"It is time to wake up love." Sebastian called as he stroked the young Earl's hair softly. Ciel shifted his head but did not open his eyes.

"Come now, Lady Elizabeth will be here shortly." Ciel opened his eyes slowly.

"Does it have to be today?"

"I'm afraid so, You did tell her you would spend some time with her after you came back." The demon knelt down beside the bed so that his face was level to Ciel's.

"Are you not feeling well?" Sebastian's eyes showed his concern. Ciel took his hand.

"I'm fine. I'm just not sure if I'm in the mood to handle the 'cuteness' don't get me wrong, I care about Lizzy, it's just-"

"I know Lady Elizabeth can be overwhelming at times, I also know that she does not intentionally do it. You are very important to her after all. Come along then, we must not throw off the schedule. Not to mention the surprise waiting for you later." Sebastian smiled at the look of curiosity he was receiving.

"What kind of surprise?" The demon chuckled softly.

"If you want to know, you must get up. Shall I get you ready?" Ciel nodded and was soon downstairs awaiting Lizzy's arrival.

"Sebastian.." Ciel called as he sipped his tea.

"My Lord?"

"What is this surprise you told me about?"

"You will see it later young Master. Please, have patience." Ciel was about to reply when he heard his name being shouted through the manor.

"Ciiiiiiiiiieeeeeeelllll" Lizzy called cheerfully as she ran to him, throwing her arms around the boy's neck.

"Careful Lizzy!" Elizabeth released him instantly.

"I;m sorry Ciel, you were gone so long this time, I've missed you."

"It's alright. Let's just go and sit down. Sebastian, bring the tea." He ordered as he took Lizzy into the sitting room.

"How was your trip, it must have been wonderful!" Lizzy smiled lowering herself onto the chair.

"Not really, I found I rather tiring actually."

"Yes, I suppose chasing down criminals would make you tired. At least you're here now." Lizzy smiled.

It was another moment before Sebastian appeared with the tea.

"Will there be anything else young Master?" Ciel shook his head.

"I will ring for you when you are needed. I'm sure you have other matters to attend to."

"Indeed I do my lord, Lady Elizabeth, please enjoy your tea." The butler bowed and exited the room.

Lizzy remained at the manor until just after dinner, commenting and disapproving of a vast majority of the objects in Ciel's home. Sebastian shook his head at his master's frustration.

"I'm glad you found it amusing." Ciel replied coldly after she had returned home.

"Do forgive me, it is in my nature to benefit in some small way from other's misery."

"Bad excuse. Now, what is this surprise you were on about earlier?"

"Yes, I suppose now is as good a time as any, please follow me." Ciel rolled his eyes but followed the butler into the garden.

"What are we doing out here Sebastian?"

"Please, have a seat, it is such a beautiful evening I thought perhaps you would enjoy the time outside, after being inside for so long." He gestured to the chair beside the small table.

"The big surprise is that I get to sit in my own garden for an evening, are you kidding me?"

"I have not finished My lord. Please allow me a moment."

"Fine." Ciel said shortly. This better be good Sebastian. He thought as he began to drum his fingers on the table impatiently. Ciel suddenly heard the cart that the butler normally wheels into his room approaching and turned to speak but was immediately silenced by the site.

Sebastian stood before him carrying a large vase of white roses and on the cart he noticed a round covered dish and the evening's tea.

Sebastian sat the flowers on the table smiling.

"They are your favorite are they not?"

"Yes." Sebastian knelt down beside Ciel.

"I simply thought that they might brighten your mood, After everything that has happened. I thought they would be a nice token to show you how very proud I am that you have come such a long way in your recovery, and with such little fuss." Ciel smiled.

"Thank you Sebastian. This truly is a wonderful surprise."

"But it is not over yet. Love." Sebastian said kissing the boy's head before standing up and taking the covered dish from the cart to place it on the table.

"Because of your illness, you have not been able to have a good majority of your favorite treats, After speaking with Madame Red this afternoon, I was informed that it is fine for you to have them now. So I have taken the liberty of making you something special." The demon placed his hand on the handle of the lid and lifted it up.

"This, is a chocolate cake with strawberries and cream. I do hope you enjoy it." He said cutting off a piece and setting it down in front of Ciel.

"This has to be the best cake I've ever tried." Ciel said after taking his first bite. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck.

"Thank you." The demon held the boy close.

"It is truly my pleasure. To see you genuinely happy for once, It is a wonderful sight indeed." Sebastian whispered softly.

After the young Early finished his cake, both he and Sebastian journeyed inside for one last surprise.

Upon entering, they were greeted by the servants, smiling cheerfully holding their arms behind their backs.

"what have you broken now?" Ciel asked.

"Surprisingly nothing Young Master." Finny answered smiling.

"We've been extra careful, goodness yes." Mey Rin's smile widened.

"No flame throwers involved either if you can believe it" Bard chimed in. Ciel wasn't sure what to make of the situation.

"Ho. Ho. Ho" Came the soft voice from beside him. He turned to face Tanaka who was holding an envelope out to him. Ciel took it from him and began to open it.

"What's this then?" There was silence as Ciel read the contents. When he had finished, He looked up at them all. Tears were visible in his eyes.

"The young Master doesn't like it" Finny put his head down and burst into tears.

"It's not that at all. I-I love it. They're happy tears Finny. You see, I didn't think that I really mattered to anyone after-"

"Well, of course you do. You're the world to us Young master, after all you've done for us, how could you not be?"

"We'd be lost without you and Mr. Sebastian. When you were ill, we were so afraid we'd lose you."

"But we're so glad to have you back, and out of bed. It's wonderful to see things going back to normal." Mey Rin grinned.

"ho ho ho" Tanaka said nodding in agreement.

"Thank you everyone." Finny approached him and handed him a neatly wrapped package. Mey Rin and Bard formed a line behind him, each holding a similar item.

"they were gonna be get well gifts but, we had a little trouble picking 'em out so I guess they're 'we're glad you're well gifts." Bard explained as Ciel opened them revealing three new books.

"We know you like reading when you get the chance, We just weren't sure what kind to get and with Mr. Sebastian with you, we couldn't have him to show us. We did our best." Mey Rin said..

"They're absolutely perfect. Mystery and adventure are my favorite kind of books. Thank you" The servants beamed, knowing that they had made Ciel happy. The young Earl yawned

"Well, it has been quite a day, Young Master, will you be retiring to your room for the night?" Sebastian asked

"Yes, I think so. If you wouldn't mind though, I'd like to offer each of the servants a piece of the cake you made me."

"Of course, it's well earned." Sebastian handed the cake to Bard.

"Please, help yourselves while I assist the young Master in preparing for bed." The butler smiled as he turned to follow Ciel upstairs.

The servants thanked Ciel and rushed off to enjoy their treat.

Once Ciel was dressed in his night clothes, he settled down onto his pillows and allowed Sebastian to pull the cover over him.

Once more the demon knelt beside the bed, stroking the boy's hair gently.

"Have you enjoyed yourself today Love?" He asked softly.

"Very much yes, I can't remember the last time I felt so... cared for. So loved." Sebastian smiled.

"Always remember that you are loved. Never feel as though you are no one, for you are someone truly special. You have done something near impossible."

"What would that be?" Ciel asked as he allowed himself to smile.

"You have captured the heart of a demon. But know this Love, I am a very possessive creature and I do not take such things lightly. Once you have accomplished this miraculous feat, it is forever."

"Good. I wouldn't have it any other way" Ciel said as his eyes closed.

"Then good night my treasure, may you have the most pleasant of dreams." Sebastian said kissing the boy's head once more and exiting the room. Tomorrow would be another say to show the boy how much he loved him,

A/N: First I'm sorry that they were out of character, I tried to keep them close. Second, thank you all so much for your support of this story and I hope you enjoyed the final chapter. Thank you for reading.