't Jin just mind his own business?

Leila clutched my sleeve, causing me to look at her, "Who's Karin," she inquired.

"His date. You should be going chick, he's a taken man," Jin replied rudely before Kazune could.

Kazune knew where this was headed, "W-what? Karin and I- W-were not-"

Leila looked taken aback at Jin's words, then retaliated and stepped up to talk straight to his face, "Well. Excuse me but I think not, I came here for him and I'm determined to do just that. And my name is not 'chick' it's Leila, Peasant. L-E-I-L-A. Get it drilled into that peasant mind of yours."

"Oh boo-hoo! Too bad he has an appointment with another girl, Chick. And seriously. Peasant? That's the best insult you got Princess?" he stepped toward her too, making her take a step back and have the backs of her legs hit the fountain's edge. Due to her unfortunate choice of footwear she lost balance and fell backwards into the fountain.

"KYA!" Her whole body was quickly immersed in water.

She spluttered and flailed in the fountain. She looked like a drowning seal who was on drugs. Jin doubled over laughing. Kazune was just blank.

"YOU!" She points and accusing finger at Jin, "Y-you think this is funny Peasant?!"

"Actually, yes. Yes I do," he smirked.

She let out a weird sounding shriek in frustration, and tried to climb out of the fountain. Kazune helped her out after seeing her struggle a few times.

"Um... Are you okay?" Kazune asked her reluctantly, not sure how to act towards the girl.

She flashed Jin a death glare and turned back to Kazune starry-eyed.

"No I don't think so, *Ah- ACHOO*" she sneezed.

"You're burning up," Kazune remarked after touching her forehead. Leila stuck her tongue out when Kazune wasn't looking and Jin's jaw dropped when she fake fainted in his arms.

Jin rolled his eyes, "Oh come on! Kuyjou, she's totally faking it!"

"That's enough Kuga. I need to take her home," he lifted the girl up in his arms and walked away.

"What about Karin?" He idol asked.

Kazune stopped in his tracks. He thought of her walking right to this very spot to meet him and he sighed. He wanted to stay for her. For himself, so he could finally found out for himself what he felt for her. But he couldn't just leave Leila like this. She was faking it before when she sneezed. It was obvious, but right now she wasn't faking, she looked sickly pale

"How will she feel if you leave right now?" Jin asked.

Without answering Kazune kept walking, leaving Jin behind. It wasn't right to be selfish.

Someday Kazune hoped that maybe he'd be able to stop being the reason she cried.


Karin wrapped her arms tighter around her body to try and block the cold from making her shiver further.

'He's not coming is he?'

God she felt stupid. Of course he wouldn't show up. She was the only one that was actually looking forward to today. She laughed a sad laugh as she wiped away tears that rolled down her cheek, 'I never had a chance.'

"Jeez Karin... Stop crying over this, he's let you down before, why cry now?" She scolded herself, and bit her lip to suppress further tears. She tried to force herself to smile, but the tears still fell.

She couldn't take it anymore, she needed someone with her. She dialled a number and waited for the recipient to answer.


Just as Jin got home he stripped off his torn clothes and took a nice hot shower. He got out feeling so much better, and changed into a clean pair of sweats and a grey t-shirt that was snug around his body. He walked into the average sized living room, flopped on to the couch and switched the TV on to a sit-com he'd been obsessed with for awhile.

"Jin-chan is that you?" A warm and welcoming voice asked.

Jin smiled and got to to walk into the kitchen and kiss his mom on the cheek while picking up one of her freshly baked cookies, "Hey Mom."

She smiled, she was a kind woman with brown hair and bright hazel eyes. She was a widow, but she was very cheerful, she loved her son very much and she insisted on doing everything on her own to support them. But Jin still helped out, whether she liked it or not, with the bills and other finances with the money he got from his jobs and concerts.

"Jin-chan, could you help me out and cut those tomatoes for me," she asked using her elbow to gesture to the red fruit in the basket on the counter.

"Alright," he shrugged and took out a knife and started cutting.

"So how was your day today," his mother asked, trying to engage in conversation with her son.

This question caught him off guard and caused him to slip and cut his finger, "Ow. Shit," he cursed and dropped the knife and stuck his finger in his mouth.

"Jin-chan be careful! And watch your language in front of me," his mother scolded while fetching a bandage from a nearby cabinet and unwrapping it.

"Sorry.." He muttered as she placed the bandage around his finger.

His mom kissed the bandage to his dismay while blabbing about the kiss helping it heal faster before she turned back to her cooking.

Shes turned back to him and crossed her arms over her chest, "I'm guessing something bad happened today? Would you like to tell me about it?"

Jin flinched, his mother's intuition was so accurate sometimes it was scary.

"Come on Jin-chan I'm you're mother," she pleaded, she enjoyed being involved in her son's affairs, it was fun!

Jin scratched the back of his head, "Nothing that new. Kuyjou and I fought as usual.""Was it about that Karin girl, the one you called your 'Goddess'?" She recalled.

He instantly flustered, "No.."

"Aww it's such a shame that she didn't fall for you instead honey. You're so cute and sweet, she's missing out," she cooed.

"Mom!" Jin exclaimed in embarrassment.

*Ding Dong*

"Can you get that dear," his mother asked while turning the oven on.

He complied and made his way over to the door. He wondered who would be ringing his doorbell at this hour.

"What do you want-"

He expected that it'd be a late night salesman but was completely take aback by who he saw instead.

In front of him stood a shivering crying girl, "Jin-kun.." She sniffled before hugging him around the waist.