AN: Hello! As promised, the new chapter of Unexpected. You get to see Mina work on this one . I got done with this early afternoon yesterday and got the betaed doc back pretty early but as luck would have it, my interned did not want to connect so I could not post until now.
Thanks to fifteenfeb for betaing
I still do not own Finder Series
When the Unexpected Happens Chapter 12
A House Not So Clean
Suoh arrived at the luxurious building and made his way to the condo. He has yet to knock on the door when the door suddenly opened. The woman that had caused his boss' recent bad temper stood at the other side of the threshold. It was clear she had known he was coming.
"Suoh-san, what can I do for you?" She asked, as if she did not know what he was here , the teasing tone in her voice revealed that was not the case and she was quite aware of his reason here.
"I have come to gather Takaba-kun and take him home." He answered in monotone, not appreciating being made fun of.
"By all means." She said and moved to the side to grant him entrance into her home. "He is lying on the couch; the livingroom is to the left."
He moved with purpose, wanting to get out of this place with Takaba as soon as possible. The place did not look out of the ordinary; it was seemingly another rich woman's condo. But something about this place had all his alarm bells ringing at once. To his trained eye, even the classy-looking decorations seemed deadly when in the presence of someone confirmed to be a skilled assassin.
The bodyguard took Akihito into his arms, the boy's drunken mind not even rising to awareness and walked out of the condo like his balls were on fire. Mina closed the door behind him and took a moment to chuckle at the man's overly cautious behavior before going to make herselfsomething to eat.
Suoh arrived at Asami's condo with his precious cargo close to three in the afternoon and deposited the softly snoring boy on the bed before leaving. The four men stationed outside the condo's door nodded respectfully to their superior when he exited the door and silently kept watch over the boss' lover.
Akihito awoke in hiss and Asami's room at five in the afternoon, the light filtering in from the glass window hurt his sensitive eyes. Even the evening light was too much for him to take in his current condition. He was sure he would never again drink vodka in the quantities he had done this morning, the pain was just not worth it.
He looked at the clock next to the bed and decided he was not going anywhere for the rest of the day. He was certainly not in the mood to go chasing scoops today.
The boy got off the bed and went to take a shower, hoping it would help clear his head. Then he went to the kitchen to make himself something to settle his stomach.
Kirishima had been in a tizzy all day. It frustrated him to no end that he could not find the mole, or moles, in Sion. What kind of man was he if he could not secure the safety of his boss and oldest friend? He practically assaulted Suoh with plans of attack to the situation as soon as the man came back from his tasks. He had tried his best to find the person or persons who had infiltrated Sion and caused the security system to go down. Everything he had tried led to nothing and he was no closer to finding the infiltrator than when he begun. It was utterly annoying and more than a little bit humbling.
It irked him that someone had made it all the way to Asami's office unseen and placed an item, which could have very well been a bomb, on the man's desk. He was frantic at the notion that there was an assassin or possibly more just hiding within their men. The secretary had embarked since early morning in an all out house cleaning project only to come out empty-handed, with nothing to present to his boss. For the first time, Kirishima admitted to himself that he was more than a little nervous and dare he say… scared. He had thought Sion impenetrable, they all had, their employees to be absolutely loyal to Asami. The revelation that it was not so was, to say the least, eye opening.
The only things this mess was good for was to remind his boss that his devious little lover was not only not afraid to go to extremes to piss him off when he felt slighted, like what happened at the gala, but also was willing to go to extremes to secure Asami-sama's safety and well-being.
"I never thought he would go as far as requesting an assassin that Asami be spared from contracts upon his life." He told Suoh as they pondered over the files of all their employeesstill looking for clues. "Still, that also served to show us that we have assassins within our ranks and that, more than anything, unnerves me. If it is so easy for Miss Rosenthal's assassins, which we still don't know who or how many there are, to hide within Sion for only the gods know how long, it makes me wonder who else might have a sleeper agent just sitting there waiting for the order to strike. We need to find these people Suoh, find them and remove the threat then re-double, no triple our security not only within Sion but also in all of Asami-sama's businesses, the safe housesand the condos. Everything needs to be taken apart and put back together stronger after we have made sure it is completely safe."
Asami arrived at the condo at seven. He found Akihito lying on the couch with a wet cloth over his eyes, looking worse for wear. He wanted to be the only one to make Akihito look so spent and a pang of jealousy tugged in his chest.
Akihito sat up when he heard the footsteps approach the couch and removed the cloth to look at Asami.
"You're home early." He said looking into the golden eyes.
"I have a meeting at eight and came to get ready and talk to you."
"Okay?" Akihito was a bit confused; it was not like Asami did not have private bathroom in his office with a shower and anything he might need to get ready for a meeting. He guessed Asami did have something important to talk to him about and would have put money, if he had any at the moment, on just what it was. He had a pretty good idea already.
They walked to the bedroom; Akihito lay on the bed waiting for Asami to get out of the shower so they could talk while the man dressed. He almost fell asleep a couple times but the importance of the matter served to keep him awake.
When Asami came out of the bathroom, his white towel around his hips, the first thing he asked of his lover was an account of what happened during his time with Mina. Akihito told him of Mina's terms to gain his safety and shared the highlights of their conversation. Asami's heart swelled with warmth as Akihito recounted how he asked Mina to spare him but at the same time his stomach filled with bile that it had to be so. Akihito should have never had to stand up for him, it made him feel weak. A sentiment he was not familiar with.
"I want you to end the charade of your engagement to her. I will not have you claimed as someone else's anything. You are… you are my lover, no one else has any claims on you." He said, after Akihito was done talking.
"I'll talk to her tomorrow and see a way we can end 'the engagement' without the media going up mine or her ass about it. I know how my kind is when they catch scent of good gossip and scandal. The last thing we need is a horde of Mitarais or gods sniffing about us."
"It would be worse if it was horde of Akihitos sniffing about. I know how relentless your will can be."
"Very fucking funny, Asami. Your dick would probably explode if you were presented a horde of me. You can't handle that much awesome."
Asami answered as he chuckled at Akihito's boast.
"I can't handle that much insane desire to chase dangerous people. I swear you are dedicated to give me a heart attack."
The dark-haired man looked at the clock and realized he needed to finish getting dressed if he did not want be late for his meeting with Mina. As he placed the tie clip on his wine-colored tie, Akihito asked about the expensive looking piece of jewelry and he related its origins and purpose. At seven-thirty, the golden-eyed man left his home to meet with his lover's friend; he had much to talk about with the woman.
The way to Le Mange Tout wasshort; he rode in his limousine in contemplative silence. There was much to think about. When he exited his limo in front of the high-class French restaurant, his legs led with grace and purpose to his reserved table where the woman in questionwas already waiting while looking at the wine list.
At the same time, Asami arrived at the restaurant; a man was tended to by a beautiful young woman at the opening of his friend's new gentleman's club. He sat on a couch in a private room as the woman served drinks to his company and himself. Her auburn hair was a color he much preferred and the way she kept blushing when laid eyes upon made him think she was just his type. He ordered his so-called friends out of the VIP room and moved to assault the trembling woman.
"You're a cute one, aren't you?" He said as he held the waiter's chin and brought his face closer to hers for inspection. "Very pretty, not a single mark on your skin. So shy too. Tell me little one, are you untouched?"
She looked at him with a puzzled expression on her frightened face and answered with a shaking voice. "I d-don't understand w-what you are asking, sir."
He chuckled; the fact that she did not understand what he meant gave him hopes that he was right. He really did not like used things and hated using any kind of protection when in bed, so he always chose victims he knew were clean because they had never had sex before. Men or women, he did not care as long as they were untouched.
His free hand traveled south to her core and pressed two fingers on her entrance over the black tailored pants of her uniform. "Here" He said as he pressed his fingers harder."Has anyone ever touched you here?" The girl was really going to regret working at this club when he was done with her, it did not matter to him, and all he cared about was his own pleasure. This new waitress at his favorite club just happened to be exactly what he liked to play with.
She whimpered in discomfort and her eyes widened in understanding. Knowing what would happen when she affirmed his suspicion, she looked away from him blushing and whimpering again. It was all the answer he needed. He held her chin in a bruising grip and made her look into his eyes before crushing his lips on her cherry-colored lips, tasting her flavored lipstick and biting on the soft flesh until she gasped, opening her mouth to protest and giving access to his tongue. He explored her mouth with his tongue, bit and sucked at every available inch and then grabbed her hair pulling her head back to expose the delicate neck. He licked the neck and left several marks upon it before he found his composure and spoke again.
"You and I are going to play together tonight for long, long hours, but I fear this is not the place to indulge in such things. No, this has to be done properly you see, for that we are going to go back to my hotel. I will show you the ways of the world and introduce you to its pleasures… and its pains."
He crushed his lips onto hers again before pushing her away. She stumbled backward and would have fallen if she had not held onto a nearby chair.
"Fix yourself, we're leaving." She fixed her clothes and hair and accompanied him submissively out of the private room on the club. He grabbed her arm in a tight grip and hissed a warning into her ear moments before they had passed the room's door. "Make any attempt to get away or call any attention to yourself and I will kill you and everyone you care about." She nodded in response and continued walking by his side as he practically dragged her out of the establishment through a back door. He pushed her into the back of his car and they departed quietly to his hotel. She had not been allowed to take anything with her and his men had searched her person for hidden weapons; you could not be too careless these days.
As soon as the driver had opened the door for him, the man jumped out of it and dragged her to his room. Upon arriving, he pushed her into the bathroom and ordered her to wear the clothes provided for her. She was to take off her clothes and dressed in the white kimono that rested on the bathroom counter while he waited for her on the bed, stroking himself and picturing the beautiful blood flowers that would bloom on the white fabric when he first took her. He would cut them out and placed them with his other treasures along with a picture of her taken before he sent her to her death. He could not have her telling anyone what he had done and tarnishing his reputation.
The door opened several minutes after and she exited the bathroom still in her own clothing. He was lying naked on the bed, his arms resting on his sides and his legs spread open. She had stayed in the bathroom long enough to give the drug in her lipstick take effect and made him unable to move his body yet kept him completely aware. He was like a sacrifice laid out for her to offer to the gods. A very ugly sacrifice though.
She walked to the bed and stood next to his head, looking over his body and panicked eyes.
"Disgusting." She said as she took in his naked and flabby form.
The woman placed her left foot at the edge of the bed where she knew he could see the silver anklet around it. Grunts and moans came out of his throat but his tongue and mouth were still under the effect of the drug and could not move to produce words. She guessed he was threatening her or pleading for his life, it did not matter at this point, he was her target and she always completed her jobs.
She took off the anklet and twisted both ends in opposite directions, the seemingly harmless silver jewelry parted in the middle into two sections of equal length connected by a fine silver wire. Her hands pulled at the sections, separating them and revealing more of the thin wire until it was as long as her forearm. The man began to grunt even louder in his panic, outside; his men thought he was having the time of his life due to the animalistic sounds coming out of him. She wrapped the wire around his neck with a smirk on her face and snuffed the life out of him. Removing all trace of her presence, she walked out to the room's balcony looked up and gave a whistle. A rope ladder came down from the balcony above and she climbs it to the room above the man's.
Minutes later, a woman wearing a power suit, hair held in a tight bun, and eyeglasses left the room followed with a young man who looked like a secretary or personal assistant. No one would be able to tell the shy auburn haired waitress and this dark-haired businesswoman was the same person. As she rode down the elevator, she saw the men dressed in black frantically come and go, trying to find their boss' murderer.
This was my longest chapter in a while. I was so happy when I just finished writing it and saw that it was 2k+ words mainly because those words just happened and I did not have to practically force them out to reach the 2k mark like I had been doing before I took a bit of a break. I had decided to just let the chapter be as long as it ended up being when I just sat down and wrote and most of what I was writing ended up being 1k+. Maybe this means my chapters will get longer and will be over 2k again, or maybe it was just that I had lots to say in this chapter. I honestly don't know, regardless, I hope you enjoyed the update. I am working on the much expected update for Wildlife, should be fun ;) and maybe in a couple of days it will be up depending on how much free time I get to work on it. Then again it might even be tonight depending on whether husband and child let me be.
Anyyyywayyyyy for those you who might have missed it, this is the new update order that I will try my best to keep to and a bit of what is going on with those fics.
- Videocalls (Updated)
-Unexpected (Updated)
-Wild (I have the first 500 words and a general idea of where it is going.)
-Ride (Fun with Jun because Kou and Takato are confused and curious, should be a fun read)
-Secret (half of the next chapter (about 1k) is already done)
-Host (Got the outline done)
-War (Got the outline for this completed and should be hilarious)
-Loyal (Yes, I will be continuing this.)
-Dragon (Got this outlined for the longest time but somehow I keep skipping updating it)